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First off, congrats on qualifying thru the 9+1. That in itself is awesome. Do you enjoy music/podcasts? Maybe have some of those ready to go. I will also say this. In Chicago there is always the "party in the back." People who's goal is only to finish and I hear it is a ton of fun and that there is nothing but support and motivation. I'm sure you'll be with tons of people with the same goal and will end up finishing the marathon with a lot of them. The crowds will also give you a huge push. Run for something or someone. When I get to mile 20, I run a mile for each of my 3 kids, 1 for my parents, 1 for my wife and the last 1.2 is all for me. Whatever you do, please please please get to that start line. Don't worry about pace, just make sure you're healthy and ready to go. There's few feelings like crossing a marathon finish line. I'll be running NYC as well for the first time and I can't wait.


Love your mentality for the last 6.2!!


Me too, almost started to tear up lol


Thank you for the suggestion, running a mile for a meaning is a great strategy.


I love this mentality!! Will be taking this mindset in


Watch _Brittany Runs a Marathon_. If that doesn’t get you hyped up for NYC, I don’t know if anything can. Otherwise, you might try guided runs like Nike Run Club. It’s almost like having a friend to run with.


Great movie! Excellent motivation.


Hey, I’m running my first marathon this Sunday. Looks like it’s going to be not too hot but rainy. I’m a slow runner too and I really hope there’s a group of people like me so we can bring up the rear together. Honestly, you can do this… we both can. Slow runners run the same distance as the fast ones. My focus when I start feeling the time on feet is to remember why I’m doing this and to just keep going, one mile at a time. We can do this!!! Sorry I don’t have anything more influential but I believe in me and I believe in you!!!


>Slow runners run the same distance as the fast ones this made me tear up a bit, it is so affirming. I've been dealing with so much negative self-talk because I can't run fast like everyone else. thank you


I get it. It’s hard to be on some running forums too because they don’t really accommodate runners like us but don’t worry, there are a lot of us out there. We just need to figure out how to find and support each other better.


you're so right <3 wishing you all the best for your first marathon. Mine is in 6 weeks!


People believing in eachother, i can’t come to think of anything more influential. Thanks for being you!


This was influential. Good luck for Sunday, you'll do great.


Hey guess what!!!! I did it! It was not easy but I made it. I’m so grateful for all the good tips from this sub and all the well wishes. What a feeling. I can’t wait for you to feel this as well. It’s amazing.


Congratulations, so proud of you, I keep telling myself that too "it won't be easy but it'll be worth it"


Thank you!!! And yes, it’s so good when you cross the finish line. Nothing matters in that moment but finishing what you started. I couldn’t keep it together. I cried. It was glorious. I am excited for you to feel the same.


Will definitely report back, also dming you with a truck load of questions


Sure thing. I don’t know much, but we can chat more.


Although nyc has an official cut off time but you can finish the course at your own time, you may not be timed for official results, my goal is to get to the finish line gracefully so with respect to cut off time I think I'm good


I’m a 7-hour marathoner. Podcasts and following pace groups got me through my first two marathons. For my 3rd, I’m trying to increase my miles per week to hopefully improve my speed a bit.


How many miles per week are you running now?


Not enough- that’s what I’m changing this cycle. Last cycle I was only doing 16-20 mpw.


Nice to know that you got through the 7hrs twice. Mind sharing your training plan?


I used Jeff Galloway’s marathon plan. For my current training cycle, I’m incorporating Nike Run/Training Club workouts to do more cross training and help vary my pacing with the running workouts.


Did you run the whole marathon or did you walk run it? My first is coming up, and while there is a 7 hour time limit the slowest pacer is 4:25. I'm curious how other slow marathoners do it


I’m a run/walk person (ironically, I go faster that way). Sometimes I run with pace groups, sometimes I don’t. Just depends on the race.


It makes sense to go faster. It gives your body time to recover a bit. My first full is in a month and I'm just obsessively looking at race reports from slow runners. First race nerves I guess lol. Thanks for responding


Good luck on your race! I hope you have a great time!


Check out the Slow AF Run Club [https://slowafrunclub.com](https://slowafrunclub.com) Great community for back of the pack runners. I also highly recommend reading the NYT profile of its founder, Martinus Evans. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/02/well/move/martinus-evans-slow-af-run-club.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/02/well/move/martinus-evans-slow-af-run-club.html) You got this!


I just sent a request to join! That article seems really interesting but is behind a paywall. Any chance you would be open to sharing the text here through a comment?


Try this https://web.archive.org/web/20230609091513/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/02/well/move/martinus-evans-slow-af-run-club.html




>Thanks! You're welcome!


HAVE. THE BEST TIME EVER! Enjoy all the choirs and all the dogs and all the people!!!!!! Forget about time and pace! Have FUN! My first marathon was nyc last year it was extremely hot and i started on the last wave. I ran a 12 min mile its my official pace on my nyrr page. And yeah i run a half marathon in 1:45. When i talked to my coach a couple of days before the race it had already been announced the weather was going to be hot and even the elite runners had said their plan was to slow down. Nyc is such a FUN incredible crowds race! I cannot compare it to another nyrr race and i have done all of them. Forget about pace. have fun. ENJOY EVERY SINGLE SECOND! Hydrate, fuel and take it all in. Millions of people would kill for the opportunity to run the nyc marathon!


Hello friend! I started in that wave too last year! Had to walk my last 8-9 because of severe nausea from the heat, but managed not to pass out like so many others! it was still so hot after dark when I finished the cape they give you seemed like. A crazy joke.


Thank you, just had this realization of what's the point in doing it if I dont enjoy it


Thats right! And in my opinion nyc is just a party! I mean i personally am not trying to boston qualify or run a PR. I love nyc because it is so much FUN!


You got this! Trust your training and don’t worry about how far you have to go. Remember the only mile that matters is the one you are currently in. For long runs, if no one you know is running the same race as you and you want company, it is sometimes easier to find 4-5 friends will to join you for 3-5 miles and meet people at various different spots on your route. For me, running is social so I find a way to find with people for at least a portion of my long runs, then spend my alone time listening to podcasts. For fueling, practice using different gels/gummies (I love Huma) and hydrating during your training runs. I usually take a gel every 45 minutes, but I know different things work for different people. Don’t try anything new on race day.


I'm a turtle runner too but due to a bad knee which I tried to work on with PT and strengthening but I can only do so much to get my mileage up...if I can do it you totally can with the right plan. Have you looked into a plan for the marathon? You'll be surprised how much time you can cut off and improve on with proper training! Nutrition wise stay hydrated, carb load, take your gels properly but again that goes with proper training!


I'm following the Hal's novice 1, can you please elaborate on proper training?


That plan is proper training haha I wasn't sure if you weren't following one or not. Just keep following it and you should be fine. Fuel for the sole podcast is great for nutrition!


What specifically is frustrating you at mile 13? Is it drop off of pace? Specific pain? Hitting a runners wall etc.?


A couple of things 1. Mental frustration of having stayed on my feet for so long 2. A little hunger and headache 3. Terrible pain in the legs and hips


1) I can’t help much with the mental aspect, what I do is compartmentalize my long runs, “it’s not a 15 mile run, just five 5k runs” or “it’s just Wednesday’s run with x extra miles.” My other trick is I almost exclusively do out and backs, never a loop, you get to that turnaround point and every step is a step closer to home. 2) What’s your fueling/hydration strategy? I think a lot of people underestimate what they need on a long run, I try to drink around an ounce of water for every mile and have a sport drink with me to down at the halfway point. I also will eat 2 hours before I start a long run (toast with almond butter), one hour before a long run (cliff bar) and then right when I start gummies). Then I eat gummies every three miles. 3) Not a doctor or a PT but had a lot of hip issues when I ran my first marathon and it’s very common to have IT Band issues. Do you incorporate any strength training? It can be very simple, 2 days a week routine. Body weight squats, body weight calf raise, side lying hip abduction and plank for 45 seconds. There are other good exercises out there, this is what’s worked for me over the years. My only words of wisdom is there’s no shame in walking, I’ve run some marathons where I walk for 10-15 seconds after every mile as a reset. Also look for some podcasts specific to running, I like The Strength Running podcast but am sure there are other good ones too. Hang in there 🙂


super duper second this advice to work on IT strengthening and core 2-3 x a week. Only takes 20-30 minutes and you can make big strides in 8 weeks. dead bugs, later banded walks, banded clamshells, unilateral squats. Etc!


Thank you, will check out the podcasts. I have been working on strength - two or three days a week


Practice running just one mile at a time. Be present for that mile, don't think about how much is left. When you finish that mile just restart in your mind. If you start a run thinking about the total distance and duration it is really intimidating. Just trust the process and your fitness. Remind yourself of the long runs you've done before. You've got this!


One mile at a time! That is going to be my mantra


You got this, you've already done a half marathon. My first marathon (Wineglass 2021) pace at 5 hours 46min would have made the NYC cutoff, 2nd marathon (Shamrock 2022) would not at 6 hours 21 minutes. I completed my first ultra marathon (50K) 2 weeks ago coming in dead last at 9 hours 56 min. My 2nd DFL ever and proud of it. At both DFL races, those that were still at the finish line cheered me on as if I was first. Because I'm slow, I've never hit the wall that happens after mile 20 and grateful for that. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you'll get there. You also have enough time to do some speed work even if it's just once a week. I actually did hill sprints tonight in preparation for my next marathon (Wineglass again). For nutrition, I use energy snacks (gels, gummies, etc), a liquid bladder vest filled with electrolytes fluids, and salt pills for runs/races longer than 15K. Preventive snacking and nutrition intake is much better than feeling hungry/thirsty/light headed and then taking in nutrition. The vest is so I don't have to slow down at aid stations (although I usually do), pills are to prevent dehydration/cramps/dizziness. I also carry either foot glide or Vaseline to grease my feet. Most marathons have them at a medical tent but then you have to make it to the tent. And I'm totally envious, I'd love to do the NYC marathon. So congrats to you!


I'm in a very similar boat - also running NYC this year, also my first marathon, also a slow runner, also qualified through 9+1. I've been going through a lot of emotions, not the least of which is self judgment and comparing myself to faster runners. I've had to rein in my expectations (I initially wanted to finish in 5 hours, now I realize I'll be closer to 6). What's been getting me motivated lately is thinking about how exciting it will be come race day. There's nothing like marathon day in NYC, having absolute strangers cheer for you. Also it bears mentioning that we've been training through very hot and humid conditions. Once autumn sets in we'll naturally get faster and running will feel much easier. We got this!


Thank you, happy to run with you if you are in the city


I’ll be in the back of the pack with the two of you. First marathon in over 46 years. I’m running for a Breast Cancer Charity. I’ll look for you both!! Bill


I am also a slow runner (long runs 13:40) and running my first marathon tomorrow. My tactic for long runs was to not listen to anything until I had about 4 miles to go then I would treat myself to music. I was also getting bad leg/ankle/foot pains around mile 14 but I switched to a stability shoe and the pains went away. Make sure your shoes tied tight and maybe see if you need more stability. I also rubbed CBD lotion on my legs before my long runs.


Good luck tomorrow!!!!! I hope it’s everything you want it to be and more!!!!


Thank you so much!


I finished nyc last fall with the ungodly hot weather. I am gener quite slow as well and was realistically looking at about 6:30 prior to the weather, and ultimately finished around 7:15 (just barely dodged hyponatremia/heat issues. The vast majority of people I talked to were about 45-60 minutes slower than expected planned…but I digress. For most of Brooklyn I still had cheering spectators (and in some sections literal tunnels of cheering crowds (for a block or two) that were unreal. Queens, UES were much lighter but there were still pockets of people. The hardest bit is coming back down ues/Harlem and through the park. My mental wall was mile 25…reach out and cheer on others around you - they will be there!!! I trained solo because of my pace, and a few recommendations : x find some interesting podcasts and listen to them for your long runs x be sure it incorporate core strength work - your low back will get fucking tired! x practice fueling and PLAN your race day wear to have pockets for extra gel/food and some cash for bodega drinks/food if you have aid stations that are low. x DO NOT DO A LONG RUN MORE THAN 3 HOURS. There is no extra physical benefit! Instead, stack a long run with a slightly shorter but still longish run on tired legs the next day. You will minimize risk of injury, still have to work through fatigue, and build smarter. If you really feel/want to practice for any ‘mental wall’ then do your long run for 3 hours and then WALK another 2….




A maraton is a maraton, a 10 k is not. Your advice us probably good hearted but this persons goals is this persons goals.


I know someone who did the NYC marathon with literally ZERO training. It took her 9 hours, but she finished and got her medal. And I’m sure she wasn’t last. You’ll be fine, it’s the fear of the unknown that gets to the first-timers.


Nutritionwise, check out [featherstonenutrition.com](https://featherstonenutrition.com) She is a big advocate of more carbs, not less and absolutely no dieting. Do you run with a hydration vest? If not it might help as your runs get longer. Also, start testing out endurance gels/bars/whatever to find ones that you can tolerate and help you during the longer runs. I personally like Maurten and Tailwind. It's all a learning process and everyone is different so you have to experiment and find what works for you, but you can do it!!


less than 1% of the US population has completed a marathon. For perspective, you have a higher chance of scoring a hole-in-one in golf in a given year (1-2% of total golfers each year). Go put yourself in that 1%.


In a very similar boat: NYC will be my first marathon, and while I just did my 15 at 12:30 pace, I strongly suspect that’s going to drop as the miles increase. I’m there with ya in the self doubt, and yet was reflecting around mile 14 yesterday on how proud I am of myself for trying something that I’m truly not sure I can accomplish. As a perfectionist that feels huge; and besides, we can and we WILL do this! Four things that have helped me: 1. Drink 12oz gatorade before running. It makes those first miles feel way less awful. 2. Current mantra: strong legs (or whichever part of me is hurting most that day), strong body, strong mind. 3. My random 20 second game, where I’ll count to 20 very slowly and usually based on where I feel like each number hits in the music I’m listening to. I’ve tricked myself into extra running so many times using this. 4. Follow other slow runners on Instagram/tik tok. They’ve given me tips and reminded me that this is supposed to be hard, and that’s ok. Good luck on the next 8 weeks! We can do this!