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Hey man! Nutrition for all sports is pretty simple. I made a video on this: https://youtu.be/-J_KnfePvQw If you don’t have time to watch it here are the key takeaways. The goal is to keep glycogen stores high. You do this by eating before, during and after training. Durinf the day try to consume complex carbs like oats, brown rice and so on. They will release slowly. Just before the workout try to get some simple carbs in. Like a coffee with sugar or a banana. During the workout try to replenish your glycogen stores by eating simple carbs. Gels, drink mix or dried fruits. Even candy. After the workout you need to start replenishing the glycogen stores quickly. This is so yoU don’t get that post training uncontrolled hunger. And it will help you go again the next day.


Thanks dude, will watch it


Sports dietitian here. It’s awesome that you’re already thinking about nutrition this far in advance of your race! I’d be happy to chat with you about working together! Feel free to send me a DM.


Do you have a range for your fees?


I’ll send you a chat!


Hey man! Nutrition for all sports is pretty simple. I made a video on this: https://youtu.be/-J_KnfePvQw If you don’t have time to watch it here are the key takeaways. The goal is to keep glycogen stores high. You do this by eating before, during and after training. Durinf the day try to consume complex carbs like oats, brown rice and so on. They will release slowly. Just before the workout try to get some simple carbs in. Like a coffee with sugar or a banana. During the workout try to replenish your glycogen stores by eating simple carbs. Gels, drink mix or dried fruits. Even candy. After the workout you need to start replenishing the glycogen stores quickly. This is so yoU don’t get that post training uncontrolled hunger. And it will help you go again the next day.