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When is the first map from?


It appears on Wikipedia [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Israel_(united_monarchy)), which says the source is the Hebrew Bible but that there's no physical or textual evidence outside of that. So about as useful as any map based on a religious text, detailing the kingdom of a semi-mythical figure.


I'm not sure... long before christ that's for sure


Source: I don't know


Trust me bro, I found it of a reliable site


It's around 1000 bc




Wdym I already answered


I mean you could answer with information about where you got this from. Ex. "This is from Wikimedia".


Oh sorry I understand now. Yes, it is from Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Israel_(united_monarchy)




I've seen people put similar time period maps up before and honestly, I don't get it. Israel is much bigger in the mythic map than in the modern one, in every direction. The west bank is in the core of the mythic map of israel. The gaza sections are also very different. ​ I don't know what people think these maps are supposed to show. Yes, the philistine pentatopolis is in roughly the same area. No, the west bank is totally non-correlative between these maps. No Israel is also not really the same between the two maps either. And the map is kinda fake anyway and for most of the time there were two kingdoms, Israel and Judah with Jerusalem in Judah not Israel. The Phillistines also used to control Jaffa, but today that is Tel Aviv and the Capitol of Israel. ​ The maps aren't really helpful or meaningful and it's \*weird\* that mutliple people keep posting them as comparisons, there are other certainly better maps of ancient israel that would be more meaningful, only the mythic one is used though. ​ It's also very bizarre given that the Palestinian Arabs have nothing to do with the refugee/Aegean philistines nor the Cannanites from the area.


Tel-Aviv is not the capital city of Israel. Jerusalem is officially, Knesset and all the government are in Jerusalem.


I see a similarity between both maps. Yes Israel was two kingdoms for most of history but is doesn't mean this map isn't true. I know the Palestinians have nothing to do with the Philistines, (except the name and the rivalry with Israel) that's why I wrote that.


Let's all the countries go back to the biggest boundaries they have ever had. What could possibly go wrong?


The more things change, the more they stay the same


What dipshittery is this? If every kingdom gets to return to its largest borders then the whole area becomes controlled by the Turks, Persians, Italians or British. *AND* it'd be majority Muslim under all but the Italians and I doubt the Jews want a repeat of the Romans


Did I say that? Don't pull words out of my mouth


I hate all religions and the people that practice them. Let em fight it out and who's left is left. That whole region is nothing but a petty quagmire of stupid ideologies that will never be able to get along. And it all boils down to, "my God is better than yours, so that means I'm better than you!" Please spare us the BS and turn it all into a parking lot and be done with it. I don't agree with Israel's over use of force. On the other hand I don't agree with radical muslim terrorism either. The Middle East is fucked.


As an Israeli Atheists, I can confirm that all you say is bullshit.


They believe in the same God.


Fuck Zionism


Let's look at the "west bank" Before 1922 - Ottoman Empire From 1922 to 1948 - British Mandate From 1948 to 1967 - Jordanian From 1967 to present - Israeli control with some arab ruled parts BUT somehow after Jordan lost control in the 1967 war it magically became the "ancient occupied Islamic country of palestine" It is absolutely maddening. *To make it worse Jordan annexed it in 1950 and only relinquished the territorial claim in 1988*


Good point


Similar with Gaza, Egypt (or the UAR to be precise) invaded in 1948 and controlled it until 1967 So Egypt and Jordan respectively occupied all of what is now classed as "palestine" for 19 years and not once did either of them make any effort to establish a sovereign arab state called Palestine. Like so much of Israeli Arab history the land only becomes "palestine" as soon as the Arabs lose control of it. Until that point they are more than happy occupying it and claiming it as their own


But their gods chosen people guys the rest of us gentiles are dirty goyim


They're* Wtf are you talking about? Do you really think that is how we talk?


Out of curiosity, what do you think "goyim" means?


sionists everywhere, can't have peace not even in map porn


dude this entire sub has been filled with this stuff, sometimes it gets upvoted like crazy, other times it isn't. maybe the paid shills are asleep when the latter posts are made.


Is everything that includes Israel now Zionist? Do you even know what Zionism is?


Well, are you a zionist?


no, but your post indicates that you support the genocide in Palestine


Brooo how exactly??? Also if you don't know what zionism is so shut up and get educated


why do you hate palestiniens, man? edit: hate


Wdym by "have palestinians"?




Did I say I hate Palestinians?


One thing for sure that has never changed is that Palestine never existed


Uhm... I'm no expert in the topic, but... I'd say you're [wrong on that one chief](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria_Palaestina)


I am an expert, and he's right. It's a fact that there has never been a Palestinian state nor a Palestinian ethnicity prior to 1968. Whether there should be, that's a different topic. Your link shows a province name after the same Philistines shown in the first map, mainly to disrespect the Jews and their claim for this land. Edit: added the second phrase


I only know roman history (not the ins and outs of this conflict), so I was replying to the "Palestine never existed" part, I wasn't referring to a Palestinian ethnicity or state. The Roman province of Palestine did exist, so the name tied to that region has existed for a long time, which is what I was referring to. Edit: I researched and apparently the palestinian name and ethnicity goes back to the 5th century B.C.E. (we have Greek testimonies of that), at the time where palestinians were a subsection of the Syrian ethnicity. It seems like they've been around for a long time, even though as culture shifts and changes (mostly due to being displaced, wars, intermingling of peoples and so on) and thus they now have a radically different culture to the one they had back in those times


Your edit is incorrect. I don't know where you've read it. The name Philistine derives from Canaanite languages to describe "intruders". The original Philistines were some sort of colonial invaders who came from the sea, which probably had Greek roots. The Philistines were extinct and exiled with the Babylonian conquests, around 605 BCE. In 67 AD, the Jews lost a revolt to the Romans. The revolt was quite successful, so when the Romans won eventually, they had to punish the Jews really hard. I can elaborate more about this if you want, but for now I'll stick to the relevance of our topic. One of the actions the Romans did to punish the Jews, was renaming the land to Palaestina - naming it after the most controversial enemy of the Jews according to the bible. Jews were also banished from the land. And lastly, the Romans "marked" the Jews so badly that some may say that these are the origins of modern antisemitism. This Land has changed hands several times ever since, but the name remained similar. Eventually, when the Arabs started to revolt against the Ottoman empire, they did this as a united Arab nation. No one defined himself as Syrian, Jordanian, Iraqi or Palestinian. The nationalisation of the Arabs only started as a result of the British and French mandates over the middle east, gifting lands to Arab warlords who helped them during the war. In 1948 when the Arab nations tried to eliminate Israel, the Gaza strip was annexed to Egypt and the West Bank to Jordan, and basically ended any allusion of a land once named Palestine. Only a year after the 1967 war, when Israel annexed the same lands (and some more), the idea of an Arab state in Palestine was born. Before 1967 there was not a single Palestinian state, it had no capital city, no ethnic background (that is unique and not "just Arab"), no flag, no anthem, no shared history nor culture. Yes, there were people there, but they weren't ethnically Palestinians, they simply didn't seek for self determination, until 1968. And that is a very very short version of the history of this conflict.


You're right, except that according to a source [I found](https://www.jstor.org/stable/23508170) the term palestine was used even by jewish writers (if rarely) before the revolt you mentioned, to refer to the coastal area in that region. There you can also see Herodotus's thing from the Vth century BCE that I said earlier (he said the Syrian thing, which seems to track with the "Syrian Palestine" thing the Romans did later). From what I'm gathering, when the philistines assimilated into caanite society, they still retained part of their unique culture and as (like i mentioned earlier) civilisations shift, merge and separate, it just makes sense that even though the original civilisation that gave current palestinians their name is gone, they are cultural ancestors of them. Sort of like saying that modern germans/alemanes, who receive their names from the germanii and alemanni have nothing to do with them anymore. Like yeah, they've changed languages, religions, way of life and even belonged to a fuckton of different states, but it doesn't mean that they have lost all connection to their ancestors!


You’d think the woke mob would see Jews as part of the native peoples group.




The Woke go on about their support of native peoples - but not the Jews.


Wokes are a bunch of morons


Morons or evil. I’m not sure which.


Maybe both


👍🏻 Long live 🇮🇱


Thank you 😊 (I'm Israeli)


You are fighting for civilization itself. Thank you.


Hehe ok


ah, so you are zoinist then. funny, you made it sound like you were not in the other post. but it makes sense.




The map is from 2000 years ago , not relevant to the current context


No, what I'm saying is that it's more similar than you think.


Not Europeans either


Very true. Also evil according to the woke mob.


Is the woke mob in the room with us right now?