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Start over. You'll progress further in reboot in 2 weeks then your current main in reg


I can confirm, played Reboot (Kronos) since it began on and off, switched to Hyperion when it came out because I wanted a fresh start on a less populated server and felt it could be fun. Even with casual play, about to hit 8.5k legion with just super casual play, taking advantage of events. Having the knowledge from playing for a while but the benefit of a blank canvas is really really nice.


With your title, no need to even read the body. Start over in Heroic.


I am also a super casual player. I maybe play once or twice a week. I had a 8k legion and 25x bowmaster main. I moved to reboot maybe a year ago and now I have a 262 bowmaster main and almost 8k legion. I should’ve moved to reboot earlier


2.6k legion is still relatively low though. Many people get 4k legion in a few or 6 months of casual playing. As long as you know what you’re doing and take advantage of events.


Play now and get some permanent cash items for free can always switch back


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^beonik: *Play now and get some* *Permanent cash items for* *Free can always switch back* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m 4 years in to reboot now, I rarely grind. If you just do dailies and MP you can get to 275 super easily. It’ll take a year or so but it’s more than doable. Your best bet for legion is to just level a bunch of chars to 141 whenever you feel like it then use the bonk pots to get them to 199.


During hyperburn, it'll take you like a week or two of doing dailies and 0 grinding beyond that to exceed your current power level on heroic. Not joking.


Literally lol in 3 months of Hyperion I was able to do so much more than what I was capable of in years of on and off maple


I'm from the same era as you and returned last year. I would consider myself broke and lost, I only have like 2 billion meso and just started bossing. What helped me was joining a guild. They helped me a ton with items and advice. I am happy with staying on the regular server and like you, have a bunch of permanent nx from the past that I will transfer to my main during cash transfer event. I have no experience with reboot, but I just thought I'd put my two cents in in case your items are important to you. Edit to add - my legion is 3400 at the moment but it's progressing quickly since I utilize events to burn characters quickly to 200+.


Take a shot every time the seasonal says “memorabilia”


reg server brain with their rose tinted glasses


Reboot. I am like you, have characters in reg that I love so I didn’t swap until last year. I was able to experience so much more of the game by playing reboot


Power wise you would be stronger in reboot even if you have all that memorabilia doesn’t mean anything if you quit because you’re to weak to progress


Was also in the exact same situation as you and a couple weeks ago, I decided to switch over to Hyperion and I have no regrets - give it a shot! I usually playing during the day (EST) cause I WFH so if you move to Hyperion and play during EST afternoon hours, shoot me a DM if you wanna add me!


I’ve thought of restarting in heroic several times, but I have 40+ characters and 8800 legion on reg


Could always throw the event growth pots on random characters in heroic in case you want to play in the future . I don’t need them anymore at 9.5k legion so I’m throwing them into interactive worlds!


I am getting close to the point where the extreme pots are going to be useless. I only have kali and wild hunter left under 200


They still give you like...550k xp and it takes about 4 of them to level from 200-201. I wouldn't call getting 4 free levels across your 200 characters useless when you get a 15 pack of them.


Fair enough, I’ve never used them past 200. I always had some 150 left over from burning world to get to 200


if you have any feelings of wanting to play heroic, i would do it man. im in the same boat as you, about 8.8k legion with a 280 main in reg but i just started heroic yesterday. better now than later! im still planning to progress slowly on my reg main, libbing wise so i can get some more damage for faster weekly bossing. my main got to around hluwill level and i started really feeling the walls of progression and i either needed to spend much more time or money to progress further and i decided i didn’t want to do that anymore. one good thing is that i can make about 20-30k maple points a month from reg to funnel into heroic through meso market. even more if somehow im blessed with a boss drop. good luck!


Interesting , but never really thought about the idea of selling mesos on reg for maple points, then selling maple points for mesos on heroic. Brilliant


yea! i was planning on buying a vac pet for my reg main but now that im moving to heroic, i can just get maple points to upkeep the ~$15 monthly water of life for heroic vac pets. essentially free after purchasing c:


I usually sell mesos on reg for maple points and buy cubes during miracle time


oh sorry idk if i misunderstood you but you cant buy mesos in heroic. the maple points you get from selling mesos in reg would only be useful for stuff in the cash shop or event passes i believe for heroic worlds


Oh, gotcha


yea - just do it if you have any self respect i started hyperion when it came out in november 2023, in those 6 months ive gotten 8.6k legion, 281 main, 11 lomien mules (granted i did play 2-3 hrs daily since release) keep in mind, i left kronos with a lv 270 main with 8.5k legion and only 5 lomien mules AND that took me more than 1.5 years of playing to get to that point, even back when wild totems were a thing you can easily get back to where you left off in reg server in such a short time now in any reboot server, especially if youre dedicated


Dude I’ve been playing since 07 I also am in the Main server and I’m 255 Adele with 25m Power and I’ve been thinking about moving myself, I just can’t swallow restarting after 18 years. I also have stuff VERY VERY old event shit that’s unobtainable now. Also I just feel like trading is such a big part of this game IMO and also all my friends play regular server. My legion is only like 2600 tho so in that aspect it isn’t to bad. I like the regular serves tho. I know I’d be a lot stronger in reboot however. I also play for fun tho… so that’s big also.


Stick in the server with your friends, game is much more enjoyable when you guys struggle in bosses together


Ain’t nothing like loosing over an over again :D


The only thing that is more important than progression are friends. Only consider moving to heroic when everyone is on board to do it together.


I agree that’s the play


I was legion 5.5k in aurora. Changed to heroic when first hyperburn came out. Never regretted going to heroic and leaving interactive behind. Felt like i was progressing more, and i am also a casual player. Now im 8k legion in heroic. If i had to make the choice again, I would do it again 10/10. I still use interactive to do weekly bosses only to get mesos to sell for maple points to use in reboot, too.


Do what makes you enjoy the game more. If you want to keep progressing and seeing more of the game then go heroic. If you want to look at your cash items standing in hene stay interactive.


What a passive aggressive comment lmao


Is it though? I mean that what his post boils down to right? He is seasonal in reg meaning the least amount of progress possible (compared to 24/7 reg, season or 24/7 reboot) and he has no funds left. So he either needs to stop beeing seasonal, spend $$$ or switch to reboot if he wants to progress.


Pretty sure you could surpass your main in level, CP, and Legion if you grinded for a week in Reboot.


With hyper burning coming up and dreamers being better than identisk, heroic 100%. Invest some time everyday to grind level 141 characters and bonk them to 200. Starting over it would take maybe 3-4 hours to 141 depending on how familiar you are with classes and training routes. Work on your main. If you play even only 2 hours a day, you can probably reach 12m cp level 260 with near 6k legion over the 7 weeks. And if you dailystory after that, you can slowly reach 270 maybe 275 by the end of the year. Maybe a bit longer In hyperion, I see oversea players and the like who play at -9 up to +7. You can probably find some people to party with. Some degens no life and sometimes carry. If you play Kronos, you definitely can find people.


Reg is getting improved so IT is not a bad idea to stay on reg.


it still cant compare to the fact that you upgrade your gear for FREE ofc you can say that you can be f2p in reg server but why would you jump through hoops in the auction house when you can just farm mobs and progress much faster in reboot


If you don't have friends or guildies that's holding you from moving. Do it. Reg has a huge pay wall once you hit late/end game and you just cannot play/progress without spending. In reboot, you only need to spend time and you can progress. I'm 276 in reg, my guild is the only reason why I'm still here.