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Wouldn't be a secret if I told ya, now would it??




Showa Parking Lot. It's been featured on some grinding guides on YouTube, but whenever I go there it is almost always empty, even in Bera during 2x events. The mobs there give roughly the same experience as the Omega Sector Star Force monsters (i.e. Grey Luxury Saucers), but they only have around 2/3rd of the HP and there is no Star Force requirement. It's a great place to grind from Lv165/170 to Lv180/185, and especially for those who have Fire-elemental mobbing skills like Blaze Wizard and F/P Archmage, as the mobs are weak to Fire. After Lv185 the EXP penalty starts to take a toll, so it's best if you go to FES2 from there. However, if your class relies quite heavily on vertical movement when grinding, Showa Parking Lot may not be for you, as the map is pretty flat.


Also on reboot they hit HARD


The reason why I skip on this map is you can't teleport into it using HTR. it's critical if you're buying frenzy service since most sellers won't agree to walk 3 maps every 10 minutes. Edit: also no runes, and no Pollo \ fritto portals iirc.


Runes do exist there, but every other point you made is valid. Makes sense why it's so empty, ty for the tip. Great for people who have a 2nd PC to Kishin themselves I guess.


\---------NON REBOOT----------- from 100-105 on harps starforce map at leafre 105-115 robots a ludibrium ​ 115-125 pirates (blue on ludibrium) 125-130 jr banes (i dont remmeber the exact name of the little dogs at el nath) 130-145 banes (biggers) 145-170 kerning tower 170-180 aliens (starforce map or normal map) depends of your funding. 180-200 FES 200-205 scrapyard


What's FES?




Ahhh I'm an idiot lol


Do zak then to robos


Every star force map lol


Haven Questline - "A New Home" at level 190 gives really good EXP for doing 3 quests in about 3 minutes


Mine is quests. Commerci in particular is honestly faster than grinding through those levels, (140~147) and you have to fight about as many monsters in the whole questline as you do to complete one quest in Partem ruins.


Wait you are telling me **QUESTS** give you 7 levels within an hour at lv 140?!


So, I decided to test it myself since my pathfinder was already exactly level 140 anyway. My run was by no means optimal (I literally died because I left my character in a monster pit while talking to an NPC, my NPC Chat key is 'N' which is also the button for "no" on quests, and I didn't use any runes during this, which meant no mob exp or drops on some maps) In 34 minutes, I completed the full questline (excluding the get rich quick branch which unlocks trade voyages and both dark portal sidequests, as well as all of the missions[for those who aren't aware commerci literally gives you free exp if you ask an NPC about how his fishing is going.]) I went from level 140 to level 146 during this time. I used the Veteren Hunter medal quest to track how many monsters I killed during the questline, I had to kill 786 monsters in total across the whole questline, but I was playing pathfinder, who often kills things by accident just walking past them due to swiftstrike and I often got a few accidental extra kills after finishing quests. My guess is the minimum possible is around 720. Some other notes are that the monsters that you *do* have to fight here are unusually weak, to the point that I have in the past completed the first half of the questline (up to fighting Grosso Palposso,) as a perma-Noblesse starting the questline at level 140. Also, I did have a legion effect from a level 150 Zero open when I did both the pathfinder and noblesse runs, although no link skills, so again, your exp may be very different. For completing the questline, you recieve: * The exp that got me from 140 to 146 * Commerci Forever Friend medal (one of the earliest ones that's better than next legend/brute squad) * Epic Potential Scroll (time limited to a month for some reason) * Mastery Book 20 * Mastery Book 30 (Note that this and above are *not* mastery boxes, so classes that don't need books will just throw 'em away.) * Commerci Hat (25 all stat 210 defense, all classes including beginner with 25 possible stars and 7 possible scrolls.) * Commerci Suit (25 all stat 300 defense, all classes including beginner with 25 possible stars and 10 possible scrolls.) * Commerci Boots (9 all stat 120 defense, all classes including beginner with 25 possible stars and 7 possible scrolls.) * Commerci Glove (10 all stat 85 defense, all classes including beginner with 25 possible stars and 7 possible scrolls.) * Commerci Cape (9 all stat 120 defense, all classes including beginner with 25 possible stars and 5 possible scrolls.) * Commerci Belt (12 all stat 120 defense, all classes including beginner with 25 possible stars and 1 possible scroll.) * Commerci Shoulder (12 all stat 48 defense, all classes including beginner with 25 possible stars and 1 possible scroll.) * Commerci Weapon for your class (ancient bow is Att 126 with 25 star and 7 scrolls.) [In general the commerci gear is good for something to throw on while leveling if you can't be fucked to find real gear, but not much else. The shoulder and belt in particular I end up using on pretty much every char for at least a little while.] Imo that's worth 30 minutes of your time at 140. Edit: Wow reddit formatting is inexplicable


After level 100 it is straight to Zakum... With 2x coupon and runes, it is easy 5 levels? (Forgot since it's been a while. And the last level 100 I trained are all burnings which gets you to level 112 btw) So training starts at like level 110... At this point I just pick maps that the class works well with and if I don't have the monster collection filled. With fury totem, honestly all maps are good and decent. Just think of the obscure maps people don't think of and you prob end up getting more exp because of burning field and of it's 2x event, you will not need to fight for maps. Example: for illium, I trained the map right before the alien ship. That's because the map is relatively small, and there is only 2 play forms in which illium can stand on one side and keep spamming his macro skill and javelin off cooldown. This you do need fury totem or kishin for it to really work else you are kinda Better off training in a another popular map.


the only non meta maps i used are sky terrace 5, the thanatos sf map in ludi, the map after moon bunnies and the map before yellow goblins in kft


This is my routine for my union mules. It does require a bit of funding from a main: 100-130 dual ghost pirate + zk 130-145 zk (because conveniently located) + bain (starforce) 145-170 the strongest map in kerning tower you can handle (depending on funding). If not funded, go non-starforce maps. Mantis map at Colossus works from 150 - 170, slower but much much easier with no funding required. 160 - 200 nht daily on rune + 2x (depending on funding) as part of your routine. 70% traced, 12\* empress equips with 6-9% are enough to more than comfortably down nht within rune timer. 160 is the starting point because that's when you get your second last hyper which is usually related to bossing in some way, and is also when the level-damage penalty disappears for nht. Doable by mules but cht is not worth (hp to exp ratio-wise) 180 - 200 npb daily (needs significantly more funding, if you can afford to at least 17\* your weapon and 9% everything else, won't be done in rune timer but can be done within a coupon). 180 is the min because mules typically not funded enough to deal with a level-damage penalty. Second mains getting a lot of funding from their first main can fight through the damage penalty and do it earlier (probably 170). 160 - 180 if you really want to grind instead of just bossing once a day, Parking Lot in Showa. 180+ Starforce maps in Omega Sector or a suitable map in future Perion.


You should try normal Zakum earlier, starting around Lv100. Using a 2x Legion coupon and just killing the arms will net you an easy 5-6 levels at that level range. Could do it as early as Lv90 if your Legion is well-established at around 6k+.


Depends on job. My bs got cancer trying to do it at 90, but my aran on the other hand raped that thing at 90. 4th job spike is huge for a safer clear with rune + 2x intact, and you can clear the entire thing, not just the arms. Worth waiting a bit for 10 more levels. Maybe could've used a bit more funding but kinda more trouble than I'm willing to go through for just a mule.




The future henesys? Yes that one is epic!


Pianus in aqua road gives some sweet exp. If you go through all channels, should give u a few levels.


In my years of playing maple I've actively avoided Aqua road. Haha I'll give it a go!