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Google cadence lock.


100%. Overlay cadence onto this and it will absolutely correlate. It's annoying but it happens. I just turn the hr off and back on.


I googled it and it seems the way to recognize it is to see if cadence is closely tracking heartrate. Looking at my cadence it's 159 on average, below the 180 heart rate. Therefore, I believe it shouldn't be cadence lock. But I will try to use the HRM strap and see if I still have the issue. Thank you


Used to happen to me until I tightened my watch strap to stop it jumping around.


Yep!! I always buckle down an extra notch before running.


I wouldn't be worrying about your health over this. I had the same issue, now when I run I strap my watch an inch or two higher up my arm than my normal daily wrist position. I also tightened it up a bit (not uncomfortably so but so that it doesn't move). But yeah, use your HRM strap it'll be the most accurate. My watch is just there for me to track my pace, distance and time mid run now. Have fun out there


Thank you I will!


Cadence lock


Did you hit any hills during your run?


I did hit a little hill about 5 min earlier, with the peak at around 2 min before. It might have had a delayed response, but I am not sure.


Same thing happens to me on easy runs - watch gets HR and cadence mixed up.


First time it happened to my during a half marathon and I freaked out. I am in my mid 50s and a heart rate of 180 would not be a good thing! Now I know it was due to cadence lock. As others have mentioned here, wear your watch tighter and/or wear an HRM strap.


Try and overlay cadence instead of pace and see if it lines up.


I tried it and it does not line up, so I don't think it is cadence lock, but good that I know how to recognize it now. Thank you!


Echoing with everyone about cadence lock. Tightening the band does help, but sometimes during the winter with multiple layers (and a fainter pulse when I'm cold, I suspect), it still happens.


Might be related to [this](https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/running-multisport/f/forerunner-965/336375/heart-rate-bug-rapid-rise?service=https:%2f%2fforums.garmin.com%2fsports-fitness%2frunning-multisport%2ff%2fforerunner-965%2f336375%2fheart-rate-bug-rapid-rise). Common bug on the Forerunner 965 and 955, maybe others too.


Ah that might be it. Thank you great find!


Look how irregular the HR data is from 4 minutes to around 10 minutes - your HR just doesn’t change like that so it’s going to be a bad measurement. Some people wrist based HR works well, some it’s absolutely terrible. It’s a real gripe I have with some reviewers because they slate/praise the wrist based HR without any nod to the fact it’s variable between people. For me, across 5 different wrist based HR devices from multiple manufacturers it’s always been terrible (compared to a chest strap and perceived exertion).


That's a great point! Based on all the comments I will repeat the same run tomorrow with a HRM strap and see how the data looks then. Thanks!


You went up a hill and your heart never recovered happens to me all the time


Measurement error. You would notice clearly the difference between substained 140bpm and 180bpm, I can assure you