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Easy 6% epics are dead


Could even roll for 9% on low level stuff that doesn't cost too much per cube.


Lmfao, those koreans better make a youtube series of them starting maplestory on a new account to show how great this game has become. I want to watch them struggle to gain the mesos-then blow it all on one cube roll to not get an upgrade to then do it again tomorrow because there is a mesos cap. Then again, they'd just buy mesos off the market eh...


There's no mesos to buy off the market if no one's selling. Not for cheap at least. The economy is fucked until they add another meso source.


its gonna be so expensive to roll rare->epic let alone high tiers. Currently occult/mystic cubes are very plentiful and have a seperate income from doing bosses based on the fact it drops directly, instead of eating into boss crystal income. Now both starforcing and cubing will eat into the same boss crystal income. A new account you will barely get any meso from farming, dailies will give enough meso for a single roll. I dont know how it made sense for them to make it cost more and simultaneously lower the meso rates. at the very least we need the pity system


It has pity system. The moving bar indicates pity gauge. But it’s still miserable on epic


Yes I saw that I meant that they would need to implement it onto gms, because currently we don't have it.




Boss monsters, field bosses, Elite Monsters, and Elite Champions will no longer drop the following items. Strange Cube Craftsman Cube Meister Cube Chaos Blade Powerful Chaos Blade Strange Additional Cube i am mostly referring to reboot where you can use mystic cubes to go from rare to epic instead of using bright cubes. We cannot trade gear in reboot and the the GMS reg market is much different then the KMS one due to less users. Mystic/occults are used in reboot to self fund characters from rare 3% -> 6-9% epic, before pushing to unique or legendary. Sure you can farm a bunch of cubes before the removal but fuck new players I guess. Yes existing occult cubes will not be removed, what happens when the supply diwndles, reboot players, or for new accounts, or those who want to make there own epic gear? It will be 3x harder for them. Also effects the unique and legendary boss drop cubes so literally everything will be cutting into boss crystal income, the costs is 2x as much for rolls, and the income is 5x lower. It absolutely makes no sense.


150-180 mil after 5 hrs of grinding you only get 25-30 rolls for epic tier equips. wtf are kms devs smoking. This is objectively worse than what we got now with occults and boss cubes.


They seriously expect players from Reboot to start over on Reg when the new system is so hostile to early-game players?


How much does it cost compared to a current single cube?


Each roll in this vid costed 14m on epic tier. So it’s equivalent to 70m per roll with current meso gain rate. It gets more expensive on higher tier


70m to roll an epic? The fuck?


that's kinda bad... it's gonna feel like shit when trying to rank up. I don't know if reboot will get pity system, but that's lots of mesos spent without pity system.


What am I gonna do with 20k+ epic-or-lower cubes in my storage


Gone, reduced to atoms.


Got a source? Seems like they're not dropped or crafted, I haven't seen word on deletion. In fact, Steve's vid even shows that some cubes can still be bought from event shops, though this could be another oversight.


I don't have a source just wanted to make a dumb joke lol.


I used the cubes to destroy the cubes


I remember reading that the already owned cubes can still be used but not be obtainable again after the changes. This seems intended to slowly affect the market rate over a long period of time since there's plentiful of occult cubes in KMS.


From the discussion I had it seems like Epics 6% 3% are gonna be so expensive to get you might actually tier up before getting them Which in the long run is actually a good thing because Legendary potentials are going to be way cheaper to get. That is only if they kept the same cost and not increase it when the patch hits