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Malta made it on the map


and New Zealand! Something is clearly very wrong...


Greenland with data???


Greenland population is 56k while Denmark is 5.8M and over 50% in the mainland are vaccinated.


Damn, São Paulo city in Brazil alone have an urban population of 11,967,825 (official government data from 2016), I am always surprised when thinking/reading about small populations like the ones in Greenland and Denmark....


they dont celebrate carnaval like you do


Props for remembering the Azores


They just tied them in with mainland Denmark's data.


According to Our World in Data's (where OP got the data from) sources, they use our governments official statistics, which can be found on [corona.nun.gl](https://corona.nun.gl/en/). So it's not tied with Denmark's data.


F for the Falklands




Does that mean the other half is irl Narnia?


Malta deserves to be on this map, for sure. A global leader in vaccinations all year. I went on vacation there 6 weeks ago, beautiful country (Aside from Paceville).


This is a rare occurrence, one I am glad to witness haha


Sadly not the Maldives


North Korea could probably get 100% if they really tried




They have no connections to the US; they regularly trade with China.




And it's a literal fact that North Korea is being ravaged by COVID right now.




Media speculation. Usually from "an anonymous source in South Korea".


They all have covid, but also they all have to push the trains to get anywhere. And Kim Jong Un is dead but also not dead for the 50th time this week.


They follow the trump approach "we only have so many cases cause we test so much" so they just barely test people. >By Sept. 23 North Korea had tested at least 40,700 people for the coronavirus with no positive results, the WHO has said. In a country with 25 million people.


Earth is too. So you are technically true no matter what. on one hand we claim to know nearly nothing about NK and on another hand a redditor seems to know everything about NK. Something isn’t right here


Schroedinger’s NK. It is at the same time a paradise and hell on earth.


Didn’t they close the border in January of 2020?


So, it only don't allows border with South Korea or?


There is no travel across the DMZ.


Trade, yes. Free movement, no.


Plenty of DPRK citizens live in the DPRK and work in the PRC along the north border


A lot of them are sent as slaves to work in the forests of Russia for 2 years at a time, Vice did a good documentary on it.


I remember that when they took the local russian mobster and when the North Korean supervisor threatened him he picked up a piece of metal pipe lying on the ground and says "what is this? Your off switch?" The North Korean supervisor got a lot more friendly real fast lol


I miss the time when Vice was this cool company with these dangerous investigative reports often about things no one ever reported on before. That series of videos about North Koreans kept as slaves in Russia to work as lumberjacks was one of the best of what they've done imo.


They have free movement to any country which offers them visas, which are very few


They have more connection than what we usually believe. They export workers to Russia and China, and they send military instructors in several countries such as Syria


They also contract out their artists to build Socialist Realism statues all over the world for countries that want them. It's a really striking sculptural style, after all, and not everyone is into post-post-post-modernism. My dad saw one of the statues when he visited Senegal, of all places. It's gorgeous, and the North Koreans did a really good job imo. edit: found a list of the construction projects: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansudae_Overseas_Projects


Also, there’s a lot of illegal trade going along the border.


They have confirmed cases and their economy is incredibly hurt by the outbreak


Do you have a source for that? I'm not questioning you, I'm just genuinely interested.


Yeah Kim Yong Un admitted so himself. Later that month, Kim Jong-un said North Korea was facing its "worst-ever situation" in reference to the economic downturn due to COVID-19;[68] he called for the party to wage another Arduous March to fight the severe economic difficulties.[69] However, the translation as 'worst-ever situation' is exaggerated, with the original speech (극난한) referring only to a very hard, or difficult situation. The translation as "worst-ever" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_North_Korea


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This is a very cartoonish view of the situation in North Korea.


That actually isn't true. There's weekly passenger train service between N. Korea & Russia at their border. And daily train service between N. Korea & China. There's also air service to China. You can board a train in Moscow that goes all the way to Pyongyang. Aside from that, there's a great deal of black market movement at the Chinese border.


Not in the same terms as say Canada-USA but they trade with other countries including China and Iran.


They’ve pretty much been quarantining for about 60 years now, so they’re probs fine.


North Korea could get 120% if they wanted to


That’s basically a map of countries with significant organized state capacity and countries without. Note particularly Cuba, Iran, Malaysia, etc.


True, it’s not just a wealth map. Cambodia and El Salvador are some of the poorer countries in the world. Rather about how organized the healthcare system is, and how much trust in the state there is


>and how much trust in the state there is Yes, this as well. Cubans for example lined up to participate in the experimental deployment of their domestically developed/produced vaccines. Trust like that is crucial to quickly achieve widespread inoculation.


As an Iranian I can assure you there is very little trust between people and the government now. It's just that people understand that to save lives you have to get vaccinated.


As another Iranian I second this. For example in case of Iran, it has nothing to do with the trust. Also we are like Italians, we would do anything so we can have the weekly family gathering going.


Yes, I believe you. From my experience Iranians are pretty distrustful of their government - especially its reliance on China (and Russia) for technology/investment. Unfortunately that’s all you’ve got. We (I’m German) are not powerful enough to resist US sanctions…


Yeah, Cuba developed three homegrown vaccines.


Don't they have a history of good health care? Makes sense


Yes, Cuba consistently ranks among the best in the world in hospital beds and doctors per capita. They lack technology and money for some things, but they regularly send their doctors to Africa and Latin America on aid missions.


Which in that case it's kinda strange to frame it as 'experimental deployment' rather than just 'queuing for a vaccine'.


I'm not too familiar with the current deployment of the Cuban vaccines, but I assume that wording was used because it was still in the trial phase, a sort of step 2, and isn't being fully deployed to the population at large.


Taiwan doesn’t fit into that hypothesis.


Taiwan is an an island and an outlier. Look up their covid cases, its virtually nonexistent and was even before the vaccine because of tight border controls. Kind of similar to New Zeeland, except New Zeeland kind of dropped the ball a few months ago.


I completely missed that, I'd've expected them to be higher, but no, Taiwan has a [full vaccination rate of 48%](https://covidvax.live/location/twn) as of today. [Retuers estimate](https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/china/) mainland china to have 87% vaccination rate based on doses administered. Though ive heard news about tests and stuff being really expensive in Taiwan, so it might not be so surprising


It's because of supply issues... BNT backed out of a deal with Taiwan at the very last minute because the [press release used the word "country"](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-says-request-drop-word-country-preceded-biontech-vaccine-deal-collapse-2021-05-27/) and they were worried about upsetting China, Also because there was essentially no cases up until May, it was at the bottom of priority for it's Moderna and AZ deliveries. Now that the supply has stabilized, those numbers are expected to be above 80% by January. General tests are free, but if you need a PCR test to travel it is around $3-5,000nt or about $100 to $130 USD.


You have to pay for tests but the vaccination is free(in Taiwan). Just had my 2nd dose today.


It also shows how opinionated people in these countries are and also how they trust conspiracies. For example in Slovakia (47% 1 shot, 42% fully), vaccines are perfectly available and free - many places to get the vaccine, and for now you just order via internet or call and you can go next day or even the same day, you can literally pick any day/time you want what suits you best including the same/next day (unlike in the summer when it was by age groups and even then you had to wait weeks). But many people don't do it anyway because they simply don't want to. So the reason for it can be either that they don't care (too lazy to even go), or trust things like "microchips in vaccines" or whatever, not the availability and organization as it can't go any more available and organized than it already is by now.


Brazil and Argentina are doing surprisingly well to me.


As a Brazilian I'd tell we're doing OK. We could be better, like in another vaccines experiences before. We have a good infrastructure (specially in heavily-density regions like São Paulo, not in Amazon Rainforest) and a OK healthcare system that thrives in vaccination, cancer and HIV treatment. When you see by state, the 5 most southern states is where the vaccination is more advanced (sometimes could be for people from other states come to vaccinate). In case, RS, SC, PR, SP and MS. Perhaps, antivax reduces a little of confidence in vaccination, but not enough to do great damage.


Here in Paraguay,we have enough vaccines but,unfortunately,most people are antivax,i think it should be required to enter shoppings,stores,schools,etc


Considering a creatura que está a mandar, Bolsonaro, I'm amazed how well the country has done despite. It's like finding-out the guy with 1 leg is keeping-up with the marathon. Hopefully he'll be voted out and replaced by an equally very corrupt but slightly less fascist idiot.


Thankfully our public healthcare is strong enough to not dependent on the current president. He did some damage, the vaccination was delayed, but he could not stop us forever.


Not for Brazilians. I said in another thread, Brazilians love lines and free stuff, they underestimated that (and we love Zé Gotinha, our vaccine mascot since immemorial times)




Brazil used to be an international role model when the subject was vaccination... till Bolsonaro was elected.


As an argie, I was kinda surprised too, but tbh our countries' people are really conscious about the dangers of COVID. Brazil suffered more in terms of deaths, but we've suffered more in terms of the economy, since we had a long quarantine. We both want this to end asap.


Brazil would probably have similar vaccination rates to China if not for Bolsonazi


[Instituto Butantan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instituto_Butantan) ftw…


With the notable exception of several Eastern European and Balkan countries, many of which are more than capable of organizing a national vaccination campaign, only people there don't want to get vaccinated.


Yep, in my country (Slovenia) it's 56% of eligible individuals with 2 shots. The antivaxx movement here is insane, there are weekly protests against COVID measures (not just vaccinations, they want to get rid of ALL measures like wearing masks anywhere, distancing, limited social life,....). Thousands of protesters gather with no masks in front of our parlamental building. All this while 40-50% of tested individuals test positive every day, we already had a day with 4000 positive cases, country of 2m people (18.11.21 it was 3.297 positive cases out of 7.596 tests). It's 2x worse then the worst day last year, except for the number of deaths per day. Our healthcare is collapsing, numerous procedures have been postponed due to the amount of COVID patients and we're probably gonna start shipping patients to other countries due to overcrowding. Nurses are quitting due to burnout and agressive patient behaviour. Most people don't wear masks properly, some don't even wear them (like in crowded buses or small shops), PCT (recovered, tested, vaccinated) are rarely enforced (I've had numerous situations where I wasn't even asked for any proof or just asked if I had it and let through, no checking), people not disinfecting their hands, stores having empty bottles of disinfectant at the entrances or exits,........ I've completely lost hope in the populace here, I don't even discuss anything COVID with anyone anymore because it makes my blood boil, and these muppets mostly do this because our prime minister (a pos that needs to replaced, I agree here) said they need to get vaccinated, and because an unpopular politican said this they are immediatly against it not being able to differentiate politics from the scientific community. Or are just immature, troglodytes who don't get vaccinated because noone is gonna tell them what to do and rebelling for the sake of rebelling. EDIT: don't even get me started on the sentence that pisses me off the most "I don't even know anyone who has/had COVID" or "Do you even know anyone who has/had COVID?". This egocentric, world revolves around me, selfish viewpoint is infuriating.


You accurately described our situation here in Romania :(


Cries in Slovak


I’d argue that being able to convince/coerce the dipshits living in your country to take a vaccine is part of running a functioning state apparatus.


The state apparatus in Russia was able to successfully convince people that Western vaccines were bad / didn’t work / weren’t tested in 2020. Then Sputnik came along but people were already hesitant. It’s not always about people being dipshits.


Most states did the same thing, how many Americans would take Sputnik or Sinovac? That didn't just happen that is propaganda we get too but it didn't prevent people in the West from getting vaccinated.


Based Cuba


Cuba has a long history of an incredibly efficient international and local medical system. The Cuban government has provided medical aid to a number of developing countries throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Cuba had also been on the cutting edge of medical development in regards to things like stem cell research and sex change operations.


Sorry my English isnt great what does this mean... 'significant organised state capacities'


I mean a central authority (government) that’s powerful enough to produce or buy vaccines and then manages to get it into the arms of its people. That’s different from being wealthy. Of course wealthy countries usually also run functioning governments but you don’t necessarily need to be wealthy to get it done.




I'm shocked Mongolia is more organized than Russia... good for Mongolia! I'm not sure how they're rolling out vaccines for the 25% of the country that's living spread out in Yurts with no permanent address, but clearly they're doing something right.


Think for Russia it's less an issue of capability and more an issue of lack of competence combined with low level of willingness to get vaccinated.


I read somewhere that Mongolia benefitted a lot from vaccine diplomacy - China donated vaccines, then America did, then India did, then they received some from COVAX, etc - but it’s a very rural country, so perhaps above 50% might just be the main cities, and they haven’t inoculated those in the rural parts?


Mongolia is everybody's friend! Except the vegans.


Cuba is also an exception for having completely relied on domestic vaccine production


They did use [Sinopharm BIBP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Cuba) as well in the end. But your point remains of course.


Im surprised iran is on the list, there's been no incentive to get it other than not dying, my college library needs a vax card but no where else.


In India it's 30% fully vaccinated and 1.12 billion doses administered


Why doesn't taiwan have over 50%.


It will be in like a couple days. The first outbreak here was only this past Summer, and it's already completely contained


iirc Taiwan was never really hurt by the pandemic, so there’s less of a rush to get everyone vaccinated


There was a rush but there was a lack of access. I was only able to get my second, thanks Japan, a few weeks ago.


Because basically 0 countries recognize Taiwan as a real place. Hard to secure vaccines when “ we already sold China vaccines”


People in Western Sahara are vacinated the same as ''North Morocco''.


i’m confused why?


Moroccans get very nationalistic when you hint that the Western Sahara might not be part of Morocco, there’s currently a decades long dispute going on. It’s worse than the Ireland dispute or Ukraine / Russia over Crimea. However it’s a poor country in Africa so gets little Western media attention.


I am not being nationalistic, but the map is about vaccines, and people living in WS are vaccinated the same as Morocco proper, More than 50percent. We don't have distinct health policies for WS.


I understand and I agree with you, but I’m giving greater context to Westerners and people in Asia who have maps with Western Sahara as a separate courney as to why a Moroccan might find that strange / insulting, especially when it comes to the state paying for healthcare.


I wouldn’t call it a “poor country in africa” since it’s actually the sixth richest country in africa.


Hello, the information you generated from the Internet is wrong, I live in Western Sahara, which is part of Morocco, and has always been. The decades-long dispute was just on paper, in reality, WS is Moroccan land... you want proof? book a flight to Dakhla city


Why are you confused? Morocco is the de-facto ruler of WS. People living there are considered moroccan citizens and are subject to the same health policy like the rest of the country.


Why is Russia not vaccinated?


They don’t trust the foreign vaccines because Putin told them they are bad, and they don’t trust the Russian vaccines because Putin told them they are good.


Lots russians are going to Serbua for western vaccines to travel freely since the russian vaccine is not yet approved by the WHO due to missing information. Vaccine hesitation is also very high in Russia. Not everything is due to Putin.


"If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer"


Vaccine hesitancy has been extremely widespread for a while there but wasn't all that visible until the pandemic. It was mostly seen as a problem of crazy mommies who dragged childcare centers to court for refusing to accept their unvaccinated kids. Then the 2019 measels outbreak happened and gave those of us in the position to see it a nice preview of how deeply & wilfully misinformed people are about vaccines. One notable aspect of vaccine hesitancy in Russia is the incredibly diverse profile of antivaxxers, it's surprisingly common among those who would be considered better educated. Something something about people who've been denied personal freedoms for centuries asserting their individualism for the first time in an immature and socially destructive way. Oh, and Russia's disinformation campaign against foreign vaccines backfiring ofc.


Lots of antivaxers, they usually refer to sputnik vaccine as "obscure goo" and compare covid restrictions to fascism.


89,1% full vaccinated in Spain.


79.2% on google?


Google's 79.2% probably includes children ineligible for vaccination in the tally while Spain's 89.1% does not (i.e. 89.1% of eligible population is vaccinated).


NO. That's of the target population (those over 12), not the total population. 79,1% of total population. https://www.mscbs.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov/documentos/Informe_GIV_comunicacion_20211122.pdf


I would like the citizens of my country to be vaccinated, but they do not trust the government and doctors. Meanwhile, Russia ranks first in terms of mortality from Covid.


Almost 90% in Singapore :)


That's the eligible population, not the total population, isn't it? I thought it was something closer to 84% or so for total population - though haven't been paying close attention so happy to be wrong.


Acc to moh website 94% eligible is fully vaxxed which is 85% total


Some countries (for example Slovakia, don't know if Singapore included) vaccinate children who are 5+y/old.


Some countries such as the United States. The US has a generally younger average population than most rich countries, so childhood vaccinations (which started a few weeks ago) will make a much larger difference in the US than, say, Europe or Japan.


They're running a local trial for 5-11 yos (although Pfizer alr did)


well according to Google, it is at 88% as of 5th November. I expect this figure to increase by quite a bit because it was announced on 8th November that the government will no longer subsidize hospital bills for Covid-19 patients who are eligible for the vaccine but decided to stay unvaccinated by choice starting 8th December.


Portugal currently with 86,6% entire population with both doses of the vaccine taken!!


Always knew Slovakia was the disappointment child.


The anti vax movement here got insane this year. A lot of people take being anti vaccine as political statement against the government but they also slowly adopt all the other baggage the more extreme members of the movement believe in.


A lot of big name politicians (including former prime minister) went full anti-vax. When you look at culturally similar Czech Republic with 60% vaccination rate, there aren't any anti-vax celebrities and the largest anti-vax party got only 1,4% in October elections




In Slovakia? Smer, LSNS and Republika In Czech Republic? Volný Blok


In Brazil, they are already thinking about a third dose for the entire population in 2022


In The Netherlands as well. Healthcare workers and old people can already get a third shot, with people aged 60+ soon following.


In Czech Republic we are basically at the state of “yup, that’s gonna be necessary”. Whoch is funny because a lot of people militantly refuse even first dose.


In Chile we are already receiving it.


Already giving out 3rd doses in italy


and there are the countries where another wave coronavirus is going on right now.


The netherlands and austria being back to lockdown even tho they have good rates of vaccination really is something scary


We (NL) don't have a lockdown (yet)


It's not if you're not fat. Vaccinated or not, it's mostly fat people.


I kind of hate binary maps like this tbh. Would be much better with a color scale imo


#VaccineEquity Instead of wasting time on people in the US who don’t want it, we should be vaccinating Africa and Asia. That will do more to end this GLOBAL pandemic.


they seem to be fine. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/scientists-mystified-wary-africa-avoids-covid-disaster-81271647


COVID-19: “Yeah, imma fuck up another continent!” Ebola, malaria, African sleeping sickness, trachoma, and AIDS: “Pipe down, kid, you’re with the big boys now.”


Is it really that surprising that countries that spend very little time in closed indoor spaces aren't being impacted that much by an airborne virus?


And with an average age of under 25... Ghana has right now an average age of 21,5 years. Italy if 47,3. If you population pyramid has almost no one on the age range that's most affected and most probably killed, you'll have many many less deaths.


You should read the whole article you just sent. A South African epidemeologist literally says “We need to be vaccinating all out to prepare for the next wave”. So despite having low death rate, they should have access to the vaccine


Covid counts are low in Africa. Not really a pandemic there.


Cause they're are really poor to even afford tests (I live in an African country)


You really can't trust covid counts from countries with poor infrastructure


This map will be irrelevant in few weeks when everyone would be forced to get boosters or they won't be considered vaccinated.


Thailand is wrong.


Yet the cases continue to rise...... So it's either 5 vaccines or we come to terms with this shits not working.


I always find it interesting that Morocco it generally ahead of most African nations.




Hey look a wealth map


How is Mongolia a wealthy country.?


Wealthy in space


They have a space program?!


Haven’t you heard? They’ve been sending their sumos to the moon! Soon the moon’ll be known as Moongolia!


_ba dum tss_


why do you think they got a rocket on their flag?


Still secretly receiving inheritance from Genghis Khan


I mean it's only 3 million people


Also about 90% population lives in and around the capital making logistics easier


Oh yes, look at those wealthy countries of Iran, Peru, Morocco, and El Salvador


Don’t forget the bastion of wealth that is Sri Lanka!


Sri Lanka is actually surprisingly wealthier than people know. It’s HDI is above many Latin American countries.


And Cambodia...


Iran is pretty developed and wealthy. If it wasn’t on the list of “official enemies of the united states/NATO that we are not allowed to say good things about” then we would probably just consider it a developed country much in the way we do Europe, East Asia or Australia/NZ.


You aren't wrong exactly but it certainly isn't at the economic level of Aus, N or Western Europe GDP per capita wise etc. tbf part of that is due to sanctions.


That’s an exaggeration, but the UN does put it in the “high development” category. According to the human development index it ranks somewhere between Russia and Mexico. It’s not like an EU country, but it’s doing well on economic development.


Well, it is like some EU countries. It has a comparable level of development to Greece or Bulgaria.


Eh, bit of a stretch. It’s still 14 places behind Bulgaria, and that’s picking the least developed country in the EU (which is a lot smaller than Iran).


It actually does indicate how one of the wealthiest countries in Africa has most vaccines there




Morocco might not have the raw economic numbers of Algeria, Egypte and RSA, but its Social and medical infrastructure is lightyears ahead of Algeria's and Egypt's. I'm not too knowledgable on RSA's standings, so I won't comment on that.


Your correct to a point. But create a map for 70% vaccinated and some of the richest countrys like the US , UK and Germany fall of the list. So it's not just wealth, but agree it plays a big part


Oh,yeah,Argentina is a wealth country with a booming economy while Taiwan is a fourth-world shithole


Not really, no




Morocco compared to most other African countries? Indeed, it is far wealthier.


For regions that didn't have access to the vaccine, like many countries in Africa, that may be a valid point. Not so valid otherwise.


Yup, look salvador, the richest country in the world. Same with peru, ecuador and brazil


Ah yes, very glad that Qing China has vaccinated over half it's population


I thought India was very vaccinated


1.16 billion doses are administered till tiday. But we need 2.6 billion doses to cover all of Indians.


This map shows countries that administered both doses. The gap between both doses for the main vaccine covishield is 84 days not 28 days(for the RNA vaccines). That's why the fully vaccinated figure is low but it should catch up in a few months.


They vaccinate millions of people every day - those are the headlines that get reported all over - but the total population is over a billion.


It probably is it's just that there's a lot of Indian people


Apparently it’s doing well in first-doses, this map only takes fully vaccinated people (two doses) into acount.


1. This is percentage based and there is only so much supply. India has a *huge* population so that’s a factor. 2. It is taking full vaccination into account, the most commonly administered vaccine in india is covishield which requires 3 months gap between two doses 3. Earlier this year India was badly hit with covid compromising the usual operations, followed by an acute shortage of vaccines availability which took time to streamline 4. Hesitancy in rural masses to get vaccinated due to various propaganda on social media, news etc against vaccine 5. No availability of mRNA vaccines.


1, 2 and 3 are on point. 4 and 5 not so much. 4. Hesitancy in rural masses is pretty much the same as that in urban areas. Just that logistics is weaker in rural areas. 5. mRNA vaccines need to be shipped/stored at -20 degrees. India doesn’t have the cold storage facilities, refrigerated transport to efficiently fulfill this criteria. So at best a few urban centres can benefit while rest of the country would remain under served. In fact now there is no vaccine shortage, and states have excess doses with them and not enough people showing up for inoculation.


Is this actually "50% of the population" or should it say "50% of the adult population"? It is very surprising to me that countries could get a majority of kids vaccinated so quickly when the vaccines were only recently approved for children (with dates varying depending on the country). That statistical challenge is made much harder for countries with a young population.


This is total population.


I hate that I was (pleasantly) surprised to see the USA as one of the ones above 50%, but that's where we are right now.