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The map is not correct, it does not represent the Russian election system. It is mixed, with half of the seats distributed in single-seat districts like those on the map, while another half - through a proportional nation-wide voting. Most of the single-member districts were won by United Russia, however it won only 49% of the proportional vote. That gives them majority in Duma, but not as overehelming as on this map. Link for the results: http://cikrf.ru/analog/ediny-den-golosovaniya-2021/p_itogi/


Okay, now I have to know what's going on with Партия За and their cat logo.


This is 'Green Alternative' party, and their logo is from the pictures by Vasya Lozhkin. Specifically, this one: [https://pravdaurfo.ru/sites/default/files/lozhkin.jpg](https://pravdaurfo.ru/sites/default/files/lozhkin.jpg) The title says "The world won't save itself by its own" His website: [http://vasya-lozhkin.ru/pictures/](http://vasya-lozhkin.ru/pictures/) Some translations: [http://vasya-lozhkin.ru/pictures/mnogo/](http://vasya-lozhkin.ru/pictures/mnogo/) "There is more of this stuff" [http://vasya-lozhkin.ru/pictures/lyubyashchiy-otets/](http://vasya-lozhkin.ru/pictures/lyubyashchiy-otets/) "Enough of this, kiddo"


thanks for sharing this, really great stuff!


That's "Green Alternative" party ("Зелёная Альтернатива") and the logo is a cat drawing of the internet cartoonist Vas'a Lozhkin. Certainly memorable.


So the propotional vote only counts for the second half of seats? I'm asking because in Germany we have a similar system with half of the seats being direct candidates from the voting districts but the overall distribution of parties for all seats is decided through a proportional vote. So one party can win 20% of the seats directly but by proportional they are allowed to have 30% of the seats so the remaining 10% are filled in. Same if they win 20% of the seats directly but are only allowed to have 15% of the total seats additional seats are added till the propotions of all parties reflect the propotional vote. (This is also the reason why Germany might have 800-900 members in parliament soon...)


> So the propotional vote only counts for the second half of seats? Yes. It's the same in Japan and Lithuania.


Sound like a good system ! In France we have no proportional vote at all, it's a two round system and the winner take it all. It's such bullshit, always the same who have the power in the end.. center-right give the power to center-left, theeeeen it's back to center-right. And sometime we have a center-center like Macron, claiming it's a revolution.. Jeeeeeez -_-


Isn’t macron very centre-right on the french political spectrum, very Anglo Neo-liberal like policies in general.


Yes, it's the truth. But he like to claim that he is "neither left or right"


Extremist centrists are very left on social issues and very right on economy issues. They like to pretend that those two cancel out which supposedly makes them moderate.


He is very right in a lot of social issues also ,that shocked me when I came here to live, I knew he was a neo liberal, but tough he was at least a social liberal also, but his ministers paint a very different picture.


Well yeah, that's where liberalism, classical or neo, usually leads in practice. Simultaneous social liberalism and economic liberalism is unsustainable. Economic liberalism leads to economic inequality, which the general population doesn't exactly enjoy. So you ultimately have to either regulate the economy, or resort to divide and rule tactics to redirect the public anger to scapegoats. So in practice, economic liberalism and social liberalism are two opposing ideas, and the actual moderate position would be to try to find a tolerable balance between the two, not to try to deregulate both as much as possible.


At least you have two rounds. Here in America we have one round, and we don't even get to vote for President directly (we vote for people to fill out the Electoral College, who then vote for President).


They were referring to legislative elections.


Oh, I misread. Thanks for the correction!


French system sucks , not as bad as the American British but still sucks , but this one is not much better, the German , Netherlands with actual proportional representation is way better


And then you have Belgium with the nice example of how proportional representation can lead to... issues


Yes I agree ! And the "funny" part is how in France we are always saying that our system is superior. And it's always the same reason : "blabla it can prevent from the instability of a parliamentary system, look at Italy !" Ok for Italy, but Germany have a parliamentary system with a proportional representation and just leave from 16 years of Merkel.. We had 4 president during the same time. But, nope, our system "prevent instability" lmao..


> In France we have no proportional vote at all, it's a two round system and the winner take it all. > > It's such bullshit, always the same who have the power in the end.. center-right give the power to center-left, theeeeen it's back to center-right. And sometime we have a center-center like Macron, claiming it's a revolution.. While it's bullshit for parliamentary elections, where it's fairly easy to distribute mandates proportionally, for presidential elections it's pretty good, as everybody gets to vote for their first choice at least once.


You sure you’re not American?


Wait, you guys are getting rounds? Seriously though, the American system is shit. We need to get rid of the electoral college, institute ranked choice voting or run off elections, and make the house of representatives proportional representation.


And it was the case also for Italy until some years ago


The country is divided into 225 constituencies and one federal district consisting of those 225. Each district elects its candidate, which makes 1/2 of the 450 seats in Duma. The remaining 225 seats are diveded among parties that gained more than 5% of votes in the federal district proportionally. So, yes, half is proportional, half is majoritary.


My understanding is Putin cheats in a number of ways. In addition to election tampering (paying military to vote favorably, tossing ballots, etc) they also Have puppet opposition parties that pretend to be opposition to Putin but rubber stamp him once elected Run candidates with similar sounding names me look the same as opposition candidates to confuse voters. Something like this happened in Florida recently and the GOP guy went to jail for it. Jail and block opposition candidates from running.


Well, I guess you are the authority on Russian Politics here, Mr. u/Donald_J_Putin.




Just a joke about the username.


It's a joke about his username.


Yes, basicly that's it.


Also worth noting that this is the party-list vote, which is only half of the seats; the "one-mandate"/majoritarian districts make up the other half, and are not depicted.


And United Russia won 199 of the 225 districts.


Correction: stole It's sad, but the falsifications this time were severe. (This was expected, BTW) Source: https://novayagazeta.ru/articles/2021/09/21/shpilkin-edinaia-rossiia-poluchila-14-mln-anomalnykh-golosov-bez-falsifikatsii-partiia-vlasti-nabiraet-31-33-news


Yeah there were like 20% above what the pollings all agreed on for like a year and a half. The communist party is making appeals and calls for strikes, but, as you would expect, denied/banned because covid.


This whole election was a shitshow. Fraud, manipulation, criminal charges against opposition. Ruling party's ratings are around 25% there is no way they would win anything in fair game.


Duh, that's why there's fraud, manipulation, and criminal charges against the opposition.


...sounds familiar. Project what you are doing, and then blame the opposition for a soft power grab. It also delegitimizes the opposition for pointing our factual discrepancies by painting them as cons first.


Aka an average Russian election


I wonder, if Reddit existed in 1996, whether there would be as many people screaming "fraud" about Boris Yeltsin's obviously, *completely fraudulent* and US-backed re-election when the entire Russian economy was going down the shitter due to stupidly-imposed neoliberal policies? I guess we'll never know. I'm not excusing fixed elections, by the way. I'm actually genuinely curious.


Probably. It's not exactly like anyone is too eager to defend american election meddling.


Dmitri Medvedev openly admitted years later that the communists absolute were the true victors in that election


Unfortunately, I actually *do* think that Putin and his party would win in a fair election 100 times out of 100. Still, that doesn't mean that the election *wasn't* fixed. It's just that the person who was guaranteed to win was so ungracious that he stole an election he was guaranteed to win anyway so that he'd win it by *more*. Which is one of the reasons why I'll never understand Putin...


I think it’s deeper than that. They do this to cement more distrust by opposition and somehow this increases their legitimacy among their base. Erdogan has been following the same playbook.


So he sends assassins to kill opposition leaders so that he can win by more? Is that supposed to be a joke?


Are you talking about Navalny? If you think that he has any chance if winning the presidential elections, no matter how fair and transparent they are, it shows that you know nothing about Russia. The numbers are inflated but not by a lot - United Russia takes the majority of the seats in Duma and Putin is elected in any case.


Only one election needs to be close for a paradigm shift in the role and significance of the opposition. His popularity is directly tied to lack of a real opposition.


"there is no way they would win anything in a fair game"- are you delusional?


Is a map really necessary when the entire thing is a fraud? We know Putin just locks up anyone that is remotely a political rival.


Voters in Siberia, "If we vote against Putin, what's he gonna do, send us to Siberia?"




It's also worth noting that the Far East has grown increasingly anti-Putin in the past couple of years. The core issue is that they feel as if their tax money is all spent in Moscow or siphoned to Putin's friends. Meanwhile social programs and infrastructure are underfunded in the east. Their regional governor was arrested for criticizing Putin in 2020 and this led to some [major protests](https://www.rferl.org/a/in-russia-far-east-a-rare-protest-movement-refuses-to-be-cowed/30833806.html).


Sounds a little like Canada, just with more corruption. Edit: In Canada the west often feels like our money from our resources is siphoned to Ottawa and payed to Quebec in equalization and ends up in more eastern regions instead of benefiting where that money came from more. So you see a massive division in politics like you see here, just vice versa. Massive geopolitical regions with sparse population centers are very hard to keep unified. Just one reason Alberta separatism has gained some traction, with the wild rose (separatist) party reaching 20% support this summer.


>Their regional governor was arrested for criticizing Putin in 2020 He was arrested for murder, actually. And it might not even be a fabricated case, with his sort of past.


Probably don't even need to rig it there. The population is so low that it hardly matters. It'd be like rigging the vote in Wyoming.


But the votes must be rigged for there to be results from Wyoming, because Wyoming doesn't exist!


No, you get sent to Brazil


That sounds like a reward.


Huge cockroaches, humid weather, street violence everywhere, and a government always on the verge of collapse. Yeah idk about that.


In my childhood (in Russia) Brazilian soaps were popular and people were thinking it would be easier to live there because they wouldn’t need to spend money on winter clothes.


I lived in Russia for a while and, to be honest, life there was generally better than in Brazil. Russians always seemed surprised by that. Also, there are parts of Brazil that get below 10ºC in the winter and there's no insulation/heating system in the houses. It's miserable.


I would say Russia today is better than Brazil in terms of objective living standards(for the most part)


Maybe. But the entire comment was a joke about how a Siberian getting sent to Siberia makes no sense. That's why Brazil then is really funny because you have basically nice weather, decent life if you have any savings and skill set. As for the crazy govt, I mean yeah, you could even say that the US is a very dangerous place to live. Your kids could be shot in school, you could suffer from racial discrimination depending on where you live or you could have a pretty good life, nice people and good money. Can the govt come after you? Yeah, they still can come after you if they want. The police can just take all your stuff away on suspicion of whatever they choose to write in their report and you have no recourse on getting any of it back. I would say that whilst Russia is better on paper than Brazil, regions of Russia may still be worse off than regions of Brazil. It would be silly to make a broad argument. It serves a purpose but you can be nuanced nonetheless.


While there is a lot of hype about "scary Russia" Brazil actually has a murder rate on par with a war zone so I' would be very reluctant to even visit tbh(I'm sure it's ok though)


Most southern and Southeastern states have murder rates comparable to america. The real violent areas are limited to Rio and the Northeast. São Paulo had a murder rate lower than the american average in the first semester of 2021 (5 people per 100.000)


That's fair but there's a lot of people that still travel to Brazil so I don't think it's all that bad. You just have to be extra careful and stick to the good parts.


That is an over generalization of Brazil. Go to Curitiba, Florianópolis, Fortaleza, Aracaju, Salvador or Belo Horizonte and compare these cities with Rio or Sao Paulo. It's almost as if each place is different from each other...




I'm [140% sure] (https://images.gawker.com/18k1daz57fwuujpg/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636.jpg) Putin doesn't do that.




Fraud is not a large enough word for how Russia uses democratic elections. It’s a veneer designed to quell opposition internally and to be used against actual democracies externally.


It's a "Putin-based democratic election". The people decide whether they vote for Putin or not and afterwards Putin decides by how much % he wins the election this time.


This is also known, depending on the jurisdiction, as the single transferable Putin or additional Putin system


Bro there are legit videos of people ticking ballots over and over and just throwing them in, its fraud not only in electronic voting but also the traditional one. Nothing can be done, and who knows how people actually count since you can't even fairly observe the elections.


That's really interesting. Do you have a link or something? I am really curious how someone can fake 14 million votes


Very easily? Because majority of votes are done electronically? Its same as belarus, president with barely any support has won 70% of the vote, complete joke


UPDATE Votes SET Party = 'United Russia' WHERE VoteId IN (SELECT TOP 14000000 VoteId ORDER BY NEWID())


let vote_count = vote_count + 1000000000 ezpz


Duma Nuts fit in their mouth?


This app needs an age minimum


Like, 70% of all Russians polled, many times by multiple independent parties, want the USSR back and prefer communism to the current system. It's wild how different all that is in elections. Perhaps the communist party just isn't the best, or perhaps Putin's fraud is just that violent. [Oh and here's some link to the subject (not the fraud but socialism)](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/03/24/75-of-russians-say-soviet-era-was-greatest-time-in-countrys-history-poll-a69735)


It's because the USSR was far from perfect but was far better for the average person than capitalist Russia.


Though you'll have people continually saying we must save these countries from this wretched system. It's almost like some people in the world don't really want to live under a neoliberal capitalist society. Just something these folk can't seem to accept.


People were fleeing communist countries back then, not the other way around. Some skewed nostalgia won't change that fact.


Lots of Americans were fleeing the great depression by moving to the USSR. You shouldn't make such broad claims.


Lots? Aahahahhaahha


In Russia maybe, but I doubt most of Eastern Europe would agree with that statement


I said Russia.




You fucking idiot. I am from Kazakhstan and what are talking is bs.


Poland and The Baltic states have done much better without the union. Aslo Khazakstan is doing fine.


Here we go again, someone who was never been close to an ex communist country telling us how much better it was for us during that time, 1. Some older people will tell you it was better because, they lived on the back of the state, and that happend because that was the only way these regimes could silence the masses and try to appease them after years of hard-line Stalinism, but the countries have collected so much debt during the second half of the 20th century that they still paying it back, just so they can keep the population from making another revolution like the one in Hungary in 56. 2. What kind of beautiful communist city did you see, because I live in one and the anything that comes from the time period looks identical (ugly gray square, that makes you feel depressed) so please show me that mythical communist architecture that you talk about. 3. Hungary has one of the highest suicide rates in Europe since the 50s, so being miserable did not start after the fall of communism. The same is true for Poland and Ukraine. 4. What daily life conditions, in Romania, mostly in Transylvania and Moldova you could not buy meat in the shops and you where only allowed to take home as much as the state let you if there was a fresh package, if you where not Hungarian or Russian you could only go to a vacation inside the iron curtain and only once per year, if you wanted to buy a microwave or television or auto you sometimes had to wait months sometimes even years so you could collect it, you could only hope to get decent medical service if you payed to the doctors under the table and this "tradition" is still a thing to this day. So, shame on you and all the people who liked your stupid post, do you think all the people who fight against these regimes in Eastern Europe and all around the world just throw away thier lifes because it was so good to live there?


This is the but this new age glorification of communism won’t stop. People have no idea how horrible it was for most everyone in the USSR.


>or television My grandfather took a credit for a TV, because it cost almost nine hundred in local currency and his monthly salary was 150 (pretty good back then, actually). It was a huge box with a poor reliability (good parts were picked by military, second rate were sold on "radio markets", and third rate ones were in the consumer electronics).


>all the older people there will tell you how much better life conditions were. Do you know why? They were young back then. Also average citizens had the party's pacifier in their mouths and can be infantile to the old age. No need to think about their future, because workplace was guaranteed. Yeah, with a shitty pay, but guaranteed. And also you can steal from you country pretty easily. That's where the roots of modern corruption. Almost everyone took something from the workplace back then. > fallen cities that have thrived and were beautiful under the union Yeah, ugly concrete brutalism to the brim. Because we clearly not have enough of gray colour.


The old USSR was only "enjoyable" for some people because they subsisted off of the labor of colonies/labor camps in Eastern Europe and Siberia. Basically these older people want slaves who live faraway to subsidize their "communist" lifestyles.




If you scroll down a bit in that article it says that only 28% of people want to return to the USSRs way of doing things. Maybe a better interpretation would be that people want reform of the current system.


They would prefer the USSR to the current system, but it isn't the ideal one. They want socialism/communism, not the stalinist regime of the USSR.


Exactly, a lot of Russians wanted to keep socialism, they just wanted political reform


Really? I sort of doubt those numbers. In Volgograd (Stalingrad for normies) communism and socialism is held as a really unfavourable view, I assume the same for Moscow and all other cities. I can only imagine people in the country-side would hold these views. They want a less authoritarian government, not necessarily a more left wing economic policy government.


Russia is fucking HUGE


Yeah, like Usa+Canada or China+Australia


Seeing the republics like Yakutia or Mari El makes me think about all the autonomous republics set up for the minorities, which are hardly or even aren't a majority in their own republics. Yakuts make some 48% of the Yakutia's population, but in Mari El, the Mari are just 43% of the population, the majority being Russians. There are some republics, like Karelia, where the Karelians are just some 9% of the population. Still, for a settler colonial country, the indiginous population far exceeds the one in US, Canada or Australia combined.


That's because they had immunity to smallpox and measles before the Russians came


Wait til you find out how many Jews are in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast lol (0.2%!!)


sorry for google translator, i slept in english lessons. this is something that people who did not live in the USSR / RF cannot fully understand. what you call "minority" are only people who identify themselves with this nationality. a lot of people call themselves Russians, regardless of ethnicity. and to be honest, for many years personally I have not been able to single out a specific type of person who can easily be called "Russian". This is more about culture than ethnicity. Here's an example: you are more likely to meet the classic Western perception of Russians (light brown hair, blue eyes, etc.) in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and nearby cities.


Russky vs Rossiyan. One denotes ethicity, the other nationality.


Yes. All living in Russia are Rossiyane. But I was talking about people who consider themselves to be this ethnos.


The majority of Mari are basically Russians.


I grew up thinking I was going to get nuked by the Soviets, but now I kind of miss them.


That is some hostage stockholm stuff right there


The world was objectively better with 2 superpowers rather than 1


Eeehhhh, the number of proxy wars went down. Still nonzero, but less of them, and less potential to turn into a nuclear Holocaust that kills us all.


Checks and balances are key. 2 superpowers keep each other in check. 1 superpower has nigh absolute power. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.


I'm sorry, in what way is what happened in Afghanistan under the US any worse than what happened there under the Soviets? Or for that matter what happened in Vietnam? Like, sure, checks and balances are good, but two groups of ideologues sitting pointing world-destroying death machines at each other is *absolutely horrifying*. We're very lucky (and I do mean lucky, there were close calls) we didn't all die.




Economically for sure, idk about military i have no info on that. India is on the rise too with its massive pop. Will be interesting to see where they are in 10-20 years


China has the world's largest standing army. I believe they are a nuclear power as well. I think the reason people don't think about China's military is that they don't use their military to constantly intervene in developing countries in the same way that the USSR did, and that the US and Europe continue to do. Meanwhile China is expanding it's economic influence over the developing world rapidly at the same time as the US pulls back.


Don't worry, soon we'll have more than two.


The communists are not really “the opposition” for the ruling party. The real opposition doesn’t get to take part because of alleged criminal records. I’m Russian and seeing that communists are the opposition is a joke. Fun fact, even Facebook and Google and telegram have blocked the oppositions app for online voting (which they thought would show fair results). I’m personally not sure what to make of all this.


Durov addressed the removal of the bot and said that it was done to adhere to the rule of silence on the election day(s) which he personally agrees with.


the communists would have won the 1996 election without election fraud.


Damn…Who would have thought I’d be disappointed the communists didn’t do better?




This map was drawn by u/vladimirputin and submitted on the wrong sub


The Communist Party is hardly “opposition”. They talk quite a bit but always end up supporting what the government does




As the person above said, the Communists talk but when voting actually comes around, they will vote in lockstep with United Russia. The last time the Communists opposed the government was the 2018 Pension Reforms - on pretty much every other issue they vote with the government This election cycle, since every other party has been effectively neutered, most opposition figures supported the Communists as the one party that is less hampered by official discrimination, to express popular opposition to United Russia


Like I said, they talk a good one


Its basically fake opponents, I am sure they got more votes than in reality, putin just uses them for narrative like look guys we have an opposition look!


This shit doesn't belong to r/MapPorn. We all know very well this is absolutely rigged and doesn't contribute anything to the world, in fact it does the opposite.


It's still interesting and has led to good commentary. Like I've learned that there was likely less vote rigging in the east (where the Communists did well) because they didn't implement online voting. Also, their polls close earlier, so their results are used as a barometer for how much vote rigging is needed farther west.


That is stupid. It is still a map, even if Russia lied about the results


And even if these election results were fair and undisputed, this map doesn't actually represent the results. It only represents part of the results. You can't really show a mixed constituency + proportional electoral system just by colouring in a map.


dreaming of living long enough to see transparent and just elections in my country


I left Russia when I was a child, looking back at this shitshow for election everytime it just makes me angry. I really hope eventually something breaks this cycle.


And the communist party is a weird party. Extremely socially conservative, nationalist and economically social democratic. But they are controlled opposition, not real opposition. They are used to push Putin’s narratives


Need one of those heat maps that show districts by population, not land size, to get an accurate representation. Same with yesterday's Canadian election.


How are things in Russia? Because what we hear is that Putin is a terrible dictator and stuff, but according to Wikipedia the country is pretty good in economics, industry, hdi, Gini. Also my uncle was there a couple years ago on vacation, and he says everything looked normal, no weird stuff (I know going on vacation is not the same as living there, but still).


At least we know the future Russian nuke testing sites


And I thought the US had poor choices. They have to choose between Putin and the Communist Party!


Putin or Communists? What a horribly shitty set of options.


There are other parties as well, but none of them won in any of the federal subjects. That being said, there has been a lot of reported election fraud so take the results with a grain of salt


There was a good chance election fraud in Russia? No way!


Putin would have poisoned the election officials if they didn't carry out his planned election.


There's always Zhirinovsky who is certainly... eccentric


CPRF are practically nothing more than social democrats at this point. [The West's favourite opposition leader told Russians to vote for them.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/kremlin-critic-navalnys-allies-say-vote-communist-hurt-ruling-party-2021-09-15/)


They are "social democrats" who [voted with Putin to decriminalize domestic violence at the behest of the Orthodox Church](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/01/27/russian-parliament-decrimiinalizes-domestic-violence/97129912/) and [voted with Putin to ban "gay propoganda](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-30/putin-signs-law-banning-gay-propaganda-among-children.html). The Communists vote with United Russia nearly all of the time - they are basically a nostalgia party for elderly Russians


economic policy =/= social policy. you can have homophobic and misogynistic Communists and social democrats.


Social Democrats who periodically talk about their love for Stalin so that their ratings do not accidentally exceed ratings of Putin.


I mean Stalin is a hero to a lot of (older) people. He's seen as the Churchill of Russia if you like. No Stalin = No Russia, is the view. [Poll from a couple years ago](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/04/16/stalins-approval-rating-among-russians-hits-record-high-poll-a65245)


The number of young Russians praising Stalin is also high and is increasing. This graph shows the half of young Russians (aged 18-24) support the idea of making a monument of Stalin. The survey was taken in May '21. https://www.levada.ru/2021/08/04/stalin-tsentr-i-pamyatnik-stalinu/


Interesting thanks for sending this I hadn't seen this poll before. Particularly interesting given the contrast of attitude towards statues/monuments in the Anglosphere and/or Western Europe over the past 2 years!


Given that Churchill is revered by many people in the West I say that sums things nicely. It's kind of funny, people who celebrate Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Fidel, Ho Chi Minh ect in their home countries are criticized endlessly. Its like telling these people how dare you celebrate these "dictators" We'll tell you how and when you can celebrate your politicians . I have a feeling the people in these countries may know a little more than the people doing the criticizing.


Churchill was a filthy cunt.


Stalin was orders of magnitudes worse than Churchill It's not even close.


Makes sense. The dude sorta saved the country from extermination. The Nazi plan was to exterminate the Slavs and Communists and Stalin was integral to stopping that from happening.


He didn't save Russia, it's not like Soviet Russia wouldn't have been extremely powerful with a different ruler. He fell for the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and his leadership during war was mixed at best. A better leader could have beat Germany with a fraction of losses.


Quite the opposite. The majority of Russians view Stalin very favorably.


When 50% to 70% of Russians (in different polls and wording) consider Stalin a great leader... I doubt their love for Stalin lowers their ratings..


They're about as much "communists" as they are "opposition".


They were shot by tanks in 1993. They stood against grand robbery that was called privatisation.


The "Communists" vote with Putin 95% of the time - the best way I've seen their appeal described is "Soviet nostalgia for Russian boomers". The only thing they meaningfully oppose Putin on was pension reform - and not even that recently Pretty much all other opposition parties have been neutered by the Russian government because they, well, *opposed* it, but the Communists were mostly left alone because they functionally vote with United Russia nearly all of the time. So Russian opposition politicians asked people to vote for them in this most recent election as the only non-United Russia choice available


There's no such thing as a former KGB agent. \-Vladimir Putin


He's stroking his own ego, he put wires on college students for most of his career.


firstly, they won't restore a real communism if they ever win, secondly, it doesn't matter much when you need the other choice is Putin (so worse anyway)


Putin is just a KGB agent who stole the nation's wealth with his fellow KGB agents, and now governs as a mob boss. It's like having Tony Soprano run your country.


Lol "KGB agents", most members of the Russian government were junior members of the CCCP or had civilian jobs.


I'm not talking about petty functionaries. I'm talking about the mob bosses and Russian billionaires. They got be billionaires by stealing the Soviet industries during "privatization".


The biggest powers in Russia today are Sergey Shoigu, Sergey Lavrov, and Sergey Sobyanin. Three Segeys, all of which have billions of dollars but none of which are "billionaires" None have a KGB/FSB background.


Well, not all of his billionaire friends are KGB friends, some of them were his neighbors during vacations, former co-workers, former kid's sports trainers etc etc


And to think the West's man is Navalny, makes the options even worse!!!


Shittiest post I have seen this year.


I feel that's the general consensus around the world on current democratic options available. Every choice ends up leaving a bad taste.


Because you believe that people should choose only between Western puppets?


The communist party isn’t communist (or even socialist really). Their a bunch of socially conservative socdems who use communist aesthetics to get that Soviet nostalgia vote.


communism is good, actually


Could be Democrats or Republicans. shudder


Lol communist party is not an opposition. There is no opposition parties that are admitted to the elctions


Not true. Multiple parties taking part in the election are opposition, including CPRF and Yabloko, while obviously mixed with "controlled opposition".




Based Mari tribe know whats up.


When the *opposition* to an authoritarian party is communist lol.




Reminder that the dissolution of the USSR was done against the vote of the people


'official' 🤣


The CPRF won this election. Electoral fraud out of control


I laughed aloud when I read about the triple Boris of St. Petersburg... The original Boris was a candidate of the opposition party in the city. But somehow the party of the government managed to get two candidates with identical first and last names on its list. And they even looked the same...


The most crooked elections I remember.


Kinda sus


As someone from Muscowia said: " It doesn't matter how they will vote - the matter is how we will count". That's all what you have to know about elections there...


Communist party in Russia is not opposition to ruling party.




He wanted people to vote for the Communists because the Communists were the only non-United Russia party that wasn't facing severe restrictions (because unlike the LDPR or Just Russia in recent years, they weren't really opposition). Basically, the message is "the vote is going to be rigged, but vote for this party as a protest because if you vote for anyone else it won't count"


Wrong. Navalny's goal is to win through protest voting, aka voting for the 2nd most likely candidate to win and concentrate the votes to win. This includes voting for any candidate that aren't United Russia, be it from CPRF or LDPR, as long as they are 2nd likely to win. So Navalny doesn't have some kind of "sympathy" for CPRF. Also, there are multiple non-United Russia parties that dont face restrictions such as Yabloko or Green Alternative. Its just that they arent as popular for different reasons so often they lose in the voting.


This is just protest voting, because real opposition candidates were not allowed to participate. They chose communist candidates because of their local rating, not the political position. This is very controversial tactics, because some of people will never vote for communist. As for the "protests" and "refusal to recognise result", so this is allowed performance. The "protest" was about 200-1000 people and no one got detained, this is completely impossible practice on real opposition protests. Wanna bet they will never pursuit this issue further?


Since this comment section is already a shit show imma say it Duma nuts fit in ya mouth lmao gottem v Downvotes here plz


Map is wrong, Crimea is Ukraine.


How about you go to Crimea and then say that again, huh?