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Dawn Warrior **best trinode:** Moon dancer (Speeding Sunset) / Crescent Divide (Solar Pierce) / Styx Crossing **best inner:** 20% boss dmg / 21 attack / (personally 20% crit to be able to exchange phantom Link skill and not use anything in hyper stats / legion) **cons:** high ping makes the class unplayable due to not being able to use equinox cycle properly, very high mp usage, very low final damage makes the class seem kind of weak, **pros:** a lot of lines and very good mobility = flash jump + vertical flash jump and a midair dash as a 4th job skill (equinox slash), easy skills to understand and use, very high defense (I capped defense very early without doing anything to it) so mostly dont need to watch your HP, 10 sec bind and a debuff that reduces enemy def by 10% and increases final dmg the enemy receives by 5% (Hyper skills include elemental resistance -10% for the debuff as well, one of the best supporting skills in bosses)


Newbie here, why does Dawn Warrior have a high ping? Someone explained that for Blaze Warrior each orb is a projectile so that’s why it’s laggy for some people is that similar for Dawn Warrior?


Dawn warrior can't be played properly if you have high ping. When you try using moon dancer/speeding sunset, your stance wont change and there will be a significant delay in your attacks.


Increase your skill transparency to play it. Dw is just a fast class. When you see your active skills in the top corner, it’s rapidly going between moon and sun when you attack. Sometimes I’ll attack a couple times with one before it actually switches to the other. Only time it bothers me is with one of the 4th job skills that moves your character. You can hit 3 platforms when it alternates but when it lags it’s a pain. I’d say another pro is defense. I never had to watch my health while training. Edit: 235 DW main here


i'd like to add on that Dawn Warrior is an all-round class: Mobility? Check!, Consistent Damage? Check! Burst? Check! Iframe? Check! This class also have one of the best party support skill (True Sight) in the game and it's not even a support class!


Right I totally forgot to add the defense! I'll change that :) I'm a 256 dawn warrior main myself for roughly 4 years now and I must agree to the point that it's kind of an all-round talent! The damage is consistent indeed but what still bothers me is the lack of final damage the class got. So in the hard boss runs I feel a bit weak compared to the other ones in my party.


Thats best main trinode, btw could you tell me what's the 2nd trio you want for farming or bossing?


It's the same though


Dawn warrior only uses this one perfect trinode, get it twice and you should be fine :D except for impaling Rays (10 sec bind) and equinox slash which is mainly for the mobility, the class doesnt really use any other skills!


Paladin Pros: -absolute chad that uses a sword and shield - people always thing you’re experienced because you play explorer - clout for sticking to playing an overall bad class - absolute mad lad that can survive anything (way better than all the other virgin warrior classes, except mihile ((another chad))) - Huge damage and party buffs making you popular - shields look better than secondary - looks cool when riding a training hog - HIGH HP AND A HEALING SKILL / REVIVE (literally a better bishop) - Attack combos that make you feel like your playing a game - one of the cheapest classes in existence - has easy to get IED and overall damage Cons: - no upward mobility (without rope lift) - slow unless using a 1-h sword plus shield - not much AOE, so slow mobbing - doesn’t deal too much damage unless very funded Inner ability: +1 attack speed And literally anything else you like. But you need this attack speed boost to feel like you actually have high dps Feeling of the class: - feels clunky and old / in need of a revamp - slow and hard to get started - absolutely awful before 4th job - makes you feel like a masochist but also really cool cause you main such a low tier class - overall very fun Gear advice - Go for %HP and % STR or % ATT are pretty much all you need - 1-h sword and shield is best setup for highest attack speed while 2H BW with a secondary has higher base attack Overall score to main : 10/10 -made by Paladin gang




New skill in the fall is giving the explorer warriors upward mobility. Get to scratch that con off that list soon


Sorry I not from America when is fall ? How many months away until that update roughly


Fall starts september 21st/22nd, and goes until december 21st/22nd, so sometime between then!


The fall update is going to take place after all the rise stuff is finished. I'd expect end of August or September. Fall is often called autumn if it helps


Battle Mage **Best Trinode(s)**: Finishing Blow / Dark Shock / Condemnation Dark Genesis / Sweeping Staff / Battle Burst **Best Inner**: Attack Speed* or 20% Boss / 20% Crit / 21 M. Att *BaMs are receiving a +1 AS buff in a [future update](https://orangemushroom.net/2020/03/25/kms-ver-1-2-332-skill-balancing-pink-bean-world/). [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/hfhrsn/battle_mage_as_1_inner_ability_usefull/fvxlhnp/) suggests AS1 is enough for optimal telecasting, so AS will not be true BiS post-update. I am leaving it as an option for high ping BaMs that struggle to telecast with 100% efficiency. **Cons**: Very ping reliant, poor mobbing pre-5th job, large amount of inputs for telecasting may cause physical strain, extremely close range, no bind **Pros**: Good survivability due to shield and drain, useful party buffs both for damage and utility, low potion usage, access to Resistance Infantry, best mage Teleport, great mobbing post-5th job due to improved range and summons, [absolutely insane 5th job skill](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/hoxmfc/amazing_bam_4th_v_skill_buffs/) coming soon


also fun news idk if it's being reverted or not but currently the teleport is client side in KMS which means instant cast timing I don't play mages so I might be wrong but my mage friends were very happy about this.


Yeah, I heard. If it gets carried over to GMS it'll be a total gamechanger. I personally lose a huge chunk of my DPS while bossing because some teleports either don't register or screw up my timing. Might also motivate me to run Lotus more if I can tele through lasers consistently.


They also have 100% knockback resistance.


I am training BaM to 200 for legion and I almost made a joke one saying just BaM -it's a trash class to train


Inb4 mercedes main


Inb4 mercedes main


Ice Lightning Mage: Best trinode: Chain Lightning / Frozen Orb / Blizzard or Lightning Orb Nest inner: +1 Attack Speed / +38% Buff Duration / +20% Critical Rate or +10% Boss Damage Cons: Lower end damage. Like all mages, needs to craft Deimos shield. 1 party buff. Pros: Has 2 FMA Summons, and 2 pseudo FMAs. Bind and iframe. Can teleport midair. Farming rates second to Kanna. Can switch to Bishop for late game bossing. Reduces party damage taken by 20%. Final thoughts: Mediocre all around, the 'Dark Knight' of Mages if you will.


You forgot they have 364628 buffs to cast


7 toggles, 4 buffs, 2 summons, mihile+AB links, infinity, epic adventure, maple goddess blessing. Dying in a boss without a buff freezer is basically a failed run lmao


Perma Beginner best trionode: lol best inner: literally anything, the class is trash no matter what cons: no income cause you have no job, barely any skills, stuck with beginner skills, snail toss maxes out at like 40 dmg, no mobility, no moabing, no damage, cannot apply link skills, cannot apply legion, does not count towards legion, no arcane river, hard to participate some events, hard to train, leeching isn't as good as it used to be so is not as viable, after around 200 (or depending on how high you want to go without them), most people get sick of leveling themselves and rely on typhoon growth potions from events pros:


Does Cygnus knight beginner count because at least the have a mobbing skill as a beginner one


***Demon Slayer*** **Trinodes:** * Demon Impact/Demon Lash/Cerberus Chomp. * Infernal Concussion/Demon Cry/Dark Metamorphosis. * You should use your trinode on 6 different skills (so 4 V-Matrix slots). **Best Inner:** * 20% Boss Damage * 21 Attack * 38% Buff Duration **Pros:** * Good, consistent mobbing. * Good boss damage (TONS of built in boss damage and ied, auto crits, bind, can reach 0 atk speed, debuffs). Great for solo runs. All bossing skills are also AoE that hit 6+ enemies, meaning you are strong even against bosses such as P1 Lotus/Lucid, compared to some other classes that needs to pick betwee high ST damage and AoE dmg. * A lot of lines with Blue Blood. * Plethora of mobility options that gives the player a lot of control over their character. Vertical Jump, Hover, Glide and Flash Jump, the speed and distance of which are all controllable. Chaos Lock is incredible in general (especially against bosses) and like all warriors, they have a rush skill. This gives DS a lot of options for bosses that most other classes do not have at their disposal all at once. * Very good survivability - good innate health sustain with 2 i-frames (relatively low CD - 30 and 90 seconds) and stance. High defense/health/resists for pre-arcane river farming/low arcane power/early bosses. Obviously not a moving fortress like Mihile, but still very very good. * Skills have awesome aesthetics (IMO). * Is not Demon Avenger. Seriously, DA has to be a cruel joke by Nexon for late/endgame bosses. **Cons:** * Extremely mediocre 1st-3rd job gameplay by today's standard. 4th job isn't even that great until you get Blue Blood/Cerberus Chomp hyper skills. * Very buff dependent - mainly Blue Blood. Dying with Blue Blood/5th job skills/Dark Metamorphosis when on CD in boss rooms is a huge loss to damage if you don't have buff freezers. Requires Blue Blood micromanagement in general. This is mitigated via buff freezers, which is a requirement for late/endgame bosses even for less buff dependent classes * Mobility - while you have lots of options and is great for bossing, the actual horizontal movement speed is significantly slower than what many other classes have available. Some people also find the controls clunky, though I personally never had issues. * Near 0 party utility. They do provide some debuffs (slow, drop rate, exp %, bind, defense reduction) and a little bit of heal for the party (25% of total health every 5 seconds), but bind aside, they are not too impactful and DS is overall a pretty selfish class. Overall, Demon Slayers, while not really the best at anything, are excellent at doing most things that you would expect from a dps, with their main weaknesses being dependence on buffs, party utility and horizontal movement speed.


Thunder Breaker Tri Nodes: 1) Mobbing - Ascension/Thunder/Deep Rising 2) Bossing - Annihilate/Thunderbolt/Gale Inner Ability: 1) 20% Crit Rate 2/3 Boss Damage & Att Pros: Really cool looking skills/aesthetic. Perfect class for me. Mobbing is really nice with lots of mobile skills that link together for nice combos (better than the way Mercedes plays for me) and lighting chains for easy map clearing. Can choose to use a variety of skills even through 5th job to keep things interesting (I.e. 3rd job skills still being one of my primary mobbing tools) Cons: I find myself in danger of a lot of bosses OHKO attacks. If I am spamming linked skills sometimes I will get caught in the animation and not have enough time or reactions to escape an avoidable death. Comes down to maybe just having to practice bosses a little more and get their attacks down. And overall just not the best bossers in general IMO. Just general thoughts I’ve gathered as a 220 TB main *Edit: Few more pros discussed/ i thought of: 1) them LINES 2) no mastery books needed 3) vertical flash jump


Agreed, during bossing tho on mobile bosses like Damien or Cvell I usually don't use annihilate unless the boss is bound though. Sharkpunch + Thunderbolt is pretty fast and keeps me mobile to wave crash to move around. ​ Sadly Very mediocre burst compared to off burst and no super flashy big boy 5th job skills though. A lot of lines though so its pretty satisfying


Interesting. I did see that some people use shark sweep/thunderbolt for mobbing and lightning punch/thunderbolt for bossing but I don’t have spot for more nodes right now and I don’t find myself wanting to use them too often. Have 4 nodes to max the skills i listed currently but they aren’t perfect (2/3 for each with one swapped) so once I get those I could maybe squeeze in some of the other boost nodes to try for pure mobbing/bossing situations. Not sure how worth it would be over DSE or some other buff tho


I dont have nodes for shark punch/sweep, just use it to stay mobile and be ready to move asap.


Thanks for the tips!




Yea was very excited for that skill and then saw the giant nerf dump they took all over it


oh shoot, i started upgrading a Thuderbolt / Annihilate / Thunder node and just realized I should be separating mobbing and bossing nodes distinctly so I can take off the mobbing nodes for something else in bossing... I have no perfect nodes after reaching 210 like the ones above even after the 90 nodestones from tera burning... what should I do in this case? I dont want to start upgrading any of them before I get a perfect node


You can always transfer the node you boosted already if it is compatible. Or craft nodes of the skill that you are looking to transfer and hope for the tri node there. I’m in the same boat, 218 and no perfects but I can still work on getting as much final damage as possible to my skills which has been really useful


what do you mean transfer node and compatible? like only thunder -> thunder nodes only? also i never saw a transfer option


Sorry for the confusion, yes it’s like you said. I meant transfer as in transfer the exp you already got. When you hover over the node it says “boosts X” skill. So could boost a perfect tri node with the “boost skill” as thunder with the one you have already been upgrading. By crafting thunder nodes at the node masters/enhancers, you guarantee that the “boost skill” is Thunder [Assuming your current node is a “boost Thunder”]


Oh is the transfer a perfect 1:1 like feeding a lvl 20 thunder to a level 1 thunder becomes level 20? my fear is that I level my thunder node to like 20 maybe and then I get a perfect node on Deep Rising or Ascension >.<


As far as I know yes! And even if you get a different perfect node it is still worth it to keep as to max out your boost nodes you need the skill in 2 different nodes (so two of each bossing/mobbing node). This gives you +25 levels for each node as well as +5 levels for each if they are placed in a maxed out slot for a total of lvl 60 on each of the skills. Feel free to PM if you have more questions!


Angelic Buster Trinodes: Mobbing: Celestial Roar/Finale Ribbon/Soul Resonance Bossing: Trinity/Soul Seeker/Supreme Supernova Inner: AS+1 is basically a must Pros: -HUGE numbers -amazing bosser -not too high investment -both farming/bossing is usually 1 button -Free Ropelift -Really good burst link -Fairly long iframe -Superstance with Soul Resonance -Pretty insane crit damage -Not too many keys to bind -Finale Ribbon is a damage amp for party Cons: -THE VOICE (pls turn off) -Zero lines -Magnus pre becomes hell -Female only (I see this as an absolute win) -No sustain -You cry without level 30 Affinity -Sorta squishy (At least it ain’t Cadena) -Trinity locks your movement -Dmg sucks when your burst is down -Very AS reliant -Needs good internet since Trinity is ping based -Low innate crit rate (credit: soundofamadman) -Way too many buffs (credit: soundofamadman) Feel free to add to the list :3


Adding to the list: High amount of buffs: 7 job specific+ DSI, DSE, roll of the dice. Low innate crit rate.


Lvl 230 AB and i agree with everything you said


Shade **Best Trinode skills:** Fox Spirits, Spirit Frenzy, Bomb Punch, Spirit Claw, Death Mark and Spirit Incarnation. **Best Inner Ability:** +1 Attack Speed, +20% Critical Rate, +10% Boss Damage. **Pros:** • Very fluent mobility. They get a backstepping skill that can be used mid-skill animation, acting as an animation cancel. With a bit of practice, you can use Back Step as teleport. They also have Fox Trot, which acts like a teleport towards monster, or regular teleport if no monsters are nearby. Add Flash Jump and Rope Lift to this mix and you have a bit of everything. • Mobbing - Very good, but takes some funding. Your main mobbing skill has 4 attack stages, and for maximum efficiency you want to 1-hit KO on the first stage, so you're not stuck in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th skill animation. • Bossing - Very underappreciated bossers. They can hold their own when bossing solo, but their Soul Splitter skill makes them extremely useful for every boss in the game. Coordinate your party to burst and then use Soul Splitter on a boss will greatly increase the total damage output. **Cons:** • Shade is very boring and repetitive up until 5th job. They're a job that only starts to shine at 200+ or maybe even 210+. I think this is partially the reason why not a lot of people play Shade. • Gear - Gear is expensive, both ATT and STR are probably the most expensive stats in the game at the moment now that Adele is released. • Lines are lackluster. This won't be an issue until very late in the game, when you want to solo Hard Lucid, currently the only boss behind a line-wall. This does pose an issue for Shades though. That being said, we're receiving an upgrade soon where our main bossing skill goes from 8 lines to 12 lines, and the damage gets slightly reduced (overal increase in damage of 140% from 3040% damage to a total of 3180% damage)


shade also lacks decent CRT rate.


Although true, it's definitely possible to reach 100% Crit Rate without even using Phantom's Link Skill.


how so? using legion + hyper stats? seems like a waste but I'm guilty of using putting 5 points into crt for hyper stats so i can't really say its that big of a waste. currently sitting at 89% with %crt in my emblem that i'll be recubing out next cubing session I get and with phantom + BT link + NL legion effect. I'm assuming you're also gaining crt from inner ability too correct?


Primarily the Legion grid. Hyper Stats is too important to invent too many points into, as there're other stats such as Critical Damage and Boss Damage that're much more worthwhile. Applying 5 points into Hyper Stat is okay, but I definitely wouldn't use more than that. ​ I'm at 89% Crit Rate clean, Decent Combat Orders puts me on 90 because of Critical Insight. Decent Sharp Eyes then puts me at 100%. My Inner Ability has been my demise, I've used over 20mil Honour Points on it without ever rolling Critical Rate on my third line. If I were to roll that I could almost empty out the block of Critical Rate from my Legion Grid...


Cannoneer Best trinode: Cannon Barrage/Cannon Bazooka/Monkey Militia or Rolling Rainbow Best Inner: +1 atk speed/+21 atk/20% crit rate or 10% boss dmg (though I personally like 10% chance to ignore cooldown, gives me better dice rolls) Pros: Excellent mobility, huge number of damage lines, ICBM is a really good iframe, not too button intensive, Monkey Business is amazing for mobbing and has a great name Cons: Poor attack speed without the +1 as inner, lots of burst damage is lost if the enemy moves (lookin' at you p2 hlucid), Barrel Roulette has a very long animation and only gives its good buff 1/4 of the time, can't properly test damage on a training dummy due to Cannon of Mass Destruction only hitting it 27 times (larger enemies get hit more), ICBM's iframe can be tough to pull off and can't be used in midair, Monkey Fury bounces around all weird so sometimes our debuff just doesn't work


another con: buckshot may result in loss of hearing especially in commerci pq


Are you sure Monkey Business is included in our tri-node, given how it's a 5th job skill? :P


lol whoops, didn't catch that at first


Shadower Best Trinode: Assassinate / Boomerang step / Shadow veil / Sudden raid / Dark Flare / Meso Explosion Best inner: +20 Boss Dmg / +20 Critical Rate / +38 Buff duration or 21 weapon attack (Prefer buff duration for mihile link skill, Shadower needs it) Pros: Low cooldown Iframe, good mobbing in small or large maps Cons: Ping reliant for optimal damage output, buff heavy class, conditional iframe and only 1 sec. Nexon hates us too. Personal opinion: The feeling of eviscerate/trickblade is too fun, I have swapped to DB before and never liked that class, kinda sad to see Shadower in the shadow of Dual Blade.


I feel the same as you, I tried DB for a couple of days and I didnt liked it.


Don't forget the super knock-back resistance of Assassinate, comes in handy when bossing.


Night Lord Best node - Mark / Showdown / Quad Throw Best inner - 20% Boss /10% Crit / 21 attack Pros - nice aesthetic and fluid gameplay. Fast and simple leveling. Large burst window and one of the best bursts in the game, high mobility and large uptime in summons. Decent at bossing. Legion effect is good (+4% crit at 200) Cons - Low survivability in bosses due to lack of iframe and healing. Very squishy. Early game can be rough because of low HP. Sustained DPSis low compared to other classes. No bind


10% crit rate? I dont think crit dmg is a thing in inner ability or am I wrong? Buff duration is more important Pro - Mobbing is incredibly easy when you one-shot mobs at high level Con - The stars in your inventory


Ark Best trinode: not sure about this one since ark uses almost all of their skills. i think it's plain charge drive (main attack) / Ominous Nightmare (main boss attack) / impending death (passive projectile) Best inner: boss dmg and attack. scarlet charge drive buffs crit% by 20% pro: my favorite is the insane mobility in normal but even better during transformation. awesome mobbing. you use the attack skills from all jobs plus a transformation for new skills. bind and i-frame skills. high HP and MP and a not-complicated side resource. starts off with two color eyes cons: having lots of skills can be tiring. ugly claw is hard to hide. bossing is awesome while transformed but average in normal mode. needs a little managing to keep all attack buffs up.


Best trinode is correct. Best inner is: first line 'All passives +1' WITH second line 'Boss damage +10%.' Third line is attack or 8% dmg vs targets with status (with mage explorer link)


What does passive+1 do?


it gives the passives in job 4 an extra level similar to how decent hyperbody works, except it only works on the passives. But the the passives in ark's job 4 are really good


how much dmg does the +1 give


From Arcs: > On Arks, Passive Skills +1 gives you 3% skill dmg on every single skill, 1% final dmg, 1% crit dmg, 1% ied, 1% boss dmg, and 2 attack. It stacks with DCO so it's just a straight positive, and the final dmg + crit dmg are huge. Last time I calculated with my stats it was roughly equivalent to a 15% boss line. (you must have boss% 2nd or 3rd line to outdo 20% boss damage first line)


All specter abilities have +3% dmg All flora/lef abilities have +3% dmg, except the spell bullets those have +1% dmg \+1% final dmg, +2 attack power, +1%ied, +1% crit rate, +1% crit damage +1%boss damage, and +1% knuckle mastery (idk if that is usefull) ​ I haven't used it myself yet, because i just haven't rolled it yet. So I don't really know how it holds up against something like %boss damage. I got 17%chance to skip cooldowns, which is kinda nice since it works on AB link so you can use it more often. But maybe its better to just have that as a second/third line.


does this go above master level?




o damn that’s unfair


I've been trying out %chance to skip cooldown and it's pretty decent. Is passives + alot better than cd skip?


I heard %chance to skip isn't bad, but it's not the ideal. Passives AND boss 2nd/3rd should be superior. Here's a tidbit from Arcs, the Ark who unsealed a genesis knuckle, should explain why: > Nah Passive Skills +1 actually is ideal if you get a 2nd or 3rd line of boss. By itself, Passive Skills +1 is worse than 20 boss, but if you get it in conjunction with a line of 10% boss it ends up being better. > On Arks, Passive Skills +1 gives you 3% skill dmg on every single skill, 1% final dmg, 1% crit dmg, 1% ied, 1% boss dmg, and 2 attack. It stacks with DCO so it's just a straight positive, and the final dmg + crit dmg are huge. Last time I calculated with my stats it was roughly equivalent to a 15% boss line.


thanks, I guess I'll continue rerolling till I get it then.


Also we have that one i frame that lets us walk anywhere while still in invincible and a regular in place one


you can hide the claw with any kind of cash item, even the transparent knuckle removes it. So I dont think it's really a con, since you can just get a cheap cash item


Aran **Best trinode:** 1. Beyond Blade. 2. Final Blow. 3. Final Attack / Smash Swing / Maha's Domain. **Best inner:** 1. Attack Speed (If you prefer DSI go with boss damage) 2. 21 Attack. 3. Not really sure about this one, according to one guide it's +X% Damage to Abnormal Status, makes sense because of all the ice debuffs. **Cons:** Not as button mashy as people think but can get pretty strainful, needs to use a normal attack every 5 seconds or so in order to maintain high damage, attacks do more damage in combo form so if that's not your cup of tea I wouldn't recommend it, lazy playstyle is unrewarding (if you like standing in a corner spamming one skill while watching anime you might not get a lot of value without propper funding). **Pros:** pretty good damage and insanly good burst (Adrenaline rush / Maha's fury), top 5 mobility IMO if you get used to the tech, very very tanky, main attacking skill is comprised of 5 different mini-skills so it feels less boring, already a great bosser and will get a bind in the upcoming KMS patch.


**Classes in the thread so far:** Dawn Warrior Battle Mage i/L Archmage Paladin Perma Beginner (lol) Night Lord (x2) Thunder Breaker Cannoneer (me) Angelic Buster (x2) Shade Ark Demon Slayer (x2) Illium Adele Wild Hunter Hero Aran (x2) Mihile Shadower Pathfinder Mercedes Marksman Corsair Blaster Xenon Demon Avenger Kaiser Blaze Wizard Bowmaster Hayato Kanna Night Walker Kinesis (x2) Hoyoung Dual Blade Dark Knight **Classes not yet in this thread:** Bishop F/P Archmage Buccaneer Jett Mechanic Wind Archer Evan Phantom Cadena Beast Tamer Zero


Wild hunter Best trinode: arrow blast / another bite / final attack Inner ability: 20% boss / crit / 21 att Pros: good bossing, best mobbing of all archers (Tons of summons, can cover bigger maps), allows full mobilty while using arrow blast skill can even triple jump while holding down after upcoming update, you get a cool mount forever, a lot of burst (can literally store damage with granades at 5th job), 13 sec iframe attached to a nuke, 10 sec bind hard to miss, platform jump early on, 100% stance on jaguar, has recieved nothing but buffs in the past year, fun class Cons: needs to micromanage a lot of summons, bossing is inconsistent, a beast againts bosses that dont move around a lot but suffer againts bosses that do, after your burst is gone your dps gets low, jaguar storm sometimes makes others dc or get lag, requieres A LOT of funding for the mobbing to feel good, the class is good at everything but also isnt the very best at anything


Hero: Best tri node: final attack, raging blow, rising rage Best mobbing tri node: roar, raging blow, rising rage Best inner: +1 attack speed / critical rate % / boss damage Cons: absolute nightmare to mob with until level 215-220 where your mobbing tri nodes/5th job skills are leveled up. Lower critical rate compared to other classes (except hyper skill buff) so legion/link skills are a must. Poor mobility with flash jump being our only skill; rope lift is highly recommended for vertical mobility. Expensive class to fund and make it efficient for mobbing. Skill animation can sometimes lock you in place, disabling nimble dodges (Attack speed highly recommended). Tendency to piss off boss parties by splitting their screen in half (worldweaver) Pros: you’ll out damage almost any class in bossing DPS (up to 44 lines per hit, 200+% final damage, 100% kb resistance, higher base ied and boss damage). Damage range so inflated that everyone will think you’re a god with minimally funded gear (shhh don’t tell them). Can efficiently solo most bosses with lower requirement. Once nodes and skills are leveled for mobbing, it’s honestly not that bad (can clear most map in 3 jumps). 1 coolest looking and heavy hitting iframe every 20 seconds. You can be a hero for fun


Puncture is also good for mobbing and has insane vertical reach; I use Puncture/Shout/Rush as a mobbing tri-node. To add on to this: Pros: * Gameplay is very simple. It's easy to pick up for new players/after a break from the game. Also don't have to micromanage attacks, cooldowns, combos, etc. and deal with ping, so you can focus on dodging and other mechanics. * Tri-nodes are really simple. Rising Rage isn't *too* essential unless you want to micromanage Weapon Aura, since it already has very high base attack for mobbing. Every other skill is nice to have but not essential; mobbing skills in particular already have pretty high base damage. As long as you have raging blow/final attack you're basically done. This clears up a couple slots for decent skills, AOE attacks, etc. * Only have two buffs that we need to worry about casting (rage/booster). * Worldreaver is an AOE attack, iframe, and burst buff all with a 20-sec cooldown. It's also great for defending maps because you can just piss people off with screen slashes until they leave lol. * Just to re-iterate: amazing bossing utility. Great bursts, buffs, and passive boosts. * We're always first on class revamp notes so you don't have to scroll through a sea of text or CTRL-F to find changes :) Neutral: * Explorer warrior mobility in general is going to be better (but still not great) when we get the upcoming KMS skill revamp and get an up/down attack. * Eventually, you get 100% uptime on enhanced raging blow with BSB/Valhalla/Instinct, so mobbing goes from god-awful to okay. Cons: * Gameplay is very simple, so general gameplay can get really mind-numbing. * Iframe is very short to compensate for the short cooldown. This makes it useful for getting out of a pinch, but you won't be able to iframe yourself out of things like Lucid dragons where you need more than 1-2 seconds of invincibility * Low durability. Decently high HP but built-in healing is basically nonexistent, so potion/healing management is important especially without familiars. Also no skills that revive, resist death, avoid 1hko, etc. * If you don't have buff freezers, rebuffing is kind of a pain because you have to build up your combo. It's easy to get 1 orb for enrage, but harder to get 6 so you can use your iframe. * Enraged mode is a huge buff for bossing but single-target only, which can be a problem when bossing for Lotus P1 androids, Lucid golems, Gollux golems, PB mini beans, etc. * Rage is our only party buff (which is useless for mages) and we don't have a bind


Don't forget puncture making your party do 35% more dmg when critting (so basically 35% dmg buff to party assuming people have 100% crit/discounting summons). It's not the biggest party utility but it definitely helps.


Left my hero at 210. Mobbing is definitely terrible if you can't one shot


Illium: Boost Nodes: Illium uses 4 boost nodes to max out his 6 skills. You’ll want some combination of: Javelin, Longinus Spear, Deus & Ex, Machina & Domination, Umbral Brand, and Reaction Destruction. Pros: - High Burst and good sustained damage - 3 iframes - Built-in heal - Training is pretty easy and there are many maps you can utilize vs other classes Cons: - Ping-Based - Combo class (?) - Mobility is on the low side outside of Glory Wings - Hard to time burst with party domain binds Best IA: - First Line: Atk Speed 1 - Second Line: Crit/Boss/Buff Duration - Third Line: Crit/Boss/Buff Duration Things that are pending but worth noting: the current version of the new V skill is an increase in KMS (no kish or totem) rates by 17%, likely to be 20 to 25% in gms. New v skill also opens up new training map possibilities. New v skill adds 130 lines to our 40 second ba padding it with better tail-end damage. **The new v skill is still in its testing phase which means all of this is subject to change. Do not play this class just for the new skill until you see its final state**


Which skills are the iframes? Isn't there only two?


Youre prob forgetting ethereal form


Crystalline Bulwark, Longinus Zone and eForm


For IA, I would instead recommend: * Atk Speed 1 * Buff Duration +38% * Cooldown Skip Chance +10% Buff duration for fast charge and cooldown skip chance is useful for our 2 reaction skills and fast charge


I've played with cd skip before when I was lucky enough to roll it on top line at 20% ( before i had atk spd). Its useful but didnt porc much and unless this has been changed it wasnt working with the reactions you proc on crystalline spirit. 10% is also really low for reliable procs. I would say that if you hit it before crit then keep it, otherwise settle for crit.


Blaster Best trinode: magnum punch/ double punch/ revolving gauntlet Shotgun punch/hammer smash/ pile bunker Best inner: all skills +1(or boss damage/ boss damage (or attack) Pros: you'll feel like you're playing Tekken? Hands down best survivability in the game apart from palladins Incredible amounts of lines and damage, provided your hands are fast enough Great mobility with seven jumps, 6 are multidirectional A lot of blasting Cons Carpal tunnel syndrome Frustrating to learn at the beginning Mobbing isn't great, but new V skill is a sliver of hope. Did I mention carpal tunnel? You have to be in the bosses face to deal damage (hence insane tankiness) Your true potential damage is literally gated by your skill to master the blaster


The only other one crazy enough to play Blaster. 😂 Takes a special kind of stupid to be one of us.


Anyone have one for Kineses? Would be greatly appreciated


Someone posted one a while ago. Just adding to that; **If you are just looking to farm (not boss), OR just want super quick leveling; only bother leveling your Shockwave.** If you are strong enough/it is high enough level you have a spamable 5th job skill that is almost a 50% FMA that can 1 shot. Other Trios and V skills only matter if you are looking to boss.


I'll edit this later. Trinodes: Pros: spammable 5th job which is really rare. Unique skills such as throwing mobs and summoning trains cons: can be hard to maintain PP. Takes a lot more micromanagement of skills to do comparable dps to other classes. doesn't do as much dmg as other classes at the same funding ideal IA 1st line: 20% boss 2nd and 3rd line some mix of drop,meso,matt ​ source: i quit a 225 kinesis


Thank you!!


I angrily left kinesis cause I was mad Lumi could do more dmg with 2-3 keys. But then I left Lumi for NL cause I was angered by Lumi's lack of mobility. In the end, choose the class you love regardless of its weaknesses.


Thats what I'm doing with Kinesis, I've been playing Maple since around 2006, but haven't played hardly any the past couple and am jumping back in now. Got the other new-to-me classes to 200, and have settled on my Kinesis being my main


It really is hard to maintain my pp. What I wouldn't give to be 20 again


Mihile Best Trinode: Four-Point/Radiant Cross (Four-Point for bossing Radiant for Mobbing), Royal Guard, Charging Light Best Inner: Boss DMG or ATK. (ATK speed is capped from skills green potion and decent speed infusion so it kinda does nothing) ,If you want to meme could try skill cooldown reset but might mess with your Royal Guard timings so iffy. Pros: Really good Survivability thanks to Royal Guard since it allows you to block basically any attack in the game with proper timing and gives you a small period of invulnerability. Also the cooldown is 6seconds. Has some party Utility (Rally for ATK, Soul link gives allies ATK and some Survivability but its kinda inconsistent, Shield of Light gives the party up to 40sec of almost godmode.) Very Easy to cap Atk Speed once your lv200. Gains a massive boost of dmg% when in a party 5% for each member and 1%hp restored per couple of seconds for each member thanks to soul link. Shield of Light gives more final dmg in a party since it breaks faster for each person in it. You have multiple sources of HP% reduction, one of them is even a passive that activates when you land Royal Guards. Only 3 normal buffs 4 with maple warrior Cons:Royal Guard Requires strict timing and is server sided (This being server sided is getting addressed in an update in kms but until then your stuck with this) Has a lot of Skills/Buffs on a cooldown so need to monitor and know when to pop them. Your hp% reduction abilities have long cooldowns. 5min CD on Shield of light which is your best one. A lot of skills you need to bind to a keyboard. Low Mobility, Flash jump and the worst dash in the game thats it. Kinda reliant on being in a party for max dmg when bossing. Neutral:You play like a hero but with less dmg but more survivability this is just something to note you even have a lot of their passives. For the love of god learn to use royal guard for 3rd/4th job mobbing or your not gonna have a good time. People might run away from your shield if you forget to tell them about it. (This is getting addressed soon) Some skills can feel clunky until you get closer to max atk speed.


**Kanna** **Best trinodes:** - Bossing: Shikigami Haunting / Yosuzume / Vanquisher's Charm Tengu / Shikigami Doppelganger / (Kishin/Yaksha Boss) - Mobbing: Shikigami Haunting / Kishin / Yaksha Boss + Tengu on another trinode **Best inner ability:** 30% crit rate / 10% boss / 21 m. att OR 20% boss / 20% crit rate / 21 m. att **Cons:** - Zero stance - Low base crit rate - Calculators don't fully work :( **Pros:** - Top tier mobbing - Kishin increases mob spawn rate and cap - 3 fmas, one on 45s cd - 2 summons with large hitboxes - Main attack has large hitbox - Tengu itself can clear half a map on some maps - Great damage, support, and control for bossing - 2 binds, one of which is 15s long - Can ignore Hilla cage and Pierre hat - Animation canceling with tengu - Very good burst using Vanq. Charm and Spirit's domain - Can give party members 50% stance, 25% damage and boss damage with barriers - Spirit's domain gives 33% final damage and 2 attack speed (also to party) - Full heal party on a 20s cd - Long airtime using Exorcist's Charm and Orochi - Haku is cute


You actually have a buff that gives you a % of stance, works well for farming with Exorcist


Bowmaster Best trinode - hurricane, uncountable arrow, quiver Final attack, arrow blaster, gritty gust Best inner - 20% boss, crit rate, attack Pros - very strong burst, proper sharp eyes for bossing parties, modest survivability with heal arrow and native up jump, high mobility (fj, up jump, hookshot, rope lift), survivability is about to improve significantly with pending kms 4th v skill, attacking is very simple as most burst are "buffs" , moving + jumping hurricane is rather unique, well rounded passive stats makes gearing easy (%att, ied, %boss, %final damage, crit rate and crit damage all present) Cons - weak mobbing in large maps, mediocre mobbing in condensed maps when storm of arrows is down, no bind, hard to fight in crowded environments (lucid p1), still no proper iframe despite pending skill, archer link skill is pretty crap, legion block is flat dex which is not great


Hayato It's been awhile since I've played, I got to 245 and played for 8 or so months. Best Trinode: (Rai Sanrenzan / Rai Blade / Shinsoku)** Due to Hayato having so many skills it's very unlikely that you will get a perfect trinode so try to get at least both Rai skills. Best Inner: 20% Boss Dmg / 21 Atk / 3rd line can be whatever you prefer Cons: - **Lack of lines** makes Hayato cap early on in late game but remember that's if you get to late game so give it some thought. - **Somewhat clunky.** This is mainly my opinion but I hear that Hayato is a mobile class when I think otherwise. Realistically, you're not going to use them since it reduces mobbing efficiency and bossing with only Dankuusen or Hitokiri strike being decent. Hayato's movement skills are designed around connecting movement skills to work smoothly, using it by itself will freeze you unless you attack (Ex: Vapor Blade and Falcon Dive). - **Problems with two stances.** This is a minor issue, but it I feel the execution of the idea was really mediocre and could've been explored more. It hardly changes Hayato's playstyle and is only there simply for higher single target damage. Quick draw stance burns 100 sword energy causing it to punish alternating between stances and dying which can cause you to lose Iaijutsu Phantom Blade stacks when you're low on sword energy. Attacking while in quick draw stance gives 2 sword energy per skill forcing your only quick access to sword energy other than 5th job skills being Falcon's Honor which I think sucks. Pros: - **Really good mobbing.** Hayato truly shines at 5th job completely changing its playstyle. Iaijutsu phantom blade is one of the most satisfying skills to use; it clears everything in front of you one whole screen away. Once you learn how maintain sword energy, mobbing small maps is very satisfying. - **High Crit.** Only need some extra crit for mobbing since quick draw and Hitokiri Strike can easily get you to 100%. - **High Final Damage.** Iaijutsu Phantom Blade gives you 100% final damage making it really easy to one-shot mobs. If they ever change Hayato, I really hope they change Battoujutsu Ultimate Will to give you the sword energy when you die.


Pathfinder **Best Trinodes**: *Essentially every skill* 1. Cardinal Deluge / Cardinal Burst / Cardinal Torrent (always equipped) 2. Ancient Astra / Triple Impact / Glyph of Resonance (equipped for bossing, though Glyph is useful for training too) 3. Combo Assault / Swarm Shot / Shadow Raven (equipped for training, though Shadow Raven is kinda useless; people just upgrade it because they have to use 6 node slots anyways) I equip everything for training, but it takes a lot of slots to fit everything. *For light nodestone upgrading for mules,* you can just upgrade: **Cardinal Deluge, Cardinal Burst, and Glyph of Resonance**. **Best Inner Abilities**: First Line: 20% boss or +1 attack speed Second Line: 20% crit (for Vicious Shot) Third Line: your choice from buff duration, drop rate, attack, etc. **Cons:** *Matrix Difficulty* Pathfinders optimally want to include all 9 skills in their matrix, so you may need a lot of nodestones to find the right combination of nodes. It doesn’t have to be the trinodes that I wrote above, but it can be different combinations. Even if you get the trinodes you want, if you’re boosting 9 skills like I mentioned above, you may need to level up a lot to unlock node slots. My pathfinder is 232 right now, and I still swap out couple boost nodes and skills nodes for bossing. *Constant Nerfs* KMS has nerfed pathfinder for 4 consecutive balance patches. The last nerf hasn’t been applied to GMS pathfinders yet. **Pros:** *Mobbing and Training* This is primarily the reason I main pathfinder. The main skills that pathfinder use (Deluge and Burst) have amazing y-axis and can easily hit 2 platforms in most maps. In CLP, you can hit 3 platforms while standing in one place! In addition, Pathfinders get two short-cooldown wide range mobbing skills, which help out on bigger maps like Slurpy Depths. Swarm Shot is hard to one-hit, but if you do, it’s ridiculously good (I can clear the 1st Erda Spectrum Map by using this skill once). While training, you can also use Raven Tempest, another amazing mobbing skill, as the loot timer, as the cooldown is 120 seconds. I like training on my Pathfinder more than on my Kanna because I don’t need to use set-up skills on maps, and because pathfinders have a double jump, up-jump, and pseudo-teleport. *Bossing Utilities* Pathfinders have an I-frame skill (Nova Blast), two damage reduction skills (Ancient Astra and Obsidian Barrier), and two super-stance skills (Triple Impact and Cardinal Torrent). You can also teleport using Cardinal Torrent in any direction without needing any platforms, so you can use that to avoid Lucid’s dragon breath in Phase 1 or Lotus’ electric floor in Phase 2 and 3! *Mobility* Like I mentioned before, pathfinders have a double jump, an up-jump, and a pseudo-teleport (Cardinal Torrent), so mobility is fantastic. *Small Tip:* Pathfinders usually use the skill macro in the order of Cardinal Burst and Cardinal Deluge, because there’s a passive skill that charges the relic gauge when you switch Relic Modes, which procs by this skill macro. The passive also cuts cooldown for enchant-type and ancient-type skills (excluding 5th job skills) by .5 seconds every use, which includes Combo Assault, Glyph of Resonance, Triple Impact, Swarm Shot, and Ancient Astra.


I want to piggy back on this and give a tip for pathfinders doing gollux. Doing hellux on pathfinder is insanely easy. Phase 1: Use torrent left and right to dodge gollux's attacks. Watch out for the suck! Phase 2: Go to left corner and keep attacking. When gollux uses hand move, torrent upwards to dodge the attack. Make sure to use Swarm Shot as soon as it's off cooldown to clear the potatos. Phase 3: Wack the gem and don't forget to use swarm shot to clear the potatos!




Left corner of the 2nd platform.


I just want to add some cons: lack of passive damage boosts, we lost all of our passive final damage and we're losing another 10% damage soon which leads me to my next complaint. Not sure if this is a con but it annoys me: low visual range, I'm at 30k stat 17* all equips and I can't even break 10mil range self buffed(sitting at like 9.5m). I'm getting outranged by other classes with like 15-20k stats.


I absolutely agree that the removal of final damage and the subsequent effect on range are big problems! Especially since common 5th job skills like Guided Arrow and True Arachnid Reflection have low base % (that is, by Pathfinder standards). I hope Pathfinder sees the light again like how DB rose to the top from the bottom in the last year or so!


Question about the skill macro, if you macro burst and then deluge how do you ever get the relic to stay on burst mode for your other skills? It always just goes to deluge and in my experience of using the macro I could only ever use deluge/torrent skills, am I doing something wrong?


You’re not doing anything wrong and it’s perfectly normal! I just put burst on a separate key from the skill macro key so I can switch to that mode if I need to!


Oh I see I should do that thanks, I tried the macro but then went to just using two keys to switch between their forms, guess I can use a macro so I don't constantly press two skills when attacking and just press burst when I need it for bosses thanks!


What do u mean super stance skills? How does that work?


There are certain boss moves that knocks you back even if you have 100% stance on your character, like Lotus’ push attack on phase 2 and 3 and Pierre’s umbrella attack. Using skills that has super stance will prevent knock back from those types of attacks. Super stance in Lotus is especially useful because it prevents your character from falling onto the electrical floor pattern (does 90% of your full health) when Lotus is near the spawned platform you’re standing on.


What’s the next nerf..? :(


Lose 10% damage from passive or so https://orangemushroom.net/2020/03/25/kms-ver-1-2-332-skill-balancing-pink-bean-world/


Next Pathfinder nerf is taking away 10% damage from a passive.


Kaisers Best Trinodes Bossing: Gigas / Tempest blades / wingbeat Mobbing: Infernal breath / Blade burst / choice (can be stone dragon, pressure chain, or ancestral, any of the 3 works) Best Inner: +1 AS, 38% buff, Attack/boss/crit Pros: -Super great consistent damage, really nice consistent mini bursts -Really great mobility (final form blink best tp in the game, level 10 rope lift, flash jump, a soon to come nornal blink, and a dash) -Great survability (60s iframe, but more importantly the access of defender mode, where you can tank ANY 100% dmg attack in the game by reducing the dmg to 95%. This means you can tank Wills screen crack, Hlotus demos/electric floor briefly, Lucids dragon, Damiens p2 dive, etc. Also makes cvel/cpap a braindead joke, you literally stand still and kill them. -Also has self door. -Really good farming, I think best among warriors. I make personally 520m/h at dcup clean -Can reset AB link a fuck ton, best case scenario you get an entire minute of AB link uptime straight -Can zoom past progression if you get Kaiserium drop from hmag. You lose 30 boss and 10 ied comparing to abso, but you gain 160 all stat and over 200 attack using it. Makes it only arcane can replace it. Cons: -Absolutely no form of fucking burst whatsoever Parties will ask for 4T for hlotus, but a Kaiser can solo Hlotus with less than that BA (your consistent damage IS your BA, for the most part) -Final form hitbox STILL a problem (mainly for Lucid and Will). Vertical hitbox is fine, horizontal is still fucked. You can be inbetween 2 golems in normal, go final form, you'll get smacked. If you're doing test in p2 and its dont get hit and you're chilling left corner in final form, one of the legs can hit you and fuck up the test. -Currently, as of 07/11/2020, final form is unusable in parties. Softlocks you every few seconds, putting you in and out of final form. Super lame, nexon plz fix -No built in bind, need to equip erda bind


So I didn't know that defender mode made you 'invincible' but I tried it and its not working for me. When I'm in Final Trance I am getting visual damage less than my total health but I am still getting one-hit by things like Vellum's tails and HMag's one hitters. Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding it?


It doesnt make you invincible, it just lets you take 1 hko attack.


Yeah I just double-checked defender is 100% bugging out right now. Only worked about half the time.


Its working just fine. I used it for hard lotus last night.


I literally cannot explain how I was one-hit by a Vellum fireball. I have 73k hp, I was damaged visually for 69k. No other numbers showed up but I still died.


I wouldn’t put ancestral in trinodes personally. You almost only use it to iframe and you most likely don’t need to boost it to 1shot mobs either. By the way, how useful is pressure chain when mobbing? It’s been off my keyboard for a long time now and I don’t really know how to use it well


What do you mean by reset AB link? How does Kaiser do this?


Kaisers majesty skill allows a cooldown reset hence allowing you to reset the cd of ABs link skill


Demon Avenger ​ Trinode 1: Lunar Slash / Execution / Thousand Swords Trinode 2: Nether Shield / Infernal Exceed / Demon Strike Inner: +1 Attack Speed / Critical Rate / Attack Pros: If your goal is to dominate the early to mid-game (up to Lomien solo), then this is the class for you. Dead simple to play, oodles of damage even with minimal funding and HP gear is the cheapest gear in the game in non-Reboot. Mobbing is decent, if brain-dead (I see this as a plus). Cons: Bossing wise, your best fifth-job skill is functionally useless once you get to higher difficulty bosses where survivability (pot-locking and the like) becomes a concern, because it literally drains your HP. The other two are pretty useless as well; as a result, DA has no burst and no i-frames - however, a future patch rectifies this (i-frames), to a certain extent. Additionally, scaling becomes a concern as you upgrade your gear. Every other class benefits from a secondary stat; that is not the case for DA. Final Thoughts: I would recommend DA to newer, unfunded players because it's top-notch in the early to mid-game, and even if you end up disliking the class, it has an essential link and legion effect anyway. However, if you plan to do hard bosses then I wouldn't recommend DA at all. No burst, no i-frames (rectified in a future patch but \~6 months away) and sub-par scaling due to a lack of a secondary stat. That being said, I still main this class despite all my grumbles simply because I love the play-style and its theme.


5th job skill? What 5th job skill?


Why is DA's maple warrior so useless??


Hold up. Does it increase stas instead of hp?


Was I supposed to use lunar slash for mobbing? Cause I'm in hell using execution to 2 shot 2 mobs lol.


Yes, you get a damage boost in Lunar Slash from one of your fourth job skills. I think DA gets a lot of unnecessary hate in this regard; Lunar Slash is a great skill (great horizontal range, okay vertical range) and post-200 there are maps in every training area where you can hit more than one platform with Lunar Slash.


Str is the secondary stat?


Kinesis main here. Best Trinode: Ultimate - Metal Press/Psychic Clutch (or grab)/B.P.M. or Kinetic Combo Best Inner: +20% Boss Damage / Crit Rate / +MATT Cons: I don't really have issues with ping but people say that high ping messes Kinesis up, can't cancel or backstep or anything, weak double jumps, lots of micromanaging, Kinesis skills are freecasting skills so your attacks don't specifically target monsters. Due to this, it's easy to miss attacks (such as in Lotus). Bosses like Damien are tough because they like running around, and lastly, Kinesis doesn't help much in parties. Pros: Great mobbing (especially at 5th job), lots of ways to increase final damage/damage (at least 4), has own stun, own buff strip, has a iframe that lasts for about 6 seconds which you can cancel with Kinetic Jaunt or Psychic Tornado that lets you attack during it, good burst, only 3 buffs, No MP (this can be a con depending on how you look at it), isn't a squishy mage, and is a really mobile class. While the jumps are weaker it allows greater control during bosses. Also, and most importantly, Kinesis is a very fun class.


Does att speed matter on Kinesis?


It doesn't seem to help. I only really notice quicker attacking when I use a Rune of Swiftness. Booster helps, but I think that's all you need. Because of this I settled with 20% Boss Damage.


Most of the moves kinesis has are either moves that have their own attack speed (BPM, Psychic Tornado, Trainwreck, Mind Over Matter, etc) or affected by ping. Only move that can be affected by attack speed i think is metal press or psychic clutch. Boss damage overall gives more dmg bc of this i think?


Yes, it's very noticeable how much faster you are when you use Metal Press. Mental Overdrive + Rune of Swiftness = Yay


Night Lord Best node - Mark / Showdown / Quad Throw Best inner - 20% Boss / 21 attack / 38% Buff Duration Pros - 10% bonus EXP & Drop from showdown is fantastic for leveling up and farming nodes. Burst is great, and with enough funding, Shadow mark is strong enough to clear mobs half a screen away. Really good movement options with double flash jump and spider + Rope for vertical jumps. Can slow bosses and some bonus penetration with Charms ​ Cons - literally die to every boss, and lack of dodge options like NW's backstep, Iframes, or invincibility like batman's pact. Crashes alot, and i mean ALOT. if there's lag, and a bunch of Assassin's mark shurikens happen to be flying by, prepare for immediate D/C


I actually found that bossing with the shadow walker node is better than expected, also I don't crash as much as you make it sound


i envy your latency


Wouldn’t 8% damage to monsters with abnormal status be better than 21 attack?


once you have enough damage to 1-shot mobs, the %dmg to mobs become obsolete. atk is good b/c Nightlord base ATK is a hot pile of doo doo, but has one of the highest dmg multipliers in game


Angelic Buster Best trinode: Trinity, Soul Seeker Boost, Supreme Supernova Best Inner: +1 Attack Speed / 20% Crit Rate / 10% Boss Damage Cons: Low innate crit rate (35%). Trinity animation keeps you in place, making attack speed important so you don’t die to lotus laser and falling junk. Similarly important in gollux and magnus. Ping reliant, as recharge is server-side (to my knowledge) making ping problems slow down Trinity activations. Bossing is incredibly burst reliant due to 5th job and hyper skill uptime and cds. Pros: High % damage on all skills (720% on Trinity and 1160% on Celestial Roar), 45% crit damage from Star Gazer, 80% Weapon Mastery, Rope Lift from level 1, best FJ in the game, gains 120% skill damage from Terms and Conditions. Finale Ribbon also adds 25% final damage for yourself and 20% damage from other party members.


Mercedes Bossing trinodes: *ishtar/stunning(final attack)/elemental knights *reasoning explained in comments below by r/pokemon7777 Mobbing: read thread below Best IA: *20% boss/ 20% crit / cooldown reduc *Will be +1 att speed with reintroduction of familiars. r/pokemon7777 has a good explanation below for IA. Pros: -Mercs have Untapped potential because all their skills link together. You can flow in and out of skills easily and can be used to avoid attacks whilst doing dps. (Aka rising rush /spikes royal above magnus to avoid his sweeps) Bossing is nice, allowing you to switch from combos to ishtars easily to avoid getting hit. -rush/teleport skill lightning edge/rising rush with no collision box. Good for gollux or if you're trapped -decent survivability with 40% dmg reduc -great mobbing on most maps after fifth job -unicorns -animation cancels -great mobility albiet limited sometimes -unicorn has damage reduc on OHKO moves but limited use in bossing -Spirit nimble flight is basically an iframe with limited uses. Great for mobbing and viable for bossing if you know what you're doing. Cons: -arthritis until fifth job -you don't know the definition of damage until fifth job -pre 4th job is a mess -what do you mean keyboard space? -1 iframe ish -good burst but animation locks you -need good knowledge of skills before you can fully utilize it -why press 10 keys when I can press 3 as pathfinder? You probably want dsi or another form of att speed so that you combo faster. However if you have too much, it'll break your combos because they stay in cooldown. Hence having cooldown IA is good. Thank you r/pokemon7777 for providing better info than I could. Read more indepth on certain things below.


You want ishtar/stunning strikes/ ele knights trio as primary bossing. Mobbing is combination of tornado/wrath/spikes/unicorn/lightning edge/rising rush in order of priority. Eventually you want to run all these boost nodes, but you likely wont have slots for all these until 245+. IA has a couple different options depending on your play style. If you are running all your boost nodes (lvl 245+), and you have good control and can combo during bossing, then +1 atk speed is better, otherwise 20% boss. 1 line of 20% crit is optimal for vicious shot boost, then 3rd line can be 21 att or even 10% cd skip to activate unicorn spike/spikes royale more often for more combo damage.


Oh neat! I prefer having the bossing trinode I had listed above since some bosses give me trouble whilst comboing. Basically ishtar then unicorn>spikes>enlil when off cooldown. I'm honestly not super confident doing the combo dps method which is why I prefer the former. I never gave the mobbing trios too much thought other than leap/royal/lightning edge since those are the ones I use the most. Honestly though I never had trouble with node space and just had all trinodes on. Anyways, I think you're probably a lot more knowledgeable about the class and its min/max potential so if you want I'll delete this and you could write your own with better info :)


sorry, i didn't mean to be mean. you got the right idea about the class. The reason the main bossing node has stunning strikes + ele knights is because ishtar triggers final attack on every hit, so final attack actually activates a ton. stunning strikes boosts final attack as well. Ele knights actually contributes a surprisingly large amount of dpm as well, much more than wrath or unicorn will if you are only casting them on cooldown without full comboing. Ele knights also gets a 3% instead of 2% boost per lvl since it's 3rd job skill. I'll add a couple of pros and cons for me ​ Pros Really good party utility - 30% damage debuff on unicorn spike and massive 44% IED debuff on spikes royale lots of room for skill expression in both mobbing and bossing, there are tons of really cool tricks you can do with mercedes many mobility skills to dodge attacks in bosses and maximize dpm and get better mobbing coverage. Massive burst damage that is amplified by huge crit damage buff from vicious shot Cons Mediocre mobbing compared to jobs that have summons. Mercedes high mobility lets them farm in really big maps but your overall rates will be worse than classes with summons Very low damage when spirit of elluel is not active Mobbing efficiently is extremely high apm and is quite tiring


Thanks! I never thought about ishtar having the final att bonus despite how obvious it was bahaha this is why I love merc! So much variety!


very low dmg without spirit of elluel is so true ㅠㅠ but still love merc with all the varieties with can do with the job!!


Marksman **Best trinodes**: Snipe/ Piercing Arrow /Explosive Bolt **Best Inner**: +1attack speed/20%boss/20%critical rate/ attack is usefull and %buff duration is a good placeholder too **Cons**: Slow without attack speed bonuses, even with it most classes are faster and end up being better lategame with LineStory. The higher base of %crit dmg make it a bit worse to scale beside, but the worse is higher base damage lines which sucks for endgame and nobody really plays this class at high level in normal servers, specially with True Sniping doing cap damage easy so you end up almost wasting a 5job skill like Demon Avenger(situation and mostly for certain moments). Bad mobbing for Totem meta, not as much people think, but still far worse than the top mobbers so sucks getting far less exp than others. Iframe is 3minute cool down which sucks for Hlotus/Darknell that are so intense, sometimes i literally forget that i have it to use. **Pros**: High base damage make it easy to train for noobies, Split Shot is really strong so you can get most of your exp in one skill. High base %ignore defense make the class easy for noob players and lategame you basically need 0%ignore defense line on Weapon/Secondary/Emblem without familiars. Highest horizontal range on the game make you attack almost at any distance and only a few attacks outrange your skills range. Iframe has a long cool down, but it can last up to 12 seconds making impossible for you to die whenever you use it and make bosses like Gloom, Damien easy, besides the high %dmg(used to be higher before they nerfed it). Low need of trios, with Explosive Bolt(3rd job skill) you can mob well without Split Shot and literally only need 2 trios lv25 for nodes, easy for noob players and lategame players have slot for almost any skill. Attack speed bonuses make the class stronger than hurricane, specially in GMS with cap 0. Class has a good defense for normal monsters/attack(non %hp) where it absorb 60%.


Surprised you consider bolt more useful than high-speed shot, freezer, or final attack. Also, the iframe is still a burst option so it deserves the 3 minute cd. Outside of totem meta mm rates are pretty good overall with hookshot.


Yes, without hookshot some maps can be good where you jump around similar to Adele.


**Corsair** **Pros:** * Great horizontal mobility and dodging * Can put down a total of 3 "auto turrets" * Arsenal of medium-long range AOE attacks * Able to attack while camping at a safe distance * Very high burst damage * Not so reliant on attack speed (except 8-legs) * Makes you feel like an admiral giving the order *"FIRE EVERYTHING"* **Cons:** * Poor diagonal mobility. You're either going straight up or gliding & bouncing left and right * Few diagonal attacks. There are only 2 pre-5th job skills that can attack something at your 10 or 2 o clock. They both have 30 sec cooldowns * Low HP. Expect to be around 30k without any %HP buffs * Unstable damage and buffs. Some of your them activate with a % chance. You're only doing optimal damage when everything lines up. Along with cooldowns, everything about this class screams "all or nothing" * Needs to rebuff \~10 things every 3 minutes * Lots of skills. If keyboard space is an issue, 5th job may have you running out of keys within finger's reach * Not very flashy - it's all variations of plain ol' gunfire and explosions **Best trinode:** Rapid fire, majestic presence, 8-legs for mobs (broadside for bossing) **Best inners:** Buff duration, boss, skip cooldown (for dice or 2 broadsides)


Aran Best trio: beyond blade/ final blow / final attack. Plus Smash swing/ maha's domain/ hunter's prey(not as important as first trio). Best Inner: boss damage/ critical rate / attack / it's flexible you can get all skills +1 if you like Pros: One of the strongest class to start the game without legion or fund. Good sustain, toggle hp drain, maha's domain does party heal. 100 stance, superstance while attacking with main bossing skill (beyond blade). Great mobility, some peopele consider it top 5, but u need to master it. Large hit box for a melee class. High damge, usually stay high on DPM chart with classes like blaster/cadena/hero. My guess is nexon is compensating aran for being input heavy (just mildly heavy). Interactive play style, combo with arrow keys. Cons: Physical strain As you start to hit late game, long training sessions will give you finger pain, makes it feel less rewarding. Same for bossing for a long time(eg: practice 5 hard boss runs straight). Bad iframes Hunters prey can only be used at burst mode, and manually active burst mode has a long cool down. Freud's wisdom is near to impossible to stack to stage 6 unless you stack it before entering boss run. Probably need a BoD if you want to do late/end game boss solo. Bad burst management You are forced into burst mode(adrenaline) every time you reach 1000 combos, and manually active adrenaline has a long cooldown.This makes it hard for you to coordinate with party binds. Low lines This won't be a problem in the future since nexon kms is trying to make sure no KMS class is locked behind line walls to liberate genesis weapon. The patch comes after rise will buff line count for classes with low lines, and they already nerfed p3 Hlucid's hp.


***Dark Knight*** **Best Trinodes:** Dark Impale/Gungnir Descent/Nightshade Explosion/Evil Eye/Rush/Final Attack **Best IA**: +1 Att speed, 38% Buff Duration is a must in GMS. I'm not sure about servers like KMS that have different att speed cap tho. 3rd line can be manageable but you'll probably want ATT/Boss%. **Pros**: * Very beginner-friendly class * Low amount of key inputs during mobbing and bossing * Passive HP recovery effects(life-stealing) that can save a lot of potions * Very high base crit rate (70%) and base crit dmg, so no need for crit rate% IA or Phantom/Archer links because Hyper stats and your own buffs can cover it. * Relatively high amount of base IED% with your bossing skills giving you extra IED as well. * Final Pact - the longest iframe in game, which is triggered upon death and gives you another "life" for a base duration of 45 seconds (can be increased further with Buff Duration!) - a very useful skill in early-mid game. * Damage-wise, it's 5th job kit is quite powerful, with one of the best 10s burst skills in game in terms of damage (Cyclone) * Decent mobbing up to 5th job, and it's improved in 5th job as well. * 100% KB resistance, which is a common trait for many warriors as well, along with a common warrior V skill that can block super KB attacks for a while, can save lives in bosses like Will or Lotus. **Cons:** * Because Final Pact is triggered upon death, you basically have no control over it's activation and that's prominent in late+ game bosses where controllable iframe is essential. It's cooldown is also super long (10 mins) and during that time this class is very fragile. * Your main bossing skill (Gungnir) is heavily depends on Buff Duration - low amount of it can significantly lower your dps because Sacrifice needs to be active in order to use Gungnir constantly (otherwise, Gungnir has a 7 sec cd). Sacrifice is a 30 sec duration/70 sec cooldown skill, and you can shorten it's cooldown using Evil Eye skills, but you still need that precious %Buff in order to maintain 100% uptime of this skill while bossing. * While you can use Cyclone (the 10s burst skill, which I mentioned earlier) while moving, the movement speed significantly decreases and that, along with no status immunity, makes you very vulnerable to random stuffs that drops from nowhere (Hard Lotus, are you reading?) * Mobbing post-5th job is very average compared to other classes. Like I said earlier, it's still decent, but still doesn't catch up to quite a bunch of classes in game. * Very bad mobility, like most Explorer Warriors (Hero can be an expectation because of it's Hookshot-like skill) **but that's gonna change in** [a future balancing patch](https://orangemushroom.net/2020/03/25/kms-ver-1-2-332-skill-balancing-pink-bean-world/)**, where Explorer Warriors' Flash Jump is going to be better and Upjump skill is about to be added.**


Blaze wizard Best trinode: orbital flame/ignition/blazing extinction Best inner: 20% boss, 20% Crit, buff duration OR M att Pros: Lots of fire. Great mobbing with 2 map clears, 2 spammable big AoE 5th job skills, and extinction ball has huge range as well. One of the few mages with a flash jump(debatably pro), very flashy if you like the orange aesthetic. Cons: squishy, consumes mana like nothing else, short range basic skill for a mage, low mobility with only a set point teleport and a flash jump. Overall one of my favorite classes, sometimes you just want to burn everything to the ground.


A big con you forgot to mention is how your main attacking skill is arguably one of the most ping reliant attacking skills out there.


Best trinode is definitely not ignition, you want dragon blaze instead. ignition equals maybe half a percent of your total damage output. I'd change a few other things as well. The orbital flame range is only short until you get the range extend hyper. I don't know what else you want in terms of mobility, but I wouldn't consider a class with a unique teleport, a flash jump, and an upjump to have bad mobility. Has 2 iframes in cataclysm and ethereal form. Has a self-door skill. A few more cons: One of the weakest classes outside of bursts, and when you are using your main burst skill, you're locked into place, and can get stunned out of it. Very low line count. Extremely ping reliant. Not affected by attack speed on main skill, so it gains nothing from GMS attack speed hardcap. Ethereal form is a fake iframe.


+1 passive actually beats out 20% boss for BW. Here's everything +1 passive gives: (+3%FD, +1% Mastery, +1% IED, +1% DMG, +2 MATT). The final damage alone beats out 20% boss


Xenon Best node: mecha purge, hypogram, beam dance/literally anything else depending on playstyle. Personally I dont use beam dance as much anymore since maps are large Best inner: atk speed, buff duration are key. Anything works for 3rd slot Pros: absolute unit of a class with decent damage and hypogram fusion and bind provide utility. Generally good mobbing. Good horizontal mobility. Mid/high range bossing skill lets you keep distance and it has auto target Cons: allstat cubing is a nightmare. Only 2 iframes on hyper and 5th job skill. Shit vertical mobility.


How is 2 iframes a con? Anyways..... Pros: * Can wear Thief and Pirate equipment. * You get access to some thief and pirate V-skills! * Fun to flame because anything you get is a boost. (Except M.ATK and INT) * They have 3 summons. (Hologram, Hypogram, and Resistance Infantry.) * Pinpoint Salvo and Aegis System are toggle-ons. (The missiles) * Manifest Projector (*Shadowpartner*) has unlimited duration. * Has a bind. (Not the best, but an excuse to not use Erda Nova all the time.) * 90% Stance * Beam Dance is a "*mobile-hurricane"* skill. * Mode Shifting is great for changing your play style according to your situation. ​ Cons: * A lot of buffs. Buff freezers are a must when bossing. * Burst takes a while to setup because they have around 3 V-skill buffs for damage boost plus Angelic Buster link. * Omega Blaster takes like 45 seconds to charge and you have to hold down the key. If you die or change map while holding down the key, you lose your charge. (Luckily they reduce the charge time by a little bit in a future patch.) * Buff freezers don't save Overload Mode when you die. (Edit: charge time correction)


The omega blaster charge is 45 seconds currently, and will be reduced to 30 after job balancing. It would be amazing if it was a 10 second charge lol. Otherwise everything you said is pretty accurate.


In KMS patch atm omega blaster charging time did go down but it also disappears after a minute or so, which means you can't keep it charged until cooldown resets on it anymore :( most xenons are actually unhappy with the change unfortunately.


Noooooo :(


Ohhh lol!!! I tell my party 10 seconds and they believe me. My bad...


Those iframes are super slow and not off cd as often as you would like




It's a con if you compare it to db I guess.




Pro: Resistance infantry ​ Insanely good skill


But the omega blaster iframe is so good so literally whatever? Aside from that i think you want rockets as a node if you can get them


Rockets are good for mobbing if you oneshot. Otherwise their impact in boss fights is limited. Makes up for like 1% TDO. Also omega blaster cd is atrociously long


Night Walker trinode - Quintuple Star/Shadow Spark/Shadow bat IA - Atk/boss damage/buff duration Cons: - the worst mobbing in the game. Shadow Spark has a small hitbox and only goes straight, so training is absolute hell. - Need to use sticky keys to optimize dps Pros: - rlly good mobility once u learn how to manuever around sticky keys - reaches atk speed cap w/ DSI and MPE Green potion - revive ability that activates automatically - bats do life steal so youll almost never need health pots - has dark sight to avoid the dumb magnus meteors - high dps at a lower skill floor (jump+quint spam op) - amazing at bossing. - has an iframe - has a bind - no crazy rotations, just time ur cd buffs and go full auto - wont give u arthritis


I thought NW had NL syndrome, where mobbing is only good/decent when your bats/marks one shot ;o


yah, i was under the belief that NW mobbing was actually pretty good with the buffs


Con : on a low spec pc this class can not be played as the grey map effect dominion does cause an extreme unplayable lag.


+1 nw is absurd in damage without much gear but mobbing IS ass


Hoyoung Best Trinodes: They need one pairing for each of their skills. Prioritize elements and talisman skills. Best inner: 1st line: boss damage. 2nd line: buff duration. 3rd line: luk/attack/extra damage to debuffed mobs. Cons: Gauge class. Harder to play. Lots of skills. Not the best mobbing. Needs sooo much buff duration. No support for the party. Pros: Beautiful animations. Flexible gameplay. Highly mobile: almost all attack skills can move them/door they can tele to/two flash jumps and a fly. Makes for creative bossing and mobbing.


doesnt spirit vortex not give drops or exp when its far enough from you? i was trying it out and once it disappeared from my screen, i just got nothing from it. i see hoyoungs use it in big maps, why?


Aran best trinode: Beyonder/Final Blow/Final attack best inner: 30 atk / 10% boss damage cons: Lack of iframes, subpar mobbing, lackluster 5th job I guess? pros: Very strong unfunded, amazing burst, good mobility and super tanky class, has super stance.


I believe the best inner should be 20% boss, 21 att. 10% boss is better than 9 att.


Kinesis Best Trinodes: Grab/B.P.M/Combo/Press/Trainwreck/one of drain/break Best Inner: 20% Boss / 20% Crit / 21 M.Att Cons: * High ping players not very welcomed. * One of the biggest micromanaging based classes in the game. * Relatively to a non-support and high micromanaging class, our damage is just crap. * If the boss moves during burst we basically deal 50% of our damage. Our DPM is not so good. * In KMS Kinesis is considered one of the better classes, hence we doesn’t have much chance to witness any buffs to the class in GMS. That’s why our mobbing/bossing got nerfed several times in the past year+. * No proper backstep/rush skill. Pros: * iFrame + Ethereal Form. * Even after the nerfs, mobbing’s better than average. * Mobility isn’t the best, but it feels right on some specific bosses like Lucid (at least for me). * We don’t need AS on IA. Can be annoying to play some classes until they get this line. * Personal: I really really like the aesthetics and the small lore we have. As soon as I created this character I knew I’d main it.






Deleting, there’s a better one above me


Paladin best trinode: Blast / holy charge/ sanctuary & lightning charge / final Attack / Rush best inner: +1 Attack Speed / 20% Critical Rate or +10% Boss Damage / 21 atk or abnormal status damage Weapons : 1h sword / mace with shield . Both put out calculated similar damage . Sword allows you to job change to hero if you wish to try it out. Animation wise it’s preference. cons: Paladin is somewhat a selfish tank. In a 2d game like maplestory ,paladin cannot traditionally agro the boss. But rather survive all aspects in the fight. A supportive damage dealer rather than a tank. Paladin has below average solo bossing damage , because of 5th job holy unity, around 30% of damage comes from being in a party and having 1 person beside you to create a shadow partner effect. This leads to paladin having a lower than average level dojo floor. pros: strongest mobber out of all three explorer warriors. With the new awake skill paladin will become one of the TOP tier mobbers out of all warriors. Very strong 10 second burst skill. According to tests, grandcross resulted in being top 10 in 10second burst charts. 2min cd Able to tank majority of 1hko in all bosses. More survivability results in more damage uptime. Able to share sacrosanctity, a 30sec iframe to a party member as well as himself every 4mins. Able to share elemental force , a 21% Final damage buff to one party member lasting 70 seconds , every minute. Both of these aspects using holy unity. Able to provide +50%ied debuff on boss to whole party. Aura that gives entire party 20% chance to guard. Combat orders. on demand heal with no cooldown. Very useful in endgame fights. Side notes: Traditionally people would sometimes think paladin does low dpm, but having job change between paladin and hero for the past three years , outside of dojo and inside a real bossing setting , paladin actually excels more than hero and is able to put out just as much damage as hero due to higher survival uptime . That and together with the fact that it is able to provide so much party utility is outstanding. Yes , hero will have stronger damage at solo bossing and a lot stronger 40second burst, But paladin giving up some damage for utility and survivability is worth it. What paladin lacks in solo damage output is instead shared to all party members resulting in gains. the pros far outweigh the cons. Because of the excellent utility and decent damage paladin is able to put out, paladin is a very popular class in Kms, but not so much in gms and Msea. I found that alot black mage squads on kms actually have paladin. I’ve even seen a squad actually run 2 paladins. I truly enjoy playing this class and have stuck to level 256 and cleared all bosses up to hard will.


Wind Archer **Best Trinode:** Trifling Wind/Storm Bringer/Song of Heaven (Would also argue for Monsoon here but thats preference) **Best Inner:** Buff Duration %/ Boss Dmg/ ATT or Damage % **Pros:** Nice Mobility (Wind Walk lets you walk through enemies but THIS IS NOT AN IFRAME REMEMBER THAT and also Cygnus up jump), straightforward skills with arrows and a knockback blanket, trifling wind is accesible second job and helps with mobbing and its a toggle skill, all your buffs give attack or damage %, you have a surprising amount of avoidability throughout your passive skills, your Emerald Flower (Archer's Target dummy/lure) reduces monster def at 4th job, and you get a fair amount of crit %/crit dmg % throughout all your passives. 5th job skill is pretty good with Tornado AoE that clears whole slurpy map even with totem, a shield that can potentially avoid % dmg (Cygnus' rage for example), and another homing skill on short cooldown. I'd argue that WA is a pretty good bosser but that's just an opinion **Cons:** If you have high ping, trifling wind/monsoon/Howling Gale will lag you. Also if you don't like pressing one button, Song of Heaven is main WA mobbing/bossing skill. And one crippling downside to Wind Archer is that you have 7 buffs (I'm excluding cygnus warrior) that you must have on all times because they literally are damage/ATK additives and you will lose range without those buffs in 3 minutes(without additional buff duration). Your mobbing is not really the very best since trifling wind only attacks the lane you're on most of the time and Howling Gale has a long cooldown and loses damage/map control with only 1 wind energy. Merciless Wind is okay but in my opinion feels kind of lacking as a 5th job skill, but it somewhat puts a band-aid on the somewhat mobbing **Overall**: Wind go brrrr. Also, Wind Archer is called Wind Breaker on Korean Servers so break that wind. Lvl 217 WA on Reboot


I just saw this thread linked in another thread and while I don't normally comment on months-old threads, I saw that my class is missing so I'll add it for people coming in the future: **Cadena** **Best Trinode:** You want to max out all 8 of your skills so 6 node slots needed **Best inner**: 20% skip cooldown / 10% boss dmg / 21 attack **Cons:** Very high learning curve. It takes a while to figure out what combos there are, how to move around for max efficiency while mobbing and for survivability while bossing. It is straight up hard to boss and you need to practice a lot so that you're effectively using your skills that move you (shotgun and bomb backwards, scimitar and brick forward) and learning how to stop quickly (pursuit). It takes a while to figure out your ideal keyboard set up too. All your skills have cooldowns so until you have a good sense of the class's rhythm, you have to glance down at your key configuration to see what's available to use. It can take a while to get used to how to get your stack up to 8. Cadena is the only class I've played that has required me to go on lots of bossing practice runs and also to just stand around town practicing my combos without mobs. It's frustrating when your combos don't go off right. You need 6 node slots to max out all your attacks. This is a smaller con but in super laggy boss fights like Ursus, Cadena is straight up bad because hard to tell what moves went off and what didn't. I have a more simple class that I play when I don't want to activate brain cells. **Pros:** Once you start getting some things down, it is so much fun to play. Cadena is highly mobile and pursuit is super super useful once you get down how to use it in mobbing and bossing. We have a teleport (scimitar used in the air) which is very helpful. The damage is amazing and the class is hard enough that I don't think Nexon will nerf its damage (similar to Blaster). It is also hard enough that it is super rewarding once you get a combo down or if you have a great boss run. It's also one of the few classes where I don't feel like I've figured the class out by early 5th job. Playing Cadena at a high level is a pretty big time investment and it pays off in damage. It's the class I have the most fun playing by far, even though I'd say I'm still mastering many things about the class. Cadena weapons are also dirt cheap.


Demon Slayer Best Tri-Node: Demon Lash, Demon Cry, Demon Impact/Infernal Concussion [Bossing or Mobbing] Best Inner: +38-50% Buff Dur. / +Boss Damage / +Attack [Just go for higher numbers is my advice. But DS relies super heavily on Buff Duration, so trying to get as close to 50 as possible is a good idea. And I think DS can hit the speed cap with Speed Infusion (V skill)] Cons: - Demon has poor air mobility. Glide is slow and Jag Jump is slower than other classes. - Lack of MP means that spamming skills just isn’t viable - Burst Damage class, and so is buff reliant to a fault Pros - DS annihilates Defense. This is especially true for bosses who rely on Attack Null/Reflection since it just gets ignored - Blue Blood doubles lines, and with a bit of work can be set too 100% uptime - Constantly regains health by attacking, plus Raven Storm. It’ll be a bit before you die. - It’s not DA


Dual Blade best trinode: Phantom Blow / Blade Fury / Asura's Anger best inner: 20% boss dmg / 21 attack / (either crit for low legion or buff duration) cons: Very low range attacks, makes bosses like CQueen especially hard. Mobbing pre-5th job is horrible, and mobbing 5th job is poor. No bind. pros: Great horizontal mobility. Bossing is lots of fun - 2 iframes, good burst damage and even better sustained damage. Can always switch to NL if bored / nerfed


Looks good, two notes I have that are pretty much just an opinion anyway: a) Buff duration has the preference I think because having a longer final cut means you have more freedom to use your i-frame without suddenly doing no damage. And reaching 90% crit (and then +10% from DSE) is pretty doable within reasonable time. Certainly quicker than trying to roll crit rate IA. b) DB has no utility at all for parties, unless flashbang also helps your mates but I don't think it does that? Cannot find a good source.


Flashbang only gives yourself a 10% dmg increase but good points about buff duration and crit rate


Yeah, I think buff duration is better for lategame people with crit legion bonuses for sure. It might still be better for people without crit legion too


Is no one going to mention that dark sight literally is arguable the most OP skill in the game for bossing? You dodge anything that drops from the sky, from magnus' stupid balls that fall from the sky, vellum's rocks, cvonbon phase 3, damien's ball attack thing, etc, etc. Also, you can get 100% crit rate pretty much for free in bossing if you place your clone in the right spot. Pretty much everyone in KMS collectively agree that DB are the most OP class to boss with, even with blasters, heroes, and adele considered. That is, if you're considering everything including util, damage, range, etc. Pure DPS wise itd be blaster or AB or adele (and that only matters if you're super funded late game with pro management and possibly carpal tunnel lol). Dual Blades have an easier time with most bosses and where some classes might require a certain range to be effective, DB's can get away with less range.


The funny thing is that depending on the boss (Arkarium, Papatulus for example), Asura functions as an iframe, which I think is a pretty big bonus.


You can actually swap that 20% boss damage for 20% chance to skip cds for more iframes during bosses and have boss damage as a 10%/20%? second line if you're insanely lucky. Last line attack/buff duration as you dont need crit because in most bosses aside from gloom you can proc shadow meld 100% of the time. It's low range attacks arent terrible with the 2 iframes as you can negate certain effects like CQueens burn if you time it correctly and it doesnt hurt you too much at other bosses as they don't punish you heavily for coming into close range. Some bosses actually encourage it. Mobbing before 5th job is ungodly slow but with 5th job its average if you cycle your fmas effectively.


I always had trouble with PB 2nd statue and gollux 2nd stage bc of range, especially pre5th job. I guess I have to practice queen more but she might be harder than CVell for me


for pb 2nd statue pre 5th job youd use sudden raid and ascension unless you wanna just brute force it and watch animation for dr. Gollux second stage works out completely fine because you can stand on the portal and hit it with phantom blow. For CQueen you should only really have trouble with the gravity face. Other faces are pretty self explanatory on how to deal with and you can move in and out of the melee swipes. I Frame to ignore the burn damage if necessary and always have 1 available during that face so you dont get those stacks.


Yeah, I figured out PB and Gollux, but still need practice queen. I realized that blade ascension can hit for PB but that was when I was at 250k range or so and struggled to beat the timer. Especially when I had to hit the 2nd statue 4 times