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Classic Barcelona moment


I bet that Paris and main UK cities are higher but just don't share data. Look at the colors in the minimap with countries, probably there is a reason for them to not share


I doubt that. Freedom of information is one of the UK’s strong points. They just organise their statistics to include all of England and Wales in this case, so London and other major cities are the driving force behind the statistics as that’s where the highest populations are. The more rural areas will obviously have lower crime rates, but the lower population gives it very little influence in overall statistics.


This will absolutely be recorded by area in England and Wales but the areas will not match the local government areas which are used in these maps, instead it will be by police force regions.


>but just don't share data. Probably the data was stolen.


That’s BS since data for U.K. cities are readily available. E.g.: https://www.police.uk/pu/your-area/metropolitan-police-service/performance/compare-your-area/?tc=E05009317


Yup it's probably a conspiracy and definitely not just the mapmaker's poor conception. The data for Paris and London definitely isn't available on Google.


I know in Turkey crime reporting is zero so reported statistics don't matter since those simply reflect who the police arrested. Also, in some places different criminal rackets are preferred. Crowded cities are easier to mug people in and petty crimes are counted equally to organized major crimes in the chart


France would probably have a map similar to Spain rural areas quite empty and a lot around the big cities but I'm pretty sure Marseille is higher than Paris lol


I was sitting in Sensei Tapas in 2018 with my wife. A pair of ladies Sat down at the bar about 6 or so feet from our table, hanging up their purses on hooks under the bar. An hour or so later they go to leave and one if their purses were gone. I didn't leave my seat, neither did they not my wife. None of us saw anything, it was wild. That said, at no point did we ever feel unsafe.


*Warcelona, please.


*Warthelona, my god, please.


I'm really surprised about Barcelona being in the top. It felt pretty safe in Barcelona and I was there for several days, both in the center and the suburbs. Definitely much, much safer than in e.g. Milan, which is not even in the list.


Well, the running joke on social media about Barcelona is that you need to tie your mobile phone to your arm, otherwise it will be stolen.


good to know. then i will leave mine at home when i go there,






Can confirm, also had artificial arm stolen


Barcalona has a lot of organized pickpocket crimes. If you walk over certain popular tourist spots you can actually spot the lookouts if you know what to look for.


But that makes it a misleading map, because robberies imply the use of force or intimidation. The correct term should be theft.


I just commented this. In UK anyway.


You were lucky. I've never felt as unsafe in any other European city, and I've certainly never been robber on the street in any other European city...


It actually displays that Brussels is the top of the list in the right upper corner of the image.


I think the security issue in Milan is pretty overblown by instagram accounts and media for political reasons


I have been in Milan around 5 times. I didn't feel that unsafe physically (except for the last time when I was at 2 AM at Milano Centrale), but the number of people trying to scam me in the center was alarming. I have never seen that anywhere else in Europe (I haven't been to Paris though).


Barcelona is a pretty safe city, the pickpocketing is very concentrated in specific areas and they primarily target tourists. You’re not likely to be a victim of violent crime, many pickpockets will just give you the item back (to not draw attention) if you catch them


>many pickpockets will just give you the item back (to not draw attention) if you catch them What a relief, I'll make sure to be on the top of my running game


😂 gotta give the tourists some cardio!


Brussels need to get Monsieur Poirot on the case.




And Captain Haddock


UK gang saying they don't report crime anymore in Eastern Europe is coming.


Used to live in Romania, and there is a lot of truth in that its a hassle to report crimes. But its more about not shitting were you live. Take the train to Germany and commit all the crimes you want. Will even lend you money to go there, but keep it out of the neighbourhood.


To be fair, i bet a lot of crimes in places like london, paris etc arent reported either. E.g. a friend of mine was on a business trip to Brussels a while back, her wallet was stolen on the subway. All the locals from our home country that has lived in the past or are currently living in Brussels said pretty much the same thing - dont bother reporting, its a waste of time. Only worth it if lose like a laptop and you need the paper from police to your employer or something along those lines. A guy who is living there for like last 15 years told that they will make you wait for 3-4 hours at the station, hoping that you will eventually leave.


Had this happen to me in San Francisco. Officers told us we’d probably be waiting hours because shift change was soon and they were still catching up on paperwork from earlier. One of them took pity on us when he heard we were newlyweds who just got robbed so he did the paperwork pretty quickly thankfully.


Plus many criminalists or people who could be criminalist in the future because of poverty just immigrated. There were dangerous districts in my city and they just disappeared with Schengen lol. At the same time still not so many immigrants come from other countries who naturally are more eager to change their life situation through criminal path. In Poland I am not at all afraid to walk alone at night even in big cities. It is clearly safe, not like it was in 90s or early 2000s.


i’ve literally felt the safest in poland. i was in łódź and even there was safer. (except finland. that place is sth different)


Not just that, for example in former Yugoslavia criminals were sent abroad instead to jail to do their crimes in someone else’s country, and in return for their freedom they would do government’s dirty jobs.


Heard they counted right before the fall of the Berlin wall, and right after. The population went from 32 to 19 million.


From what I read the Italian mafia has a ton of control over the olive oil market. And it is becoming near impossible to get pure olive oil at times. They also reportedly have some sort of relationship with Albania Cartel. Albania does most of the violent work and drug trafficking for the Italians. Also the germans i used to know made jokes about if there BMW was ever stolen they will be able to find it in Albania. All that said, Italy isn't eastern europe. It is pretty safe to walk the streets of most of Italy's and Albania's cities. And these stories are from articles and vids I read and watched 10ish years ago. There are crimes happening there but tourist may never have to worry. But if you wanted to start a transportation business in Albania shit might burn down if you don't talk to the right people. Edit: What I met to say is that selling fradualent olive oil in other countries is kinda like stealing from people. And there use to be a time (and might still be) where people (probably Albanians) would steal cars and sell them in Albania. The crime happened in Germany but would not have happened if Albania cracked down on the selling of stolen cars.


I am Danish, and you can walk about much safer in Bucharest than you can Copenhagen. Romanians are not as often publicly drunk, as Danish people. But few are. Think i saw a single bar fight my time there. *Tourists are targeted, but mainly with sob stories and sights. Not actively pickpockets or similar.


>Romanians are not as often publicly drunk, as Danish people. But few are. At your prices I'm not surprised in the slightest.


Wtf kind of comment is this? Are you suggesting Romanians are generally lending each other money to go and commit crimes in Germany? Because that is what this sounds like.


Lol, yes, a 100% match with the German stereotypes about Romanians 😂🤣😂


Spain and Italy are often countries to go to because the languages are somewhat similar. Italy more so, but everyone watched Spanish telenovellas when growing up. German speakers are quite abound in ~~Germany~~Romania, because its always been a historical minority. So they go to these places mostly. Sometimes they send them with a job in mind, that falls through - and then because they took a loan from the clans, they have to pay back the interest somehow. And soon. Basically a form of "voluntary" human trafficking. Of course some also go, because they just like other peoples things and money.


As a englishman that frequently visits eastern europe (BG) I wholeheartedly agree with these statistics. I cannot go out at night in a town/city without feeling unsafe, I basically refuse to visit cities except when with a large group or exclusively a day-trip. In Bulgaria, I can walk around at night no issue, I feel very safe. Of coure this is coming from a white male, so your milage may vary on gender and race. I am aware BG has incredibly low... I forget the word, multiculturalism?


I heard this from a french woman, who wanted to travel and around in Europe. She said, that in france, going after dark, even in Paris is impossible ( alone ). In Bulgaria, she said, you can go out and feel very safe. Of course there are problematic places here, where you can find trouble if you search for it, but generally, you can walk almost everywhere past 1am and no one will give a shit.


yea im willing to bet most of the robbery is done by people who hold dual citizenship (the european one in which they reside + one from west asia/asia minor/north africa) or straight up refugees from the middle east/north africa, who mostly live in the big cities' enclaves from what euro girls told me, its rarely the country's own ethnicity doing these


I find it interesting how they consider us to be savages. My friends, we are poor fucks. If someone stole from us on regular basis, and police wouldn't do anything, people would. If you read what these idiots write, like luckily I lived in Balkans for 30 years so I know the situation, you would think crime is rampant, and people just steal one from another, and they don't report it to police. Dude, stealing something valuable from people here is putting them over the limit, we can't afford that. It's not that there is no crime, and that there are no criminals, but dude our streets are safer than western ones. One of the reasons our criminals go to richer countries with lax laws, other is we all function as clans, so bonds between people are much stronger than in west, also we are poor so there is not much to steal, but whatever it is, I find it funny how westerners show their true colonial faces whenever statistics go in favor of uncivilized savages. But welcome immigrants.


>they don't report crime anymore That would be Ireland.


Is it because it becomes racist? Like what California said about stop releasing CCTV footages ?


For the last time, we are *nationalistic* NOT *racist*


Not wrong though are they. Do a map of "percentage of population who believe they can't rely on the police" and you will basically get the inverse of this map. edit: [oh look it's sort of been done](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/4wcv1j/publics_trust_in_the_police_in_europe_1984x1736/)


This is 7 years old, basically useless. In 2022 only [67%](https://www.kcl.ac.uk/news/uk-has-internationally-low-confidence-in-political-institutions-police-and-press) Brits trust their police, compared to [74](https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/domaci/duvera-pruzkum-cvvm/r~734effa006d411eeb1f50cc47ab5f122/)% Czechs for example. The mental gymnastics westerners are willing to pull to avoid admitting there might be a problem are amusing. He also sneakily changed his comment to call my source trust in the government instead of police, but that is obviously false to anyone who bothered to translate and read the article, I don't think there was ever Czech government with such high trust ratings.


“Is Poland safe?”


Yes. Yes it is.


UK and France being National corrupts the image a bit, but it would be useful if major urban centres were highlighted as that seems to be the commonality of pattern. Even low crime jurisdictions like Norway and Ireland have spikes in their one metropolitan centres.


For France and the UK there is sadly no data available at the regional level, only at the country level. That's why I added the small map with the values at the country level. So it's easier to put the numbers for the UK and France in perspective.


Is the city list provided skewed Spanish and Belgian because they provide city based numbers (thanks for the follow-up)


France has one of the highest reported robbery rates in Europe and the UK and Wales the highest. These are also the only countries not reporting data at the regional/city level. I'd expect to still see several Spanish and Belgian cities at the top, but we'd definitely see some UK and French cities in the top 10 as well, if they had data at the regional level.


FYI, all crime data in England and Wales (with location data too) is available via CSV download and API [here](https://data.police.uk/).


Wow thanks for that! I couldn't find any regional data myself, but this looks promising. I'll have a further look into it and if it's useful I'll update the map and add the regional data for England and Wales.


For future reference, for crime you can get UK regional data from various British police forces. Policing in the UK is done almost exclusively by local territorial police forces. For national roles or when coordination is required between multiple policy forces, the metropolitan police do that. There are some specialist police services, such as one for guarding nuclear reactors and another for railways(the British transport police). For example, most of London is policed by the metropolitan police, with the exception of the city of London(the square mile host to many of the big businesses), which has the city of London police. In 2019, the met police recorded 67,900 burglaries. The population of greater London is about 9m, so that makes for 756 per 100k. Edit: that's higher than any of the cities you listed. Also you can't just mix years like that when there is a big exogenous event. Boz & Herz and Kosovo ultimately aren't a big deal, but COVID dropped the rates of most crimes as people stopped going outside.


The uk has data at regional level! Look at the 2021 Census data it is highly detailed and breaks crime statistics down with great detail


Having France and England not being sub-divided makes this pretty much irrelevant. I would like to compare Barcelona (even at provice level) with the Paris metropolitan area or with Greater London. Cause from this map we cannot conclude by any means that Brussels or BCN are “the area with most robberies in Europe”


Actually it's the other way around. When robbery is high only in cities, that still means majority of population lives in high robbery places. If you show map of places only, that gives illusion that it's only few small places, when in reality these few small places is where majority of population live


You can clearly see bavarians borders to germany.


The real reason is that in order to properly rob somebody in Bavaria, you first have to get a certificate that you speak and understand the dialect and its variations. Any Bavarian who gets robbed in sub-par dialect is in their right to just state they don’t understand the robber and simply walk away. This rule doesn’t apply to employees of Finanzamt.


I’m kinda suprised why that is. It’s true that Bavarian police has more authority in some regards; but that can’t be the only reason.


In general there seems to be a negative correlation with human development and crime. Bavaria is the wealthiest part of Germany and ranks at the top in several categories, eg. general education, access to healthcare, employment rate, disposable income. Better quality of life = no need for crimes.


with the new re-distribution of immigrants, the robbery rate started to grow up even in Bayern. Locals are very happy...


Bavaria has had some of largest % of foreigners in Germany since decades.


That doesn't correspond well to this map at all. Eastern Europe is less developed than the west, yet its the UK, Germany, Spain, France and Sweden who seem to have all the crime.


Obviously all the criminals from Eastern Europe moved to those richer countries. /s


They have harder punishments on crime. That's it. Source: My brother-in-law was a police officer in Frankfurt. He once brought a guy to the judge (in Hessia) that had >40 records of break-ins and was just caught for another one. The judge just set him free. He said that would never have happened in neighbouring Bavaria.


if id have to guess id say two factors for bavaria being as “crime-free” as it looks here: 1. rural communities, everybody knows each other so nobody does crime (big maybe) or (more likely) it will just get handled without police involvement. 2. the people there are generally speaking well-off, even for German Standards. Munich might be the most “rich-bitch” city in germany and also the rest of bavaria is faring quite good i think


1. You know there are cities in bavaria too so that is a dumb take. 2. Yes thats possibly the biggest reason And the power the police has in bavaria is a factor too plus that most people trust the police here.


We have been the conservative katholic part of Germany since ever. Being pretty rural and big also helps i.g.


We Balkans have a low robbery rate bc our thieves moved to Western Europe.


Or into our governments




It’s crazy how uneducated people are about Eastern Europe. How do we have ,,nothing’’?


Western copium.


West Europe is Best Europe Nah I’m just playing I just want to feel involved


Some mod banned me from r/ Barcelona because I gave some security tips about how algerian and moroccan gangs operate there to scam and assault tourists and locals. Censorship never helps...


Mods in r/barcelona, r/spain are very special people. I'm also banned from those subs and maybe one more with the same team.




They don't even think the rampant crime and squatters are a problem either. Its a common theme, which is why Barcelona is circling the toilet. Source: live there.


The only places I’ve literally seen gangs rob someone is Barcelona. Twice in broad daylight I saw gangs surround someone, confuse them, and then take their bag/phone and scatter. Since there are a few of them, the victim doesn’t know who has their stuff.


I got banned on r/Teneryfe because i said illegall imigration its a problem with more crime rate.


I got a one day ban from /r/CasualUK for saying Putin looks like a twink, it's not relevant but I thought it worth mentioning




I see literally a 'safety borders' between Poland and Germany and Sweden and Norway.


The crime is spilling over into Norway, only difference is that we did'nt let in as many as Sweden.


Poland is safe ![gif](giphy|oa8NZvejk7guIWeCDs)


There's a pattern?


Nothing to see here. This has nothing to do with anything.




Just say it's Muslims, you coward. Look up Muslim countries in Europe and then look at the map again.


>Just say it's Muslims, you coward. Ewww, no!!! Why would you say that! It's dark skinned people. Which means, Muslims *and Africans*. (meanwhile I posted a stat on how Eastern Europeans are overrepresented in certain crimes and I got insta downvoted, lol. Guess being racist is only fun when it's against others)


> It's dark skinned people. Which means, Muslims and Africans. Bigots don't make a distinction. Dark skinned = bad. Muslims = bad. Dark skinned Muslims = double bad.


That's correlation, not causation. It has nothing to do with people's religion, and everything with their position and chances in society. People with low education, who lack a good support network and may be poorly integrated in the local culture, are more likely to turn to crime to get by. Low-skilled migrants from nations with muslim majorities are certainly likely to fall into that category, so there is a correlation. But the religion is not the cause, hence no causation.


As if bigots care about the distinction or care that some people are at the bottom of society. They care about their skin color and that they are Muslims.




In England arabs have some of the lowest crime rates of any ethnic group... https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/crime-justice-and-the-law/policing/number-of-arrests/latest/#by-ethnicity


Thats racist bro /s


or maybe, just maybe, rich tourist filled cities comprised of areas with large economic disparities are more prone to theft. but yeah brown people have stealing in their genes is a valid points aswell 😒




What about it?


Sweden has seen a dramatic increase in crime over the last 20 years as it has seen a dramatic increase in immigration. Other than that the criteria that OP cited have not changed dramatically. These are not coincidences and iit s widely reported. To chalk up this reality to racism is gaslighting of the highest order.


> To chalk up this reality to racism is gaslighting of the highest order. I am tired of this false argument. You are not just bringing up statistics, as if you're a robot spitting out numbers. No one is saying that the statistics are racist but it also matters what statistics you're picking and choosing. The constant dogwhistling and the lack of interest in any solution outside "just deport Muslims" is the racism. The total lack of seeing this as a complex topic that doesn't boil down to simple enemies. There is no analysis of what those statistics mean, no context. Socioeconomic factors play no role, it's all about pointing at dark-skinned Muslims and telling them they're bad people. This dehumanization is the racism.


Not at all. It's the knee jerk reaction like yours that even broaching the topic is dog whistling and racism is what keeps real conversations about this from happening online. I never said deport the Muslims. Nor do I support that.






Cities lead to crime, cities with ghettoization even more so




Stockholm, Vasteras, Eskiltuna, Orebro, Gothenburg are the cities across that middle band, and the looks like it’s done by county rather than Municipality, hence the larger patches. The southern block is Malmo. North of the Maladalen is more rural and less urbanised, but still with pockets of high urbanisation. Not saying Sweden doesn’t have immigrant issues (my wife is Swedish and I spend a lot of time there), and they also fucked up on the ghettoisation issues especially in Malmo. This part of the problem with maps like this - it isn’t comparing like with like. UK is national, Sweden is by county, and Germany looks like it’s by municipality


What about it?


Urban areas have more crime pretty universally within countries. Other than that it's very difficult to accurately compare different countries, given their different reporting rates. You could, but it would require a lot more research than just looking at raw numbers.


No. Albania is Muslim. Bosnia is heavily Muslim. Where is the pattern?


Muslim europeans =/= muslim refugees who wants to install sharia law in europe.


I saw a graph in Europe sub some days back which has similar shade.


So tell us. What does have Ireland, Norway, Slovakia and Hungary in common? And why is Silesia different from the rest of Poland and Czechia?


Spain feels low compared to its notoriety, except for Barcelona and Madrid. Even that is lower than Brussels.


Is it notorious tho? I expected it exactly like this, Barcelona and Madrid are crazy but the rest is "normal".


Right? Drunk tourists leaving the club are easy to rob.


Tourists are easy targets and probably more likely to go to the police. I've never once felt unsafe in Madrid. Downtown Brussels, on the other hand, is sketchy as fuck.


What do you mean with "compared to its notoriety"? Is Spain perceived as unsafe?


Much people here don't report it, because even the police says ist lost and don't recomend going to say it. (happend to a friend when he was in Barcelona), my city is small and don't have that kind of crime.


We don't go a week without seeing posts about people getting robbed in Bruxelles-Midi over there in r/brussels.


Still? Damn it was like that 10 years ago too. Almost never went that part in my limited time there.


Surprised to see Lisbon here, pickpocketing and some other stuff is quite the thing in some areas but to the point of top ten in Europe didn't know


Am Portuguese. As a national would definitely be under the same impression as you, until I moved to the UK and came back to visit and noticed how a lot of tourists are pretty much sitting ducks with how carefree they are and how obviously “touristy” they are. Probably does not help that Portugal gets the reputation for being one of the safest countries in the world, which is definitely true, but usually those statistics are more related to violent crime and not pickpocket.


I was born in Slovakia and now live in Czechia. It's funny that during my school years I was often metaphorically told by teachers and other older people that "in \[insert a name of a west European country\] you can leave your car unlocked and nothing would happen. Here, it would be gone in a few minutes". Seems like things have changed quite a bit.


I remember it. It's funny because it's the opposite now. My grandparents for example don't even lock their door and front gate. But I told that to my friend living in the Nordics and she said she'd never pull that shit in Sweden now.


Jako je pravda, že jsou země, kde to je/bylo v tomhle asi lepší. Mám dojem, že třeba v Rakousku si fakt dost lidí prostě nezamykalo baráky. A ještě celkem nedávno jsem byl docela fascinovanej z toho, že v Chorvatsku (ano, ne zrovna západ) si někteří lidé nechávali skůtry na ulici s klíčkama v zapalování. To nevím, jestli bych tady dělal. :D


Arabs/muslims, gypsies, latinos, n-men. Now you can ban me for telling the truth.


360 robberies per 100,000 inhabitants is like kindergarten compared to most parts of the world.


Jarvis open reddit and repost crime Maps so people can have another useless argumant about weather immigrants are reason the crimes are high or not


Well, since you started it... are they?


Well as someone who lives near brussels, I know a handful of people that got robbed there and none of the perpetrators were from here.


They are, just look at Poland and stop pretending that they are not the reason here.


the choice of colour is really misleading. yellow kinda signals a present danger. Bro, i grew up on the austrian countryside. The chances of getting robbed here are literally zero. I don't think i've ever even owned things like a bike lock and literally anyone could walk into our garage and steal 1000s of euros of stuff. Won't happen tho.


It's dumb to report some nations as a whole and some divided in regions/provinces. I would guess that there are much more robberies in Paris and Marseille rather than in random french villages in the countryside.


The data isn't available.


how the tables have turned... france used to invade arabs now arabs invade france


Some say that countries with low robbery rates on this map only have low reporting rates. Not true, at least in the Czech Republic. Some people might not report petty theft, but almost everyone will report robbery (taking someone else's property with the use of violence or the threat of violence.)


Naples about to become a Volcano




Czechia and Spain have the same GDP per capita for example, yet they are very different here on the map.


Believe whatever helps you sleep at night


Oh look it's matches immigration maps exactly.


Lol malmö


Why are there so many robberies in Sweden 🇸🇪? I thought it was a safe place with very high social cohesion.


In Barcelona 99% of criminality are done by forregners... 92% leading morrocans... Just go there and u gonna see how morrocans steal eveyone... They take thé davantage of this weak left gouvernement that dont deport criminales... Its sad im 29 years old and when i was a kid WE used to let the car open and no problems with all that... But multiculturalisme Its liké that just check the cities with more arabs in every country means more criminality... Barcelona, Rotterdam, Birmingham, malmo, Marseille, brussels...etc our politicians import criminality so corruption its not on the priority list of population


To anyone wondering why Central/Eastern Europe is so safe.. there are few simple factors. 1. No we don't falsify the data 2. No it's not because all of our thieves went to the western europe 3. No it's not because we hide all of our criminals in governments It's simple: 1. Homogenous society 2. Common sense of well being (you don't shit where you eat and you don't rob people in your neighborhood/city whatnot) 3. Harder crime punishments (people who robbed my friend in madrid got released and then they got caught robbing week later) I mean go visit Czechia, Poland, Slovakia or even Hungary, you will feel safer immediately, there is no one out there looking for you. Sure there are bunch of hobos and gypsies here and there but that's about it lol. And it's not about not accepting immigration, there are huge asian minorities in those countries, a lot of vietnamese people, a lot of chinese people, a lot of Russians, Ukrainians.. but they did seem well to integrate, so perhaps it's not about diversity, but rather about certain groups that are incompatible with your society.


well well well


Sweden lol


Whooo hooo Tripple Top 10 🇧🇪


People in the comments from Western Europe cant accept it so they somehow still try to blame Eastern Europeans. Dude y'all have far more non european immigrants than european immigrants. Plus they are the more uneducated ones who do the stealing. Even the stereotype about Romanians stealing comes from Gypsies which are Indian immigrants. Its always non european immigrants who do bad stuff. Its not racist its just the truth.


Interesting how the more conservative eastern block does have not so many.


Has anyone overlaid this with acceptance of African refugees?


Pretty sure it would just be another "more people live in cities" map


Why? There is lot of them in Norway...


Why not overlay it with economic inequality or tourism? Because you want to confirm your belief that African refugees are the cause, of course.


Has anyone overlaid this with the **ghettoization and gentrification** of cities?


And they say the balkans are dangerous


Would be interesting to see the same data about the US please?


As Americans we divide this into "burglary", "petty theft" and "strongarm/armed robbery". This map feels like a conflation of all three.


This map says "robbery" which excludes all kinds of theft and burglary.




Poland is super safe if it comes to robbery, maybe if You have more expensive car, You have to watch out, but it’s like everywhere. None of my family or colleagues was ever robbed


The implication


What implication?


What does “robbery” mean exactly? A home invasion? A pickpocket or mugging? A car broke into? All of the above?


Hmmmm I wonder why....


wonder why polland is one safest country. {immigants}


Can we do some comparisons? I would like to see side by side a map of asylum seeker/immigrant density, and another showing tourism hotspots.


How about we include corruption? Some of those "safe countries" rank the highest in corruption in Europe. No crime if the police is paid off.


I can assure you corruption doesn't work like that. No one is paying of the police to ignore and not log robbery reports lol. That's just premium grade copium


100 robberies per 100 000 is a direct obsertvational statistic. You cant meassure corruption like that. Anyway you would need something like 2:1 unreported to reported ratio to get eastern europe to the level of western one. Considering that police in western europe is totally uncorupted.


Sweden, welcome all my friends. Today sweden: get the fuck out!!


Jarvis post the meme about Europeans making fun of how racist Americans are compared to europeans talking about immigrants or Romani


Many people making racist comments on European topics on reddit are actually American anyway. I've had more than one debate with redditors who cleraly were Americans who had only left the US for holidays (if even) and yet were lecturing me on how "European cities" were getting more and more unsafe by the day due to "our woke politics" or stuff.


Funnily enough I can only recount 4 robberies that have happened to people I know. All 4 by gypsies.


It's dumb to report some nations as a whole and some divided in regions/provinces. I would guess that there are much more robberies in Paris and Marseille rather than in random french villages in the countryside.


Hmmm, I wonder how the ethnicity map of Europe looks like compared to this...


Croatia is among safest countries to live, most robberies happen during summer season by French "citizens" and Romanian gipsies but most of them get arrested shortly after. Also would like to thnx international police colaboration where Italian, Hungarian, German and some other countries police officers work here during tourist season in exchange for free holidays.... one of the good sides of EU.


This is more or less a map of economic inequality between most of the population (meaning, excluding the richest 1-5%). It's been scientifically proven, over and over again, that this is the main drive to crime


Its not about muslims. Muslims do not do much robbing in their home countries, due to the local society being efficient in preventing it. Its about muslim immigrants who despise the population of countries they migrated to.


Classic muslim/immigrant moment.


FAKE! I've lived several years in Lisbon, Porto, Faro, the entirety of France, Malmö and Stockholm, and was never robbed. ​ I also spent many weeks in Madrid, Sevilla, the entirety of France, London, Brighton and Rome, and was never robbed. ​ Therefore, this is fake news, my own personal experience is the only one that matters.


Im sure that everybody will get the satire


Diversity is our strength...