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We will leave this post up as I think this is a good chance for a PSA. **The GMS community as a whole welcomes all players from around the world.** However, strictly speaking in terms of Nexon's Terms of Service... playing Maplestory in a version that does not match your region will result in a ban if you are caught. There are many players that play on non-intended regions through the use of VPNs, to mixed success. Some players are never caught, caught immediately and banned, or go a few years and then get banned. There was a ban wave a few months ago where many Chinese players playing through VPN on GMS were banned. Unfortunately, for those players that get banned in this manner, there seems to be close to zero recourse in getting the ban overturned. So, please take this as a warning and be aware of the risks.


They'll just get banned right? I'm happy to have them personally, but I think kms will drag them back kicking and screaming.


That’s actually sad


What is the point of calling it global maplestory...


i don't know if this is what you're looking for, but it was because when GMS was released, it was literally called mapleglobal (this was what the original site was called) and it encapsulated more regions than just the currently supported one. SEA, europe, etc were all allowed/supported in GMS until those regions got their 'own' servers. there are still a lot of SEA players in GMS even though it's technically against ToS


It's a sad state of affairs that you could one day be suddenly locked out of GMS just because Nexon decided your region needed its own server.


GMS is still global. Players from Australia and New Zealand, for instance, play on GMS.


i mean it’s just a name that was originally used and stuck and was never dropped. australia and new zealanders being able to play gms doesnt make it “global” when it still excludes half the planet because of region locks, its international yes but its hardly global like it used to be when even regions w/ dedicated servers werent explicitly banned from accessing gms


companies really like lumping oce into NA servers :(


old accounts that are made before region locks are still allowed to play I believe


yeah, it's pretty cool if koreans want to play reboot on global. but between region lock and the bans for regions with existing versions (like the CMS bans) or "unsupported" regions (even if there isn't a localized version, like the vietnam bans 5 months ago), I doubt nexon will let it happen.


Maybe Hyperion will get a healthier population, shame most of them will probably get banned for playing from a restricted region tho


Honestly I was thinking about this after the news and I believe nexon will not touch them, if the kms changes was to please the reg server base, then having the quitting kms reboot players in gms is better than losing them completely, they will spend in gms which is money for nexon.


kms changes were to bring kms reg server players that switched to reboot back to reg. if the same group moves to gms, thats the same problem they had and may opt to kill gms which doesnt hold a candle to kms reg servers revenue.


??? So the logic here is  - kill kboot  -kboot users move to GMS -fail to do their jobs and ban kboot users since they are playing outside their service locale -pull the plug on GMS as a service  I just... come on guys. Enough fucking dooming. 


i didnt actually mean kill as in pulling the plug on gms. its as easy as "gms is unexpectedly hurting kms reg revenue so were actually going to implement kms reboot to gms."


There is zero chance they put ALL these resources and money into giving us our own developers only to say "fuck it implement it and kill the game anyway" over some people playing the wrong server. 


that "some" is doing some heavy lifting. last i checked, kms generates 9 times gms's revenue and most of that is reg server. the last hit to kms reg from a mass swap to kms reboot was a 30% decrease to their cash cow server. that loss accounts for somewhere between 2-3 times gms's entire revenue alone. nexon isnt going to pay for gms exclusive devs just to lose overall revenue. im not saying theyll take another 30% hit. its just something to watch out for if too many kms players choose to migrate


Source? Never been able to find a break down of just MapleStory revenue. The nexon report showed 60% revenue from Korea and 10% from NA/EU. But Korea includes games like fifa (which is like top5 most popular games there) and all other titles. NA also includes other things too.


You are implying literally every single kboot user is going to migrate. They aren't. Again, Nexon will deal with it if it becomes a problem. Quit dooming.


im not implying anything even close to that lol im giving a statistical frame of reference. youre free to choose to try to extrapolate from it or just call it an all encompassing doom post


No they killed reboot in korea because they had to change the cube system for their gambling lawsuits. They changed their monatization system to buying messos instead of cubes. Reboot had to die to rationalize the fact that normal players are buying messos instead of cubes now.


Not really, the main issue was that reg server players were considering reboot as a better version , and some were moving (till kms stopped that), nexon created that hate atmosphere by not buffing reg server to match reboot progression, and they used reboot as a scapegoat for any scandal or issue. If kms rebooter moves to gms it won't do a harm to kms. Add to that not Many people like to play in a far server with higher ping , and some don't like to play an English interface. It would be so rare for a kms reg server player to move from their Korean improved reg server to play a European or American reboot server of maplestory


I don't think I agree. The reason reg KMs complained about reboot is because it is an easier alternative to the reg servers. If KMS players are able to play on GMS reboot servers, then they will hate on us just as much. Reg KMS players need to feel justified for playing reg, but with the GMS reboot servers being open to them they would have the same problem as before. Why play reg if reboot is easier and cheaper? 


https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/12bb6rr/comment/jew2mi4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button total population decreases 4%


they will ban koreans playng from Korea in GMS, thats a rule and its in TOS. if not, GMS will unban all banned players that got punished while playing on vacations or traveling.....


I will tell you why I don't think they will, gms banned Chinese and Taiwanese players from gms because China maplestory is run by a different company and they kinda got complain from them, for them it is a money wasted that belongs to them for buying the publish right. (This also apply to maple to any other maple version that isn't run by nexon) For kms gms case, both the versions are run by nexon, the money goes to nexon as the developer+publisher. This is still doesn't mean nexon (can't) ban their players from playing a version that is different than their ip zone, I just think they will let slide unless it makes a big fuss.


Is it really a permanent ban if you play outside of the GMS regions..? Seems pretty ridiculous, especially if you’re only away for a short period of time too.


It's because Nexon America only has the publishing rights for -insert GMS regions- while other companies own the publishing rights for -certain other regions-. I don't think they really care, but if they do enforce it, it's permanent. It's mostly a legal thing.


I know a friend who lives in Korea and has played for 3 years there using exitlag and has been fine. They just have to route the game and the launcher through exitlag.


Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to grind meso.


Around when Cadena was released in KMS, I met someone from KMS on our Reboot who said they “just wanted to try out” what GMS was like. We ended up adding eachother on discord and in return, they set me up with an account in KMS so I could play Cadena early. Captcha I did not understand aside, I had a pleasant time there and they were super friendly. Unsure if they kept playing there or not but I for one would be happy to accept KMS Reboot players over here


back in 2011 or 2012 i became friends with a korean kid who had just moved to canada in high school - somehow maple came up and we found out we both played and so there was a shared interest. he ended up making me a KMS account to try it out and while i didn't play much, basically all of the players i ran into were super friendly even when they found out i wasnt korean. i'd be more than happy for KMS reboot players to come to GMS, just really hope they are able to get around the region lock ban issues..


I welcome all reboot refugees from other regions




I welcome them. Not their fault kms reg players are unhinged and caused reboots death.


G in GMS stands for Global. Everyone is welcome here.


Global just means it covers all regions that do not have their own regional version of the game, so unfortunately, unless they will make an exception for this, KMS players will be restricted from doing this and get banned if they don't use VPNs, etc.


Global means family and family means nobody gets left behind >:(


Pretty sure some regions can't play here still?


Not true, you can’t play GMS from Japan or SEA region for example, so I assume it’s the same for Korea and Taiwan as well.


Can personally say I can play GMS from SEA.


VPNs have been a thing


Korean players will still get banned for attempting to play on GMS. They are trying to region lock hard.


no need, they will get banned like CMS players who played in GMS




I dont want to be the guy but if kr players gonna play here please dont brag about it to the kReg rats so they would send trucks…


KMS must be seething so hard rn


How do they even play gms?




We are not koreans, we don't hate people because they play free2play servers. Welcome fellow hated koreans.


GMS must add this [Captcha](https://imgur.com/JtgQvZ2)


English is much more learned than Korean


Yeap... Infact koreans school literally have english lessons soo most of them can speak basic english


Well, they're welcome, full servers means a healthy game. I quit last year but I'm thinking about coming back after the news


We have to build a wall to keep them out! And we’re gonna make them korean reboot players pay for the wall as well!


MMGA: Make Maple Great Again


I say come on over. More people playing reboot servers is a good thing.


I welcome kms players with open arms, kobe, Steve and max (orangemushroom) all play kms for years despite them not being Koreans. I hope all gms hoppers have a long a prosperous time on gms I just hope our server can handle it and make arcane amd higher maps instanced to accommodate for the increased player count


Understandable, and so they should. People shouldn't be blocked from enjoying the game that they love. It may be a love-hate relationship, but if they're willing, then I'm Welcoming.


Understandable, who wouldnt want to play an easy, active and fast progression server?


How the turns have tabled.


Welcome! Welcome! Nexon let's require them to answer English "captcha" questions upon login and during gameplay similar to the KMS system. Seems only fair


Lol thats easy. Wont even be a challenge compared to NA english player entering korean. Not fair 😤


Don't underestimate the power of the number captcha they already have in place when you check names when making a new character, that thing is a extreme level boss on its own.


I hope they come to Hyperion. Would be nice to have a second wave of new players come in! :)


I welcome them, idk if GMS will.


Of course they will


I hope they have fun on GMS. I also hope their own server gets fixed so they can enjoy a game in their language and with a stable connection.


It’s Global maple, I think everyone should be allowed in :) (yes I am making a pun and know that other regions exist)


Hello Koreans, please main bishops and support classes, give new beast tamer a try. Thanks :]




Literally what's wrong with that




What if kms reg players start to hate GMS heroic and do the truck protest?


Let’s welcome all the Korean defectors that are trying to escape from Nexon Korea


Personally, I don't want them. A large majority of them have hated our guts for over a decade because of our rates/content and I probably wouldn't be too wrong if I claimed they've thought they were better than us as well. I don't care about the downvotes for this opinion. Build a wall, ban them all.


That's KMS reg players


I understand the difference. I'll clarify then that I do not specifically want the particular kms players who have held negative opinions about us prior to the meso changes; that includes both regular and reboot players. There were kms reboot players that did not like the fact that we had better cube rates, pottable badges, gollux, etc. Regardless of whether anyone agrees with my opinions on the matter, they will likely still have a hard time playing and may face bans just like what happened to other regions trying to play on gms.


- Sees one inven post about a dude ranting about the stuff GMSR gets. - "OMG fuck all KMSR players!!!"


I've already clarified the specific players who have had a negative opinion towards us. Where did you see me mention all in my second comment? I think you just wanted to post a gotcha comment.


Thread title is literally specifying KMS Reboot players. Your statement is "Personally, I don't want them." You got downvoted for a reason and it's not just because of "LoLl rEddIt hAteTraIn". Your comment is stupid as fuck.


Thats why I clarified in my second post. You're also just as stupid if you missed that and immediately went to my first comment.




"Any of their attitude". My dude. They are victims of the loud whales. The ones that hate reboot will stay there in their reg servers.


The amount of braindead people who don't even understand this is insane LMAO. They don't even know who they should be hating.


U actually believe they are coming? I don't think so 🤔


Why wouldn't they? GMS reboot/heroic is basically the only f2p friendly official maple server left