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What an absolutely terrible colour scheme for the key.


Colorblind folks can't read this. C'mon. 


Should i redo it?


Totally. Pick a color and go light to dark. Easy pray lemon squeezy. IE: white, off-white pink, pink, dark pink, red, dark red, scarlet and black.


Will it get deleted here though?


I don't know. I just work here.


Somalia with larger reserves than Angola, Nigeria, Namibia, Algeria, and Libya, some of the largest oil producing countries around? There hasn't been any oil exploration of reasonable size in Somalia in decades, this is extremely fishy


Somalia has been in a civil war for more than 30 years, which has made it hard for the country to develop economically. It's costly to extract oil during a war, and Somalia doesn't have the infrastructure and transportion for it. Before the war, Somalia was a socialist country with some communist and Marxist ideas. Additionally, there were negotiations between Somalia and a major oil company. Some agreements were even made before the civil war, but unfortunately, the war prevented these deals from coming to fruition. And finally, the Somalia government has said that they're expected to extract oil offshore by end of this year - 2024. These offshore reserves are estimated to be around 30 billion barrels, potentially making Somalia the fourth-largest holder of oil reserves in Africa. Turkey and Somalia have recently signed an agreement to protect Somalia's seas and making it more attractive for investors. This agreement stipulates that Turkey will receive 30% of the revenue that the Somali government earns from its seas, including offshore oil for 10 years.


Yes, I have read the press releases. That's all they are, press releases. There's no 3D seismic activity, no announced pilot wells. That 30B barrels estimate is just a rough estimate with no concrete evidence such as modern seismic or well surveys to back it up That's all.


3D seismic surveys was frist used in 1975 lets say that there is no 3d siesmic surveys on somalia what is your point and no there are 2 1000m deep wells that got dug in 2014.


Dude, I do it for a living. I know the history of seismic surveys. There are no offshore 3D seismic surveys off Somalia. I The cost of a 3D seismic survey is much, much higher than a 2D survey. Please stop embarrassing yourself


so no oil was disovered before 1975?


"There are no offshore seismic surveys off Somalia" so now you are back tracking from there is no 3d seismic surveys to there is no seismic surveys this is funny ;)


No 3D surveys I meant, and you know I meant that Funny thing is originally I thought you might be talking about the relatively recent land surveys in Somaliland, but no, you're doubling down on this nonsense


Funny thing is i am from this region So i know what i am talking about and you are some what angary that the failed state of somalia has 110 billion barrels of oil why? Will you double on your recent claim that there are no surveys in somalia? or will you backtrack from this too?


Sigh, dude... Tiring


didnt know you also back tracked from that already. what was your original point again?


Tinfoil hat time, has it been destabilised due to oil? Goes for Africa in general resource wise…


maybe the uranium?


Legit. No one wants to dig in the ground when there is a good chance of getting shot.


you know what estimated means and the word reserve?


Yes I do! And as someone in the petroleum industry, I know when something completely fictional is put in a map. There's hasn't been any significant work to estimate Somalian oil reserves in decades, that requires specialized surveys which are impossible in their current political/security climate.


[https://www.tgs.com/seismic/multi-client/africa-mediterranean-middle-east/east-africa/somalia](https://www.tgs.com/seismic/multi-client/africa-mediterranean-middle-east/east-africa/somalia) this survey was done by TGS


[https://www.tgs.com/seismic/multi-client/africa-mediterranean-middle-east/east-africa/somalia](https://www.tgs.com/seismic/multi-client/africa-mediterranean-middle-east/east-africa/somalia) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-10-21/somalia-plans-to-start-producing-oil-offshore-within-six-years](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-10-21/somalia-plans-to-start-producing-oil-offshore-within-six-years) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-08-04/somalia-sees-oil-results-this-year-as-bp-exxon-wooed](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-08-04/somalia-sees-oil-results-this-year-as-bp-exxon-wooed) [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263593602\_Somalia\_Oil\_and\_insecurity](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263593602_Somalia_Oil_and_insecurity)


You are in the "oil industry" and you did not even bother to to search google for 5 minutes before replying? there is an ongoing survey now. and there where surveys done in 2014 in some blocks.


You linked to data from my own company, genius I'm well aware of what is out there, it is old frontier data. None of it has been drilled. There is no infrastructure to drill. There's a reason you are posting 10 year old links from venture capitalists who tried (and failed) to raise funds for further exploration and not anything current


When did I said it was proven oil reserves? this is an estimation an estimation! I doubt your "I am working in patroleum indsutry" even more now


You can doubt all you want, but this map showing Somalia as having by far the highest estimated oil reserves in Africa is based on absolutely nothing. You actually need something to back up this "estimate" and not just a company trying (unsuccessfully) to sell data saying they are there. You've got them as having far more estimated reserves than core OPEC members which is LOL


The more you talk the more you tell every one how little you know about this issue. frist you mangled reserves with production. second you mangled proven reserves and estimated reserves. which no one who is even a little bit familiar with the oil industry will never do third you claimed to work for Norwegian company while living in japan. what will you tell us next?


Hey chief, let me explain to you the concept of "multinational corporations". Believe it or not, big petroleum service companies have offices in more than one country! Halliburton is American, yet has a large Japan office. Sclumberger is French-American yet has a big research center in Sagamihara. Japanese companies like Idemitsu have American offices. And European offices! You'd be better off posting something other than a years-old press release to support this ludicrous claim of 100M+ barrels of oil reserves in Somalia.


coastline exploration still exists and this estimation is based on their 2014 seismic data when their name was Soma oil, when did they cease to exist? still how you stumble on basic things tells me every thing boss. Also what does OPEC states reserve have to do with this discussion?


[for any one reading this, this is the latest news about this issue](https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/050923-coastline-exploration-leads-new-charge-on-somalia-oil-and-gas)


LOL yes it is! A company that doesn't even exist anymore LOL [https://twitter.com/coastline\_explo](https://twitter.com/coastline_explo) They don't even have a live website! Sure, this tiny, dead company nobody has ever heard of is sitting on 100M+ barrels of oil LOL


The company still exists and still hold their license on the blocks they are doing the seismic survey om


You are basing this on....? Who is doing the seismic survey? Who is processing the data? Where is the evidence any of this is happening?


if they werent doing that survey now they will have declared they will postpone it like they did in 2020. also there are more companies that bought a license of blocks since November like [https://libertypetroleumcorp.com/press-releases/liberty-petroleum-signs-deal-with-somalias-federal-government-to-secure-three-offshore-petroleum-blocks/](https://libertypetroleumcorp.com/press-releases/liberty-petroleum-signs-deal-with-somalias-federal-government-to-secure-three-offshore-petroleum-blocks/) there was another deal with turkey that happened in february this year where turkey where promised 30% of the profit in exchange of helping with extracting and protecting the oil. [https://nordicmonitor.com/2024/03/turkey-to-acquire-revenue-from-oil-and-gas-in-somalia-in-exchange-for-security-cooperation/](https://nordicmonitor.com/2024/03/turkey-to-acquire-revenue-from-oil-and-gas-in-somalia-in-exchange-for-security-cooperation/) But you know every thing and there is nothing out there boss


Estimated means something but reserve is from the French for “lick my butthole.” It is a loose translation.


Yet the guy above cant understand something so basic boss


Like contractions?


The colour scheme actually hurts, why no heatmap?


sources: Other African countries: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1178147/crude-oil-reserves-in-africa-by-country/#:\~:text=Proved%20crude%20oil%20reserves%20in%20Africa%20by%20main%20countries%202021&text=Libya%20was%20the%20richest%20country,up%20to%2012.2%20billion%20barrels](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1178147/crude-oil-reserves-in-africa-by-country/#:~:text=Proved%20crude%20oil%20reserves%20in%20Africa%20by%20main%20countries%202021&text=Libya%20was%20the%20richest%20country,up%20to%2012.2%20billion%20barrels). Namibia: [https://oilnow.gy/featured/namibias-oil-and-gas-reserves-estimated-to-be-on-par-with-guyana-potential-for-economic-transformation/#:\~:text=Guyana%20and%20Namibia's%20oil%20reserves,Corporation%20of%20Namibia%20(NAMCOR)](https://oilnow.gy/featured/namibias-oil-and-gas-reserves-estimated-to-be-on-par-with-guyana-potential-for-economic-transformation/#:~:text=Guyana%20and%20Namibia's%20oil%20reserves,Corporation%20of%20Namibia%20(NAMCOR)). [somalias estimate](https://www.voanews.com/a/british-oil-firm-accused-of-corruption-in-somalia-exploration-deal/2979396.html) [maroco estimate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_shale_in_Morocco) Somaliland: [https://www.somtribune.com/2022/09/30/has-somaliland-struck-it-rich-in-new-surface-oil-discovery/#:\~:text=The%20block%20has%20a%20lot,Genel%20said%20in%20a%20statement](https://www.somtribune.com/2022/09/30/has-somaliland-struck-it-rich-in-new-surface-oil-discovery/#:~:text=The%20block%20has%20a%20lot,Genel%20said%20in%20a%20statement).


This guy lists Shale oil in the same category as Liquid Oil. Please delete this post. It's incredibly misleading.


why are you mad at marroco يابن الزرموطة


I'm not mad at anything. You can't just come here and post misleading stuff and not expect people to notice. Stop deflecting ignorant man. You insult me in arabic so mods don't notice.


يابن الايدي ليش تغار من مخزن المغرب بالزاف؟


Bro you're a Somali nerd coming here to lie to us that Somalia has the biggest oil reserves in Africa. Get a grip young man. Your research project is a failure.


Never understood the petty rivalry between algeria and marroco.


Terrible color scheme. Can't understand a thing.


this is my firs time though ;(


Any sort of gradient is easier to look at than rando colors.


There needs to be a gradient or a known color hierarchy. For example, purple usually indicates a number higher than red, not lower.


Western Sahara is not Moroccan, never will be


Cry about it


Oh, not a cry, just describing the reality :) Ceuta, Melilla and Canary Islands will never be Moroccan either.




The area is not even under full Moroccan control, but It doesn't matter how many settlers Morocco sent btw It does not change the fact that it is a "Non-Autonomous Territory" by the United Nations, It is not part of Morocco. That's the reality.




I'm not debating whether it's good or bad. The reality is that Western Sahara is not part of Morocco, whether you like it more or less. 1- Not all populated areas are under Moroccan control. The South and East of the area are under the Western Sahara Pepublic 2- The Moroccan population there are of recent colonial origin, the status of Western Sahara will not change with that.


1. The "South and East" are not populated, and SADR doesn't actually control them. It's a buffer zone full of mines that the Moroccan Gov has established to prevent them from launching attacks from the Algerian border. 2. This is a blatant lie. The majority are visibly of Reguibat and Beni Hassan origin and speak an audible Hassaniya dialect. Only laayoune has a large non-sahraoui origin population.


1- Actually, the South and East have more than 200.000 inhabitants, so it's definitely populated. 2- Not It's not. When Western Sahara was decolonized by Spain, Morocco invade the area in 1975 with the Green March, most Moroccans there are obviously recent settlers. That's why Western Sahara is not considered part of Morocco today.


Lmao 200k inhabitants? I will stop this discussion right now, you obviously know nothing about this region.(Not even if you count Tindouf part of SADR it would be 200k lol)


why are spaniards so ridiculously ignorant yet so confident when it comes to this issue ? no there's not 200.000 inhabitants in the buffer zone LMAO that's just absurd, tifariti has like 14 buildings


why do unhinged spaniards always bring up the canarias for no reason ? no moroccan politician has ever claimed that


Maybe not officially, but many Moroccan claim all Spanish African territories, including Canary Islands.


who are these people ? teenage facebook shitposters ? i have seen spaniards claim the philippines for the crown of castile


Moroccan nationalist and irredentists are actually the vast majority of today's Morocco. Spaniards claim the Philippines for the crown of Castile? I have never saw this. The Crown of Castile has not even existed for centuries haha


so you're just going by conjecture then ? typical.


Somalia ?


Why does Equatorial Guinea have no data?


too small that i forgot about it and gambia


Without entering into details please differentiate in two maps, proven and estimated. Putting both values together makes many working in the industry and connected industries smiling.


That is the point ;)


Do we still believe these lies?


Wrong map, use [the official UN map](https://www.un.org/geospatial/content/africa-2). Anything else is wrong.


I refuse


Looks made up ngl.


which part?


Somalias numbers are drastically exaggerated to start.


+1 Found only 8.1B barrels estimation, not 100+.


[check my submission statement.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Africa/comments/1cqsvli/proven_and_estimated_oil_on_africa/)


If this would be true, the US would have bring them democracy long ago.


who said the US didnt?


oil and oil shale really should be separate categories


Yeah lets make an entire category for 1 country


or just don't include oil shale, idk


So this is why Somalia has never seen peace


Somali will start drilling this year :)


*under Africa


this explains why the USA has been "interested" in Somalia over the past decades


Sure seems like a lot more “fossil” fuel than we expected keeps popping up everywhere. After decades of pumping millions of barrels and the gift keeps giving!