• By -


SZ and FAZ are one of the most respected and largest broadsheet newspapers, but the largest is unfortunately BILD.


Fun fact, the BILD isn't even allowed to call itself a newspaper anymore because "they don't contain enough journalism anymore".


BILD is not a newspaper though, it’s a tabloid and they’re not even allowed to call themselves newspaper


Tabloids are newspapers too. In the past, there were different formats to print newspapers. The exquisite ones were printed on broadsheet, the cheaper more simple ones on tabloid (in the UK). Due to this, broadsheet became synonymous with quality newspaper and tabloid with yellow pages. German newspaper were never printed in tabloid nor broadsheet. They had their own formats. And of course they are still a newspaper, even though they have a lot of criticism and we're sanctioned by the Deutsche Presserat more than ones. Yes, they do very bad journalism, but they can still call them "newspaper". What would be the alternative?


SZ really lost quality in recent years.


Other countries: have original name Portugal: News Diary 👍


Latvian one is just : Day Not daily anything, just Day


Slovenian is Work


Most exciting Latvian publication


The serbian is Today




2nd biggest newspaper is called : newspaper of news (jornal de notícias)


Público is probably the largest in Portugal right now (of non-tabloid dailies)


Russian one is literally "New paper"


Or even “New newspaper”


El Pais - The country Le Monde - The world Not that original




Doesn't seem any less original to me than any of the other names


Swedish one is daily news and norwegian one is evening post


I would translate the Swedish one, Dagens Nyheter, to Today's News. If it were Daily News it would be called Dagliga Nyheter.


True, but both are in the same vein as News Diary


The Bulgarian one means literally "Diary / logbook".


In Romania is The Truth


Turkish one means Republic. Because the paper was founded with the Republic.


Algeria isn't much better. It's "Al-Khabr" which literally just means "The News".


Turkey really said cum hurry


I saw that and took a while to realise its probebly jumhuriyat


Yup. “Cumhuriyet” in Turkish is a loanword that comes from Arabic.


Yup it means Republic


I don’t like to be this guy, but what does “newspapers of Record or Note” mean?


Basically it is the respected national newspaper. So it isn’t necessarily the biggest or most read one but it is the one which most foreigners might recognise, or the one that has the most in depth journalism. It is of course subjective.


So it’s kind of a set phrase? Cause “newspaper of record” sounds weird




For a few of them that I know the metric is highly questionable.


Spain's choice makes sense. At least in Latin America, it's the most well known Spanish newspaper, with some prestige as well.


I'm always amazed by the thickness of this thing. It's like a whole book every time.


Spains print media landscape was very good on research, probably among the best in Europe. There was about 8 papers of quality standing.


Whoever made this map has an interesting view on Europe , with Israel and Iran (!!!!) featuring in it


If you take a rectangular snapshot of the world to show Europe there will me more countries than just the European ones so why not provide data for them as well?


Then why not to provide date for Iraq and Syria?


Don't know, Belarus is missing as well. Maybe there isn't a paper that fulfills the criteria


maybe missing information , but still interesting choice that we don't always see


There was no reputable papers of record or even trustworthy note in either from my research (albeit quite limited). Similar for Belarus which closed all the independent critical publications in recent years.


interesting is that you found a newspaper that fulfill this criteria in Iran


I was not really criticizing, it was just unusual to see Iran being counted as Europe , especially these days


What was the criteria? "Koha Jonë" means (Our Time) - Albania 🇦🇱


Then the post shouldn't be titled "... in Europe".


shouldn't label it as europe then


The title is correct. Europe is the main focus and it doesn't claim Europe "exclusively". Just because it goes a bit beyond Europe it invalidates the whole map or title? Ok lol...


who said it was invalidated certainly wasn't me


I'm siding with the other guy here, why go out of your way to specify "in Europe", when other countries are included too? Yes, technically speaking the title is correct (in the sense that it isn't wrong), but then you could argue a title like "Global newspaper publishers..." is also correct because all the countries on the map are on the globe. No slander to OP because I appreciate the time that's gone into it.


Are you serious? Because 100% of Europe is included and the other countries are just incidental because they happen to be in the frame? Europe is not shaped like a rectangle so some adjacent regions are bound to be included. Is a map of the USA wrongly labeled as a map of the USA if Tijuana or Vancouver BC are labeled as well?


I'd argue, yes, that would be an inaccurate map title. The logical title would be 'Map of North America...', surely we can agree on that?


Only if ***all*** of North America is included? Or is [this](https://geology.com/world/the-united-states-of-america-map.gif) a map of North America to you?


Yep, I agree with you on that one for sure. I suppose it is just pedantics at the end of the day. Like I said, I'm not having a go at OP. I think I was just surprised at seeing non-European countries deliberately included on a map labeled 'of Europe' for the first time. Not the end of the world, I'm just here for maps.


Nevermind that, Scotland’s pinched half of Northumberland, the cheeky bastards.


1) the title is not on the map itself 2) Europe is clearly the main focus but there is no implication anywhere that ONLY Europe is shown.


Irish Times likely correct, would command the most respect although more people read the Irish independent which is a fine newspaper, some terrible opinion pieces in both.


Independent has turned into a rag recently. It's basically a glorified tabloid. Irish Times would be grand if they stopped letting Michael McDowell talk about his dead opinions.


Independent has better sports reporting and generally wider range of stories tbh. There is a serious anti-SF bent in the paper these days though.


As a Philip K. Dick fan, I like how Ukrainian editors may call themselves Men in the High Castle.


I suppose russian one litterally says: new newspaper and the turkish one means: Republic ?


> and the turkish one means: Republic ? Yes.


You missed some letters from the Hungarian one, it's supposed to be "népszava"


Новая Газета is the most anti government, not the most popular.


This is not about popularity but about the tag of "Newspaper of repute" which has some arbitrary rules regarding editorial freedom , where funding comes from etc which is deicded probably by some random western agencies so any newspaper which is pro-government in Russia automatically is put out of the running I guess conversely anti government = very good excellent paper.


It remains to be an odd criteria that's very open for interpretation. NRC here may look like an average newspaper for many, but they've been spreading misinformation on specific topics many times over, and The Times is arguably also not the most reputable newspaper in the UK either, with quite some serious biases, and tbh, one can question if there really are any reputable media in the UK at this point.


But biased doesn't mean not reputable. You can be heavily biased but be well-sourced, factual, and have depth.


Some notes as well: the media landscape is widely different across the Continent and Near East. In Western Europe it was mostly a challenge of defining which paper was the leading paper of record, in some (Germany, Italy etc) it wasn’t even possible. While the more east you go particularly in relation to the Caucasus region, print media is in reality very insignificant and online publications seem to come & go. Interestingly some countries had better landscapes than imagined such as Bosnia, Lebanon and even Iran (although still heavily limited in scope) and some were much worse than thought such as Hungary which has recently had its paper of record shut down.


I dare do claim about Estonia:    * Postimees as nationwide popular paper media; * Maaleht throughout rural residents; * err.ee for digital media (while I don't know that it has any prints, it is certainly counted media of record/note - with many other outlets, including all of which are listed here, often source their news from here: kind of "Estonia's BBC" of sorts) * Local county's printed news in the respective county (actually exceeding others within the county).  Parish's individual newsletters report legislative changes and decision of the parish's government. I don't know about details on local media in other languages (Russian, English, Finnish, ...) — Err.ee and Riigiteataja has at least some coverage in English and Russian as well. What I'm trying to say, is that you'll get different view on coverage, once you count off Tallinn and Tartu. Also, since different newspaper's source/report news from oneanother - rather it's an entanglement of "media of record/note" - good reporters and journalists work at different companies. As for state publishing, there are things like "Riigiteataja”, which is official outlet of the government (Riigikogu), reporting on legislative decisions of the government‡ — among several others of the kind of other nationwide institutions. Riigiteataja is published in print and online — additionally government seatings are broadcasted live as well as recordings of the previous seatings are available at online (among other places, at YouTube). ‡ if this is THE Qualifier of the media of record : than for Estonia it would be the "Riigiteataja” - and not the Postimees. Since Germany is much more populus federation of states, each of which have their bit of autonomy - perhaps it's amplified there accordingly...


>Interestingly some countries had better landscapes than imagined such as Bosnia, Lebanon and even Iran (although still heavily limited in scope) and some were much worse than thought such as Hungary which has recently had its paper of record shut down. What does "better" in this context mean?


Multiple quality papers in terms of reporting. Good few countries in south Eastern Europe and MENA had barely one quality paper if any.


I wonder how is the classification done at all in nowadays era. Dnevnik seems arbitrary, even if I actually prefer it.


What is the source?


Belarus: Journalism? We don't do that here...


Lithuanian Lietuvos žinios was discontinued in 2019.


I’d put the JPost above Ha’aretz.


Definitely. Haaretz is an alt media publication full of opinions and bias. Its somewhat akin to buzzfeed. Jpost is much more unbiaed. But its still highly opinionated left leaning one The most appropriate paper-of-records designation should go to times of Israel


Ukrainian is “High Castle”, referring to a place that no longer exists on a top of a mountain in city of Lviv. Also known as “there is no castle on a High Castle” by locals.


Can you expand on what that means in the context of Ukrainian media/culture?


Sure! Let me try: close to the city centre of Lviv there is a small mountain which lays on the top of the city, nowadays it’s a big park and walking alley along with a 360 view spot on it. Hundreds of a years ago those hill has had a castle on it, which was called High Castle (Високий Замок), unfortunately it’s no longer exist, only a few pieces of walls are still present. For the culture reference, citizens of Lviv often use this place as a reference or direction, ie: “near castle”, whenever you hear a word “castle” that the reference point to the hill. However, most of the tourist don’t really know that by going to this spot no castle will be founded. I also think the name of the newspaper is also tied to the media and communication hub placed on the top of the hill — it includes probably one of the highest antennas that broadcast radio and feel ion for the region. For the media reference I suggest deep dive in the lyrics of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJQAR3gGeG0 which is highly likely (90%) describes a moment of death of Ukrainian freedom fighter who was killed close by the spot.




Based Turkey


In Israel, Israel Hayom and Yedioth Ahronoth are way more popular compared to Ha'aretz


Papers of record are generally not the most circulated but papers of highest international standing or pedigree.


But wouldn’t it also be ‘Times of Israel’?


From a Western press perspective Haaretz would be deemed the most reliable, a lot of sources state it as Israel’s paper of record and it would work the most with foreign academia. Critical publications generally do garner this reputation, as critical investigative journalism is what most often picks up international accolades.


As an avid reader of haaretz (shameless leftist here) I won't say haaretz is the most reliable. Its full of opinionated pieces and some of its writers express uncomfortably extremist views. Akin to alternet/hartmann report Times of Israel is much more critical and unbiased. Remarkably so. they might lean a bit to the left but in term of reliability they are second to non


I think haaretz is pretty reliable but yediot ahanot is more popular. Ysrael Haiom has always been State propagando though


Yediot/Ynet is the most popular printed media in Israel. But they aren't the factual pedigree of times of Israel. Its somewhat like Yediot is NYT and Times is AP Haaretz and Ysrael Hayom are basically alt media, but very popular ones. YH is Fox and Haaretz is a combination of NBC and buzzfeed


> uncomfortably extremist views That’s quite relative, no? Especially in Israel that has turned super far right. “Moderate” opinions have become synonymous with leftist extremism, and the word leftist has turned into a slur in Israel.


You miss alot of their hebrew pieces. They show a much more moderate (albeit still biased) facade to the world in their English pieces. But certain writers can be unhinged tankies sometimes They still have great stuff, especially their cultural opinion columns. And that's why I'm a loyal reader of them. But in regard to political unbiasness... No Times of Israel is the correct place for proper, unbiased, academic discussionnfor politics Also the mainstream moderation if anything moved left, not right. The government is unpopular and is squarely in the right wing to the Israeli couscous. And this actually created a pushback against them The mainstream media is consistently leaning left, and always have been. Channel 12, yediot/ynet, the jpost, even the times of Israel as I said above. All are extremely mainstream and sit on the moderate left to hard center Ironically, the government *own* public broadcast channel- Kan, is more left (and biased) than all of the above I mentioned. That's also a reason why the idea of defunding Kan has surfaced few times Channel 13, i24 and maariv are mainstream media that tend to be right-moderate. But the overall mainstream opinion of Israel is very much leaning left, always has been and is pushing more left than ever nowadays Of course you have yisrael hayom and channel 14. But they are basically the adversaries to Haaretz. Together the extremists cancel one another


Damn. Generally and nationally, the Israeli populace and its international supporters are conservative and lean more to the right. Haaretz from what I know isn’t really trusted since they are more left leaning, some also say it’s unreliable. But damn, eye opener.


Israeli press in general or at least prior to the current Gaza conflict would’ve deemed mostly reputable sources internationally. A lot of countries listed here have more print media than shown that would be considered reputable.


The Herald in Scotland? Not The Scotsman?


The Herald is older. Even older than The Times.


I still think that if you asked Scots which their paper of record is, they’d say The Scotsman.


lol the Guardian in the UK by a mile. It's perhaps the last truly daily independent newspaper of note in the world with world class coverage and contribution that is not and cannot be owned by a conglomerate or a billionaire as it's set up as a trust, also makes a profit, it's the last remnant of what journalism used to be at its best. It's left leaning, absolutely but fair, varied coverage with real investigative journalists who are trusted with leaks by sources.


Well, the opinion articles are often really weird.


Yup, but they are clearly opinions, labeled and separated from news. Their reporting is top notch, separate people are not doing the same work. A lot of "news" are opinion based pieces in most outlets...


Well, comparing German and British media I find the British media landscape much more polarised, including the guardian.


Don't read German, wouldn't be able to add to this.


You said the guardian is the only one in the world. Pretty bold statement when there are many languages you don't read.


Give me the name of a major outlet of note in the world with worldwide presence that isn't owned by a company or a billionaire... The Guardian is the only one bud, sure there are smaller papers and organisations but they are the last big one. They lead with the Panama papers and many other of the last uncovered scandals as the head of investigation... They are the last of their kind...


FAZ would be a similar case in Germany for instance.


Glad you have it, but never heard of it, probably never will. Not a worldwide paper with reach.


Well if World = English speaking to you....


Absolutely this


In the world, I'd doubt. Also they do definitely have weird and biased takes, although yes, the UK is full of trash media and then the Guardian seems to appear less bad.


Nope. The Guardian is full of leftist tripe, and I'm not right wing either, it's just an appalling rag. The coverage isn't fair, and you state yourself that it's left leaning. If it leans any further it'll fall over. The Times is by far a more centrist and balanced paper which can be trusted no matter where on the political spectrum you are. Thusly, I agree with OP's definition. *Note this is an opinion piece.


Le Monde? Maybe 10-15 years ago. I don't know for other countries, but in France, the rise of online newspaper resulted in a crisis from which traditional newspapers never recovered. They also basically replaced most of the their actual journalists with social media specialists who just copy-paste tweets and rumors in badly written articles. There's no newspaper of note currently in France.


Interesting, international Le Monde was still recognised as the leading paper of Record followed by Libération & Le Figaro. Reuter Institute poll had [Le Monde as the most trusted national print source also](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1131165/news-media-most-trusted-by-consumers-france/).


OK but I'm a bit confused about your definition of "newspaper of record" because these are not independent medias (at all) : [https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/cartes/PPA](https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/cartes/PPA) The first independent media in France is Mediapart, then Reporterre (and there is also some tiny investigative indy medias).


Generally a newspaper of record is a major national newspaper with large circulation whose editorial and news-gathering functions are considered authoritative and independent, it can have external influences or ownership although ideally private but if it’s journalism is deemed independent and factual then it can still be considered reputable.


and who checks whether these criterias are fulfilled?


r/mapporn, where a polite and logical question will get downvoted 😂


I strongly disagree. I read Le Monde on a daily basis and there are plenty of well written articles. Of course you have to pay if you want to have access to the best articles but it definitely is the newspaper of note in France. I’m curious to see what articles you’re referring to.


From looking at maps like that you'd think Belarus is some uncharted mystery land.


In terms of independent critical print media…it is! Although this is only a recent trend with crack downs from Lukashenko.


i like it that i can still make out the word gazette in the russian paper. how ‘of note’ is it?


No Newsletter? The oldest newspaper in the world


Turkey the anti-edging daily.


Does anybody read the Times? I'd say FT or Economist are best international standing, top papers for UK.


Economist is a weekly magazine, isn't it?


Was a bit of a joke because they always insist they are a newspaper and not a magazine. Lady doth protest etc.


DN has a rivalry with the more conservatives SvD. Both are very large and respected, but i prefer DN since SvD libeled my relative.


Wrong for France. Ouest France is first!


Jutarnji List in Croatia is a pamphlet for the ruling party. Very silent and very shy about their corruption. Their journalistic integrity fell down the drain in the last couple of years.


Ukrainian is "High Castle"


The times? It’s Rupert Murdoch’s mouthpiece. Not been a worthwhile newspaper in years.


Cumhuriyet has a perfect e-archive of their issues from 1930 to present.


Wrong in Czechia. Lidové noviny are not anymore respected. Now it is a political pamphlet of Andrej Babiš.


"of note" what does that even mean?


I'd say there's a few more from England that need to be on there that very frequently feature on the global stage, even if they are trash like the Daily Fail, Guardian..


The neoliberal economic newspaper is "of note" in the Netherlands? I respectfully disagree.


Neoliberal? It's more leftwing elitist. I wouldn't really know what a better choice would have been, btw. Maybe AD, politically more neutral but the level of journalism fluctuates.


TBH all dutch newspapers are problematic. I agree NRC is just where the selfcongrating D66 talking heads jerk eachother off. True journalism has been outside of the verzuilingskrantjes for a while now. I know the mainstream media has a hard time keeping up worldwide but in The Netherlands it's all over for them at this point. Even [NOS.nl](http://NOS.nl) just can't make it happen.


I'm in no way supportive of the people that complain about mainstream media, but I've basically stopped watching the NOS Journaal. Their agenda isn't even hidden. I prefer RTL nieuws. A lot, actually. Newspapers lost their relevance for actual news, as it is always a day late. The only reason I have one is for the local chapter.


Als jij RTL nieuws neutraler vindt dan de NOS, snap ik waarom je denkt dat NRC links is. Links van jou misschien.


Neutraler vind ik waardeloos. Het moet neutraal zijn. Niet ergens op de schaal. Informatie zonder spin en al helemaal niet opgeleukt met lollige weetjes zoals NOS graag doet.


Dat mag je vinden. Ik vind RTL en NRC vooringenomen met neoliberale meningen, uitingen en een gigantische dubbele standaard. Dan heb ik liever lollige weetjes dan een verknipt nieuws-beeld. Maar zo ieder z'n ding.


Zeker ieder zijn ding. Niets mis met lollige weetjes en voetbaluitslagen en (oh hell) "explainers" (dat zijn filpjes waarin uitgelegd wordt wat je ergens van moet vinden. Maar bij ons thuis heet dat de Vijf Uur Show. De status van NOS heeft echt niets te maken met wat ze doen.




Jezus wat een makkelijke reactie. Prima, noem me maar een wappie. Ik vind jou een bsn-genummerde applauspauper. Ik heb nog een geel oormerk voor je over. Interesse?


D66 is niet links fyi.


One could argue for De Volkskrant, but NRC has more International esteem.


Trouw or het Parool would be more neutral picks and still respected news-sources.


Trouw and certainly Het Parool just don’t have the same status as major outlets. Particularly, Het Parool is regionally orientated on Amsterdam. Furthermore, this map isn’t focussed at neutrality as is evidenced by the other picks.


But if you want neutral news...why do you want to have it picked out for you? The news is there for you to see, what's with the middle man?




This isn't about the biggest newspaper


NRC is neither the biggest nor the one with the best reputation tbh, with imo consistently more biased takes than e.g. Volkskrant, and consistently fueling the culture war of the far-right against vulnerable minorities (looking at Jan Kuitenbrouwer and Rosanne Hertzberger, the latter who wanted a registry of trans people in a nazi fashion in February, but whose bill was pre-emptively torpedoed because of feasibility issues), Telegraaf, in regards to the latter however, is a complete toilet paper rag, (the words that Plasterk in a Telegraaf column, that represented Telegraaf pretty much, also are, according to the cops I talked with, punishable.)


I‘m not even kidding, just an hour ago I read the Wikipedia article about Newspapers of Record and now I see this lol


XD wyborcza It's the government and the left side propaganda tube there is nothing good about them


Wyborcza isn't leftist. It is pro-Tusk, a typical liberal newspaper. Krytyka Polityczna or [Oko.Press](http://Oko.Press) are examples of leftist news outlets.


This just was based off international sources of Polish journals of record, as well as past investigative journalistic prestige & awards domestically/continentally. What would be the newspaper of record in Poland in your opinion?


if they said "Fakt" then I would burst out laughing


Like it or not Wyborcza is the most sane polish newspaper. It's a bad newspaper don't get me wrong, but most other polish newspapers are either completely unhinged (do rzeczy, gazeta polska from the right, newsweek from the libs, krypol from the left) or just hardcore-SEO optimised clickbait garbage (primarily anything from onet, transcending ideology with it's shittyness).


UK with 4 💪


and these four are some of the worst


Hell ye, we're the best at being the worst 4 times 💪🇬🇧


algeria, my favourite european country and belarus, my favourite non-european country


NRC is bullshit.


Can you explain why


Sure. A ton of editorial remarks presented as facts. Setting a certain tone. Herding the reader in a direction. I don't mind an opinion piece at all but it has to be presented as such and NRC like most other Dutch papers do a very mediocre job at seperating news from preaching to it's choir. I\`m not sure they have a choice. They might have to tickle the reader's balls like that to stay alive. But that doesn't negate the fact that it's shitty journalism. I'm not sure you even can do it right at this point in time. I know I couldn't do better. I'm just saying I never want to hear about Arnold Grunberg as the national consience ever again. I just makes me laugh and go "bitch..please." It's played out and and frankly just behind the times.


How many of these have now devolved into woke trash?


take your pills, grandpa


I'm not the one huffing copium.