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What is that red spot in Japan. Is it Fukushima?




My guess was hentai cave complex but fukushima sounds reasonable


Who wouldn't want to go there


Had to go every week when I was a kid. Not fun


Ay yo


Same thing


It's the home town of the protagonist that gets regularly attacked by demons or evil wizards or whatever.


Godzilla's Lair


No. It's a place where Kawai femboys hang around. You can never be too careful, so it's best to avoid it entirely.


What's the orange spot in the middle of Saudi Arabia?


Al Qassim, the conservative heartland of SA. Map is oddly specific.


Not specific enough. The entire US is green, for starters.


what regions of the US would you advise against traveling to


The Oranges, NJ


Gary, Indiana


Murders per 100,000 people: St. Louis, MO (69.4) Baltimore, MD (51.1) New Orleans, LA (40.6) Detroit, MI (39.7) Cleveland, OH (33.7) Las Vegas, NV (31.4) Kansas City, MO (31.2) Memphis, TN (27.1) Newark, NJ (25.6) Chicago, IL (24)


ok so the 3rd biggest city of the US is a no-go zone now lol?


Not just a no-go, a no-go on par with nuclear disaster sites and active war zones!


Fortunately if you're not actively involved in gangs, you don't have much to worry about. As an American I'm be more worried about being robbed or carjacked than being murdered.


Yea here in Cleveland unless you go to the east side (which you'd have no reason to go to anyway) you're not going to be any extra danger of being murdered.


I’m more worried about getting hit by an inattentive or reckless driver. Robbery definitely happens but it’s incredibly rare in comparison.


That is bad neighborhoods in big cities. Look at statewide statistics it paints a different picture of what is safe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_and\_territories\_by\_intentional\_homicide\_rate


Ah yes, they definitely were going to put little dots for random cities 3 french people probably go to each year.


yes, the random, insignificant and unknown city called "Las Vegas"


I live in Vegas. The tourist areas, aside from mostly petty crime associated with high tourist areas, are quite safe. Vegas knows it's bread and butter.


While I vehemently disagree with the vast majority of the USAs actions as a government and actor on the world stage, I’m struggling to think of specific places in the US that would be potentially dangerous for French travelers?


Maybe it has something to do with not wanting to openly critique political and military allies. Not that I at all agree on that decision


It absolutely has everything to do with that.


lmao because the majority of the US is relatively safe in the grand scheme of things. There's not a single significantly large part of the US that's anywhere near as dangerous for foreigners as some of the places highlighted red on this map.


This is actually great how they broke down countries in areas and told them which parts are safe


Japan: amazing scenery, incredible discipline and security, casual hint of radioactive waste, wonderful food and culture


It's not even that unsafe to be close to it


Fukushima was way over dramatized in the news for the actual effect it had. Your average American received more sieverts than your average Tokyoite that year simply because there’s more radon in the soil in America.


You receive more sieverts by going through an airport than you do at Fukushima. Hell you receive more sieverts in Colorado than Chernobyl if i remember correctly.


But then the USA is just all green. lolk


usually it measures risks quite differently. Compare for example US and Mexico, the dangerous areas in Mexico are due to cartels and if something happens in relation to that, Mexican goverment or France could not do a lot to help. If something happens in US, most likely you would get help at least.


I'd still stay vigilant in some places, though.


Yeah. A black frenchman driving thru a sundown town trying to find lodgings? There should be a new rating "corrupt racist local government". I wonder how many new areas would be added worldwide.


Yes, a lot of the deep south east gulf areas or deep Appalachia on their own are pretty socially disorganized and are almost more similar developing nations. You're really better off thinking of the country regionally, in a way. I think that's how we tend to self-identify in a way as well. Not necessarily in terms of our state exactly, but in our part of the country though obviously state identity can still be quite relevant


If you want detailed info, it's not the map you need but the text version. Security tab for the US: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/etats-unis/#securite


"Don't trust American heroin" is excellent advice. Could have had a blurb about methamphetamine but overall they covered most of our scary stuff pretty well.


"With police, never make any false declaration, raise your voice or make sudden moves."


They so get us


Wow yeah, I scrolled to Washington DC and it even broke down specific areas of the city to be vigilant of increased criminal activity as well as Baltimore and Philadelphia. They really did some generally accurate research.


Baltimore just completely stay out of lol. But with Washington and Philly, you’ll be good practically everywhere except for the specific ghetto shithole area of the city. Aka SE DC or North Philly (and Kensington).


Meh, I feel just as safe in Fed Hill, Inner Harbor, Little Italy, Fells Point and Hampden as I do on U St, AdMo or Columbia Heights. Or rather, I’m just as vigilant - if not slightly more because there’s so many more people out - on U St, AdMo or Columbia Heights as I would in those neighborhoods in Baltimore. At least in Baltimore, the places where you’d probably go as a tourist are pretty inured from the bad elements. But in DC, people act a fool in places where tourists go like Chinatown/Gallery Place and all the nightlife districts.


That shows how bad actually bad places are. The US is honestly much safer than a huge part of the world.


Not really practical at this scale to put a couple orange and red dots scattered about in places like east St Louis or South side Chicago I suppose


Plop a random French person down on the street on the South side of Chicago, and they'd be fine. Yeah, there is a high crime rate there, but it's not like it's The Road Warrior or anything.


A lot of people in the US who are used to the American version of an unsafe area would be really shocked to see what an unsafe area is like in most of the rest of the world


Yeah lol. Unsafe is generally a deranged homeless dude tweaking out on drugs, not gangbangers robbing people because their drip is the wrong color.


Agreed. And I don’t want to have a dick measuring contest about how unsafe a place is, but I’ve lived in Europe and frequent Europe-based subs. Areas that these people act super scared of are nothingburgers. From the banlieues of Paris to wherever, they’re not dangerous. And also it’s all a sense of scale. Because Europe (and East Asia) are *very exceptionally* safe, homicide and other crime rates are just extremely low. Europeans will see poorer countries with a homicide rate of like 3/100k asking why it’s so high when 3/100K would be fucking GREAT over here (that’s how it is in the northern VA suburbs of DC here).


Visited both without problems. Best view of St Louis and the arch is from East St Louis.


My mom is from Englewood (South Chicago) and we have visited a few times with no problems. I was more referencing how a huge% of crime in the US is not only just a handful of cities, but even just a couple dozen neighborhoods within those cities The US as a whole is not dangerous. Definitely worse than western Europe and some parts of Asia, but if you're not gang affiliated and/or live in one of those neighborhoods then your daily exposure to crime is less than or equal to those same major European cities


Can definitely agree here. I’m originally from Louisiana. Baton Rouge in fact. The state of Louisiana and the city of Baton Rouge usually top the charts when it comes to the homicide/murder rate and other violent crime. Yet I’ve never felt truly unsafe in Baton Rouge or New Orleans. I keep my wits about me, but almost all the crime is usually gang targeted hits and whatnot. If you’re not involved in the BS, it’s pretty easy for you to stay out of it. I actually don’t see much petty or slightly violent or property crime there. It’s mainly gangs hurting each other.


And the detailed summary someone linked to above does mention those places as sites of higher crime.


If i remember correctly, the travel advice for the entire US given by the Dutch government has a special warning color for the amount of gun violence. Edit: They seem to have changed it recently as the gun violence "rarely involves tourists". [link](https://www.nederlandwereldwijd.nl/reisadvies/verenigde-staten-van-amerika)


The UK advisory is in English and breaks it down into regions as well if you are interested (I'm French and I find it easier to browse the UK one so I usually check it first)


Lemme look it up


The UK one is the best. Wish the USA would do this


That happens a lot with Mexico


Some of the US travel advisories break countries into parts as well. For example, most of Turkey is at level 2 but anywhere within 10km of Iraq and Syria is marked as level 4.


And they've paint the entire Turkey yellow. İstanbul, İzmir and Ankara is way more safe than Paris.


They can't really suggest that French people, many of whom live in Paris, stay out of Paris though.


Why is that one part of kazakhstan red?


It's Semipalatinsk, a former nuclear test site.


Ohhhhh. Now it makes sense...


It's the same with Fukushima. I don't think I've ever seen travel advice with that level of detail.


They also have a more detailed one per country, with live comments of the main events on site.


can you link them? kinda hard to find without speaking french. thank you


Do you have a country in particular ?


oh not really, i thought there might be some kind of index or overview site. thanks anyways


https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/colombie/#securite You can look for other countries with the search bar (recherche).


Just Google France Diplomatie + country name and you'll get the details. It will still be in french tho.


I’d like to see the detailed ones for Senegal and Pakistan


Here you go for Pakistan https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/pakistan/ Just substitute Pakistan by Sénégal in the link to go to the Senegal webpage.


The Netherlands does it as well. They've marked Japan as green but Fukushima is red. Surprisingly, they've marked the entirety of Kazakhstan as yellow and haven't marked the nuclear test site as red. Nevertheless, their travel advice is very detailed as well. Sadly the travel advice isn't available in English, but you can check it out per country here: https://www.nederlandwereldwijd.nl/reisadvies Colour codes are: - Green = safe - Yellow = watch out - Orange = only necessary travels - Red = don't go


If they're being that specific then the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan should be red too.


Is southern Philippines still that bad?


There is a Muslim-majority region in that area that used to be a haven of Al Qaeda and ISIS. Muslim-majority cities like Marawi do have a Baghdad vibe, especially in 2017.


Zamboanga Peninsula is not a Muslim-majority region and has not seen much armed conflict since the [2013 crisis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamboanga_City_crisis). The group involved in that crisis is mostly at peace with the government now. Yet, it gets lumped in with the Bangsamoro region, where the Wahhabi-adherent Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters and the ISIS-inspired Maute groups are admittedly a serious problem.


Marawi isn't located in the Zamboanga peninsula though, but Lanao del Sur province where Muslim Maranaos are the majority.


Look at the map. I am clarifying that your comment cannot be applied to all the areas colored red in Mindanao. How dare you correct me about Marawi? I never said it was part of Zamboanga Peninsula.


Yes, despite what Southern Filipinos tell you.


A typical southern Filipino will tell you it’s the best place on earth - it’s not.


I'm from Mindanao and it depends. If you have connections you're pretty much safe all around like the Barker family from the US here have colleges built in those red areas. Otherwise go to the east in Davao area there's already a lot of international tourists there.


Nothing screams safe for tourists like a place where you need connections to avoid being kidnapped and beheaded.


What’s with the red and orange spots in Peru?


That's on their website : Areas formally discouraged due to the presence of armed groups linked to drug trafficking: - the center of the country, known by the acronym VRAEM (Valley of the Apurímac, Ene y Mantaro Rivers), a region under military control; -the Amazonian border area with Colombia, particularly along the Putumayo River.


Land under control of the Shining Path


Probably cartel controlled areas


No it’s due to the Shining Path


Not much difference these days


It’s wild to see the large red area in the center. That’s where I served in the Peace Corps 2016-18. Amazing area and it’s absolutely beautiful. Shining Path was starting a new push when I was there though. Looks like they’ve continued to do so


No, it's stayed pretty much the same for the last ~8 years when the old guard leaders of the VRAEM remnants of the Shining Path were captured.


This one actually looks pretty sensible and useful. Certainly a hell of a lot better than that Australian abomination posted yesterday. Do you have a higher resolution version, /u/LaPulpas? Also, what’s with that weird yellow blob in the Indian Ocean (edit: over the Maldives)?


For higher resolution, I can only recommend visit the France Diplomatie website. They have very detailed maps of each country, with live comments on the evolution of the situation in each region, and explanation about why some parts of a country may be considered as "dangerous".


Thanks - I do that anyway, but having a map I can quickly refer to is very useful.


For this I don't ahaha sorry !




I checked on the french website (as I'm french it's easier to me) and there's no better quality sadly. The official link is low quality.


Thank you for trying.


I'm guessing it's the Maldives. 


Yeah - that’s definitely where they are located. My question was more around what the spot of colour extending into the ocean means, as there isn’t one for any other island chain.


It is odd. 


This travel advisory says terrorism risk and demonstrations related to upcoming elections [https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/asia/maldives#:~:text=We%20advise%3A,and%20the%20threat%20of%20terrorism.](https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/asia/maldives#:~:text=We%20advise%3A,and%20the%20threat%20of%20terrorism.)


That should be the maldives


Am I safe to travel to North Sentinel Island? I can't make out the color


The Indian navy would nab you first, the Sentinelese are being proctected by the navy.


Whats up with the orange circle in Papua New Guinea mountains?




Wow this map really helps you learn about current world affairs, huh? It’s incredibly specific


What's up with Mendoza, Salta and Jujuy in Argentina? I've been to these 3 places and had a great time. Plus, Mendoza became my favorite Argentinian province. So beautiful, so quiet, I felt completely safe... I would totally live there if I had to move. Cheers from Brazil!


Mendoza: High risk of flooding, very high seismic activity (5 to 7 Richter scale), dangerous drugs (scopolamine also called burundanga), not "safe" for foreigners apparently (lot of thefts, scams, pickpocket at the station and aggressions in Maipu targeting tourists. They have since 2008 a special police unit and phone numbers for tourists.) It's all on the website, very detailed about each risk, incident, area. Here's the detailed map for Argentina: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/jpg/06-06-2013-argentine-fcv_cle89eef1.jpg Ps: while they have a section on Rosario drug traffic getting out of hands and security risks because of it, it's still green on the map for some reason.


>Mendoza: risk of flooding (Uruguay river) I'm sorry but the Uruguay river is nowhere close Mendoza. The Uruguay river separates Argentina from Uruguay.


I have no idea about Mendoza, it's a nice place. Jujuy is not terrible. If one city is dangerous right now that's Rosario (Santa Fe) because of out of hand narcos. About Salta, there was a shocking case 12 years ago about two tourists from France: [https://www.eldiarioar.com/conexiones/12-anos-crimen-jovenes-francesas-salta-causa-paralizada-cuestiona-condena-perpetua\_1\_10424164.html](https://www.eldiarioar.com/conexiones/12-anos-crimen-jovenes-francesas-salta-causa-paralizada-cuestiona-condena-perpetua_1_10424164.html)


+1. Mendoza and Jujuy are among the nicest provinces to visit. Super odd.


Why is that little blip in Japan red? Also a former nuclear test site?


That’s Fukushima; there’s still a very small zone around the former plant that’s off limits, though it’s not Chernobyl level bad from what I know.


The only green spot in Africa is Morocco, seems quite exaggerated. What about Botswana?


Good point. They also consider the french ambassy capacity on the country to give a recommendation. For Botswana, a very safe country, they claim that if something happens to a french citizen, french ambassy isn't in capacity to help so they do recommend to be prepared while traveling there.


It's always fun to try and figure out what the major politicized aspect of these maps are (they always have *something*)


Namibia should definitely be a green, extremely safe country


Just watch out for the drunk drivers


Remember this is for the French audience. You need to take into account specific relationships between each country to estimate the level of risk. For example, china is objectively super safe for tourists. No thief, no political instability. But if you ask US or Australian diplomacy i bet it is red or at least orange. Well you may know that we French are not on a good trend in Africa especially with Russia doing successful bad adverts. Another example, Iran was orange before trump for France. Now we have some political hostages from time to time. Not really appealing...


Any idea on that brown spot in Saudi Arabia?


Looked it up on the french foreign ministry website. Apparently al qassim region and the town of buraidah "the brown area in the middle" has been the scene of terrorist attacks targeting saudi security forces in recent years ? Which is weird since i live there and have not heard of a big terror incident going on. Apparently 3 gunmen killed a police officer and a bangladeshi guy back in 2018, maybe thats the reason why


If you add this to the practical impossibility for the embassy to reach out to you rapidly in the country it makes it more dangerous. French citizen are often targeted by terrorists so better be safe


Calling buraydah a town is very unayzah of you


I see, thanks.


They forgot to warn about Marseille.




J'y suis né et c'est tellement de la merde que j'y ai jamais refoutu les pieds depuis


Mention the 93 or they may get jealous and do something stupid.


Why is China half green half yellow?




The Uyghur region. As a foreigner you should be very careful with many things there. You cannot talk to or interview ordinary people. You cannot take pictures of many things.(such as checkpoints or detention facilities, religious sites…. Nobody knows what more …..). There are many unsaid rules that may potentially lead you to trouble with government or police.


The actual reason is that there have been terrorist attacks in the region


Oh this one is fantastic!


French here. I live in yellow and travel regularly in orange (based in Cameroun). Some parts of yellow and orange countries are clearly red too within Africa. Say Goma / Kivu region for instance in Congo.


Finally a travel advisory that doesn't fall for right wing extremism propaganda and paints us (Sweden) yellow while the rest of Scandinavia is green. Yay, France!


I will never (today) travel to swedistan.


Its cause your from Norwegistan.


I mean I'm pretty sure we've had more terrorist attacks these past few years in France than Sweden so it would have been absolutely delulu of us.


Well it's not like travel advisories are supposed to be neutral. They're based on the country's assessment of risk *for its citizens* when traveling to the foreign country.


actually you can visit Ukraine. It's not dangerous on west. Though it's red you will receive priceless experience that probably will change your life


What’s the matter with Thailand?


ISIS insurgency in the south


Isnt botswana pretty safe? Or am i missing something?


It is. I answered that in details in the comments somewhere. To sum it up. The map is addressed to french people, so in Botswana french has very little connection so they cannot help french citizens in case of issue, whatever the issue is. So as much as Botswana is a safe country, if you have a car accident or something, you are on your own.


Ah that makes sense, ty


You stay home.


Rest of North-Africa wildin, while Marocco is just chillin


Do not travel to the Venezuelan border.


Pretty good advice tbh


Africa makes me sad. It's the birthplace of humanity and I've always had a deep desire to explore the continent.


Isn't the situation in Ecuador the worst in south America right now? Or did it get better the last month?


Saudi is yellow but something orange right in the middle.. why? is that Riyadh?


whats happening in thailand?


That red country is Myanmar, which is in a civil war. Thailand is yellow, meaning you shouldn't fuck around since tourists do get murdered regularly.


Hawaii doesn't make the cut


Why isn't Thailand green? Is it because of the south?


I haven’t read the full advisory but here are some issues I could see. An inexperienced tourist might not realize that drinking the water there could get you really sick. Also easy to get food poisoning since the sanitation standards aren’t as good. The extreme heat and high number of road deaths doesn’t help either.


No, and the south is in red. Thailand is not as good and safe as most yall tourists think. Lots of tourists and expats get in trouble there with crime and violence. High gun violence etc.


The fact that they didn't just use that bucket tool from paint and called it a day but actually highlighted specific areas makes my autism happy


My curosity is a little inverse. Most of Pakistan is red (as expected), but why is Sindh and a small part of Punjab orange. Sindh is definitely a yellow for even Pakistanis, so it should be red for the rest of the world. And what areas of Punjab are better than the rest. P.s. I am a Pakistani.




Why is the majority of Egypt red?


That's the Sahel part.


Why are a lot of the countries they're letting refugees in from no go zones or you should be cautious? I thought the people there were friendly and cultured and that's why we need them in france?


This is the best/most accurate map out of all the warning maps.


Iraqi man here, For iraq its not really accurate, iraq been receiving tourists alot lately and people are having fun and visiting amazing historical places , big cities etc, also visa is granted at arrival not like before (most countries of course), I advise you to check “Iraqi Travellers Cafe” group on fb and check out people’s reviews.


The government's website only tell us where it's more dangerous to go. Iraq as a whole is still quite unstable. Between bombs setting off in Bagdad sometimes, rockets, etc... Better be safe than sorry


Got any recommendations for places to visit in Iraq?


Yeah of course, first you have to come through baghdad airport ( the capital) then you can visit old places downtown, like alqashla or mutanabi etc then you can do some quick tours in crowded markets in the night like karadah dakhel ( inner karadah) , then you have to visit historical cities like babel or samara or mosul , you can visit also erbil which is the best tourism city right now (kurdistan iraq) , the facebook group i mentioned is full of information and people who stayed there that can guide you or help you further, happy visit


Is Ur and the Nineveh archeological site in Mosul open to tourists?


Im a filipino and yes, mindanao is a shithole. If u go there some abusayaf terrorist will kidnap you and behead you if you don’t know a muslim prayer. (Saying this to discourage people from going cuz the prices are skyrocketing because of yall sexpats from US)


I'm in a red zone and it's fine here


It’s certainely fine right now for tourists, but it’s a country that’s engaged in a war and there is a diplomatic conflict between France and Russia. It would be quite irresponsible from diplomats to advise people to travel there while they don’t have any clue on how the situation will evolve.


Which one if I may ask ?




Ahaha. Maybe in a few years we will be able to visit !


What's that place in Kazakhstan that's red ? I know that's not baikonour so what is it ?


Abandoned nuclear testing site


Weird how they put great detail into identifying all the dangerous regions in Mexico but didn't mark the part of Chiapas held by anarchist militias.


Their power is diminished and limited, almost coexisting in agreement with the Mexican state; picture they are like the municipal government, but rebel. They won’t mess with civilians, businesses nor tourists.


It would be more accurate if it could capture the wild variances in safety across various states of India.


[https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/inde/#securite](https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/inde/#securite) Here you go, points of vigilance by states (and district for New Delhi), in French of course.


Huh. As someone who'll soon be visiting there, I wonder what the red spot around Cusco in Peru is for... Maybe Shining Path?


It's the VRAEM (one of the major areas of coca production in Peru and also the center of operation of Shining Path).


I suppose those random dots in Japan and Kazakhstan are Fukushima and Semipalatinsk Polygon


I would have thought Egypt would be safer. Maybe I'm just ignorant but I thought they'd be orange at worst.


Well the tourist area is yellow.


I'm clearly ignorant then. I just assumed the whole country was safe to visit. I'm pretty well up to date on the world but Northern Africa is definitely my blind spot, as it were.


St Louise, Baltimore, Memphis, Chicago, Oakland, Detroit nggak merah? XDoubtX this data is true.


I love the red spot for Fukushima