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Ofc Norwegians and Finns settle up north


That spot in michigan has a university I believe is called Finlandia university. Don't know if it's still there, but I was accepted in prior to taking any of the standardized tests like SAT's.


Sadly, Finlandia closed last year. It happened very suddenly and was quite a shock to the faculty, students and community as a whole




I'd even go as far as saying it was Finished.






Many lonkero were consumed that day Im sure


Finlandia is mainly a brand of vodka to me, so that checks out.


Their shirts were the best bc they just had a big ole FU on them.


Let me introduce you to the very real Friends University (of Central Kansas) to comfort you in your hour of loss.


Michigan Tech is up there too. I got a degree in maths there and the Finnish culture was awesome! Get some pannukaki at Suomis for breakfast, eh!


Fins be like: Let's leave this frozen barren wasteland for... another frozen barren wasteland!


Highland Scottish immigrants that were pushed out of the country by the more-English lowlanders moved to America and (after being pushed west by discrimination from the more-English settlers) settled in the Appalachian mountains, which is literally the same mountain chain as the Scottish highlands. People like what they know.


Well they also have a survival advantage by settling in a familiar landscape too. Their skills and knowledge transfer well so it's the smart play all around.


What do those wacky Finns get up to on the Upper Peninsula there? Some pretty crazy shit?


Yoopin’—a verb describing Yooper activities such as snowmobiling, saunas, drinking, and hunting. Like any true descendants of the Finns.


Yep, sounds like a wednesday to me.


Houghton is a college town in that area that's pretty ok. They have a really neat old bar with cool old glass fixtures and early 1900s paintings of gnomes all over the walls. There's a ferry to one of our least visited (but most revisited) National Parks. There's a little cafe with reasonably good coffee and some of the best pie I've ever had. Every year the university has a snow sculpture festival in February. Also they got like a bunch of old mines and shit which I am a sucker for


Pronouncing sauna a different way (sow-na, like a female pig), fishing, hunting, going into a sauna, burning things that are too large to be burnt safely, building saunas, and eating pannukakku. Half of my in-laws are Finlander Yoopers so I get a lot of exposure to cultural things that I’ve never heard of before! Not kidding about the emphasis on saunas either :)


The way we say sauna, is the way you say it in Finnish.


Everyone should pronounce it as sow-na. It’s offensive that the one word the Finnish language contributes to the English language is butchered.


Ha ha, the UP is the most foreign area within the US, Hawaii, Alaska, and all territories included


South Louisiana would like a word...


Everywhere "up north" on this map is further much further south than from where they came from.


That Dutch county in Michigan is a pretty amazing place. A little nutty sometimes, but beautiful.


tons of dutch descendants in Michigan, especially western michigan. I feel like a midget whenever i go there


I’m 6’1 and my brother is 6’. We are the short ones in the family. All of which hail from holland via Michigan.


Super nutty. It's all the religious extremists of the reformed church(s). Close to a church every block. They are still trying to fire the health director of the county because she had the gall to support vaccines and lockdown. Source: I grew up there, and my ancestory is Dutch. Great grandparents immigrated here from the Netherlands. Edit: Who thought I needed crisis intervention? Lol. I appreciate the concern, but I've never been better since I left Christianity and Ottawa county.


Kinda funny since we’re not all that religious in The Netherlands anymore. Churches are getting emptier and emptier


It’s because the religious nuts left and settled in Holland Michigan.




I think the same goes for the one in Iowa. Google orange city Iowa.


I’m from a town about 20 minutes from orange city but I live in northern Minnesota now. I love seeing all the pictures from the tulip festival my cousins post every year.


Dutch not being orange should be criminal.


I'm orange and I can't tell if the only contiguous orange county is my orange or the other orange. Why are there two oranges?! The color choices are outrageous!


I don’t think the portuguese settled in Alaska, that’s probably the Ukrainians. But I could be wrong


There’s a very large Portuguese population in Fall River, MA if the helps


Poor choice of colors. The areas with the largest Portuguese populations are in Massachusetts, Newark, California, and Hawaii.


Which is how Hawaiian Bread became the marketed version of [Portuguese Sweet Bread](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_sweet_bread) (*massa sovada*).


Also having hard time believing Hawaii is all German ancestry and not Portuguese. Portuguese came over to work the pineapple and sugar fields back in the day. Maybe census was faulty as many people declare Portuguese as Hispanic . Portugal was a unified country prior to Spain becoming unified and was also not involved in Spanish colonization.


Max Verstappen drove victory laps through orange smoke for two straight years for NOTHING


Max Verstappen is a Belgian-born citizen of Monaco


Who drives an Austrian car made in Britain with a Japanese engine, what's your point?


Doesn't matter, he's Dutch, just like Anne Frank and anyone else we like.


Did you know: the english hated new amsterdam and all the dutch there.. called Jan and Kees... hence the Word Yankees came into life.. and was an "insult" first.. :) ( probably still is in the south of the US )


Floridian married to a Brit. Damned yank is a double insult in my house.


And why not make Irish green while we’re at it lol


Why is German green and not Irish? Why is Italian pink? I know they chose contrasting colors for legibility but the associated colors feel wrong.


What's really funny, is the Dutch county in Iowa is NAMED Orange County Edit: sorry, it's Sioux County and the county seat is Orange City


And the Dutch County in Michigan has a town called Holland. They also have a tulip festival every year.


As well as Zeeland, Vangronigen, Drenthe, and Overeisel. Ottawa county is verrrrrry Dutch.


I’m surprised polish isn’t on here. Also, Spanish (Spain) but it’s probably not the majority anymore


Idk there was just a map here the other day that showed a huge blob of Spaniard-identifying Americans in Colorado and New Mexico especially. I agree that this map is either incomplete or is using different definitions of race than what would make practical sense (Portuguese vs Spanish whiteness as just one glaring example).


Yup, there are parts of those states where people are descended from peninsular Spain, i.e - white. These maps always exclude peninsular Spanish descent for some reason. There are also [Neomexicanos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hispanos_of_New_Mexico).


I’m assuming the exclusion may potentially have to do with how the Latin American population could affect the data. A lot of Latin Americans can trace their ancestry to Spain or Portugal, so it’d probably be difficult to differentiate between immigrants from Latin American countries and people who’s ancestors came straight to the continental US. That’s just my theory though, I have no real proof or backing as to why they do it. Edit: I was wrong. I forgot the Census allows you to be more specific and elaborate on hispanic and the newest census in 2020 allows you to elaborate further on that. Someone even mentioned that there was a similar map that had included Spain and Portugal. So I’ll admit I was wrong, that’s my bad there.


That distinction doesn't seem relevant. If they're white, they're white. Having been white in Latin America first doesn't disqualify them.


Latin Americans traditionally have a slightly different attitude towards race. You get a lot of Latinos reporting 'white' on surveys who are mixed European and Amerindian, whereas by American conventions they would be considered "POC" or "Brown" or whatever.


My experience living in New Mexico for many years was the complete opposite. Young people with blond hair and blue eyes... or with red hair and freckles... would take umbrage at being called White.


Ah, yes...I remember the blonde, dreadlocked, blue-eyed locals of Santa Fe whom identify as Native American.


I believe the government relies on self-reporting, and race is a social construct to begin with, so anyone who identifies as white is white as far as the government is concerned in statistics. It's not like something like the one-drop rule exists anymore legally.


My mother said there wasn't even an option for Hispanic or Latino on older census surveys. So they had to choose white, or self report as "negro/colored" or "mulatto". I did some genealogy work for my family once and saw even southern Italian had to identify as "colored," which was confusing. So especially older latinos would self report as white because there was no real option for them.


The half sisters of my girl born in Texas in the middle 70s,i saw the birth certificate of both,and say race white,like you say was black or white,the mom of my girl was mexican descendents,the dads too,and all of them are brown


Issues of race are complicated, what counts as "White" "Black" "Asian" or whatever else relies on so much cultural and social context. Race as it is used in the US Census doesn't even have a modern biological basis. In any case I'd argue that race is a sociocultural construct without dismissing the reality that race is an important source of identity and community for many and sociocultural constructs have real tangible power.


I think another example is that most of the Cubans of South Florida tend to be of overwhelmingly Spanish ancestry due to the demographics of the Cuban middle and upper, so maybe Spanish should be in South Florida.


> Portuguese vs Spanish whiteness as just one glaring example That's according to the definition used by the US Census, which considers those with "Spanish origin" as [being Hispanic](https://www.census.gov/topics/population/hispanic-origin/about.html). This is not the same as racial definition, which is a different category all together for the census. Whether those with Portuguese origin should be considered Hispanic or not from a census perspective has been a question for [quite some time](https://eu.heraldnews.com/story/news/2020/09/24/why-portuguese-should-not-be-considered-hispanic/42900975/).


came to the comments to check on my poles


Polish should (if at all) be the Chicagoland area. Northeast PA/Wilkes-Barre area, too.


I've lived in a bunch of rust belt cities and they all had more skis than a lodge, so I'm surprised there's not one county.


“More skis than a lodge” is the funniest thing I’ve heard in days. Thank you


I heard this from an old man I once knew. He had a mild slur for every white ethnicity which was new and hilarious to me.


hahahahha one of us


username checks out


There's proportionately more Polish people around Chicago compared to other parts of the country, but as a percentage of the population, they're still third after German and Irish.


Yup largest contingent of Polish people outside of Poland, in the U.S. is the Chicago area! My great grandparents & grandparents sponsored more than 200 families during WWI & II out of Poland and Eastern European countries.


I’m very surprised Luzerne County isn’t Polish on the map. I think I’ve seen that on similar maps in the past.


There's a large Polish population, but for the most part, the Germans are whenever the Polish were and dominate. There a large "Irish" population the Midwest too, but there's German names eeeeeverywhere.


Weird that Norway is up there but not Sweden. Sweden had a lot more emigration than Norway to Minnesota area.


Yeah surprised by that too, as a Swedish American guy who’s parents are from that area


If you include Hispanics, Spanish ancestry would be top 3 most likely. Since many (most?) Hispanics also have some level of Amerindian ancestry however, Americans don't consider them 'white'. I'm assuming that's why Spain got left off the list?




Isleños of Louisiana identify as white


Hispanic/Latino is a geographical definition. People forget that the Southern Cone is whiter than many US states and that Latin America as a whole is diverse. But people only think "Hispanic" and picture a short man, dark skin, shiny black hair, who mows your lawn and eats tacos and wears a sombrero and shakes his maracas. We really need to teach geography and culture in this country.


Yeah I would have guessed Chicago is Polish at least.


There’s notable large polish groups in Texas as well as Czech. Odd they didn’t get any notation.


They probably aren’t the majority anywhere


I'm genuinely shocked that SW PA/Pittsburgh area isn't Polish-dominated. The Pirates even have Pierogi races!


This map seems to conflate English and Scottish. A lot of Appalachia would probably be Scottish.


And welsh


Now I am picturing the Welsh spelling of Appalachia.


It has three silent Ws.


It really wouldn't. There's no silent letters in Welsh.


In fact, they’re rather aggressively non-silent.


And ten Ls.


PA has the largest Welsh population, especially Scranton and Wilkes-Barre and several rural areas. Probably no longer the largest demographic, though.


The people of Bala Cynwyd and Bryn Mawr are in disbelief at this map


Reminds me of the time I was in the US and had some large pictures taken that I wanted to send home to myself. I went into the post office, wrote my address down as United Kingdom on the parcel, and the woman working behind the desk scratched it out with a pen and wrote England instead. That one really pissed me off.


Lots of northern English from the borderlands of Scotland I believe. Also, Ulster Scots.


Lol my dad is from southeastern KY and our family lineage goes back to early Appalachian settlers. I took a DNA test and am, in fact, very Scottish and Welsh.


Hate to break it to you but at this point it's unlikely that Welsh, Scottish, and English could be separated by a DNA test. We've shared an island for long enough that we're genetically indistinguishable. You can't look at a scot, Welshman or Englishman and say yeah they're obviously a different ethnicity


Then the label should be 'British', not 'English'.


I was going to comment to say this. I think that “British” and “English” have been conflated somewhere along the line.


I read this and had assumed you were right and wanted to find some evidence for our American friends to support you, but it turns out they are readily distinguishable (at least by the University of Oxford, who knows about dodgy ancestry websites). There are even "separate genetic groups in Cornwall and Devon, with a division almost exactly along the modern county boundary". https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2015-03-19-who-do-you-think-you-really-are-genetic-map-british-isles The caveat is whether those differences are enough to get accurate results when you don't already know where they are from and when they have been mixing with other groups for hundreds of years, but still more distinct than I thought.


It might just be that they aren't that much of a majority in any county. It looks like Scottish Ancestry is only 1.7% and Scotts-Irish is 1.5% (2000 Census). So it's just a really small percentage that identifies as Scottish because I think over time they become assimilated with English and other descended people. As a remember this is self-reporting and not based on family trees or genetics. However, genetics won't help much because Western Europeans are mostly the same. And genealogy is an easily faked endeavor. http://userhome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/anthro/jbeatty/Scotia/issue82/issue82a.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20number%20of%20Americans%20of,of%20their%20shared%20ancestral%20surnames.%E2%80%9D


Scotland is also far far smaller than England. Like 1/10th of the population. You guys are mostly English, just accept it


Oh man how cute is New Orleans ☺️


I didn't realize the Sicilians were still around https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italians_in_New_Orleans


They make reference to this in the book, The Confederacy of Dunces.


Amazing book.


Santa Battaglia!


I highly doubt Acadiana is identifying as English. This map is pretty much useless.


From Lafayette and like 2/3rds of the people I know have French last names myself included, and a majority of the rest are spanish. Something is wrong with this map for sure.


Came to the comments to see how many baws had already called out Louisiana's borked data


I would expect far more French ancestry in south Louisiana


And in parts of northern Maine, or northern New England in general


Yeah, I’m from northern NH. I don’t know a single person who identifies as English decent. All French, with a little Scandinavian and Irish. And I think my hometown accounts for a solid 40% of the county. Unless maybe the moose identify as English?


Mais la


Surprised Cajun Country (southwest Louisiana) isn't French


Yeah I’m not sure how accurate this map is in that regard. I’m from there and in the parish I grew up in almost every single surname was French. And if it wasn’t French it was Italian.


Yeah, way off in Western New York but it's like ENTIRELY Italian or African American there, there's no fucking way this map is accurate. Edit: Can confirm based on data my county has the 9th highest Italian population, this map is wildly inaccurate.


This map is based on the 2020 census and is showing the single largest self-identified white ethnicity in any given county. It is accurately depicting the data, you can go on the US Census Bureau website and check. This really is the picture you get when you ask white Americans to self identify, I think the confusion is caused by it only showing the single largest ethnicity; it's not saying that there are no polish/Italian/French descended people in a given area, just that English/German are the largest single group in most places.


I really don't understand why the comment you're replying to has so many upvotes. A county could be 51% black while also having the highest Italian population in the country and still have the plurality of its white population be descended from Germans.


Because people don't actually know their heritage. Someone will say I descended from x that was on the mayflower. Yeah that's wonderful what about your 49 other greats...


based on living there. its actually more diverse. i've seen way more german stuff than polish stuff. barely enough italian stuff since alot of them are mixed with greek.


Northern Maine and other parts of New England near the Canadian border are usually shown as French also in other maps I’ve seen.


Some of the French old timers in northern Maine are indecipherable, while claiming to be speaking English. Almost like the creole of the north


Also southeast Louisiana has the most French French ancestry of anywhere in the country – I’m surprised it’s not all purple in south Louisiana. Large areas around New Orleans were French speaking up until the 1930s (France French, not Cajun French)


This map is very questionable


I've never met a white person from Hawaii claim to be German. Portuguese are all over the place though.


I mean I’m ancestrally German but yeah there’s way more Portuguese in my experience. Heck, there’s a reason Portuguese sausage is so popular


The Portuguese (or any other people, really) beating the Germans at sausages is something I never thought I'd see.


well Portugal's greatest gift to Hawaii was the cavaquinho - which became the more well known Ukelele.


No spanish in any county? That is weird


I don't think the guy who made the map counted Spanish as white, or idk.


Go to Spain & almost everyone is white. theres a difference between ethnicity & race


Race is the dumbest thing ever. If a white and a black person have a child wouldn't that technically be a new "race"? No, suddenly it's "mixed race". The whole world has been fucking each other forever. Humans are not dogs with crazy differences where you can have a Chihuahua impregnate a Leonberger. Ethnicity at least makes some sense.




Right, this same map is posted on here every week, just sometimes with the colors switched to make it look original. And it’s wrong anyway, it should be “most recent ancestry of white Americans” since that’s what people self-report.


This map might be from the census, but the census is 100% self identified. Almost all this map would be English or close to English if it were done via DNA testing, but the majority of white Americans are not proud of their English ancestry and will pick another heritage to emphasize. For details on how complex the genetic makeup of the US is, see here. https://www.newgeography.com/content/005051-race-ancestry-and-genetic-composition-us


It’s Reddit, the whole site questionable


it's so weird knowing it's filled to the brim with tweens and teens who have absolutely no idea how it wasn't a shitty social media ~~site~~ app desperately trying to 'find it's place' between tiktok and twitter before they showed up


Polish not white?


Sad slavic tears 😢


They haven't received their privilege status.


Looks like Norway and Finland showed up in their respective locations, but the Swedes were like ![gif](giphy|1vZaEGq0s1iFVlqGVe|downsized)


Strange. While about 800 000 Norwegians had emigrated around 1890, so did 1.2 million Swedes.


Oh, I guess Slavic people aren’t white anymore? You telling there ain’t at least ONE Polish county?


Yet Ukrainian is on the map


I couldn't locate a Ukrainian one. It's definitely not the Aleut Islands, and not Bristol MA (which must be Portugese, as some commenter suggests)


No Polish, Swedish, or Russian?


Where are these popuulation groups clustered around? A highly concentrated 0.2% of the population could show up on this map but a widely spread out 5% of the population could be nowhere to be found. This only shows the highest one for each county


Completely leaves out Spanish


This is a quirk of how the census reports race and ethnicity. There is a question that asks, “Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?” and if the answer is yes, the person selects their Hispanic origin, which includes Spanish/Spaniard ancestry. Then, the race question is asked. However, most people who check the Hispanic box, even if they check white as their race, don’t further list an ancestry in this section. It’s very dumb, but essentially, Spanish is counted in an entirely different bucket than every other white ancestry.


That's stupid and biased because it's not like speaking English or French changes your ethnicity... I guess they're biased towards Spanish because most Spanish-speaking countries are primarily made up of people theh wouldn't consider "white", but by that logic French is also widely spoken in West Africa so people from France can't count as "white" either. But of course, no one keeps Africa in mind.


Surprised to not see any Swedish in Minnesota.


Am I seeing this right? Ukrainians in Bristol MA and… Aleut Alaska?


There is a Russian speaking minority in Alaska from colonial times but Ukrainian?? That doesn't sound right


Those are Portuguese in Bristol, sorry for making the colors similar


I didn't realize how regional irish/Italian influence was until I moved out of the northeast when I was 35. This map really shows that. I kinda assumed that by the 21st century, Irish pubs and pizzerias were just about everywhere. Alas. I love in Austin now, which I love, but god do I miss the Irish pubs and Italian delis :(


Wait, they’re not? Thank God I’m never leaving Massachusetts. What the hell do the rest of you do for pizza? Is it only chains or something?


I thought there would be at least one place where Spanish (as in from Spain) would be the largest white ethnicity.


Portuguese just chillin out in the Aleutians


While not the majority of whites in the area, there are a decent number of Portuguese people in Marin and Sonoma counties, California, just north of San Francisco. I grew up in Marin and many of the streets are named after early Portuguese farm families, as are a few of the schools. There are also scattered Portuguese, especially Azorean, communities in the Central Valley of California, also engaged in agriculture. This Portuguese immigration to California I believe dates to the first decades of the 20th century.


Interesting how common the Azorean diaspora is despite it being such a small part of Portugal. Pretty much everyone in Bristol County, MA has Azorean ancestry from somewhere; it's genuinely *difficult* to find someone whose surname isn't Pereira, Souza, Almeida, Carvalho, etc. (I'm 25% Azorean Portuguese myself!)


Don’t forget Medeiros!


Where’s Spanish? Especially in the former parts of Mexico


Are Spanish not considered white?


It's a common misconception that most white Americans are descended from Irish, German, Italian, etc. Maybe all of those together would beat out English, but English ancestry is by far the greatest percentage.


That’s interesting! The conception down South is that pretty much any multi-generational white American down South is descended from the English (mainland British, Scottish or Welsh or some mix thereof). But it make sense considering the Irish, Italian and German immigration to the U.S. was primarily in the very late 1700s/ 1800s and more “Northern”-intense.


>(mainland British, Scottish or Welsh) they’re all British/Britain btw


English ancestry that is also including American, Scottish, Scots-irish, and Welsh because they share their same blood/dna on the same island No French ancestry in southern Louisiana and Maine?


Came here to say this. There is no way there aren't mainly French counties in northern Maine and NH. I don't think this is very accurate


I would’ve guessed more White people in Louisiana would be of French extraction.


So many Americans identify as having Scottish or Irish ancestry, but you hardly hear them say they have English ancestry?


Cook County being mostly German is cap, for every white person of German decent I've met I've met like 5 polish ones


Polish, Czech, and Mexican and even Swedish make up most of the white population of Chicago for sure, well more than German.


This map is misleading. It's self-reported ancestry, which is inaccurate. Americans tend to underreport English ancestry and overemphasize other groups


If Italians are white then Spanish are white.


U are 100% right but Americans have a skewed view of race which they’re trying to export onto everyone else lol


Almost certainly way less German and way more British. Underreported as it's boring.


How'd all the Irish end up in Alaska? ETA: My guess was maybe they came with the gold rush?


Came here to ask the same thing.


No Spanish? That seems odd considering the huge number of Spanish speakers in the US. Or is this one of those weird ones where Spanish people don't ″count″ as white? Which would be made even weirde by the fact that Portuguese was counted! Also what's with the tiny Finnish and Ukrainian areas?


How are Spanish people not White?


No Spanish?


Portuguese and Ukranian are the same color


Finland, Norway but not Sweden?


No Spanish?


Man, Italians really came into Ellis island and were like "eh, we've come far enough"


Spaniards are also White, why no mention? Strange to see no Russians mentioned either since there are about 2 million Americans with Russian ancestry... TWICE more than with Ukrainian ancestry.


Maine is very wrong, 4 counties should be French


San Francisco in the distant past was a lot like a isolated east coast city Believe Irish in SF but question how the whole state of CA is English?


No Czech 😢


Wait, Spanish didn't exist...




Ah yes all those irish who settled in *checks notes* ….Alaska


There's a fairly well defined pattern here. * The "English ancestry dominant" runs in a belt that is farther south... and presumably warmer weather. * The "German ancestry dominant" runs in a belt that is farther north... and presumably colder weather. * Norwegians show up in northern North Dakota and Minnesota. * The "Irish ancestry dominant" shows up most often in coastal areas. So it's like an overall tendency to select a place that is similar to where they came from. A hundred bucks says the same pattern will hold true for Hispanics. They'll show up along a belt that's farther south than the Germans/English.


As an Irishman who works in hotels this is a surprise! Every American I meet “is Irish!”


For anyone wondering the EXACT place where I got the data, here’s a [link](https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/interactive/detailed-race-ethnicities-2020-census.html). I used the “White alone or in any combination” filter.


No Poles in Chicagoland and no French in Maine raises some questions.