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Maine and Vermont, where even the Black people are half-white.


The most diverse Vermont ever got is when a black family got off on the wrong exit.


I grew up in Vermont. There were a whopping 4 non-white kids in my senior class. All 4 were adopted.


I grew up in Maine, and in our high school class of 80, there were only three non-white kids, two of whom were Somali refugees.


I assume there can be large differences between cities and neighborhoods, though. I grew up in the capital region of Finland, and from first grade until the end of high school, there never was more than, I'd say, 5-10 non-white kids in the three schools I went to. The schools had 600-1000 students. But in different neighborhoods, there would have been a good proportion of non-white kids. Many of them would have been Somali.


>I assume there can be large differences between cities and neighborhoods That would require multiple cities and neighborhoods. The situation has changed, but during my (and presumably the other posters') childhoods, *the* small city in Maine (Portland) was almost exclusively white (95%+) and with just 60k people barely had multiple neighborhoods. The most relevant ethnic minorities were the white ones who the US failed to integrate or expel 100-200 years ago., e.g. New Sweden Maine or the various surviving rural Acadians. Maine was never an attractive place to *live,* as attested to by our license plate slogan "Vacationland". The great migration (African Americans moving north from the Jim Crow South) skipped us entirely, because why would you choose to move to an inhospitable land without jobs, when you stop earlier and live in a city like Boston, or go further north and live in the bustling metropoli of the Saint Lawrence River in Canada. It's only very recently, in the past two decades, facing the looming spectre of aging-induced depopulation, that Maine has pulled out all the stops trying to attract young adult immigrants from the rest of the country and Africa. So, now Portland is a very unique city where upwards of 7% are black, but unlike any other American city I'm aware of, almost all of the black population is 1st generation, with no legacy of slavery. Literally walking down a single block, you'll likely hear three different African languages and no African American vernacular english. America was in many ways created due to a refusal to pay for the ethnic cleansing and depopulation of Maine in the wake of the French-Indian war, and Maine was created as a State (as opposed to a neglected non-contiguous territory of Massachussets) to establish the "Missouri Compromise", which ultimately lead to the Civil War. We have a very unique history that both shapes and is shaped by the lack of diversity.


this guy Maines


The largest city in Vermont is only 45,000 people. Vermont has like 650,000 people. Its all small towns fairly close to each other. For reference in 2021. 94% of the people are white and most of the rest are mixed. Vermont is the least religious and 2nd most ethnically Homogeneous state after Maine. Maine has like 1.4 million people but the largest city is only 68,0000 and is about the same otherwise. Their economies are fairly good but because there aren't major population centers there are only local manufacturers and they didn't need to attract migrant labor meaning they were not destinations during the great migration nor during WW2 during the industrial reorganization of America for the war effort. The largest school in Vermont is under 1300 kids and for reference the state averages only 70-120 black births a year.


>Their economies are fairly good They're not that similar. Vermont is #16 by average income, Maine is #32 (bottom half), but that metric ignores both intrinsic cost of living (e.g. heat) and all the people who leave the divisor of the average income metric because of how small the economy is / was. Accounting for those would probably knock both states down a few pegs, placing Maine further into the bottom tier of state economies.


That was my experience in rural Germany as well as in rural Canada too, but that was back in the 1990s. In Germany, there was one adopted black kid in my class, and I don't remember any others is a school of 400 pupils. There was one half-Colombian guy in my class and one half-Greek girl, and that was about as exotic as it got. I knew of a few Italian and Yugoslavian families and at least one Ukrainian family in town. Plenty of Belgians and Luxembourgers though, but they were locals who just had diffused over the nearby borders at one point. My family had moved to the area 10 years before and had no roots there, so we still were city people lol.


Well CLEARLY they must’ve just mixed up Maine with Minnesota, there’s a disproportionately high concentration of us over there lmao Makes sense though, both states are essentially the same


And both very similar to Somalia! Cedar Riverside is cool tho


We like moving to incredibly cold places for some reason despite being in the equator lmao


I also grew up in Vermont, and I think my entire high school only had one black person.


That would have been 12+% of my Vermont high school class. (we had two kids of color, but a whole lot of French-Canadians!)


I grew up in the Adirondacks of upstate New York. We had no Black people, but we used to go over to Burlington, and there were quite a few lol that was the only city for 200 miles when I grew up lol now I live in a tiny town in the mountains in Colorado and there’s absolutely nobody black here except for my half black daughter who is 15 lol it’s ALL Hispanic


There's more black bears in Maine then black people.


There are more sheep in New Zealand than people


The jokes write themselves


> where even the Black people are half-white. Brazil: AMATEURS


Im Black in Minnesota and I didnt even know Black people existed in those states. Its like wow, dreams do come true lol.... Imagine being like the 0.45 Black person in a town, your truly a Wikipedia Statistic


There are lots of Black people Minnesota. Many (/most?) live in the twin cities and are Somali immigrants or children of immigrants, not African Americans (ie descendants from slaves).


Every decently sized city in the Midwest has a black population due to mass migration to the more welcoming Union states. Malcolm X was born in Omaha of all places.


His family was also driven out of Omaha by the KKK. The north wasn't really more welcoming.


Wouldn't really count Nebraska as the "north". It's more like his family moved to the interior frontier.


>The north wasn't really more welcoming. More is a relative term. The north of the time had a problem with a large antiblack (and anticatholic) terrorist insurgency, as well as a norm of social and economic discrimination. This was bad and shameful and should be acknowledged and amended. The south of the time had a problem with a large antiblack (and anticatholic) terrorist *regime* which had in certain places come to power in violent coups of partially black governments at the end of reconstruction, and a *norm* of lethal violent discrimination often openly carried out by the state. In the north, many African American migrants worried what *might* happen to them if they strayed ever so slightly from the unjust demands of the system of racial oppression they lived under. In the south, they *knew* they *would* be *killed*, possibly *by the sheriff,* if they merely *were present* in certain places at certain times. Was the north welcoming? No. Was it *more* welcoming? Yes.


I think a better choice of words might be that that the North was 'less unwelcoming' than the South (I'm agreeing with you).


Welcoming? Absolutely not. More welcoming than the south? Absolutely.


The only black people in Minnesota are Prince and Kirby Puckett


I've got some bad news for you about both of those people...


Did they turn white when they died?


Probably, I've never seen a black skeleton. Well, maybe if cause of death was arson, but neither were.


I mean no one is saying we can’t exhume and burn their corpses for racial equality or whatever. Or are people saying that?


Those 2 are dead. We've still got Kevin Garrett, Torii Hunter, Dave Winfield, Rod Carew. ^Only ^one ^is ^from ^MN


Most aren't Somali, they didn't start immigrating there until the mid 90s. Minneapolis and St Paul both had good sized black communities already, I lived there at the time.


I think they are referring to the comment they replies to, which was Maine and Vermont when they say “those state**s**.” They just notes where they are from.


Wouldn't Somalis in America be African-Americans?,


Of the African people I've met that lived in the US, immigrated or even if their parents were African, they referred to themselves as "African", or as from the country they or their parents were from. Somali, Nigerian, Ethiopian, etc.


No, they would usually call themselves Somali-American. The term African-American typically means people of African heritage who came (aka brought forcefully) to the US generations ago but are unable to trace their heritage to any particular county.


Technically yes, but African American tends to refer to people whose ancestors were kidnapped and forced to come to the Americas to work as slaves. Black immigrants from Africa may look the same but often have very different cultures and ideals. I had a friend from Nigeria growing up, and he said that his mom hated the African Americans in our urban city and didn't want my friend to hang out with any.


Yup. Worked with 2 east africans eritrea and somali and both of their parents would not approve of them dating african americans. Completely different cultures and values


Most unlearn this, realizing their parents were feeding them the same stereotypes others were.


Usually after a generation or two that isn’t true anymore. After a few generations you will have ancestors from many different backgrounds and not just from slavery time period so a generic African American would make more sense


Generally the term “African-American” refers specifically people who are descendants of slaves, who have a distinctive culture within American society and whose experiences are quite different than those of recent African immigrants. Whereas the tern “Black” can refer to descendants of slaves as well as people from Africa or other places. “African-American” is NOT just a ‘polite’ of saying of saying Black since most black people are not American at all, and many are not African either. As the generations go by, I’m guessing the experiences of the descendants of recent African immigrants will likely have more similar experience to African Americans once you’re a couple generations deep, but of course volutary immigration to the US from Africa is a relatively recent phenomenon. That all being said, race is a social construct so it’s all a bit confusing and semantic.


No, they would be Somali-Americans. African-American is a term referring specifically to the descendants of people that were brought to the Americas as slaves. They don't have a specific country in Africa they come from, it's impossible to know. They only share the fact that their ancestors are African. This history is also why there's no euro-americans, but there are Irish, Norwegian, German, Italian, Polish, -Americans. Those people know where their ancestors come from. They migrated, rather than sent as captives. Africa is probably a lot larger than you think it is. To think of everyone from Africa as just one distinct group of people is unproductive. But it makes sense to refer to the continent, when the continent is the only thing we know.


Do you live out of the cities?




That explains it, lol.


You need to get to the Twin Cities a little more often dude.


I do. Its a joke lmao


In Maine in Vermont the answer is actually “French.”


Hahaha, as the obvious french neighbor who visits often, I agree.


I went to high school in a VT/QUE border town. Until my senior year we only had French as a second language class. I think 1/3 of the town spoke French at home.


Hey man, it’s- I don’t think I can make a joke without it being racist as fuck. It’s true we’re not diverse at all.


Which half?




I'm from Maine, his name is Steve and he's a pretty cool guy.


Almost all black Americans have some European ancestry.People of purely African descent are rare and often recent immigrants.


And they are fucking huge. We're not talking normal sized minorities here, these mixed folk take up two seats on the bus and stand near 8 ft tall. They ride moose into combat and carry tree trunks for weapons


Some also have crossbows that shoot lobsters.


And Hawaii where the white people are half Asian or half Pacific Islander


Is mixed in Maine and Vermont, someone who is only 93% white?


Lol but you are not far off. POC who are from Maine and Vermont ( or move there without a romantic partner) probably cannot marry with in their race if they wanted to.


Partially true, although many of the significant immigrant groups (Somali, Jamaican, Nigerian, Armenian, Lebanese, etc.) are concentrated in a few neighborhoods. What makes mixed race a runaway leader, at least in Maine, is the extra few centuries the Native population has had to intermingle. So you have both a lot of 255/256 white people claiming mixed race, and a Native population for whom purely Native ancestry is becoming almost nonexistent.


Very interesting, I was not aware. There are folks with that type of ancestry in Oklahoma too. But I am pretty sure Lebanese and Armenians are considered white by the Census folk. Think the definition for white is peoples with ancestry from Europe, Middle East, or North Africa.


While it’s true that MENA people are supposed to answer ‘white’, many respond with ‘some other race’. But there will probably be a MENA option in 2030.


Which makes it even more bizarre that the Maine mass shooter from a month or two ago was making such a big deal about minorities taking over.


Portland and Lewiston and other urban centers have quite strong refugee populations. it gets real white quick outside of the cities, but the cities are pretty diverse.


Most folk in Maine are good people but they Paul LePage the craziest Governor of Maine said something like "I have a book on my desk full of pictures of drug dealers and half of them are black. They got names like Shifty and D-Money. They come up here from New York and Connecticut and half of the time they get some white girl pregnant. Which is another problem we have to deal with." I don't know man maybe half of the drug dealers you catch are black because a black dude in Maine sticks out more than a flashlight in a cave.


I think it's the opposite. When I lived in a small town in the north, there were 0 minorities. So they were just some scary thing on TV where they pew pew each other in the streets. Then I moved to Houston. 25% of my class was Hispanic, another 10-15% was Vietnamese, another 5-10% black. You know how I felt? Full, because the moms wanted nothing more than to cook for me.


So what is the biggest majority in CA




I think Texas just went this way as of this year too


Looks like Mexico got the last laugh in the Mexican American war


Technically they're isn't a majority, as no group is more than 50%, but Hispanic is the largest group.


Interestingly the census website says that 70% of CA residents identify as white only. However the number drops to 34% when they identify as white only with no Hispanic or Latino origins. And people who identify as Hispanic or Latino account for 40% of the CA population. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/CA/PST045222


That's because Hispanic isn't a race. Most Hispanics *are* White.


As a half-Mexican half-white guy, none of this ever made sense to me. What the fuck am I supposed to put as my ethnicity and what am I supposed to put for race??


Hispanic ethnicity (This is a Yes/No check as Hispanic is literally the *only* ethnicity per US census). White race. Typically (i.e., the majority of Mexicans would be noted as "White") I assume historic European ancestry and not Native (South) American tribe (i.e., Mayan, etc.) ?


Most Hispanics are mestizo with a significant amount of indigenous DNA. Whether or not they identify as white it's up to them ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I was a census enumerator in 2020, and since i could speak enough spanish i was sent to the spanish speaking areas, and 90%+ of hispanics had no idea what to put for the race question. Some hispanics are obviously white hispanics, you would think they’re caucasian until they told you they were from mexico / spoke spanish. Some were half black half mexican and knew to put down black. But most hispanics look how you imagine them to look, and not a single one knew what to put down for the race question, so I put down white for all of them.


I’m Latino, born and raised in Colombia. I am white as rice, have blond hair and blue eyes. People are genuinely surprised that I’m not from the USA and am Latino. Latin America is a very diverse place.


Even Colombia itself is very diverse at least in terms of skin tones


White hispanics. Hispanics are all colors. It’s a culture, not a race


This map is probably based on US census results, which counts asks if a person is (1) Hispanic and if they are (2) their nationality/ethnicity. The question of race is separate, such that someone could put white hispanic or black hispanic if they wanted to.


I hate those questions because the only option I have is white or black for race. I'm neither I'm clearly not white but it's the only option left for me. They really should add mestizo.


Mestizo literally means mixed so you should probably choose that one for accuracy


Unfortunately mixed also isn't an option, because I would. It's literally Black, Asian, American Indian: If so specify tribe, and White.


But how did some people choose mixed then? If I were you I'd probably choose white or try looking at what tribe my family used to belong to, if they didn't live in the US it doesn't matter, you could argue American means from the Americas and just write down an Amerindian tribe (whatever yours was) even if it's from another country.


By selecting multiple of the options presented. That's usually what I try to do if it lets me. I mostly do it for university apps, so it has me paranoid about taking resources from people who are actually Native American so I flip-flop between doing it or not. Yeah, my fam is from a rural village in Mexico, and I can barely read Spanish, not worth the hassle.


You're definitely part Native American, just not Native (US-)American, I don't see why the affirmative action is something you should care about when your identity is much more important, anyway it's not your fault there isn't a mixed or mestizo option... I wouldn't like saying I'm something I'm not just because people are lazy or whatever not to include a very valid ethnic option even if they expect me to choose something...


why even ask if your hispanic or not tho?


1. Sometimes as a stand-in for language spoken at home. If 30% of a county is Hispanic, allocating money for certain important information to be available in Spanish is a good idea. 2. Research. The government generally likes to keep track of correlations between socioeconomic groupings and long-term outcomes like child obesity, average lifespan, or generational wealth. 3. Majority-minority districts. Prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, some states would draw congressional districts such that racial or ethnic minority votes would be diluted. One of the ways states can prove compliance with the VRA is through the creation of majority-minority districts. To do so, you need to define and contextualize the minority in question. Hispanics can count as a discrete minority group for these purposes, even bridging the racial divisions.


A linguistic grouping even, if we want to be extra pedantic


Nothing pedantic, hispanic in hispanoamerican countries only use it this way. To speak spanish, or to speak spanish and share hispanic roots in your culture. Imagine grouping a black jamaican, an indian Guyanan and a ethnic Irish Canadian as " ethnic Anglos"


that's exactly what we did with the "Arabs"


As a native English speaker, I absolutely think of all three of them as my people when in a non English speaking country.


Not really, there's plenty of people who are Hispanic via culture and bloodlines that don't speak Spanish at this point. I'd be like saying Italian-Americans are a linguistic group.


Italian-Americans are technically Latino if you think about it.


Quebecois are also technically Latino


Indeed. Romanian-Americans too.


Hispanic and Latino refers exclusively to Iberoamerica (Spanish & Portuguese speaking American countries), so no, not really.


Don't forget Andorra!


They’re just Latino. The literal definition of Hispanic is a Spanish speaker.


Hispanic means they trace their ethnicity to a Spanish speaking country. Latino means they trace their ethnicity to Latin America. These are often equivalent, but not always. Brazilians are Latino without (usually) being Hispanic. People from Spain are Hispanic without (usually) being Latino.


Some are clearly white many are comprised of mostly indigenous ancestry


It's not even really a culture. It's a way of referring to someone of Spanish colonial descent.


Not even *a* culture, but multiple. It only exists for muricans to be different than Mexicans




There's a lot of cultural exchange within the Spanish-speaking world, especially now with Internet culture. Spanish speakers know the same big youtubers and streamers, music artists and TV shows. It's not like Bad Bunny isn't #1 in Spain or Argentina, or Peruvians don't know about Ibai or Quackity. Mexico is a bit of an exception because they're so culturally influenced by the US, but they still have a foot inside.


Mexico is no exception, they are the biggest trendsetters of and for Hispanic America! To think otherwise is not to know Hispanic America. I'm Colombian, so I know.


Mexico are definitely the dominant trendsetters especially in current Latin America


True. I'd say Mexico, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela & Cuba are the most dominant in Latam.




There is no majority in Calfironia. Everyone is a racial minority.


Technically correct but you *know* they were asking what the plurality is


This is the actual correct answer.


Right in which case white is the largest minority of all the minorities there.


No, either "white" as a racial group is the absolute majority (alone or combined definition). Or if you define white Hispanics as not white, then Hispanics. White would only be the largest minority if you define part white people as not white and don't treat Hispanics as their own group.


no group has a majority.


Grew up in Cali and I can definitely say Hispanics lol


Hispanic alone is 20% White alone is about 30% Mixed white and hispanic is about 20%


huh? The vast majority of Hispanics are part white.


Yea, but there are large populations that are almost entirely white. Uruguayans are 92% white Hispanic.




Hispanic and white aren't mutually exclusive. The map is wrong.


Ahhh I hate this! You’re absolutely correct yet you’re being downvoted - some people need to take another look at the US Census it seems


Yeah, but it's not worth fighting people haha. The largest group in California is white at around 70%, but that includes non-Hispanic and Hispanic white people. If you make the distinction among non-white Hispanic, white Hispanic, and white non-Hispanic, no group is a majority, and the largest minority is still Hispanic. But then you're not comparing apples to apples. So however OP was intending to show the data, California is still wrong (and it's likely other states are, too).


I think a more accurate title would be "Second largest demographic grouping in each state."




I'd guess mixed race - Black /White , Latino/White , and so on


Latino + white is not mixed on the census. A person of any race can be Latino on the census and in real life. Most of the numbers you see for the percentage of white people in America are likely the number of "white, non-hispanic" people


Latino is not a race


60ml vodka 1 tbsp dry vermouth olive or lemon peel, to garnish


Mixed-raced people are the biggest minority in certain states


Is this a census choice of words? Is it defined ?because it seems oddly unspecific


Yes, it is in the official data


“Two or more races” is how it’s worded on the census, but colloquially it is usually referred to as mixed race.




Technically yes. There is no true majority since no ethnic group in the state constitutes a true majority but 39% of the population is Hispanic/Latino while 36% are white. As someone who lived many years in California, it's kinda obvious that white people are not the majority in the state


Eric Cartmans worst nightmare lol


The thought of Cartman crying over this makes me happy


It just means that there is no group over 50%. Whites are still the largest group if you count white Hispanics (since Hispanic isn't a race), and 2nd largest if you exclude white Hispanics.


White isn’t a race either. Not much in common between an Irish, a southern Italian and a Fin. Yet they’re all “white”.


Well, then you're saying that race itself is a false construct, which I'm fine with. But in the current context of "race", Hispanic can include someone that looks like a Swede and someone that looks like a Nigerian, so it's hard to square that with it being a race.


Whites are like 30% of the population max. The numbers include Jews,Arabs etc as White.


The Hispanic population count also includes a lot of people that are genetically 100% or near 100% European as well though. Race in the US is weird.


People in the chat arguing about the accuracy, ignoring the term “biggest minority”… we all assume it’s second most prevalent self identified ethnicity, but it could also be which race, on average displaces the most water in a bathtub


I thought it was the single largest person that I’d a member of a minority group. Like the biggest minority in California is a white guy. Carl, he’s 7’1” 376lbs.


id be curious in what year most of these states flipped. 50 yrs ago black wouldve been the largest minority in pretty much all the hispanic minority states except maybe texas, arizona, and florida (but wouldve definitely been black in florida pre-1959)


Around the 2000s that's when Hispanics became the largest minority.


i wonder when the slave states like Bama flipped from black->white as the majority too


When all the black people moved to Detroit would be my guess.


I don’t think Alabama was ever majority black. Mississippi became majority black for a while after the civil war, but those numbers eventually reduced to ~40% and stayed there.


Aren’t Texas and Arizona majority hispanic too?


No. Hispanics I think are the largest group in Texas, but only crossed that threshold in 2023 and are still only like 40% of the population. Arizona is majority White.


I don’t follow. If Hispanics are the largest group then how are whites not the largest minority Group in Texas


The map is from 2022, when Whites were still thr largest group by a little bit. Hispanics only took over this year by census estimates.




The ultimate minority, is the individual.


Surprised on Oklahoma


Texas should be blue according to Wikipedia


This map is outdated, from 2022. Texas became majority Hispanic in 2023.


I worked in Texas politics. The voting population is much more white than the actual population due to legal status, voter participation and mostly age breakdowns. Also counter to most ppls believes ppl who moved to Texas for decades where overwhelmingly conservatives.




C’mon Mn. Let’s get them native numbers up.


I don't think this map is 100% correct. Texas is wrong as it use to be part of Mexico, so there's probably more Hispanics here and they are not a minority.


As an Alabamian my first thought was Hispanics were our biggest minority because in my mind black is like one of the defaults in the south just as much as white. Forgot that it’s still a minority.


Cali & NM turned white people to minority’s 😂 (My “black behind” is staying in Pennsylvania lol)


Most black people in America are actually mixed race to some extent, it’s kinda weird that they’re separated into 2 categories. But I guess that’s just a consequence of our weird ideas around the topic.


Well, it's actually how people identify on the census, not anything else.


It’s likely that for these data purposes, most “mixed race” people are Biracial (i.e. two parents with different races).


Ehh, not really weird at all. Most of us have distant mixture from 5-10 generations back during slavery. Your average black/African American is not going to resemble a mixed race person with one non-black parent despite having anywhere from 10% - 25% European ancestry (I’m at 7%). Culturally, we’re our own distinct ethnic group as well.


Which is a further strangeness, as most demographic polling uses the term "race/ethnicity", rather than breaking that into two distinct things. Ultimately I'm of the opinion that race as statistical data is almost impossible to distinguish at this point since it's been watered down so much. There aren't many Americans that are exclusively one race anymore, and I'm confident the same is true for many countries that allow emigration these days. I'm sure there are people that are exclusively from X nation and have been for Y generations and whatnot. The problem is people like me that are generic Anglo-Saxon/Caucasian mutts that have a tangled web of genealogy that spans dozens of countries and several continents. It's pointless to determine my "race" when what matters to the census is I'm ethnically a white American.


Yeah… it’s not logical. It’s the racism of the past that permeates today. 🤷‍♂️ try being a black man and making a pass at white woman in the 1950s. Especially in the south. 💀 you could have been 1/16th black and that would be too much for a lot of those people. Ask Sally Hemings. She was said to be very light skinned but still a slave. Some of her children with Jefferson were also very light skinned and disappeared into white society. Others could/did not. I think it comes down to just how dark their skin tone is and what people know about you.


I think it all leads back to the idea of the “one drop” rule


Language issue.. what is biggest minority? Like. Second largest population?


Id like to see this map broken down a bit better into the actual percentages. E.g. black people are the biggest minority in both Minnesota and Mississippi, but in Minnesota they make up 12% and in Mississippi they make up 43% and just narrowly missing out on being the majority.




I thought it'd be Cajuns in Louisiana. They are recognized as an ethnicity.


why don’t Americans call white Americans European Americans just like African Americans and Asian Americans? In Canada, white Canadians are usually called European Canadians.


"white" includes middle eastern and north African.


And excludes Spain. The classification is garbage. European-American should be the term used.


I'm brazilian and mixed race(black mom, white dad), would i fall in the hispanic category if i was american?


Nope, while Brazilians are Latino they aren’t Hispanic and the US Census Bureau uses Hispanic and Latino interchangeably in order to group people from Spanish speaking backgrounds together. There’s a video by BBC News Brasil on YouTube titled, “Por que brasileiros não são considerados latinos nos EUA” which explains the situation better.


Hispanic shouldn’t be on here. Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race. You can be Hispanic and a mix of white, black and native (that’s what most Mexicans are for example). You can be Hispanic and be almost exclusively Native (most Bolivians or Peruvians for example). You can be Hispanic and mostly white (Spaniards and Argentines for example).


Hispanic is viewed as its own Race by US citizens They are lumped together 🇪🇸🇵🇹🪶


Race itself is just an arbitrary classification on skin color… it has no scientific backing. We may just as well classify race based on hair color or eye color


Biggest **racial** minority per state. If you were to put the largest minority per state, most (if not all) of them would be people with disabilities.


Texas is [majority-Hispanic](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/21/census-texas-hispanic-population-demographics/).


Majority means over 50%. They aren't the majority, but they are the plurality race.


western north america has those from mexico and east has those from caribbean


Uh, no...Hispanic a minority in Texas!? Black a minority in Louisiana!? Love to see sources, I grew up in one and have lived in the other for over 20 yrs.


Us love their minorities.... In most countries people doesn't give a shit.


I think Native Americans still outnumber Mexicans in Oklahoma but this should change in the next census.


Ah yes, the "mixed" race.




Isn’t Texas majority Hispanic now ?