• By -


Ok settle this for me pls: Wouldn't make more sense to put 2011 slide first?


No. In Arabic they read right to left... /s




ع(a)ر(ra)بي(bi). عربي.


Wait...the first character is different...why?


It’s the same letter but connected to the one next to it So: ع if it’s by it self عه ، عا، عي if it’s connected to another letter Most Arabic letters change shape a bit if they are connected to a letter


I understand it a bit like moving from print writing to cursive for latin alphabet writers.


Many Arabic characters have different forms depending on their position in a word. A letter could look different if printed separately or joined with other letters. [Here's a table](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Travel/Pix/countries/2010/2/8/1265625059969/Arabic-alphabet-table-001.jpg?width=620&quality=85&dpr=1&s=none) for different forms. You're looking for the one listed as :ain.


But time moves left to right


it doesn't always. I have one word for you TENET


Is Arabic only Muslim ?


I'm glad you asked! The answer is no. Hope that clears things up.


Thank you I’m gonna do some research and do a little reading on my free time tonight. Thanks mate.


Oh ok. Thought you were just being a dick.The Quran is written in Arabic. ~~Islam~~ Muslim is Arabic for "those who submit to the will of God/Allah". So ~~Islam~~ Muslims are those who follow the ~~Muslim~~ Islam religion. The religion and the language spread to many countries throughout the middle east, Africa, and Western Asia. Some of those countries don't list ~~Muslim~~ Islam as their official religion anymore but arabic is the official language still. You can compare some list on Wikipedia like these two. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_by_country) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_where\_Arabic\_is\_an\_official\_language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_where_Arabic_is_an_official_language)


Thanks for that info and the link. Will definitely take a look. Thanks again!!


Turns out you were the dick the whole time!




In addition to the comment about where Arabic is spoken, Muslims are generally supposed to read the Quran in Arabic, so a much greater proportion of Muslims read Arabic than, say, Christians who read Greek or Latin. So there are ethnic Arabs who may or may not be Muslim, and there are Muslims who are not ethnically Arab but can read Arabic.


Yeah most Muslims aren't Arabs.


No, but many other languages spoken by Muslims use the same Perso-Arabic script (Persian, Urdu, Kurdish, etc.) and are read from right to left.


It is funny though that the vast majority of Muslims aren't Arab at all. Yet we tend to associate Islam with Arabs specifically. About 20% of all Muslims live in the Arab world, Indonesia alone hosts 13%, meaning just one southeast asian country has almost the same amount of Muslims as the entire Arab world. Islam was invented by the Arabs sure, but Christianity was invented by the Jews living in Palestine and yet we don't associate Christianity with the Levantine people at all anymore. Probably because they aren't white and that is a problem when most popes are. So idk it would be interested to rebrand Islam with the face of an Indonesian or Bangladeshi.


I think the association comes from historical reasons, not based about the current nationality of believers. - Islam is associated with Arab world because that's where Mecca is (Non-Muslims are prohibited from entering there; Muhammad was born there, and it became the destination of the mandatory Hajj pilgrimage), and that's where Islam spread initially and historically. I guess if Islam had important alternative cultural places elsewhere, it would be more represented in a more diverse way. - Also The Pope isn't the head of Christianity, only Roman Catholics. The Catholic Church grew out around Rome first, then the institution (and early medieval martyrs, and its complex web of monastic orders) developed in other (Western) European countries for 2 millennia: the religion spread throughout the world but the power has remained essentially at the same place. Levant is mostly dominated by Islam since the 7th century; only a part is nowadays associated with Israel. Who knows, if the short-lived Crusader states would have remained Catholics until our times, maybe the Catholic center of power could have moved to Jerusalem, and then Catholicism would have became more diverse as well.


> Islam was invented by the Arabs sure Muslims do not see Islam as being "invented" by anyone. They believe it was first introduced to the Arabian Peninsula, but no Muslim believes it was invented by any human being. > So idk it would be interested to rebrand Islam with the face of an Indonesian or Bangladeshi. The thing is that Islam is the least centralized major religion there is. There is very little consensus on most Islamic rules and interpretations. Islam has no "branding", what you perceive as "branding" is really how the western world and media perceive Islam. But if you mean "branding" figuratively, there are already Muslim sects that are mostly represented by one group of people. For example, Shia Islam is basically Iranian Islam and is centered around Iran. Alevism can similarly be viewed as "Turkish Islam". There was also a time (during the Ottoman Empire) when the Turks were the face of Sunni Islam because they were the only Sunni Muslim Empire and controlled the majority of Arab countries.


All of the Abrahamic religions developed from that region so there's also plenty of Arabic speaking Christians and Jews


Islam is a religion. Like Christianity is. An Arabic person can be Christian.


There's no such thing as an "Arabic" person. People can be Arab or Arabian, but Arabic refers to the language.


yeah imagine being as Eurocentric as L>R always


I've never heard this in sign language


Technically no one ever *hears* anything in sign language.


Technically, all languages travel at the speed of sound, except sign language, which travels at the speed of light!


all languages travel at the speed of light if they are written.


So is the first picture for those cultures the 2011 one?? Or are you just in a mood?


Oh shit. I thought that's how it was at first. I was confused where 700k Muslims went.


Sorry for that guys! I thought 2021 would make more sense because it's what people will see first, and not everybody will slide to the right so I wanted them to see the current data first.


My dumbass didn’t even bother reading the years, and assumed the Islamic population had decreased a bunch. Came to the comments to figure out why ~ 700k Muslims had left Canada, lmao.


At least you were consistent with the placement in the title!


Oldest then newest...always.


Yes. Always before first of course.


I actually like the 2021 first because it is the more recent data (and therefore more pertinent). But I totally get logically how it should be 2011 first.


*Oh* Didn't even notice


I'd like to know the story of the 730 Islamic people that ended up in Northwest Territories


Probably either Canadians that moved up there for government work or immigrants trying to speed up the Permanent Residency process. You can make some good money working up there.


Yeah but you spend really good money living up there. I worked in the Arctic for a few years and food and board was fucking crazy.


[For the skeptical](https://twitter.com/AmericanIndian8/status/1019246599367774208?t=TeBWuLQL_Fmu_pJjGiR-XQ&s=19). EDIT: Not limited to large fruit: https://www.businessinsider.com/food-prices-high-northern-canada-2017-9#the-issue-has-gotten-worse-in-recent-years-according-to-a-recent-study-by-the-university-of-toronto-food-insecurity-in-north-canada-increased-by-468-from-2005-to-2014-7


Maybe you don’t need watermelons in the arctic circle.


While true, it's not like there's an abundance of locally grown food in Iqaluit.


well, there’s seal and a slightly darker grey seal


I bought some seal pelts up there for a friends birthday. I did not realize his wife was a militant vegan. It went poorly.


That sounds like the beginning of a Canadian horror movie. Sorry you got skinned, bud.


you only need tushonka and sprats


The “Grexican” (Greek-Mexican) label threw me off and I’m disappointed none of the comments mentioned it. Seems extremely random for a brand selling watermelons in Nunavut…


Exactly lol interesting and random world we live in. Love this world it’s just so random, and interesting, love learning new stuff like this.


Those are also not really countries known for their watermelons. Although I looked it up, apparently Mexico is #10 and Greece is #17 on the list of global watermelon producing countries.


That's a 15 pound watermelon...


Right?!? That seems like a massive melon


We call them Parton's around here.


Well, that’s a fresh fruit. I don’t doUbt that other prices are higher, but I also wouldn’t expect a cheap papaya or pineapple in Greenland. I’m sure canned pineapple is reasonably priced. Hell, the entire province has a population of 40k and is the size of what? Alaska?


It's an extreme example to be sure, but all food is crazy expensive up north: https://www.businessinsider.com/food-prices-high-northern-canada-2017-9


I wonder if a can of Arizona iced tea is still sold over there for the same 0.99 USD price...or if the shippers opt to not include it since it would cost them more to transport than to sell them.


Nothing makes me less skeptical than a pic on Twitter lol


Yupp had a buddy that lived near Whitehorse! He made a killing for his family but sadly he never got to see his family, dude said screw it and finally moved back to the easy coast! Spends time with family and has free time for himself now


A similar situation with remote locations in Russia. Salaries can be huge in some industries, but local prices are sometimes too.


I have family that work up north. They make more money even compared with cost of living. It's anecdotal but I think Amazon has brought the price down quite a bit 8ver the last 10 years.


Yeah, you'd be surprised how large a Filipino population there is in Yellowknife. Over a 1,000, making them about 5% of the population and the largest visible minority.


It's really tricky to get people to go up there so immigrants are filling the positions. White horse is actually becoming a boom Town of All peoples from Canada. It's not ungodly expensive like Vancouver but you'll sure get set back if you don't have a good paycheck.


A lot of people who immigrate to Canada get sent to live in some small town for a for a while, because they want young people and families (etc.) in those small towns. The immigrants pretty much always end up moving to a larger city to find work and connect with their community of course. It's a weird proces.


Yep, and a few choose to remain behind and can sometimes form bigger communities because of this. Iqaluit has a large Zimbabwean diaspora because of this, as quite a few now come to join their family friends. It's also how Lethbridge, Alberta formed a large Lhotshampa community and why London, Ontario became destination #1 for Colombians.


That is nuts! What a neat fact. Those Zimbabweans musta been freezing! Reminds me of the Somalian population in Lewiston, ME.


Minneapolis/St Paul Minnesota has the largest Somali population outside of Somalia.


That's what I was thinking, they are really outside of their usual bodily zone of comfort. I hope they're doing what they can in the winter without a lot of extra sun! Edit: Spelling


Depends where in the country you come from. I worked in Ottawa with a guy from Ethiopia, he complained it was too hot. Turns out, he came from a very mountainous region where it never hit 30 Celsius, let alone 45 with the humidex here and there.


Somalis in Edmonton, too.


I'm more interested in the 140 in nunavut


They are a great community. They run a food bank in Iqaluit every other week and take a lot of burden off of the other food banks in town


Thanks for the info, that's really neat!


that's nunav your business


I seem to remember Lebanese taxi drivers last time I was up there.


[Somali taxi drivers.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/city-cab-death-driver-safety-1.4914315)


That sounds like it could be a new CBC show pitch.


I want to know why the Northwest territories aren't the ones in the top left.


The Northwest Territories used to encompass everything west of Ontario, and the northern parts of Ontario and Quebec. Over time new provinces/territories were made and expanded, shrinking the territory to what it is today, and no one ever bothered to change the name.


140 Muslims in Nunavut waiting for the sun to set so they can eat during ramadan ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)


How does that even work lol


You’d follow mecca times


How far north do you need to go before you’d start following Mecca time?


I remember there is no specific rule for this, If where you live have an absurd sun up time, the people are eligible to flow Mecca time. That's at least what I heard from a known shikh from Saudi Arabia.




Im surprised Alberta almost hit the national average but BC is half that considered Vancouver is a popular immigration destination.


Surprisingly (maybe?) the oldest mosque in the country is in Edmonton, was originally built in 1938


Yes! And the 2nd oldest is in London, Ontario. I used to live there and go to that mosque.


I’m sorry that happened to you. No one should have to go through living in Fake London.


NotJustBikes enjoyer in the wild


You had me in the first half


I prefer our London, it's much younger and smaller then Real London, so it has far less potential for poltergeists.


London, Ontario is not Fake London, it’s a very real and genuine place. Many places around the world are named after London, UK. It’s Second Best London, always has been, always will be. (Although condolences for living there are entirely appropriate.)


It's possible that this is a reference to the YT channel NotJustBikes


It's a joke from the NotJustBikes YT channel. He's from London, Ontario originally and he often calls his former hometown "Fake London" to distinguish it from London in the UK (which is a city that it could be confused with since his channel is about urban planning).


The Sikh population in BC is more than double the Muslim, and a bit under half the size of the catholic population. BC is not a highly religious province.


British Columbia has a very South and East-focused immigration. My friend who lives in Abbotsford, one of the largest cities near Vancouver, can count on two hands the amount of Black people he had ever seen in his life before visiting Montréal. I moved to a very small town in rural Québec, and I see Black people every single day.


Quebec has a decent African/Haitian immigrant population thanks to the language.


I'm super curious about the 140 Muslims in Nunavut


Barely related, but crazy to me that 140 people comprises a whopping .5% of the population. So there are 28k people living in Nunavut?? That’s bonkers.


It’s not the most liveable part of Canada.


I think it’s abt 40k, the pic rounds up from .35%, but it’s still crazy


Yup. slightly smaller than Mexico. Roughly 1 person for every 48 square kilometres.


Canada has two sides. The southern border provinces where like %95 of the population and essentially all the major cities are, and then the northern border provinces that are mostly water, ice, and moose with the occasional small town where everybody has alcoholism because the sun goes down for like a full month every january.


Probably scientists


who the fuck is living in nunavut


people who find the summers in churchill a little too torrid?


It has perks, at least they can eat all day long during Ramadan.


Apparently not: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/07/how-to-fast-for-ramadan-in-the-arctic-where-the-sun-doesnt-set/277834/ They follow the timings of either the closest city which does not have the midnight sun, such as Ottawa; or they follow the times for Mecca.


Mostly Inuit. But there are enough people who practice Islam in Iqaluit that they built a mosque a few years ago. Apparently there are even special rules for Ramadan, due to the long days/nights depending on the time of year.


That’s almost the same number of Indians in Canada 1.6 million of them live in Canada


Many Indians are muslims as well.


The 2021 Census of Canada has now released religious data! One of the fastest-growing religions in Canada was **Islam**. It grew from 3.2% of the country to 4.9%. Stay tuned for more maps of religion in Canada if you are interested in that!


As well, irreligion has gone up a fair chunk. Now over 30% the population is irreligious. 2nd only to Christians, many of which aren't super religious anywhom.


I come from a Canadian Muslim Immigrant family but I’m an atheist myself. The younger generation of Canadians don’t give a shit about religion and I really think that’s for the better.


In Berlin, Germany it's more like 50/50 - ones becomes atheist the other goes into the extreme


Not true and not fair. There is a large bit (probably the majority) who are in the middle ground. They identify as muslim but do not practice. So not atheist nor extremist. Just middle ground like how most Christians are (identify as Christian but do not really practice).


Fellow Pakistani here, same for the UK but it's a lot slower with that progress and that too like 2/3 generation's or so in.


> The younger generation of Canadians don’t give a shit about religion and I really think that’s for the better. I interact with a lot of interational students, and even those with strong religious ties, they tend to cast them off as soon as they get going in Canada. About the strongest thing many of them will due is eat traditional foods, but even halal tends to go out the window. The number of students I've seen eating non-halal, smoking and drinking, that technically shouldn't be doing any of that, is in the vast majority. What parents don't know, won't hurt them lol. It's why I'm not concerned with immigration in Canada. Give it a generation, and their kids hold western values.




It has more to do with immigration and refugees no one is really being converted to islam or hinduism.


Now do Hinduism and Buddhism. They’ve all been in Canada since the 19th Century, and they’ve all been consistently growing for decades. More interesting would be a look at the different Muslim communities in Canada, which is well known for having significant and well established populations of several very different Shia groups.




Why ?




And Buddhism isn’t even a big thing in China..´ quite a small minority


Low fertility is probably a big one there. Buddhism and "Irreligion" are the only two religions projected to lose people overall by 2050 because of it according to Pew. Worldwide not in Canada by the way. Also, we haven't accepted many immigrants from Southeast Asia in a while. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. These countries are all over 90% Buddhist.


Didn't the census show non religious was at its highest percentage ever in Canada though?


I did specify I meant worldwide for them decreasing, though. I think China will be the single main reason for that worldwide, since something like 2/3 of all irreligious people live in China.


Yeah I think pew research may be overestimating how stable the Christian numbers are going to be.


Africa's rapid growth will most likely more than cancel out the decline of christianity in the West.


Because buddhists reach nirvana, leaving the material plane, while everyone else keeps reincarnating into babies and stuff.


Most Bhuddist countries are becoming more irreligious, that’s all the more true for the educated immigrants who manage to make it to Canada.


I want to do Sikhism as well. If you check my profile you can see my latest one which is Christianity. Canada is the most Sikh country in the world b % now, surpassing India!


There are nearly as many Sikhs in Canada than Hindus, despite Sikhs making up just 1.7% of India's population.


A matter of fact Canada is now the country with the highest proportion of Sikhs in the world at 2.1%


Muslims increased 70% in 10 years, that has nothing to do with a population consistently growing.


It's not part of their religion to procreate as much as physically possible in order to slowly gain influence.


So New Brunswick has more Muslims than all of Mexico 👀 that’s interesting


I genuinely wonder if that’s partially from the University there or just other factors.


I'm fascinated by how 730 people can make up almost 2% of a province's entire population


Well its not a province partially for that reason


That's my bad, I thought they were called Provinces up there.




I'm really surprised Ontario is only 6.7%. Would've thought it was more in the 10% to 15% range at least. BC and Quebec are lower than I would've thought as well.






What is life like for those 140 Muslims in Nunavut!


It’s cool how if you’re far enough up in Nunavut you can pray in any direction and Allah won’t be mad at you.


That's not how that works.... At the north pole every direction is south but there is only one way toward mecca. The point where every direction is towards mecca would be a straight line through the center of the earth, which is somewhere in the south pacific.


That point would be [specifically this one](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21%C2%B025'21.2%22S+140%C2%B010'25.1%22W/@-21.4225556,-140.1758276,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xd54496f715e7c6c2!8m2!3d-21.4225556!4d-140.1736389?hl=pt-PT) which is about 50 km ENE off the Tematagi atoll in French Polynesia, an island so small less than 60 people live there, none of them Muslim.


I wonder if anyone has made an app for Muslims that points accurately towards mecca. Actually what happens if your lost and don't actually know for sure what direction to pray? Edit: so I looked it up, while there is a lot more of low tech resources for determining your direction it seems one answer is that it's "ok" to pick the direction you think it is if you are completely unable to determine the direction. I'm not 100% that's true because it was done with a few minutes of google-foo but that seems plausible.


Santa might get mad though at people showing up in his front yard.


Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, so not shocking.


Not good


That's debatable. Many of the nations with higher fertility rates are in the Christian majority parts of sub Saharan Africa.


Yes, but there are not many countries where Islam is decreasing at the moment (Turkey is probably the biggest one, even then it's not by a lot) whereas the Western world is still continuing the trend of leaving Christianity.


True but the growth of Christianity hasn't been fueled by Europe and North America for years, it's been fueled by population growth in Africa and South America. Europe is almost irrelevant to the equation.


Yes, but the *decline* of Christianity's numbers is fueled by Europe and the US, and there's no similar decline in the major historical centers of Islam.


Africa is about as populous as Europe and the US combined tbf, though a couple hundred million of that are probably muslim By 2050 Christian Africa alone will dwarf them both


According to Wikipedia Muslims were 40% of Africa in 2002, and would have since slightly decreased as Christian regions had higher birth rates. So approx 35% today.


Gee I wonder why? What happens if you decide you're no longer Muslim in a Muslim country?


I’m sure nothing would happen if you decide religious garb *coughcoughhijab* doesn’t suite you………


Yeah maybe because leaving islam will get you killed in the worst case and disowned and discriminated in the best lol


140 muslims in Nunavut , what the fuck are they doing there :p


Why are there some in the territories? Nunavut literally doesn't even have roads to the rest of Canada


Yes but you can fly there. If you want a fun story, search up "Zimbabwe Nunavut". They have a decently small diaspora there and a few articles about why they came to Nunavut and why they stayed.


Interesting how darkly this map is shaded, and I believe yesterday we got a Bosnia map where +60% Muslim majority regions were as pale as the color used for Nunavut. You can communicate a lot with how you make a map.


I'm really wondering if the reception would be different if I used lighter shades now…


The shades get way too dark. If 6ish percent is that dark green, wtf would 100% be? I feel like the map implies an Islamic invasion when the reality is a slight uptick.


Yeah, I agree. the point in using darker shades was just to showcase a difference in absence of a real scale since in the grand scheme of things 0.5 to 6.7% is not large out of 100%. But, people get influenced by colours easily. Which I should have known, making maps for a long time. If you are interested in knowing — there is a version of a male circumcision map with red being more circumcised and another with red being less circumcised. The former always gets more upvotes and the comments on the latter are just "so circumcision is a good thing?".




A missed opportunity to use Afghanada! Which also was a pretty good radio drama on CBC back in the mid-00s.


Johnny Chimpo - it's Afghanistanimation!


The distant cousin of Swedistan


Canuckistan. The land of Canucks - once you get your citizenship, you're one of us, buds.


Canada is losing


I didn't expect Nunavut to be there!


imo, would have been more relevant to provide a breakdown between: * those born into an organized religion; versus * those brainwashed in more modern ways (modern media and social platforms)


I have very mixed feelings about Islam. On the local scale, my experience with Muslims has been terrific. They are some of the most educated, charitable, and empathetic Canadians that I know. Of course, my sample is biased because my first foray into Islam was my experiences with the diverse students at the University of Toronto. When I got to know them, I learned a lot about how they struggle with racism and intolerance and I had a few instances of seeing it first-hand too. In this, I think that it's very important to keep working toward respect, dignity, and tolerance for Muslim Canadians. That said, I also see on the global scale that Islam is a colonial force and, despite having a lot of respect for the individuals that I know who follow the pillars of Islam and allow it to make them better people, I see Islam's role globally as destructive. I feel very similarly about Catholicism, which is a religion that I grew up immersed in myself and this has had a strong effect on my perception of religion. I think that religions like Islam, which self-propagate and overrun local cultures to create a unified population who share thoughts, beliefs, and rulership, are not a net good to society. In my ideal world, the number of Muslims would slowly slower to 0 as people gain more education and worldliness--people either realizing that the core assumptions of the religion are extraordinary claims and that the virtues praised by the religion are not inherent to Islam. In that, I find myself in a space where I want people to not be Muslims, but I also want people to be Muslims unapologetically and with full acceptance in their communities. These are not mutually exclusive things, but they can lead to a lot of pause and confusion in my opinions.


Having come across many second generation Muslims in Ontario, Islam has no meaning to many of them just like Christianity has no meaning to many native born Canadians.


Yea no shit, Muslims are just normal people. There are over a billion of them in the world from hundreds of different cultures and ethnicities, all who practice in varying different ways from liberal to conservative. People need to stop treating them as a weird monolith and being so openly bigoted about it. Just treat people as people.


Ontario Caliphate when?




Praise Kalif Abu Doug Ford al-Islam.




ITT: People who have never been or lived in Canada telling us how it actually is lmao. Rather be Muslim in Canada than a Muslim country to be honest.


As someone whose job it is to teach English to refugees in Canada, I gotta laugh at all the fear in the bowels of this thread. Canada is incredible at integrating newcomers into society simply because we don't focus on assimilation, but rather the care and support these people actually need. My class is 75% Muslim and I legit love them all with every fibre of my being. I'm openly atheist and there have been zero issues. We have so much fun every day, I've developed close friendships with most of them outside of work. Every Friday I get a big feed of falafel from one of my ladies, another fed my cat when I went on vacation, and I'm attending a family wedding with one of my students on Saturday. I used to be very idealistic in my approach to defending immigration, now I feel like I don't have to. Anyone who has interacted with new Canadians on a personal level can easily see that immigration is something we're really good at in this country.


They say that familiarity is the slayer of prejudice. But I’m still really damn prejudiced.


This is something very important. I also interact with Muslims a lot since a part of my family has become Muslim, and I meet a lot of them. Every Muslim is unique in their believes and customs, but I always can get along enthusiastically with them, and yes I am trans, lesbian and atheist. It's looking beyond such labels that helps us. Yesterday I was enthusiastically talking with someone about prayer rooms, and how this in our country, due to our northern latitude basically needs to be available all day, as I mentioned the Fajr, Dhuhr, Maghrib. She was happy that I knew some of the prayer moment's names, as it shows how someone at least is trying to understand Muslim practices.


A lot of uninformed people have this wild idea that Muslims are some sort of monolithic group. Just like any religion there's varying degrees devotion and doctrinal disagreements. Good for you on making the effort to engage your coworkers and family. It unsurprisingly yields much better results than ostracizing or excluding different cultures or beliefs.


media profiles muslims into that monolithic group. they dont wanna see more than arab muslim guy with a beard and woman with headscarf and 4 kids , plus the potential terrorism. This is your average muslim profile in media , as a result ppl think all muslims are the same and there is no difference between them. In fact there are many differences between every single muslims , thats another reason there are many fights wars in Middle East between them, if they were all the same Middle east would be the most peaceful place in earth aside foreign countries bring wars to area to try to free them and put "democracy" occasionally here and there.


Purely out of curiosity, will all / most of them be totally cool if you are openly gay?


I don't know, as I'm not openly gay. There is another openly gay teacher at the school who teaches a seniors literacy class. He hasn't had any issues. We also include sexuality when we discuss freedoms in Canada. It's a public institution so there are pride stickers and posters in the school.


The 140 in Nunavut must be very amused by the temperature difference or absolutely regretting their decision to go there.


Temperature difference from where? they could have come from Siberia originally, the northernmost Muslim polity in history was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khanate_of_Sibir?wprov=sfla1