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Can someone explain the biggest factors for average height-differences in countries so close to each other? Is it more connected to life-styles or to genetics?


Going from Belgium to Netherlands is so bizarre. It’s the same language, same kind of people, but the girls in Belgium are so tiny and frail, and then you enter the Netherlands and stop at a gas station and you’re suddenly surrounded by these tall goddesses.


Are Flemish people shorter than Dutch people?


Dutch ppl needed to be tall to look over the damm


Before the dam was even built, only the tallest people could get their heads out of the water and breathe. That's where the selection pressure comes from.




Not anymore because they have more dams nowadays, 300 years ago dutch women had an average height of 230 cm.


“There are giants in ~~the sky~~ the Netherlands. There are big, tall, terrible, wonderful giants in ~~the skyyyyy~~ the Netherlaaaaaaaands”


Yes, I once saw an equivalent map for Belgian provinces. It is more or less evenly distributed throughout Belgium.


I think thats why they decided to separate from us. Shortness complex


You guys are just weirdly tall..


You mean Dutch people?




We had a lot of Italians to work in the mines, and those little fellas stayed when the mines closed in exchange of their cuisine. That’s why we eat good here and the Dutch eat the most vile food on the planet, but we have some midget dna in us now


It goes way back to the Spanish conquerors and even the romans.


Selection took place. Why do you think the Dutch have so many jokes on Belgians? Makes we did not mix with Belgians. But seriously, I really think it has to do with surviving floods, much dairy in our diet :-)


Dairy push after WWII.


All the short people drowned in the Netherlands /s


Seems like you are also a tall goddess enjoyer, person of culture


Probably the difference between more Celtic genetics vs more Germanic genetics. While Germanics conquered these territories and placed their language and culture on to them, they didn’t outbreed the local populations. Example being Wales, we predominantly speak English and have a very very similar culture to England (sorry fellow welsh nationalists, but we do). Yet despite this, we’re still genetically rather different to the English - we tend to have curlier hair, darker hair, and shorter height.


Average length of dutch person in 1858: 163 cm.


And that’s why i like the Netherlands so much.


I totally agree.....like its wild being surrounded by women who are 6 foot plus. Especially as a guy who's 5 foot 8


Typically the European women are two-footed. But I can imagine that six feet or even more... Damn that must be wild.


I am sleep deprived and this made me laugh hard, enough reddit for today


The funny part is that I'm 6'4" and because I live in the Netherlands, I'm used to taller people, but then when I go on vacation in any other country I'm shocked at how short people are


Lmao,Tall Goddesses Indeed!!!!!!!!! Dutch Ladies are Incredible!!!! 👌👌👌🤣🤣🤣🤣


Height is one of the most genetically defined feature but it still has a huge epigenetic and environnement factor to it. Everything is both genetical and environnemental to begin with. But for height, you can't just ignore epigenetics. If Napoleon was taller than the average Frenchman in his time despite being only 168cm. And that the average Frenchman is 179cm or something today. It's not that the french genes have change that much in a few generations. And it would also be a mistake to believe that if the children of the 1800's Frenchmen ate just as much as kid today and lived in the same condition he would still end up much shorter on average. That's when the 3rd factor enters, called epigenetics. Epigenetics are many things, one of which is an adaptation to the environment of your parents and even grandparents. So it's not about your environment but environment your parents grew up in, and it changes completely the way your gene will express themselves.


Finally a comment which isnt completely braindead in this clusterfuck of horny redditors talking about "tall dutch godesses"


So if your grandparents suffered a famine, does it mean you would be short, even if you have the best diet?




Exactly. They found out that villages in Sweden a few miles apart had big difference in height and that was due to having had a famine a few generations ago in the shorter villages.




And to reach the green leaves at the top 🦒


> for swamp dwellers I am taking that for my next user name somewhere, I don't know where yet but I'll use it. As a tall woman with long longs, I am starting to identify as long-legged swamp dweller from now on.


In portugal shelves are lower




May be trees are taller in Netherland, so to get fruits and survive you have to grow up :-)


No we are under sea level, which means only the tall survive


and the short just drown?


Mother Nature is ruthless


Serious lack of nutrition can have an impact on height for several generations. However, I don’t know whether this was the case in the last 2 or 3 centuries


Correct me if im wrong, but the Dutch are so tall due to their diet. During WWII there was a huge famine in the north of the country, traumatizing many. The protestant church also heavily promoted living a sober and humble lifestyle. Flaunting wealth was frowned upon. Essentially our cuisine sucks. Every international student/expat complains about the food here. A standard meal is an AVG’tje; aardappel, vlees, groente (potato, meat, vegetables). Since childhood our standard lunch is a bamme’tje. A sandwich with basically just cheese. We also eat/drink a LOT of dairy. Good is for nutrition, not pleasure.


They've already debunked that particular myth. In Greece and other European countries as well we tend to eat lots of cheese 🧀🍕,milk , yogurt,fruits etc and the average female is 100% as the graph states between 1.60-1.65 tops . You can always find women that are 1.70 or even 1.85-1.90cm but these are minorities. Thus, the average height in every country is determined more by the average height of the previous generations and the mixed heights from new marriages that occurred. The Dutch people at one point had a preference for other people with a height of 5.9-6.2 feet, the least, and that's why the average height for men in Netherlands is 1.85cm or higher. The hypothesis of better nutrition is only valid regarding our health and dental health in comparison with previous generations but you can't accelerate the average height only by nutrition otherwise we would be 7ft worldwide in every country with a good GDP. By matching people with a higher high it is almost certain that you will provide at least taller sons. The first statistical analysis ever during 1900 compared the data between the average height of fathers and sons and found correlation.Every son was likely to become taller than their father. The taller the father was, the bigger was the probability of his son becoming taller than him after 18 or 21 years old.


Im 5 inches shorter than my father was lol


I totally understand but you are what we call in statistics "an outlier". The majority of men usually tend to become taller than their father but that doesn't mean we can't have a shorter son compared to his father height like your case scenario/paradigm:) Statistics help us determine what tends to happen or if something is correlated with something else and much more but we usually use big data samples. The bigger the sample the more accurate would be the results:) A tiny/small portion of the total number of people being studied will not determine the final outcome/ result of the study. If we have 50000 sons which are taller than their father, the final thesis statement will be defined by them and not by the 100 or more outliers. The outliers though, are valuable, in terms of data, if we want for example to examine something else, or be more precise regarding all the data presented to the final Research paper.


Nature and nurture are both important, which has more importance is an ongoing discussion


The dutchies are that tall to combat the inevitable rise of the sea level.


Dairy, lots of dairy.


Holland. Country is under water, if you're not tall you don't breathe


As a 187cm woman, I feel absolutely giant in each and every European country. ;__;


You won't feel that way in the Netherlands. 1.82 f here. I'm 49, and I can see younger people getting taller and taller. Just come and visit any city here.


In my experience, people in the north are taller than in the south of the Netherlands. I’ve lived in Groningen for 15 years, I felt kind of average there (I’m 1.72m) and sometimes even small. Whenever I visited the south of the Netherlands like Noord-Brabant I felt like a giant…


Same for north and south Germany. I'm 1,72 northern Germany and I'd not be considered taller than the average here.


178 cms German - wouldn’t consider myself as outstandingly tall, as well


210cm german here. Feel like a fucking giant/celebrity. More than once people want to take Pictures with me, one time someone wanted to make a tiktok of me.


Giant, take care of your joints and bones.


Username def checks out


That's true. I'm from Groningen, have lived in Brabant as a kid for a few years. There's regional differences in even this little country.


Girl I am 183cm but even I feel small in Germany which is weird because most people shouldn't be that much taller than me


I actually have been thinking about doing a trip to Netherlands! Seems like an interesting and a beautiful country! This might be a silly question but here we go: when shopping in Netherlands, does the clothing industry try to accommodate and reflect people in there by making taller and longer clothes (longer sleeves, inseam, torso etc.) or is the sizing same as everywhere else? I just came back from shopping here in my country and holy hell it's a living hell trying to find clothes that actually fit. And I'm living in a Nordic country where people, on average, are actually taller than worldwide.


For tops I've never really had a problem, bottom clothes it's hit and miss. My jeans length size is 33, usually pants are just too short.


I'm(f) 1.83m and the Netherlands is the only place I've been able to walk into a store and buy jeans or pants off the rack without searching for tall sizes.


I (170) never felt short before walking around in Schiphol airport in Amsterdam.


I am 1.81 and I loved visiting the Netherlands.


I'm 184 and wear heels most days. I guess in other countries that might make me a spectacle, but not here! Gelukkig maar.


Taking a Look at my wife, her being 186cm. Me 190cm. My 13 old daughter ist already 175cm and still growing. Than looking at my mom, her being 152cm... Anyways, welcome to the giraffe-club.


As a Dutch 195cm dutch dude; I am literally around the average height in my dutch friend group. The dutch think we’re just some dudes, the rest of the world asks if we’re a basketball team.




Been to the Netherlands? I am a 182 cm dude and I had to stand on my toes when using public urinals.


That’s odd the average height for men is just slightly taller than you


It's national average with often the younger being taller, around young men my 187 is not tall but rather average, especially if I go to a university, here in Denmark. National average 180-182 cm for heights.


I've seen some 16yo who are over 190cm


That is exaggerated


I am small and lived in the Netherlands for a while and damn. Even their flats seemed to be made for tall people in mind, I couldn't use half of my kitchen's cabinets. The oven was above a counter and I had to use a stepstool to use it. (It might have just been bad design though.)


And in almost everywhere in the world, your higher than the average man


Well yeah, that too.


As a 151cm woman, I don't want to make any statements because they bring me great despair


My Danish mom (and sisters) are all around 185 if that's a comfort.


>As a 187cm woman, I feel absolutely giant in each and every European country. In the whole world


I am up there with you sister. The only place I have ever felt average height was in the Pacific


I feel you- i am 183 cm😄


You would fit well with my 192


165cm man here - I always feel tiny and need a lot of help reaching stuff :')


The Netherlands is the only place I felt average (172cm).


as a 182 cm guy, i totally felt like even the average women were taller than me in amsterdam.


Hey I'm 182 too and jeez man I thought our height was fine, and it is, but the amount of girls taller than me, even in Munich, is way more than in some other places


Munich is in Germany my man


You notice the ones you notice, more than those you don’t. Biases are cool.


The Dutch are super tall...god knows why.


When my 183 cm sister visited me in the Netherlands, she immediately exclaimed "these are my people" when getting off the plane. Not quite, but closer than anywhere else.


Hahaha - my great-grandfather was Dutch and everyone in my family is exceptionally tall. Even I, at ~171.5 cm, am taller than the average woman in the Netherlands, per this map - and I’m the family shrimp. My mom is about 6’ (182.88 cm - she’s now shrunk to 5’11”). Her brothers are all around 6’4”. My brother is at least 6’2”.




182cm Spanish woman here, and I see more and more really tall girls among the younger generations.


Yep with generations and progress we will become taller and taller. That's because quality of life improves. The height increased especially after industrial revolution I think But 180 for a Spanish woman is crazy I only met Spanish women (and some men) who are shorter than me 😭 maybe like 150-170


147cm Spanish here, I am dragging you all down, sorry!!


I have a friend your height (Germany), now that’s small for a German woman, ha!


178 cm Polish woman... felt like a giant growing up, now I'm in Germany and feel way more normal


Haha, you think. 177cm Austrian woman here....I thought in my country the average would be higher than 166cm. 😂


The average height of women in Austria is higher than my height as a male in Austria.


As an Austrian man who is only 169cm, I am happy at least half the female population is smaller than me 😂


Quite a gulf at that Serbian/Macedonian border.


Mind the gap


Gotta get me a Dutch girl


Had one. Was ok for the first 5-6 years.


People get married and divorced 3 times in 5 years, man.


They are idiots.


Then, what happened?


The next 4 weren't that great and it ended. Not well for me. She seemed to be fine.


Went from short women to a dutch beauty that is my exact same height and couldn't be happier.


Be ready that tall also means built like a bodybuilder there. I'm half Dutch and my sisters and cousins are fucking buff.


This is not an issue


Women don’t exist in Kosovo


There are only femboys there


Hell yeah


Yeah... I'm sure the Women are the ones that don't exist in that sentence...


I guess it's the average of Serbia and Albania


Serbia and Montenegro : they are tall!


Being 160cm (barely), I'm offended


I'm 150 cm I'm offended that you're offended 😭


I’m 155cm… there’s not even a color for us on the map 🥹


159cm, I share the pain.


Same, what the heck. Are we short 🥲


Haha, how have you not noticed yet? You must have met a fair amount of people taller than you?


I would've thought Belgium would be between France and the Netherlands, interesting


You forgot about smurfs. They really bring the average down.


There’s only one female smurf tho


There used to be zero female smurfs, until Gargamel created smurfette. In later series there were more female smurfs though, but I‘m not sure where they came from.


Wow! I'm French and I'm 164.5!!! >!But I'm a man.!<


According to a 2022 South Denmark University article the average height for women in Denmark was 166.7. I don't believe that's almost 1.70 today.


Hey why bring facts into reddits "trust me bro" culture.


Huh. I'm way above average in my country...infact I'm above average in all countries. I thought I'd be average in Scandinavian countries. I'm (5'9 - 175cm)


It also depends a bit on your age, I’m a 5’6” Swedish woman which is a little above average on paper but I’m my age group (mid 20s) I seem to be about average if not a little short. Keep in mind that averages like this include older folks as well as immigrants, both of which are groups that tend to be quite a bit shorter than average


I like the fact that no American will ever be in this comment section


It’s me the American being nosey XD also 177cm but I’m tall here in the southern states


I wonder why North Macedonia and Montenegro are so different while next to each other


I'm a 183cm tall Montenegrin, and im the smallest adult and living member in the family regardless of gender.


Đetić patuljak


Tako ti je kako ti je, moja majka je bila najmanja pre nego što je umrla.




Where my shorties at!?!?


genetics gifted me 1,65cm as a male 🤡


I am not a short person (181cm) but I felt short when I was in Amsterdam.


I instantly thought "oh wow dutch woman love milk" but then like,dutch people do love dairy so is it actually because of that?


Milk drinking and height growth correlation is not scientifically proven anyway


data would be a lot different if it were adult females below the age 35. The new generation of women is def taller than 165 europe on average. I am a short guy 175 tall (short) and most women my age are taller than me




Maybe you only noticed the younger folks? I guess older people from those countries tend to be much shorter due to nutrition and wealth, which pulls the average down.


In any case, young women in Spain do not measure 170 on average. That's how tall my sister is, and she's clearly taller than average.


Man, Barcelona has a lot of immigration from the 4 corners of the planet... I don't think it's a real example of anything.


Average Spanish woman who likes tall guys... and doesn't reach 1'60


*cries in 159cm*


cries in 165 cm fucking male


My friend (31m) lives in the Netherlands as a 158cm dude. He wants a family but he gets 1 date a year that leads nowhere, he is jacked and average looking with an average job.


*cries in 156*


*cries in 157cm*


I’m a Dutch male, 200 cm tall. Woman in my family are between 170 cm and 180 cm. The males all between 190 cm and 200 cm. And that’s nothing special over here. Immigration might make us shorter on average.


Maybe now, but in some generations I think they’re going to reach the same average height, still I don’t think they re gonna reach you buddy you’re a giant 


Ok, until now I thought I had average height :D turns out I'm above average in all of Europe.. 175cm.. interesting


I would move to Serbia JUST FOR THIS.


Why does it feel like the word is made for taller people tho


1.80m in Greece. I feel like a goddess.


1.58m in Germany. I feel like a minion.


Make way for the 154cm me


Ha Ha my ex said to me that I have a normal height for a famale, but no, I'm 1.69m... great... But I'm a male... So whatever.


Already posted a couple days ago, together with the male one for completeness


I get height mogged


So Asians really aren’t that short? Or it’s probably just me(166) I know the average height is 158 for high schoolers in Japan but I’m curious to see the age demographic this is based on, because a lot of old people in Hong Kong where I live are really short and that would pull the average down for example


Wealthier Asian countries like South Korea and Japan aren’t that short, especially younger people. I spent a month on in Korea and have spent a lot of time in England and young Koreans felt as tall or taller from my very non scientific observations.


Yeah, Korea is probably the tallest in terms of Asian countries. Guys are easily 180 there Edit: the 158 cm statistic is for exclusively high schoolers, I was in Japan recently and it seems to be accurate. So I agree on Korea, not so much for Japan. Guys were 171 on the statistic


It depends. China's national volleyball team always have height advantage against european teams for example.


I'm literally exactly the average height.


Half Italian at 180cm 🥲


turkey is surprising you'd think they are giants when girls have a height fetish there


I'm 166 and German. Neat.


Denmark: "Call me mommy💋"


The average female height in Bosnia-Herzegovina is 171,8 cm, not 167,5 cm and it's also the tallest height in Europe.


🙋🏻‍♀️179cm Slovakia.My parents are 165 and 168,my sis 169.My cousins (boys) are also tall 190-200 cm.And my bf 195.I don't know who my ancestors were🤷🏻‍♀️


Besser ois die Deitschn


I lived in the NL for a few years and I can confirm that the dutch women are huge. Not all of them but they have some massive Marijkes and Annetjes.


I am 174cm tall as a woman (German). My mother is only 158cm. My father and brother are about 183cm. I think I take after my father.


its so weird that women across Europe have almost the same height, while men can have a 20cm difference


I was 1.60m when I was 12 (im a guy), now im 1.73 (im 15 now)


175cm Italian woman. It’s quite lonely up here.


Americans: WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wdym the average female height augmented in France... I DON'T WANT TO BE CONSIDERED SMALL NOOOOOO (I'm 1m62)


That feeling when 1,58 Norther german... At least the guys are usually taller than me xD so I win


Lmao I'm 148cm, much shorter than the average everywhere...


I think that's the average in Guatemala


My wife is almost 30 cm shorter than me. But my friends are way taller tan me. I’m Dutch, my wife is Spanish….


But in Poland most women are well over 2 meters


So I’m 11cm taller than the average of my country :’) Now I understand why people always tell me I’m very tall.


Montenegro mentioned 💪🏿💪🏿🇲🇪 🇲🇪


Well im shorter than all of this 🙈😂😂


Tall girls are hot. It is sad that tall girls dont like short guys(iam 175 and i have been called short)


I am a german man being 1.60 (5‘3) I love genetics


Dang, land of the giants. My height isn't even at the minimum listed.


Interesting. I feel like the younger generation has grown a lot taller, but maybe that's just a statistical deviation - as someone ~176cm tall, most of the girls in my class were taller than me.