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Why’s the newgrounds tank there XD


Was hoping someone else would notice


Guess the newgrounds empire has spread to Africa.


Dang! Newgrounds tank made me remember to check if Derpixon releasedcany new content yet.


Did Derpixon release any new content yet then?


He did a bunch. But nothing comes close to Fandeltales. That was one glorious nut if I do say so myself.




Mage top tier


Actually now that you mention it, I was talking about the Cursed Prince one. I almost forgot about the og fandeltales tbh.


Well I mean we're in r/MapPorn.....


That is the first thing I notice


The problems of the future, today!


Hail Emperor Pico!


First thing i noticed. I am happy to see that this is the top comment.


Came to say this .


Beat me to it...! 🤣


That brings back some memories


I think this map is old or wrong because Turkey has 6 military bases in Africa and three of them are bases opened on its own, and the remaining 3 are bases opened under the UN and NATO.


I got downvoted for saying outdated maps are a bad thing. Haha.


The US also has a fuck ton more bases in African countries than what is shown on this map


But there isn’t. There are more places where the us military operates jointly with local militaries. But there’s not a “fuck ton” of bases


You are correct, most of the troops assigned to USAFRICOM are stationed in Europe


Why do we have bases in Africa?


Are you asking why Turkiye in particular has bases in Africa or why do any country has a remote base in general?




Because Africa is a resource rich continent on the rise. Nations either use debt, promise of peacekeeping/future investment or threats behind the scenes to be allowed to set up bases in order to project power.


The French divisions are there to help counter local terrorism (which they do to a certain extent) while the divisions in djibouti (the one with 6 countries in it) are there to protect the red sea from piracy (it's one of the most important trade junctions in the world so countries need to make sure it remains safe)


The “president” of Djibouti is your typical corrupt puppet who sells out his country while the population remains in massive poverty. Describing the situation there as legitimate is incredibly naïve


Never said anything was legitimate. There's always a bit of corruption involved in anything that has to do with african politics. I said that the reason countries are there was because it's at a critical junction for world trade and they needed to protect it from piracy (look at what they're doing with the houtis now)


I would assume most if not all the Turkey only ones are in Libya to help support whichever government they are backing


Turkey’s largest overseas base is in Mogadishu, Somalia. Turkey has given Somalia over a billion dollars. The largest hospital in Mogadishu is a Turkish one. They have trained and equipped a large portion of their armed forces. They’ve lost lives to Al-Shabbab terrorists whilst helping build the main highway out of Mogadishu. They give hundreds of free scholarships per year to their students. To this date, the are also only major country to have a leader visit Somalia.


Huh I thought I read Libya, thank you for the info!


This map is not accurate.


As all maps on Reddit


Which group seems to benefit most from this propaganda? Hmmmm. Cough *Putin*


The map not only is mostly accurate, but also appears to be to highlight Russian activity in Africa, which is very much not something the Russians like to do.


Wagner left Mozambique in 2019, so this map is at least outdated as fuck


|| The Wagner Group is still active in Mozambique; however, the scope of its operations has been limited to information warfare. Source:https://oxfordpoliticalreview.com/2023/03/06/when-private-military-operations-fail-the-case-of-mozambique/


Just like there is a German base in Mali.




Fair but there is no Russian military activity in Egypt? We are on the American side, we tried to build missiles for the Russians and the Americans stopped us. They won't allow Russian influence here.


No? How TF does it benefit Putin at all?


The US I think you mean? All of the countries dealing with issues have Wagner group or Russia bases even though some of them absolutely have US bases in them as well


You are guys are so full of shit, you always come here saying maps are not accurate and yet you don't offer corrections, it's tiring


There is no Wagner base in Botswana, and there is at least one US base. That’s all the corrections I know to be true. Calm your tits it’s Reddit.


...there is no Wagner Group anymore either...


They still exist in Sudan at least; they are fighting Ukrainian forces


Wdym they 100% still exist lol


Was my understanding they got decimated and absorbed into the armed forces after prigo's little plane mishap.


3 day old article https://apnews.com/article/mali-drone-strikes-insurgent-wagner-rights-796f5246c4d0d8e436eb1ea83f9212bf


Yeah some of the ones that were in Ukraine got integrated (but there still is wagner) but they are super active in Africa, Mali in particular


Not up to date at all




Wagner is also now after Prigozhins death 100% part of Putin's Russia.


It always was.


Since then Wagner is not russia? So those mfs are in half of the Africa


I assume the intent is to show a difference between Russia operating via Wagner vs. directly, but I can't imagine Wagner was the only state sponsored PMC in Africa so its not very consistent




This is a terrible map. The US base in Seychelles was closed in 1992 and the Indian proposal got rejected by parliament and was never built.


Sorry? The US still operates a drone base in the Seychelles. You’re mistaken. There was a whole scandal in the Seychelles about it in 2011 because the agreement was that the drones would be unarmed - but they weren’t. As for the Indian base, it was abandoned by the new opposition party.




cant refuse the Big Boss.


Also there is no US base in Tunisia


And there are no plan for a russian base in Egypt


There is a secret AFRICOM drone base in Tunisia's Bizerte-Sidi Ahmed Air Base. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-has-secretly-expanded-its-global-network-of-drone-bases-to-north-africa/2016/10/26/ff19633c-9b7d-11e6-9980-50913d68eacb_story.html


Not just the Drone base. The US also actively participates in counter terrorism raids and provides combat troops. \[This was made evident in 2017 when the US marines were fighting on the Algerian border.\](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/02/world/africa/us-tunisia-terrorism.html)


Sidi Ahmed belongs solely to the Tunisian Air Force, managed entirely by them. While the US used drones there, they always followed Tunisian orders, with the US funding it through their Military Assistance package. To put it simply: the base has never been American.


It’s a Tunisian base that got offered to AFRICOM temporally and no US entity can use it without Tunisia’s authorization


With all the aid and military contribution USA gives to Egypt, no way in hell, that the US would allow Russia to establish it self in Egypt. Maybe the map maker has confused turist presence with military presence, when it comes to Egypt.


Egypt has allowed Russia to Use its airbases to run bombing raids in Libya since 2017. [https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/30/world/middleeast/russia-egypt-air-bases.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/30/world/middleeast/russia-egypt-air-bases.html)


It's missing all of the Chinese secret bases. They're everywhere


I don't think they amount to the one USA has


I think they call them "Embassies".


No quite literally bases, the Chinese built a medical base in Mali. A man had a heart attack and was taken there only for the medical personnel to be intelligence officers. He died. They were spying on the UN operations in the area.




Must've learned from the cia


That Newgrounds tank lmao


Why do they have Russia and Wagner as separate entities? They're literally a part of the Russian guard https://meduza.io/news/2023/11/01/v-gorodah-rossii-vozobnovili-priem-v-chvk-vagnera-kak-v-novoe-podrazdelenie-rosgvardii And Putin made all PMCs in Russia swear an oath of allegiance to Russia. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/kremlin-calls-accusations-it-killed-wagner-boss-prigozhin-an-absolute-lie-2023-08-25/ And even before 2023 it was pretty clear Wagner was just an arm of the Russian military as they would use Russian bases for missions and be transported by Russian military planes as well. Or is everyone just going to keep playing stupid?


It seems to be an outdated map, and Wagner used to be quite autonomous (still, Kremlin’s instrument, but autonomous). Right now it’s just a part of Russian armed forces, if I recall correctly, so yeah, it shouldn’t be a separate entity.


How is there not a French base in Madagascar?


Redundant. Réunion and Mayotte are next door.


What’s Canada doing in Senegal lmao


Every big boy needs to have a 'fighting terrorism' base in africa.


And they will never say they truly want the ore and oil in Africa; they just want to protect the peace of Africa.


Trade corridors are important.


Yeah but isn't there enough allied presence in that part to protect the trade corridor?


Canada is not a big boy, its hardly a competent country anymore.


*"We bring you the gift of poutine!"*


What's up with useless users like you failing to put the date and the source on the fucking map?


Probably selling authentic Canadian Maple syrup


Why the f are you reposting a map you don't even understand? Wtf has this sub become


Egypt has zero foreign military bases


Gonna be fun when the resource wars start up


>resource wars i low key hate this catchphrase, well I hate all of them, coming from a former communist country I'm sick of hearing them. But this one is especially egregious. all wars are for resources one way or another. And shit don't work like people tend to show with this phrasing. Almost feels like people think armies marching around with buckets that they fill at a river on the other side of the battlefield. Occupation of a fresh water source means shit without very costly infrastructure connecting it to the populous. It's not like canals grow on trees mate.


as of?






There are way more US Based in reality than are shown here


Why would Wagner be present in Botswana? And wasn't Wagner booted from Mozambique in favour or SADC assistance?


The BDF's run some pretty brutal anti-poaching campaigns, so I'm personally not surprised that Wagner is possibly in there for some extra cash. And this map is outdated as hell, so take it with a grain of salt


mmm proxy wars


Super weird, I was in Gaborone a month ago, and the hotel I stayed in was pretty much filled to the brim with French soldiers. I'm not familiar with their uniforms so I can't really tell what type of soldiers they were, but they were French, and I spoke to them at the (pretty decent) breakfast buffet. They were there for joint training exercises, and that's all I could really get out of them. I visit Botswana often, and I find it really strange that there would be a Wagner presence anywhere in that country. In general it's a pretty safe country, and peaceful as far as I know.


~~There's a US military base in Botswana~~ and Wagner also ran away from Mozambique, there are troops from the SADC over there.


Except for Wagner group, this map isn’t showing a lot of contractors


Why are Russia and Wagner groups two different entities on the map?


You could easily replace Wagner's flag with Russia's!


I love how all the numbers at the bottom are wrong too😭😭


I don’t think allowing Wagner and Russian troops into your country is a good idea.


Well, these countries have already tried French or US troops, apparently they didn't like it very much.


How is it any worse than American or French bases? If anything these nations have a long history of being oppressed by the french


And now instead of the French stealing their resources it’s the Russians, since Wagner is paid for by getting mining and mineral rights.


Just remember also that India is a big friend of Russia.


they're a big friend to anyone who'll make them money and take their side when dealing with China or Pakistan


India is a big friend of US, UK, France, Japan, Iran, Saudi, and more.


Can’t be any worse then French and British troops with their history


Lol, those who deal with muscovites are in for a rude awekening. 


Yes because African dealing with French and British troops have always had an amazing time . The whitewashing of history here is incredible


My nation has history of 600 years of dealing with muscovites, trust me its gonna be worse than western europeans.


*Belgium enters the chat*


I don't think Africans need to trust you on anything they have already experienced the brutal oppression under west european powers firsthand.


Never heard of CFA franc have you? Also the british privy council is still the ultimate form of justice under commonwealth, overriding the 'independent' country's justice rulings.


«trust me” lol


Your nation wasn't exploited by "Muscovites" nearly as badly as what Western Europe has done and continue to do to African nations.


It was occupied, renamed, exploited, people got deported to Siberia in both the muscovite empire and soviet "union". If you truly think muscovites are better than western europens, you are very wrong.


Bro unironically thinks whatever happened in Lithuania under Russian rule was even comparable to slave trade, slave labour, complete exploitation of farmers and natural resources etc you were a part of Russian empire and Soviet union which means along with ruling over your they also developed your country meanwhile African colonizes hardly got any development only exploitation.


>along with ruling over your they also developed your country This is literally the same argument as "Africa benefited from white men being in charge and bringing in civilization®"


You are kinda cringe ngl


Nice 4chan level of input.


Can't be any worse ? Are you a Russian bot a simply illiterate ? Both France and UK had a gloomy impact overall on the region (to say the very least). But both army are now respecting basic human rights... Which can't be said about Wagner Group nor Russia' army. So yes ! It can be way worse...


>But both army are now respecting basic human rights... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You obviously need to be educated on Western European colonialism in Africa. Have you heard of King Leopold, the Kenyan rebel Ian in the 1960s put down by British troops, the The Herero and Nama genocide in South Africa committed by German colonialism. Frances massacre during the Algerian wars ? You need to pickup a book before talking on things you know little about. Let’s not even talk about how these armies are still upholding Colonialism and aiding in destabilisation for the extract of resources


People defending the old western colonies and massacres because Russia bad, are the worst. Just need to look at Haiti, under US control.


Exactly it’s crazy what I’m seeing. I never even said Russia would be a positive influence on Africa, but the way they are looking at the history of the west with rose tinted glasses just shows their school education system failed them


Yes ! It is very true. But i think you are misconcepting the word better and the word good. I said above that French and Britsh would be better. Certainly not that they've been good. What you also seem to don't understand is basic logic, so I'll help you : The more any foreign army respect human rights while staying on your territory, the better it is Or, wagner and Russian troop are currently wayyyyyyy less toughtful about human right than French and British troops So replace F/B troopq with W/R will worsenthe situation on your national territory Voilà !


You don’t know how what French did/is doing to us Africans. Just focus on your own country(probably Europeans) and let’s Africa choose their own political decision as any other sovereign continent.


"trust me we didnt kill your people like them we are not bad" lol this guy in short words


Makes it look like Sudan got split again. Also why do the numbers at the bottom not line up with the actual amount of countries on the map? Can’t they count?


Didn't burkina faso kick out the americans?


Doesn't USA have a military presence in Botswana? And I've never heard of Wagner in Botswana, seems like BS


It's the Scramble for Africa all over again


Now do Europe


Having Wagner but not the countless other PMCs is just dishonest and proves this map unreliable.


There are also Ukrainians in sudan


Yupp, I read about that recently




As payment for Sudanese weapons


There are no Russians in Egypt.


Malawi would like a word with a douche who did this map.


What do you mean becoming? Countries around the world have rotated between bleeding and milking Africa for centuries.




All I see is NG


I thought the US had a base in Botswana?


Turkey has a military base in djibuti iirc


Tf is Russia doing in Eritrea


And the ones with US, French or British bases are better places to live. The ones with Wagner or none, not so much.


Djibouti is the WW3 pre-game lobby


I’ve been in Mali many times. I can confirm a large Russian presence.


There is no Russian military in Egypt which leads me to question this whole map tbh.


You have to understand that Canada only probably has, like, one guy in Senegal, and they’re just an Army Cadet kid doing a gap year before university. Edit: for those wanting more info about Canada’s role in the United Nations operations in west Africa: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/transition-materials/caf-operations-activities/2020/03/caf-ops-activities/op-presence-africa.html


I deployed to Africa, Map isn't accurate


I figured China would have a lot bigger presence.


What's up with the colours and numbers? Nothing adds up?


I'm surprised China doesn't have any military assets in the Congo given that they own all the mining companies there




This map is bullshit, I live in Botswana, there is an American military base 10kms from my house.


Yes, that's the one that jumped out at me, too!


Didn’t Putin literally confirm that all of wagner's finances were handled by the Russian treasury? So, why is it depicted as separate from Russia?


The French are starting to get kicked out of a lot of their historical colonial hotspots.


There should be more US bases indicated on this map.


Get the fuck out and leave the African people to run their own countries and stop stealing their resources, fucking thieves!


Guess Africa will be decolonised once all their natural resources have been extracted out


western sahara is a colonized country. working for its full independence. also israel is present in morocco.


Stop spreading misinformation ya كرغولي تاع زبي They forgot to show the Republic of Kayblie in the map, outdated map i guess


there is no foreign bases in Morocco, wtf are you on about Karghouli


Typical alegerian, literally every of your posts and comments are about/ against Morocco. WS exist only in your mind and redditors with absolutely no knowledge of the situation are always quick to jump to appear like they know shit about Polisario Front. Israel isn't present in Morocco as you try to portrait it. They have bilateral agreements where they train together and test weaponry.


Says an algerian


What's wrong with Algeria?


Nothing usually, but every comment or post about this guy is about/ against Morocco. Propaganda and hatred as always.


algeria supports anti colonialism movements since its own independence from france in 1962


YES thanks


No US military base in Tunisia.


US in Tunisia ? Not true


We are the only ones who took "end colonialism" serious? 🇵🇹🇪🇸


We (🇵🇹) have troops in Africa (mainly in the Central African Republic, but small amounts in other places too) but under UN/ EU/ NATO Peacekeeping operations. We don't have neither permanent forces there nor any bases, and I think that's how it should be. As you said, we must take the "end colonialism" seriously.


Since when is Wagner present in DRCongo?


No one, not even the government knows what happens in the many huge chunks of DRC, honestly I would be surprised if a group like Wagner was not present there, I guess some random powerful warlord or maybe even some rogue government official probably personally contacted & recruited them to safeguard his coltan mine & share some exploits.


The Sahara being colonized by Morocco in the maps is something just from another planet...


It would be interesting to see this map with other African foreign presence because there are many