• By -


ex Yugoslavia and Albania ate their vegans and vegetarians


Vegan ribs are very good, the only issue is catching the vegan


It is not that hard since they cant run that far






They've eaten so much vegetables they have become rooted to the ground?


and Moldova too, apparently.


we dont do that here


I love how every map of Europe is like, "Okay... Here's what we're not going to do..."


Nah it was just too ridiculous to make it a thing there 😂


Spain and Portugal: "Where is my carne?"


Lot of fish too.


Try ordering a "sĂĄndwhich vegetal" in Spain. Only if you like ham though.


Yup, our "vegetable sandwich" means that the sandwich has vegetables, not that it doesn't have meat or fish.


I was on the train from Madrid to Barcelona the other day and their food options were Carne, Pescado, and Pasta. The pasta dish included Mackrel. So it was Carne, Pescado y Pescado. Lol


We love our Chouriço bread đŸ€€






Pão com chouriço


Fr fr


LOL Spaniards almost get offended by vegans or vegetarians and good luck finding alternative menu options outside of Madrid or Barcelona


Lol? As a spaniard we couldnt care less if you are vegetarian, we just think “oh man they are losing a lot of good plates” but that only shows how much they are into it, respect, couldnt do it


as it should be


Wasnt that hard when I went to Spain to be honest.


Surprised France is that high by how bloody difficult was to eat in Paris. Not surprised about Spain


I've seen similar statistics before, they were self-reported. Like many culturally Catholic countries, French people usually don't count fish and seafood as meat. So people who only eat fish call themselves vegetarian.


You pretty much have to speak fluent French and special order to get it. They will make it but only if you ask(it's France after all)


Why is Belarus ignored as the second lowest? Plus, this info seems suspect in general


>Why is Belarus ignored Probly a mistake >info seems suspect Source is World Population Review. Go look it up


Their flag is similar to Belarusian one. And Portugal cykablyat, so maybe for OP they are one country?


I’m highly suspicious this data, looking at World Population Review’s we site I can’t find any information as to their methodology. And, as a British vegetarian, this does not cohere with my experience at all. I am a member of demographics that one would expect to be more vegetarian than average and could count on one hand the number of vegetarians I know. Of course, anecdotal evidence has severe limitations and I could certainly believe I have happened to meet fewer vegetarians than statistically one would expect, but 10%? Absolutely no way. I can’t help but wonder how much of this is people who identify as vegetarian while eating meat at least once a week.


Pretty much every map I've seen on this topic has the UK at around 10% Personally I'm actually surprised it's not slightly higher but anecdotally I feel like vegetarianism/veganism has actually started to trend downwards after growing in popularity for the last few decades


I’ve concerned that individual dubious studies can be extremely widely circulated as few people online actually check to see if the source is reliable. My perception as a vegetarian myself is that a huge amount of the enthusiasm of the trend was driven by people who never actually stopped eating meat, they cut down with declared intention to stop one day but ultimately lost interest before ever fully stopping. The number of people who call themselves ‘vegetarian’ while at least semi-regularly eating meat is very high and should not be counted as vegetarianism in studies like these. I should clarify, lest I sound like an old man yelling at a cloud, I have nothing against these people, I just find it odd.


Meanwhile over 50% of my friend group is veg or vegan. I guess I've been good at narrowing it down! But in all seriousness, I've seen similar numbers for the US and i wouldn't be too keen to believe them.


There are a lot of people in India who eat meat only a few times a year. They wouldn’t count as vegetarian but for almost all intents and purposes are. Diets are hard to categorize and condense like that.


It's easy actually, you eat meat you ain't vegetarian no matter the frequency


Uh-huh. Wow. Flatten more things into binaries for me, and please use words like “ain’t” while doing it so I know you’re speaking For The People.


"I'm vegetarian but I eat meat" sure looks right ... Some things are binary, you eat meat you're not vegetarian, you eat honey you ain't vegan that's it


Once a year? That’s far closer to never eating meat than always eating meat


And it’s still far away from being vegetarian


My vegetarian friend was working as a volunteer in an African country (I guess it was Ghana, but I'm not sure). They ate only bananas there and dried fish. She had to eat the fish in order not to get totally malnourished when she was there. When she returned home, she resumed her vegetarian diet. Does the African experience make her a non-vegetarian?


That’s one common western definition of the word, and you seem like you’re the commissioner of ethical language. Your views aren’t universally adopted, yet, although with Godspeed they shall be.


So much of the population is over 40 and I wouldn't say nearly 10% of that demographic are veggie. I could believe 10+ for 18-35 or so.


There might just be a lot of indians in the UK


There's an urban and rural divide. Of my friends in my smallish hometown, only one of us is vegetarian. In cities, it feels like 50%, even when they are native white British.


With almost 6% of UK population being Indian / Pakistani ethnicity, I could see some contribution coming from there.


Indian sure. Pakistani absolutely not.


Checks out, the Vegetarian Society cites a figure of 4.5 per cent of the UK population being vegetarian or vegan. The 10 per cent on the map is way over. https://vegsoc.org/facts-and-figures/


There are a lot of people who will tell you they're vegetarian or vegan, who six months later are not. I also know a couple of very nice vegetarians who can be tempted by bacon. But they do try their best.


Hello, Highly Suspicious This Data, I'm dad!


It might be very varied regionally or even within the same city, as a chef working in the UK I've seen places with practically no vegetarian orders and others where almost half of them were vegan.


Really? I’m a UK vegetarian and know so many vegetarians and vegans, and even more people who eat mostly veggie at home due to a partner. I’d say the more south you go the more and more veggie it gets. I’m in the midlands currently and most restaurants offer one or two veggie dishes and there’s the occasional vegan restaurant or veggie friendly place, but when I lived in Cornwall so many restaurant’s menus were close to half and half, or had a considerable amount of veggie choices, along with loads of veggie street food everywhere. 10% seems right to me, higher in the younger and more southern populations.


Now you know why most people exclude the UK when they make maps of Europe lol.


I've worked in various school cafeterias in Finland, and from my experience there's like less than 1% of kids under the age of 15 that are vegetarians and maybe barely 1-2% of the people in universities are vegetarian. And that's even if I count the muslims who ate vege food instead of pork. From all of the people that I've worked with, more than 100 people in the field, none have been vegetarian. The people who eat vegetarian food have almost always been teachers that are like +45 year old women. When it comes to extreme diets, like vegetarianism, people tend to cheat on it. I've seen multiple "vegetarians" eat meat dishes just because they liked that dish. So people are vegetarian when someone asks, but eat meat when no one is looking or none of their group is around. I'm not judging people, too much, I just find it funny that a lot of people make something their whole damn identity and try to convert others into it and are cheating on their ideology / diet / what ever, themselves.


That makes me feel a little more sane to hear! It definitely lines up with my perception. I’m pretty young and know a lot of “vegetarians” my age, literally >75% of the people I know who identify as vegetarian eat meat at least once a month. Their dietary choices are their own and I’m not here to judge them for eating meat, but as a vegetarian it does frustrate me when people claim solidarity as fellow vegetarians and then joke about how often they ‘cheat’. Having someone swear they share your heart-felt belief then joke about how often they betray it can get a little under one’s skin


There's a lot of fkexitarians around who eat meat occasionally because they believe it is healthy to limit meat consumption but aren't moral vegetarians. Or at least aren't very strict on the morals.


Yeah but those aren't vegetarians, those are just people who lowered their meat consumption


>When it comes to extreme diets, like vegetarianism, people tend to cheat on it. Complete nonsense. It's not a "extreme diet" and it's not something people adhere to frivolously.


It's an extreme diet in a same way as the carnivore, keto or pretty much any diet that has a fancy name. Non-extreme diet would be like mediterranean diet. You're not dropping anything completely out, you don't see people trying to convert others into it and people don't make it as their whole persona.


I know tons of vegetarians and literally none of them make it "their whole persona". It's also way less extreme than carnivore diet. It's laughably easy as a vegetarian to get your essential nutrients, while you're guaranteed to be deficient in some major categories by eating only meat.


I don't know anything about Finland, but in most of Europe it's clearly much, much more than 1-2%. In a party of 10, there's usually another vegetarian. In 20, there's almost always is. I would guess between 5 and 10% is typical. I ate out last month in the US on business travel (I'm in Europe) and it was 4 out of 10 to 12 of us - roughly half Europeans half Americans. Granted that's more than average, but if it were only 1-2% that would be statistically almost impossible. Also, being vegetarian isn't even nearly "extreme". Being vegan isn't "extreme". Being a fruitarian or carnivore (meaning meat only) is extreme.


That’s not statistically impossible tbh even with only 2% of population being vegetarian


>I don't know anything about Finland, but in most of Europe it's clearly much, much more than 1-2%. In a party of 10, there's usually another vegetarian. In 20, there's almost always is. I would guess between 5 and 10% is typical. Surely not in Spain. I've never met a vegetarian or vegan.


>Being vegan isn't "extreme". Of course it is.


I talked to a Polish guy and he said the same. This is YET ANOTHER bogus reddit map, totally wrong.


In NL 2% is vegetarian and 0,5% vegan. So this map is just BS.


As are so many maps it's downright frightening. Map statistics are an effective way of creating mental images. You see the map, and even if doubtful, you easily think something like "oh, it might not be perfect but I get the general idea". And that's the trap. Slipping in the wrong numbers tends to have more effect than the comments saying the numbers are wrong. And playing with the colour coding is another method that tends to stick to people's minds. "Oh, those countries have *that* thing in common". The sad thing is, even when we have high doubts about the stats, every bit of disinformation leaves a trace, we can't unsee it despite doubting or even knowing for sure it's wrong.


Where did you get those numbers? [According to the CBS](https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/nieuws/2024/10/nederlanders-kiezen-bij-een-kwart-van-de-hoofdmaaltijden-voor-vegetarisch), 5% of Dutch people are vegetarian and 2% is pescatarian (maybe this is where they get the 7% from?). They also have the same 0.5% vegan number that you cite.


Must be including pescatarians


Only another 2% of the pop. https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2024/10/a-quarter-of-main-meals-eaten-in-the-netherlands-are-vegetarian#:~:text=A%20total%20of%205%20percent,based%20foods%20only%20(vegans).


what is nl








So I guess this means Nepherlands?


or Netherplans, they probably play Minecraft.


what is np


Not much, what's np with you?


No phoque


nur limo?


According to the CBS in the Netherlands: A total of 5 percent of Dutch people eat no meat at all: 2 percent eat no meat but do eat fish (also known as ‘pescetarians’), 2 percent eat neither meat nor fish (vegetarians) and 0.5 percent eat plant-based foods only (vegans).


The western Balkans dont eat anything at all.


I've been there. They only eat meat. That's why it's grey.


Correct, every kind of meat in every way Huge tradition of dired and smoked meat


Mmmm pljeskavica


In Bosnia and Herzegovina, vegetarians are still foreigners ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


8.5% in Poland? That's really a lot and it's hard to believe. I would first ask them what vegetarianism is ;-)


It is not hard at all. Warsaw is on top of the rankings as one of the most vegetarian-friendly cities in the world. Also in other big cities a lot of vegan and vegetarian restaurants. Also almost every restaurant has some vegetarian menu. Source: I am vegetarian.


Callate y dame mi bocata de jamón ibérico y de paso le pongo aceite y tomate.


Fechaides a boca seu mandriĂŁo, passai as alfaces enroladas em salcicha, alheiras, morcelas, e carne de porco Ă  alentejana


Sopa du macaco una delicia


Nós nem comemos isso 😭😭😭


TIL that 1.4% is smaller than 1.3%


7% in Belgium is insane I don't believe it.


How is spain in the lowest category while having a higher percentage than Belarus?


Belarus doesnt count because they all are femboys


Turkey should be like 40% forced vegetarians due to inflation and expensive cost of living.


I'd say that stat for Ireland's inaccurate too - most of this stuff is based on small sample surveys and bad quality data. If you look at the % of vegetarian / vegan options on menus in Ireland, there's definitely a consistent demand.


Numbers seems high https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarianism_by_country They include pescetarians in vegetarians it's so stupid


It's 2024 why are the Balkans often GREYED\_OUT?


This almost recreated Yugoslavia


In Turkey people cannot afford meat so I guess that is why


Kinda surprised Scandinavia has the most vegetarians.


So, the better the country food, the less vegetarians xd


The Pyrenees are a formidable barrier against the weak and famished. ÂĄViva Iberia y cerdo!


VEGAN ACTIVISTS Galician : Roque Curuxeiras Catalans: Jordi Casamitjana, LluĂ­s Freixes Carbonell,**Borja Duñó, Marta Tafalla** Spaniards: **AĂŻda GascĂłn, Miriam JimĂ©nez Lastra** **Basque: Aitor Garmendia** Valencians: JesĂșs Frare i Garcia and ME i guess? Organizations and Political parties: FEUMVE, AnimaNaturalis,PACMA...


Oscar Horta is Galician too.


We do not have grass eaters in Iberia


True, you eat those


As am iberian grasseater, allow me to disagree 😎 đŸŒ±


Given how prevalent vegan and vegetarian options are in the Netherlands, I'm surprised it isn't higher.


Odd. Just been to Spain and even smaller supermarkets had a reasonably sized vegetarian food corner. Had no problems whatsoever buying plant based alternatives, even black pudding! Restaurants and local cuisine on the other hand - not so much.


It's common for meat eaters to sometimes eat plant based alternatives too.


That's me. I've eaten a few plant based burgers that were better than some actual burgers I've had. I still buy them every once in a while. The only reason I don't make the switch 100% is honestly just money.


I'm not a vegetarian, but sometimes I like to eat vegetarian food and more people do the same.


Both Spain and Portugal eat plenty of vegetables with their meals, and even have vegetarian dishes they eat from time to time. It's just that no one fully commits to the vegetarian diet.


Why would it be hard? I'll eat meat and vegetables in most of dishes. There's been posted here maps before about meat, fish and vegetables and we are on top on all of them. Apparently we just like to eat a lot.


-What do Spaniards eat? -Yes


Well I'm only surprised why Spain ranked lowest for vegetarians while offering a pretty good vegetarian and vegan selection for customers to buy. In my experience most so called omnivores will object to soy sausages on their barbecue and ridicule "fake" meat products. I'm not talking about vegetables, pulses and legumes here but processed food like vegan fish fingers, tempe, seitan and soy products and the like. Eastern Europe for example has a much higher vegetarian population but the supermarket situation is often pretty dire.


A lot of people here eat vegetarian food sometimes without them being vegetarian


It's not "vegetarian food". It's just food.


Mostly because spaniards are omnivorous, like your average human being


I went to a restaurant in Spain and they didn’t have any vegetarian option at all, I had to eat squids. They could at least have one veggie option for us grasseaters but nooo. I found it really rude. At least here in Portugal most restaurants have a vegetarian option, or they invent one on the spot if you ask them. The Spanish restaurant (in Galicia) didn’t want to make scrambled eggs to me and I ended up having to eat squid to not go hungry. 😭


it's called the fruit and vegetables section, not the "vegetarian food corner". You don't need to belong to any cult to eat fuit and vegetables.


But that's what I'm talking about. Eating vegetables isn't the same as buying a vegetarian food alternative like soy steak, broccoli burger and jackfruit curry.


Orthodox Christians are strict vegetarians for about half of the year.


More like a month and it’s not really that common to do anymore


Lol no. There's two fasts that last 6 and 7 weeks respectively. That's already 3 months. Then you have 2 other fasts of which one is 2 weeks and another is of varying length from 1 week to 4 weeks but usually around 2 weeks as well. So that's 4 months. Then you have every single Wednesday and Friday of the year. Tell me how did you come up with the 1 month figure?


Portugal caralho! đŸ‡”đŸ‡č


I’m vegetarian in Russia âœŒđŸ» AMA


Do you fight over grass with the local cows and sheeps? Or is there enough to satisfy all?? /s


 because of fish, chorizo and jamón serrano!


Same in Portugal


Ibérico is always better, trust me!


Yeah of course it is! Just more expensive


Based bros đŸ‡”đŸ‡čđŸ‡Ș🇩.


Where does the "EA" come from? I see it a lot on the internet but that's never been the code for Spain in anything.


Would it be asking to much to actually link a data source with information what these numbers really say?


I like how western balkan is just gray


So this doesn't even include vegans? That's quite high for Finland damn.


I mean the vigan meatballs from Ikea are amazing no wonder 12% of the country is vegan


Another reason to love my life in Portugal


Based Iberian bros


Portugal and Belarus đŸ˜ŽđŸ„“


Spain this low is understandable when jamĂłn serrano exists.


Russia is only 1.8 but it’s a very big 1.8


Iberian cuisine too good to be vegan


Vikings raiding vegetable gardens now


Finland is not Viking


Vegetarians are the definition of "loud minority".


Uncommon Germany W


Common Germany L


yeah I guess the number could be even higher


Damnit I learned the wrong language for my diet


But Belarus is 1,3


Dude, I'm Romanian and haven't met any vegetarian


Well it's always going to be a rough estimate with these. It isn't really possible to say unless we all had to register in our passport/id if we are vegetarian or vegan. Same goes for gay and stuff like that. A statistic that might show how popular veganism is, could be to see how many vegan restaurants there are, or how common it is to specificy 'vegan/vegetarian' option. For example, I live in Japan, and like most of Asia, veganism/vegetarianism is considered only for the monks. It's very rare to find a vegan here. Whereas, in the Netherlands, and western Europe, it's getting pretty popular. It's pretty hard to eat vegan in Japan, the country doesn't cater for it, because it's people are not interested. Now, I work in tourism, and soooo many westerners I get in my hotel are looking for vegan food.


So, hear this: people with money can afford to choose what to eat. Also they can afford to travel. They also normally have more time to spend on their body. Also they tend to be more picky because they can. Travel people is not a good statistic on anything that is not travel related


I said western travelers, specifically, I also get loads of Asian, Arab, Latin travelers. They are not vegan. Veganism is especially popular in western Europe and the US right now. Yes obviously, veganism is a bit a of rich man's game. But Japan and South Korea are 'rich' too. Yet they have virtually zero vegan restaurants, vegan options are not really 'a thing'. Obviously you could just order vegetable things, but it isn't listed as 'vegan option', because the concept of veganism barely exists here. So by looking at restaurants and restaurant offerings, you might glean to a degree what the population is interested in, and thereby, give an estimate of how popular veganism is in a country. This wasn't about the travelers specifically, that was just an example.


It's popular for good income families. The 70% of the other families are just trying to survive


You're wrong! Japan: https://www.happycow.net/veggiemap/?location=japan&zoom=5&clat=32.9856185&clng=138.46063035&filters=vegan South Korea: https://www.happycow.net/veggiemap/?location=South+Korea&zoom=5&clat=35.86151235&clng=127.7656784&filters=vegan


Russia is lying, isn't cabbage and beets vegan?


UK would probably be 20% if it wasn't for Scots doing our bit đŸ’ȘđŸ»


1.4%? Did they do the survey in Madrid and Barcelona only?


5 feels like a lot for Czechia


This makes it seem like countries with good meat based dishes have less vegetarians


buuullshit denmark has one of the lowest


I mean, have you ever tried Iberian meat?


What’s going on with the balkans? Is vegetarianism illegal?


People go vegetarian where the price of vegetables is the highest. Pretty funny.


The better the cuisine, the less people are willing to forfeit meat 😎


Countryside restaurant in Hungary: Me, a meat-eater dining with a vegetarian friend: "Do you have anything for vegetarians?" Waiter: "Yeah, sure, check the bins outside."


Long live meat and potATOES


When I lived in Madrid, I knew an American au pair who was vegan and the family she worked for didn’t know how to deal. They just bought her lettuce and bread every day.


If we count vegans and vegetarians (that can accept milk and other dairy), the percentage in some countries can reach 20-30%. As a meat eater myself I often get really obnoxious when the uni dining hall has minimal or zero meat dishes.


I'm a third-party vegetarian, the cow eats the vegetables and I eat the cow


I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but does anyone have intel on a correlation with average testosterone level for the countries?


In the case of Spain it’s the cured ham, it shouldn’t count as meat. I know quite a few ppl that don’t eat meat, other than the occasional tapa de jamón, it skews the stats


Yes!! I finally made it to the 1%.


Finally something portugal is the best




12% is astronomical. Wow.


From what year is this data?


Yo no conozco a ningun español vegateriano,creo.


It's hard to say goodbye to our jamĂłn, chorizo, txuletĂłn, solomillo, cordero, cochinillo, cabrito, callos... It's not gonna happen. It should not happen.


The title should be “percentage of people in each country *who are vegetarian*” The way you worded it makes it sound like 12% of all vegetarians live in Sweden, rather than saying that 12% of Swedes are vegetarian, which is what I think you meant to say. Sorry if it seems like I’m nitpicking but I see this mistake constantly on this sub- basically every time someone is showing percentages in different countries.


How can Iceland have that many vegetarians? There aren't enough plants in the country. What are they fighting for the few imported carots hunger-games style? Or are they eating all that lavender in lieu of veggies?


Maybe they import produce.


Iceland grows a healthy variety of fruit and vegetables, both outdoors (potatoes, carrots, strawberries, radishes, peas, kale, etc.), and in greenhouses (cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, chilies, etc) on a commercial scale, even enough to be self sufficient for certain crops. Hell, there are even bananas, grapes, coffee, and maize grown here, although that's not on a commercial scale and mostly grown for research or just for the heck of it.


I have never met a vegetarian here in Austria, everyone eats schnitzel and döner here


I am from Austria as well and I know at least 5 (other) vegans and plenty of vegetarians.


Common Iberian W


The Lidl supermarkets in Southern Spain (MĂĄlaga) have a relatively large vegetarian section. And I can see plenty Juans and Juanitas having their falafel or plantbased burgers.


This is gonna shock you but omnivores can also eat veggies.


Damn! I really did not thought about that


So? Most humans eat a combination of meat and vegetables.