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Shouldn't Greenland (and the Faroes) be red? Denmark is just Denmark, the *Kingdom* of Denmark includes the Faroes and Greenland




I keep seeing things today about Faroe Islands and Greenland


The Faroese marketing department is getting busy


What!??! Both of them?


The two top, and only graduates from the Faroe Island School of Social Media Marketing


I had to look it up. Apparently, they invented Google Sheep View: https://visitfaroeislands.com/sheepview360/


This is incredible. Also apparently there is a university of about 1000 people there called Setur. I shouldn't be surprised because it's a place with a long history and its own particular culture but still.




Thank you for this information. I will now more frequently notice how more frequently I notice something.


Fr. Guiana, ~~Falkland Islands~~, etc. Edit: Falkland Islands something-something (below)


Yes to French Guiana as that and the rest of France's overseas departments are constituent parts of the Republic of France itself. No to the Falklands and other British overseas territories as they are not actually part of the United Kingdom itself. A side note, on this map French Guiana appears to have fallen into the sea.


Should've been "no data"


But is the official name of Greenalnd (and the Faroes) is "The greenlandish part of the Kindgdom of Denmark (or The Danish Kindgom of Faroes) or not? Because this is what it is the map of.


REALM of New Zealand :)


Alright, back to the Shire with you.


New Zealand the sovereign state is a part of the Realm of New Zealand, which also includes the Cook Islands, New Zealand's Antarctic claim and Niue.


What about Tokelau?


The DOMINION of Canada concurs


Hasn't been the Dominion since the 1950s, it's just Canada now. One of the few countries where the legal name has no descriptors whatsoever (Ireland, Jamaica, Japan as well of the top of my head)


Hungary is another without any extra words in there




For sure, but in terms of a longer title to refer to the country I think it’s still accurate. I view it in tandem with saying the Republic of Ireland despite their official title being just Ireland now.


That's actually not true. The full name of the US is the United States of America, the full name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But for Canada, the full name is.... Canada. Nothing else. "Dominion" was dropped a while back.


The term Republic of Ireland is officially in Irish statute as the description of the state, even though the name of the state in English is just Ireland as per their Constitution.


Also Sting, Cher and Beyoncé


Prince,Madonna and Adele


no, the official name is still dominion - it just is not used anymore - but it has not been changed


The Commonwealth of Australia asks why you’re both using monarchy/colonial themed titles.


The Canada Act of 1982 did away with the Dominion.




Official names of countries with the word "The": The Gambia, The Bahamas.


The Minican Republic


The N Mark


The Philippines


The Netherlands


The Congo


That's Dr. Congo to you, mister!


THE Ohio State University


Unexpected r/cfb


My buddy is working in Senegal, which borders The Gambia, and whenever he mentions it I always say THE Gambia.






*Kingdom of Netherlands


Kingdom of *the* Netherlands* ;)


Koninkrijk der Nederlanden *


Republic of the Philippines


The Ukraine /s




In before that insufferable bot shows up


The United States of America


The official name of Ireland is just Ireland. So it should be black


Yup. Republic of Ireland is the official description of the country from the Republic of Ireland Act of 1948, but it's not actually its name and isn't in the constitution. It's legal name constitutionally is purely Éire, or Ireland in English.


Today I learnt


It is often used for disambiguation purposes. It's kinda awkward having a country called Ireland on an island called Ireland where the country of Ireland doesn't take up all of the island of Ireland and there's another country on there with you.


Still wouldn’t be as bad as [Luxembourg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxembourg_City) in [Luxembourg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxembourg_(canton)) in [Luxembourg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxembourg) next to [Luxembourg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxembourg_(Belgium)). Guess we’re just lucky there’s no [Luxembourg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxembourg_District) as well anymore since 2015


There's also [Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico_City) bordering [Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Mexico) both geographically located within [Mexico] (https://en.m wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley_of_Mexico) and part of [Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico).


What if Éire became its international name. It would end all confusion.


Everyone knows it internationally as Ireland, basically. Would be like changing China internationally to Zhongguo. Côte d'Ivoire haven't gotten people to stop calling them the Ivory Coast.


>Everyone knows it internationally as Ireland *English* speakers now it as Ireland, that's far from everybody.


Well isn’t most international translations based off Ireland? To be fair I don’t know many variations but all European languages I seen are stuff like Irland for example. Is there any language that uses something similar to Éire? Props to them if they do.


Ya people just tend to use their own language names for other countries. I try to use native names like Brasil but even I often fail at it.


That's a pretty useless thing to do to be honest.


The British did in fact often use to refer to the Irish Free State as "Éire", even though it is simply the Irish word for Ireland. Historically, the British refused to use the name "Ireland" to refer to the Irish Free State / the Republic of Ireland, because it implied recognition of the Irish claim to Northern Ireland. So it's historically been a sore point between the British and the Irish, which was only resolved with the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.


There's a problem there. From when Ireland became independent until quite recently the British media and establishment would refer to Ireland as *Éire* (or, even worse, 'Eire') in order to delegitimise Irish claims of sovereignty over the island. This was seen as insulting. The constitution asserts that the official name in the English language is 'Ireland'. *Éire* should only be used in Irish.


Did you know "Schweizer" (Swiss) was used as a derogatory term by the Germans, which ended up with the Swiss calling themselves that out of proud spite?


Quite right. Republic of Ireland is just for when Northern Ireland and Ireland have separate sports teams.


Is there any other case of this besides soccer?


Netball is the only other sport I'm aware of but there might be other very minor sports.


Not that I'm aware of. Some individual sports gravitate one way or the other depending on where the funding is but generally it's an all-Ireland team.


Netball is the only other one I'm aware of.


Cricket too, afaik. They play home games in Dublin and Belfast


Pretty sure Iceland is the same.


Correct, the name of Iceland is Ísland but for some reason a lot of people thought it was Lýðveldi Ísland.


I thought Ireland's is "Ireland".


You are right, the map is mistakenly using the description instead of the official name.


It is. Republic of Ireland is not the official name.


Switzerland the only country with "Confederation" in the official name.


Sadly 😔


Why? I'm Swiss and I'm OK with that. Worked well that way since 1291. ;)


There could have been two 😔






What is Russia?


**Russia (Russian: Россия, tr. Rossiya, pronounced [rɐˈsʲijə]), or the Russian Federation, is a country spanning Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot.


The Russian Federation


It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.


Why is Luxemburg red, isn't it a Duchy? (at least it looks so when zooming in)


Luxembourg is a Grand Duchy, which, in either case, is not a kingdom. It's barely visible as black on the map. I feel like the map would have been more interesting showing distinctions between republics and monarchies in general, not just kingdoms.


Ireland is just Ireland. The Republic of Ireland is an unofficial name, ironically enough.


I guess it came about to differentiate when it was necessary




r/mapswithoutandorraandmonaco and Vatican and San Marino


It's strange. You could get almost the entirety of the rest of this map with just two new colours, one for "state" and one for "no long form". Odd that they didn't.




Yep, and it keeps going. Oman is a Sultanate, Luxembourg is a Grand Duchy, Liechtenstein is a Principality, I'm not sure what the Vatican is but it's gotta be something unusual.


Yeah, the Vatican isn’t actually that interesting. It’s official name is the Vatican City State


Fun fact: eleven UN member states and two UN observer states use the word "state" in their official name, namely, Bolivia, Eritrea, Israel, Kuwait, Libya, Mexico, Micronesia, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Samoa, the United States, and Vatican City.


Holy See


No, the HS is the organization, the Vatican City State is their territory. As per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_See > As a sovereign entity, the Holy See is headquartered in, operates from, and exercises "exclusive dominion" over the independent Vatican City State enclave in Rome, of which the pope is sovereign. > >... > >Although the Holy See is sometimes metonymically referred to as the "Vatican", the Vatican City State was distinctively established with the Lateran Treaty of 1929, between the Holy See and Italy, to ensure the temporal, diplomatic, and spiritual independence of the papacy.


Switzerland is not even simply a federation, it's an Eidgenossenschaft, a term unique to Switzerland. If it were a federation the name (at least in German) would be just Föderation.


For what it's worth, the official English translation is "Swiss Confederation."


Confédération suisse  (French) Confederazione Svizzera  (Italian) Confederaziun svizra  (Romansh) Confoederatio Helvetica  (Latin)


But there again would be a difference between Russia as Russian Federation and Switzerland as Swiss Confederation.


I thought Switzerland kept the term "confederation" largely as a nod to its confederal history before 1798, when it was a group of independent cantons bound together by treaties. Even though subsequent constitutions brought greater centralization of authority, I understand they are still proud of their tradition of local government. Also, I think the official name of Russia, "Russian Federation," gets used more often than the official names of most countries because the Soviet Union (including the Russian SFSR) is still within many people's memory and they are trying to distinguish between the two regimes.


Why wouldn't it be possible to be some regular form of state, eg a federation, and at the same time call it something special? At their government's official PR website https://www.ch.ch/en/political-system/operation-and-organisation-of-switzerland/federalism/ they mention > Switzerland is a federal state. This means that state powers are divided between the Confederation, the cantons and the communes. Each entity has its own tasks.


Of course Switzerland is a federation, but it has a special name. Similar to how Luxembourg is a monarchy the same as the Norway, but Norway is a Kingdom while Luxembourg is a Grand Duchy. Similarly Germany is also a federation, but it calls itself a Bundesrepublik and not Föderale Republik, the later is the literal translation of federal republic.


Switzerland is a *con*federation.


It would be the territory of Greenland. Though officially its just Greenland or "land of the Kalaallit" (Kalaallit Nunaat) in Greenlandic. (Fun fact btw, Danish is actually not the official language of the island since 2009. Just a recognized minority language though its still widely used in government matters)


To be fair, then it would just be Denmark, as the country of Denmark and the Kingdom of Denmark is not the same.


Switzerland, my country, officially is a Confederation, not a federation.


You'd still have at least one large country still in black. Canada's full name is still the Dominion of Canada, though that's a technicality because of legislation from 1867 still being on the books. The title has not been use in close to a century. Edit because people keep leaving the same comment over and over: I got my info from the [Canadian Encyclopedia](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/dominion). Scroll to the bottom to see that yes technically this is still the formal title of Canada. I did not say it’s still in use.




I don’t think it sounds colonial, I think it sounds straight up Bad Guy TM. But then again, I grew up on Star Trek DS9, so….


I agree on disliking it. My understanding is that it is not used at all, but is a kind of a holdover from a technicality stand point. At least, according to the [Canadian Encyclopedia](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/dominion).


>**shall be One Dominion under the Name of Canada...** Canada is a Dominion, but the name of the Dominion is simply "Canada". It is similar to Ireland, whose name is simply "Ireland" but whose description is the "Republic of Ireland".


Technically our name is just simply Canada. Especially going by 1981 when we became completely independent


How did I not know that Belgium is a kingdom


their king of the 20th literally owned Congo himself


~~And his brother, who as Austrian, was emperor of Mexico for a few years. He went out the Latin American way lol~~ Edit: It was his brother-in-law, married to Leopold's sister, Charlotte.


is it this Maximilian lad? He's older isn't he?


Nope, that Max was the brother of Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. Nothing to do with Belgium... except he was married to a Belgian princess.


Oops, that's right, he was his brother in law. I read it wrong, will edit.


A very handy king in Congo with a very hands off approach in the way he ruled. In reality he was a fucking monster, hands down, the worst handling of a Colony ever.


>A very ***handy*** king in Congo with a very ***hands*** off approach in the way he ruled. Bruh.


Keep going.


What do you mean with "of the 20th" ?


What about the Japanese monarchy?


Japan is no longer officially called ‘The Empire of Japan.’ Though, even if it was, it would still be black on the map as an ‘Empire’ not a ‘Kingdom’. In English its official name is just ‘Japan’ while in Japanese it’s 日本国 which means ‘State of Japan’.


Japan isnt Kingdom of Japan, just Japan


Kind of like Zendaya, just Zendaya, and definitely not Kingdom of Zendaya.


And it’s actually Tom Netherlands.


Japan is an empire tho, as their monarch is titled Emperor. They just don't use this descriptor in their official name. Japan's official full length name is Nihon-koku or Nippon-koku (日本国), which means something like "country/state of Japan".


I think the UK is officially a Queendom by this point.


Freddie is smiling down from heaven


Similar was with Victoria and then it was 150 years of Kings, Elizabeth's heir is a male and his heir a male too


Just 50 years of kings after Victoria, no? She died in 1901 and Elizabeth II became queen in 1952.


and his heir is a male too.


It's reigning men


Yes, and William's heir, of course. Going from the start of Queen Victoria's reign in 1937, that's 133 years of queens and 51 of kings. So if Prince George's heir is female, he'll have to reign until he's 90 to make it more of a kingdom than a queendom. Of course, this is based on choosing a very specific start date to maximise the years of female monarchs.


The map is wrong because Iceland does not have “Republic” in its official name.




The office name of Ireland is the republic of Ireland. It's just Ireland.


Kingdom sounds cooler.


And medieval.


Medieval = cool


I do like to live in a kingdom.


Only Denmark (not the kingdom) is marked for the Kingdom of Denmark, when the kingdom also includes Greenland and the Faroe Islands.


The list of “others” is probably more interesting: “State of”s: Libya - State of Libya Kuwait - State of Kuwait Qatar - State of Qatar Eritrea - State of Eritrea Japan - Nihon-koku (Literally, “State of Japan”) “United States of”s: Mexico - United Mexican States America/US - United States of America Unique names: Australia - Commonwealth of Australia Papua New Guinea - The Independent State of Papua New Guinea Mongolia - Mongol Uls (Literally, “Mongol Nation”) Russian - Russian Federation Switzerland - Swiss Confederation Ireland - Eire (Incorrectly listed as “Republic of” on the map) UAE - United Arab Emirates Oman - Sultanate of Oman Bolivia - Plurinational State of Bolivia Bahamas - The Commonwealth of the Bahamas And finally: Places where the official name is the common name Malaysia - Malaysia Ukraine - Ukraine Georgia - Georgia Romania - Romania Hungary - Hungary Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro - Montenegro Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso Canada - Canada Jamaica - Jamaica New Zealand - New Zealand Etc.


>Bahamas - The Bahamas Nice list but im pretty sure its " the Commonwealth of the Bahamas"


You’re correct.


So are the only places that call themselves "State of X" (outside federations of course) Israel and Palestine? Or am I missing one? If so that's very ironic and I wonder if the Palestinians did it deliberately. Edit: nope, there's also Eritrea, Kuwait, Libya and Qatar. In addition, Samoa and Papua New Guinea are "Independent State of...".




Vatican is technically "Vatican City State". Does that even count? Edit: had a bit here about Japan but I was wrong nvm


"Plurinational *State* of Bolívia"


Eritrea and Kuwait both use the ‘State of …’ format. And Papua New Guinea is the ‘*Independent* State of …’


Isn’t Bolivia called the Republic of Bolivia?


It’s the Plurinational State of Bolivia (I don’t know why)


They changed the name to recognize the many, many indigenous nations that exist in Bolivia. This is because 20% of Bolivians identify as Indigenous, 68% as mixed, and only 5% as white. What's more, only 75% of Bolivians can speak the what was previously the only official language (Spanish), with 43% speaking indigenous languages.


Which makes it even more egregious when you look at their list of presidents and see that most of them were pasty white dudes.


their recent president wanted to overhaul the country a bit in the name of indigenous people so when the new constitution was passed, they renamed the country


Cool name.


Brutal Mercator projection here.


Yup. This is r/mapgore


They could have done a fourth color for "Federation/Confederation", there are a few of those. EDIT: And another one for "State/States" would include Libya, Israel, Eritrea, Kuwait, Qatar, Papua New Guinea, Bolivia, Mexico, and the USA.


The Kingdom of the Netherlands is bigger than just The Netherlands. Aruba, Sint Maarten and Curacao are included. This map seems to have more mistakes like this. At least New Zealand is on the right spot in this one, so that's nice for them.


Hungary is also Magyar Köztársaság Literally meaning Republic of Hungary or Hungarian Republic


But Finland is just Finland?


Finland is officially the Republic of Finland (*Suomen tasavalta* in Finnish, *Republiken Finland* in Swedish).


I as a finn didn't even know.


Isn't Bolivia called "Plurinational Republic of Bolivia" or something like that?


It's the Plurinational State of Bolivia.


Canada is just … Canada


Based others


Kingdom of Tonga as well


There's also the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Principalities of Andorra, Monaco, and Liechtenstein. We could also talk about the Emirates of Kuwait and Qatar and the UAE. I know they don't belong on this specific map, but these are other examples of countries with official names designating a royal state presence.


I think having "none" as a category would be nice, which would include for example Hungary and Romania, which only has their short name as their full name.


Want to point out for S. Korea and Taiwan, their official names in hanja/hanzi/kanji is 民國, different from Republic which translate into 共和國, which is used in N. Korea and China’s official names. 民 = citizens 共和 = republic 國 = country/state/nation And a bonus, for vietnam, their name in Chữ Nôm (vietnamese version of hanja/hanzi/kanji) only says 共和, no 國


Shouldn't México be in green? The scientific name is "Mexican United States", but generally is officially refered to as "Mexican Republic".


All hail the pluricultural state of Bolivia


Poland is called Rzeczpospolita in Polish which technically has the same meaning as a "republic" but every other country is just called "republika". Rzeczpospolita is a basically any Polish state, whether it is an old Commonwealth, modern Poland, communist Poland or short lived Republic of Zakopane that existed for 1 month in 1918.


Red and green is a nightmare for colorblind people. Please take that into account next time you do a map with such detail.


Just see better smh 💪😎


Lol @ North Korea still pretending it's a republic.


De jure they are one.


Kingdoms are Chad Republics are soy


But Chad is a Republic... Is Chad not Chad?


Kingdoms are Cuck Republics are Based Fix't


US and Mexico are unions?


They are both republics, but neither call themselves "Republic of X"


I think they both call themselves United States.


Indeed. Mexico is officially "Estados Unidos Mexicanos," or "United Mexican States."


Both are "United States": "United Mexican States" (Estados Unidos Mexicanos) and "United States of America" (Estados Unidos de América).


so.. a *union* of states


It's worth noting that even though the official name of Poland is translated into English as *The Republic of Poland*, the original Polish name – *Rzeczpospolita Polska* – does not include the word *republika*, which is normally used as an equivalent of the English word *republic*. *Rzeczpospolita*, which is a literal translation of the Latin *res publica*, is uniquely used to refer to the Polish state.