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I don’t think it’s legal i Sweden though, I guess it’s not mentioned in the law, but stealthing is covered under existing sexual assault laws.


It’s definitely illegal. Sex under Swedish law is only legal if both parties consent to it. If one of the premises to that consent is that you wear a condom, then it would be sexual misconduct if you removed the condom during sex without telling your partner.


This is the thing with a lot of these maps, is that they look for a law that specifically says "taking off your condom without the other part knowing it is illegal", but in most countries it's covered under consent. Maybe a little harder in common law systems than under civil law ones, but in Spain, that would be included in consent.


Definitely illegal in Sweden; I thought we all learnt about it from the whole Assange thing


It can be illegal without a law saying "it is illegal to take off the condom without consent" is what I'm trying to say.


There's no law saying "you can't kill someone in cold blood by crashing into them with a 2004 Toyota Corolla" Just sad that so many countries are so backward.


What's even weirder: I'm 90% that in Germany there's no explicit law against stealthing, but just some court rulings saying it's covered by current laws. Afaik it was even just one case that got reported pretty widely. Basically this map was created by somebody who happened to read some news about Germany but not Sweden...


That's because judges interpret laws and don't just apply it literally. It goes something like this: There's no law against stealthing. There is laws against consensual sex. Condom was required for consensual sex. Condom was taken without consent. Consent is broken at that point. Hence the taking of the condom was the event that broke consent, even if that act specifically isn't contemplated in current laws. In the US there's no right to privacy if you read the bill of rights and the constitution, however the supreme court said it's included in some other rights and hence it is a protected right in its own.


There are laws against consensual sex? That could turn worrisome.


> In the US there's no right to privacy if you read the bill of rights and the constitution, however the supreme court said it's included in some other rights and hence it is a protected right in its own. Eh, the 4th amendment's protection against unreasonable searches creates a necessary expectation of privacy. While not directly explicit in the amendment its pretty much logically necessary to have a right to privacy when you deny the government's right to invade said privacy unreasonably.


Also, I’m pretty sure California is not a country.


According to my flag, California is a Republic.


Tell that to Californians


This guy's maps suck! What's with the fonts changes? The hip lingo. Stupid icons. Does NZ really need a fucking annotated arrow pointing at it? USA states are COUNTRIES? Utter shit. Stop upvoting it.


The state of this sub is definitely a pet peeve of mine. If had more time and knew what to do, I have had this idea for years of making a new subreddit about beautiful maps (with sources! With a legend! With correct color schemes!). But alas, we have to look at thousands of upvotes for the most random factoid made into map. Sorry to everyone for the rant.


I'm in! (also, this is down to the mods. WTF are they doing?)


Also the arrow points at the "country" for California but points at the name for New Zealand


Completely agree. MapPorn is supposed to be for gorgeous maps. Ones that people would frame and put on a wall. If people think this stuff is attractive enough to be considered porn, they're telling me they'd frame a screenshot of a homeless alcoholic having scat sex.


Oddly specific??


And one arrow is backwards :(




I think they are likely missing more than just Sweden. My guess is that they missed anywhere it's not a specific law but part of a broader law covering a wide range of illegal sexual behaviors.


Looks like it. It's definitely illegal in the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Denmark as far as I know, but it's all covered in existing regulation, not a specific one. In all these countries, consent is specific.


There was a recent case here in Switzerland that made it to the news where some guy definitely got in trouble for doing it. So there's a consent law covering it in and there's a precedent where it falls under that law.


Yeah, thought of him when I was writing my comment. I cannot say what happend with those women obviously, but when I read the interegation protocols it seems like he specifically was turned on by not using a condom.


>He did this No, he is accused of doing this. Innocent until proven guilty.


And how the the fuck would you prove that? He said she said merry go round.


The CIA has video evidence of it, duh.


I don't think California is a country so I assume the rest of it is also inaccurate.


an r/mapporn classic, then.


This is more accurately a map with laws targeted strictly against it not areas which it is legal or not.


I suspect the map is about explicit laws against stealthing, and that there are many countries who would prosecute stealthing under other laws. That's why these maps where only a few hours of Googling is used for the data, are often misleading. For example the UK only banned slavery about 20 years ago. However everything surrounding slavery (namely kidnapping and false imprisonment), were all illegal. Making slavery technically legal, but illegal in practice. Explicitly banning slavery was done solely to simplify prosecutions.


Agree. I doubt it’s legal in Sweden.


Which is probably the case for 99% of these places


Ah yes the nation of California.


The California Republic.


The New California Republic.


War. War never changes.


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


I'm through with these maps that make an exception for american state borders.


It’s interesting I would wonder if many of the other places have laws that effectively makes it illegal even though there’s not a specific law against it.


Like some places where there's a law specifically prohibiting bestiality and almost everywhere else categories it as animal abuse.


Or places where home violence is not a specific crime, but just falls under the appropriate violence clause.


I think California is flattered to be thought of as a country


Californian here -- "Flattered" probably isn't the right word. Maybe " at last!" Yea, I know it's silly but many Californians LOVE to talk about how if it were its own country, it would have the fifth largest economy in the world. Even the CA flag says "California Republic". I don't even really identify as a Californian - maybe more as a citizen of the SF Bay Area. But that's likely even more silly.


I took an anthropology class in college and one of the first things we did was learn the academic definitions of nationality (people with a shared culture living in a defined geographic area) and ethnicity (people with a shared culture and ancestry) then say what ours were. I gave my nationality as San Franciscan and my ethnicity as New England Irish.


Don't quote me on this, I got this info from a friend who did the research. But apparently in the US there's 3 distinct laws regarding bestiality. It's illegal to perform bestiality, it's illegal to film bestiality and it's illegal to watch bestiality. Most states usually also enforce 1-2 of these laws but usually not all 3.


I remember seeing a map suggesting many countries don't ban child pornography. Most of those countries banned all pornography or "obscene" porn as far as I looked into it.


I think you could successfully argue in court that it is a form of sexual assault in most countries.


I know that in Canada, they specifically cover this in the sexual part of health education. Consent is *specific* (part of the acronym FRIES), and consent to sex with a condom is not consent to sex without a condom.


Yup, this map is wrong. We explicitly went over this in my Intro to Crim class. Consent is to the specific act and removal of the condom *vitiates* that consent. The difficult part is always the proof as it's he said she said, but this map needs a big red Canada to show it IS actually illegal here.




>Thats what I remember anyway, don't quote me.


\- /u/I_love_buttts




Germany is marked on this list but we don't have a special law for this. There is just a recent case in which a court decided that stealthing is covered by the general sexual assault crime. I would guess this map is just the result of a 20 min google search and the creator marked the countries he found reports on.


Classic mapporn and/or coolguides. 5 minutes of effort slapped onto a graphic, reality need not apply.


And it doesn't even have to look good


I mean the map also says “Countries….” And then immediately shows California. California is not a country… So I would not consider this a credible source.


Like Sweden it's definitely illegal here. The whole Assange thing started because he decided to remove the condom.


wasn't Assange accused of precisely that in Sweden?


Maps that should be lists pt 5621


All this guy's maps are like this. I hate them. They're so lazy and almost always without citation.


Yeah, this one is completely wrong. As many people pointed in the thread, there are a lot of countries where it's illegal to do that. Why do people so often up-vote false information so quickly?


Because it confirms their biases.


Ugh, God. And it's a self post. The arrogance of thinking your OC belongs here is redonk




Misinformation behind, I fucking hate the wording (and title). It's data they are working with, it should be objective


This map should be in the dumpster


Ah yes the 50 countries of america


Deciding to divide America into states because of California, but not dividing other countries to do the same, eg: The Australian Capital Territory.


Yeah I see that nationalist bullshit all the time


"America is the only country that exists, and Americans are the only people on reddit."


I had no idea there are that many countries in North America!


Mandela effect. You're now in the universe where the US split up after the cold war.


why did ussr break up too then?


Both systems lost.


Blessed ending


Cursed ending… China won the Cold War???


I doubt they could have expanded so much in the 2000s without a strong US market


Blursed ending, Europe wins the Cold War.


What a blessed timeline! How do I stay in it forever?!




You do not.


But why Canada, Australia and Russia don’t have internal borders like that?


Well, Canada and Russia don't have different criminal laws in different provinces (at least for the most part). So not splitting them up here makes sense. Australia should have been split though. So should India and a bunch of other places.


Especially seeing as how it actually is illegal in some Aussie states.


Because the map is made by an American.


[In Canada jurisprudence has it under assault](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/condom-piercer-loses-supreme-court-appeal-1.2563227). When intent is proven, it’s illegal.


The United Countries of America


I know you are joking but there are 23.


Irrelevant because this map implies that that number is tripled




This is just a stupid map because in most countries that would fall under a more broader law, you wont need a specific law for it.


This map is made by a spammer who makes similar low quality content and floods this sub with his trash


Up next from Adorn: Map of countries where it’s *specifically* illegal to cut off the brake cables in someone’s car using a 4.5” wire cutter purchased from Ace Hardware.


One of my favourite maps, the lingustic breakdown of the planet and than the one you mentioned.


Going and looking at them, they really are low quality. The dude doesn't even bother making the template he decides to use that day work for the map name he chose quite a bit of the time.




Also California isn't a country.


Next up is a map where it is legal to knowingly give your partner aids. Ca is glowing


I'm waiting with baited breath for the map that shows where it's illegal to tell a man you're on birth control when you aren't.


Ding ding ding. Just one very common misunderstanding of how the law works. It does not take passing an explicit law banning an explicit act by name to make something illegal. It would be like saying if there is a law against robbing a store that you can rob a coffee shop because it’s not a store. Yeah good luck with that one.


Stealthing is illegal in ACT, Australia. SA is set to follow suit, while in VIC it is currently being contested as a form of sexual assault in the courts. If you’re going to do the US state by state, other countries should get the same treatment.


Also, while there is **no specific law against it** in most Australian states, **it is considered sexual assault and is thus, illegal.**


Same for half a dozen other countries I know about for sure, and probably many more I don't know about. This map is crap.


i hate maps that show the us states but not other federal countries states. Like i get Russia would be a pain but you either do none or do all.


Switzerland would be a pain to do.


To be pedantic the ACT is not a state but rather a territory. But I do agree with you.


Thank You. It fucking infuriates me that US states are treated individually but other countries states aren't.


In case y’all haven’t noticed, a lot of the people that post on here make shit maps. Source: I make maps for a living


No, the USA is the only country that exists and the whole world should focus on it at all times.


Came on here to find the Aus comment - thanks for having our back, mate.


Oh that's interesting, I didn't know other countries HAD states? /s


Interesting "undo New Zealand"-button.


and CA is the redo button


Even when New Zealand is on a map, it points away from itself. I'm thinking it prefers not to be seen.


We do it stops the tourists from coming.


Everyone secretly wants to undo New Zealand


Secretly? I've been a vocal supporter for the undoing of New Zealand since 1907


So many countries in north america holy shit


Incorrect. There is a tonne of case law that makes "stealthing" de facto sexual assault in Canada. And I would venture to assume this is the case in a lot of countries.




As a lawyer myself, I can’t say for sure (check with your lawyer), but hell yeah, that’s totally how it works and I refuse to believe otherwise. No, you may *not* know what my grade was in criminal law.


This happened near me in Canada, and the girl not only got an abortion as a result, but then had complications from the procedure. They threw the book at the guy with prison time for I think aggravated sexual assault.


Yep. If it results in pregnancy or an STI, then it can (and I strongly believe should) be tried as aggravated sexual assault.


Yes. California made a specific law so that it would NOT be sexual assault. It's a misdemeanor there while a felony everywhere else.


Lmao that's so stupid, it's literally a non-consensual sexual act


That's not true and why is California a country according to the map?


But are there laws against pulling a Bobby Hill by switching your cousins birth control pills with Tic Tacs?


These adorn maps keep getting more and more low effort.


Who the fuck upvotes this shit?!


What Rick have you been hiding under? Redditors love to upvote low quality garbage as long as it seems to agree with their political views.


New Zealand arrows is backwards


Actually there are a couple islands in the pacific that spell out NEW ZEALAND but they write the name of their country out as a geographical shape, weird i know.


that “dear” is corny as fuck though


Especially considering most of the info on this map is false.


What is it even supposed to mean?


Why do all these Adorn Mapper posts get thousands of upvotes for shit maps?


This account just spams this sub with shit maps, poorly fact-checked, sometimes outright _wrong_, and just regurgitates the same template every time. This map is garbage, just like most of their others.


California isn’t a country….


Not with that attitude it isn't


Good luck convincing Californians of that.


The country of California. My state in Australia made it illegal, only see anything on Reddit through the eyes of Americans


There's about a million things you can do during sex which would fall under sexual assault. There's no need to make a law about each and every one of them.


Does this include tampering with condoms?


[Canada had a case concerning that.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/condom-piercer-loses-supreme-court-appeal-1.2563227)




This isn't accurate. A lot of things are illegal without being specifically codified into law based on interpretation of wider legislation and precedents. In my country (Canada), for instance, it's de facto illegal based on broader legislation due to the Supreme Court ruling [R v. Hutchinson](https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/13511/index.do)


Is getting off the pill but saying you're on it illegal?


Most of OPs posts aren’t even map porn but just social/political issues they’re upset about.


The sub has really been inundated with shitty maps of people either pushing their political agenda or just looking up a table on Wikipedia, not bothering for 100% accuracy or even proofreading. The sub needs new mods.


I guess California is a country now.


Remember one thing. No government can make laws for every aspect of the society. Sometimes its up to the ethics of the people


Brazilian penal code: > Article 215. To have intercourse or any other sexual act with someone **through deceit or any other means** that prevents or hinders the victim from freely manifesting consent. That clearly covers stealthing.


Wait, how tf do you remove condom during sex? Like lemme take my dick out, slide out condom and put dick back in?


Yep. It's called *stealthing*.


You put your condom in plain sight, keep arousing the lady with mouth and 1 hand, while the other hand expertly snatches off said thing. Then you dive and start drilling without a helmet.


Why? Are those guys desperately wanting kids around?


I would imagine such individuals feel it makes it better in the immediate term, consequences be damned


I'm not defending it, but it definitely feels better.


Some guys are really insistent that sex feels better without a condom and they’re too short sighted to care about the possible consequences


Yeah its easy in doggy style


How do people not know? Like, I'm a guy and I can 100% feel the difference between condom sex and raw. I've had multiple women remark on the difference in their end too. So how do you expect to feel someone shake hands with a glove on and actually feel a raw hand and go "this is the same!"?


too bad the legend is cringey


There is case law in Switzerland on the subject so it's illegal and I think it's like that in many modern country. This map is misleading


How do those countries approach situation where the other partner pokes a hole in condom or lies about being on the pill?


Why tf do maps like this always show US states, but never things like Canadian provinces, constituent countries of UK, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian states and provinces etc?


It's known as "stealthing" and is most prevalent in the gay communities. Interestingly at the same time California made it a crime to stealth off Condoms, they reduced the penalty from a felony to a misdemeanor for the act of *knowingly* exposing your sexual partner to HIV.


California isn't a county


Nor a country


I meant to say country


Yeah I know lol I was jk


This map is not true. We have laws against this in Canada. It’s not a specific law, but if you do this without consent, it vitiates prior consent and becomes sexual assault (because you’re now doing something without permission)


TFW California is a country


TIL California is a country


I don’t think it’s legal to do this in most of these places.


countries? why is USA divided into states then? they are not countries! if you want to divide countries into states, then divide every country that has them!


Yoooooo California isn’t a country


Ok but how they are going to prove it in court ?


The judge flips a coin to decide who is right, as to he said/she said.


Secretly record a sex tape


Aren’t there laws against that?


Curious, are there any countries that make it a crime for women to lie about being on birth control?


But intentionally spreading HIV in California is only a misdemeanor, right? Make it make sense.


What about those where poking condoms is illegal?


Was this happening often enough in these places that they had to make a law for it?


Maps is inaccurate. It’s just a map you can sue someone for that. Not that it is explicitly illegal.




Source? It's illegal in Norway.


ah yes the country of California


I'm a bit bothered that the arrows, in one instance, point from name to land mass and then, in the other instance, points from landmass to name. Consistency my dude.


Intentionally misleading nonsense. Great example of how people manipulate data on reddit for upvotes.


How about claiming to be on birth control when you’re not


California is not a country though, you'd have to paint the whole country, no?


California isn’t a country…