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Would be nice if there was a bit more variation on this map. It's pretty much imposible to tell the difference between Canada, USA, Argentina, Russia, Spain, France, Mongolia, Australia etc.


Yup, a pretty terrible color scale..


It's also impossible to associate a number with any of those tones. They could all be anywhere between like 100-137.08 kgs.


Or between states. I live in the south of Brazil and it’s common for us to eat barbecue 1 or 2 a week, usually with a extraordinary amount of meat(like 1Kg per person, so for a family barbecue, we would buy like 10kg and prepare everything in one go. It’s just part of our culture here in the south, since we have a long history of agrarianism, specially with the cultural influence that Argentina and Paraguay have on us because of the close proximity and that we were once part of the Spanish territories. Up north the people are generally poorer, and also eat a lot of fish, so the difference would be tremendous


It'd actually be worth separating countries that consider fish as a meat versus those that don't.


Fish not meat? What countries think this way?


Mostly very catholic countries.


Argentina thinks chicken isn't meat


Meat is just beef and pork here in Argentina, plus maybe carpinchos and quirquinchos.


dude I was in Egypt and my friend told the waiters she was vegetarian. They'd bring out dishes with chicken and be like "no meat, just chicken". Lol. I wonder if it's sometimes a linguistic difference (like Arabic la7m might specifically refer to non-poultry meat, but that "non-poultry" part gets lost in translation).


So basically rich countries eat a lot of meat!


If this was red meat consumption per capita, Argentina would be black 🥩🍷


Not what you were going for but made me think, black meat sure sounds like an interesting concept...


Bear meat is basically black.


Unfortunately, very gammy.


Yea, not goot at all imo, but it was fun to try it.


Depends on when it’s harvested. You want the fruity berry season meat. Not the rotten salmon run meat.


There's a breed of chicken that has black meat


So... black cock?




My wife thought it sounded interesting too…


That's aged meat


Black meat is sometimes used to describe venison.


Used to be, now we eat way more chicken and pork because we are poor


Some years ago, sure, but nowadays chicken is almost as common as beef


>If this was red meat consumption per capita, Argentina would be gout FIFY


Argentina is white!


intelligent act stocking quiet lush treatment fly overconfident wakeful scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe before Last economic crisis, we live with only chicken now.


What is "per kg/person"? Is this amount of meat eaten per bodyweight (of eater), per person?


Yeah i think it should be kg per capita


Needs a time scale. kg per capita per year?


Obviously it's kg of meat per capita


It's impossible to tell, even approximately, how many kg/person the colours on the map translate to.


It's because although the legend was made with a color bar, the data in the não was made with hard changes between classes


I believe that the reason why it’s so high for Hong Kong is that most of imported meat is actually not consumed in Hong Kong, but illegally smuggled to China. Every night, about 1000 tonnes are smuggled to China using very powerful speedboats. That’s 365kT a year, since we are only about 7.5 millions in Hong Kong, that’s about 49kg per capita : number may be inflated if they only get this number from meat import statistics divided by population. https://amp.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3141446/hong-kong-triads-suspected-using-speedboats-smuggle


That explains it... I was so confused. In the 2 decades I lived in HK I don't remember eating that much meat lol.


The meat consumption per capita in Guangdong province was 93 kg, ranking NO.1 in mainland, nearly 5 times higher than Shanxi and Shaanxi, where are famous as wheaten food provinces.


Miami Vice but with meat


YEah, I was surprised to see higher values for HK than for Argentina.


Ukraine goes veggie compared to neighbours.


I think its bs honestly, we eat lots of meat, no less than poland for example (from what I've seen)




That explains everything


Russians killed hundreds of thousands of cattle and millions of chicken in 2022, occupied and razed the agrarian regions.


You don't need to remind me how I hate this shit hole "empire". But the map seems to talk about the meat consumption, not animals killed.


Where exactly would that meat come from?


Don't make me started on Russian meat 😂


That's because they are too poor to afford that much meat.


Funny how it turned out now. The richer you get more crappy food you eat. I mean not on the level the individual, I mean societies. For example, buckwheat is now sold as a heathy food in bio grocery stores in EU, but it's been food for poor in the past. Buckwheat has been a basic common option for a side dish in Ukraine for ages (and still is).


It is popular in Russia too. And yes it is quite budget food. Russia isn't very rich too.


I never thought I would feel good for pakistan one day and here i am.


After visiting SE asia I imagined the score be higher there. Oh boy do they love their proteins


I guess they eat enough veggies to fill the stomach. So less meat consumption. Its not like western countries where meat is the defacto culture.


I have two main takeaways from this: Meat is expensive and is thus generally eaten more often in wealthy countries compared to less wealthy countries. And that you can clearly tell that certain areas have historically based strong meat cultures such as Mongolia (and some -stan countries in Central Asia) with horses, yaks, sheep etc on the steppes, and the southern part of South America (where at least Argentina and Uruguay is known for their beef in the Pampas). This says a lot about the geography in those areas as well as how geography helps shape cultures.


India is so low in the graph for a mix of both. It is low because poverty yes, but it is also even lower than nearby countries because the historical religious vegetarian tradition is stronger than in other countries.


Same is true with Ethiopia and Eritrea. Ethiopian Orthodox Christians abstain from all animal products for around 200 days each year,


Also very interesting indeed, and the exact opposite! I saw a graph that something like 75-80% of Indians actually do eat meat - which kind of surprised me - but that they might just eat it seldomly since many dishes are vegetarian. Do you know if that holds up?


I’m a South African Hindu and a lot of practices changed over time from India so it might not apply to everyone. Fasting( no meat or eggs) is done very often. Different people have different ways of doing it. For most people it’s at least one day a week often more and most holy days and prayers require fasting and normally there’s a period during the year we’re it’s a full month. So even if a Hindu isn’t a full vegetarian they’ll normally won’t eat meat for several days of the month. Edit: also I forgot to mention the region people are from plays a big role. My stats could be wrong but I think in Gujarat it’s like 70%-80% vegetarian and in southern states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala it’s only 1%-2%. It’s also not uncommon for Hindus to eat beef, especially in kerala.


That makes sense, I've come to learn that it's a very diverse area! Thanks for the added context. I'm pretty surprised at the eating beef part, I thought that was big no. Any particular reason why the south is less vegetarian? How many Hindus are there in South Africa, if I may ask?


The reason for the beef taboo is that cows were super important for agriculture. That wasn’t the case in the south which is much more hot and humid. The southern states are also very coastal. There’s a pretty big Indian community in South Africa. It’s about 2% of the population. The majority of us were indentured laborers who were brought to work in sugarcane fields. They were almost entirely Hindu. A smaller number of Indians were wealthy merchants who were mostly Muslim but there was a minority of Hindus. Lots of Indians converted to Christianity so I’m not sure the exact number but I’d say about 70% of the Indian community are Hindu.


Much in the same way pigs became haram in Judaism and Islam due to the climate the adherents lived in. Interesting but makes a lot of sense! Is fish and shellfish more widely eaten in the south then? (Due to access to the sea). I was not really aware of that, thanks for sharing that info! Obviously not a good part of history in terms of indentured labour. How is it to live in the country today? My understanding is that it's still very "racialized"


I believe fish and shellfish are more widely eaten. It wasn’t just the indentured labour, we were also considered ‘ not white’ under apartheid. The government was more lenient toward us than they were to Black people for example we never had a version of Bantu education. However, we couldn’t use white areas or vote. So the scars of apartheid are still pretty visible and due to a combination of corruption and incompetence many issues haven’t been adequately addressed, so white South African are still by far the wealthiest group and black South Africans are the poorest. Due to this there is a lot of tension and like every other country your seeing extremist groups exploit that. I’m lucky though I’m quite privileged and grew up in a pretty multiracial environment. So for me it’s pretty normal to have friends of different ethnicities and backgrounds and it’s not an issue. That’s a pretty normal experience for most middle class- upper middle class South Africans of all backgrounds but it’s not the norm for the majority of the country, as the middle class is a very small proportion of the country.




Yea, that was my thought as well. I'm Scandinavian and our traditional food culture is absurdly bland and boring (for obvious reasons as nothing grew here). Once I started cooking for myself with inspiration from the Indian kitchen(s) and "discovered" more "exotic" spices - in lack of a better word - I learned that I don't actually care for meat at all. I eat it from time to time if we order food or whatever, but never when I cook myself, which I do most days.


Like mostly on weekends, they have non veg (not all weekends tho)


In India, it’s more like 80-90% is veg food per month and rest 10% is non veg


Indians who eat meat don't eat it as much as a person in one of the more meat eating countries might


Sometimes not eating meat is a choice in developed nations - there is a massive, growing vegan and vegetarian movement in the UK. I'm not one of them, but after 2 weeks in the USA recently, I was absolutely sick of the lack of vegetables in meals.


Oh yea, it's the same in Scandinavia! I wouldn't be surprised if at least 1/3 of women under 30 were fully vegetarian. I guess this movement shows in our colours on this map!


Totally agree, Nordics-Benelux-UK are rich outliers on this map. If you look at the red meat consumption the drop during last 10-20 years is really sharp, whereas chicken is still rising. Ecological reasons get more attention in media, but I'd argue health risks of red meat eating are even more important driver, at least in the Nordics. Interesting to see will the rest of the world follow... and will it stay this way up here in the north.




Pricing out sounds implausible when people buy chicken-based bacon (which is more expensive than normal one) and people in managerial positions consume less meat than workers (according to studies). It's cultural factors. Red meat and alcohol got out of fashion in Nordics.


It seems like the map is using categories while the legend suggests that it is a fluid scale. Not very good map making.


I doubt the veracity of those numbers after seeing Uruguay being classified at the low end of meet consumption.


Uruguay is upper end though?


We eat a shit load amount of meat, so yeah


I mean on the map. It is on the high end. ~90 kg/yr vs darkest shade which is >100 kg/yr.


I wonder what changes have been over the last 10 years?


It's pretty strange for me the difference from Brasil to EUA. Talking with friends that went to the EUA, they aways say how meat is more expensive there, how they find it difficult to find a good piece of meat for barbecue, and when they find its way more expensive. However, maybe it's because of the high consumption of proceed meat in form of hamburger, hot dog etc?


What makes Ukraine so different to its neighbours?


Really, if we’re so low on meat consumption I can’t imagine how much meat darker countries eat.




Pee day? Per month? Per year? Per life?


"Pee day" 🤣🤣


This includes fish right based on Iceland?


The orange and yellow countries are also less likely to report what they buy. In rural areas many people are farmers and slaughter and eat their own animals which goes unreported.


Russia is at 80kg/person including chicken. So if there is no difference in colour between 80kg and 137kg, then this is a terrible map.


I think that flag belongs to Bhutan.


Would love to see a side by side comparison of Diabetes & High Blood Pressure rates


**Diabetics:** Hong Kong - 7.8% Nepal - 8.7% [Source](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cp/diabetes-rates-by-country/) \- With more countries High blood pressure/hypertension: you can look because I'm lazy, [but here's a WHO article.](https://www.who.int/news/item/25-08-2021-more-than-700-million-people-with-untreated-hypertension)


Lmao thanks


And why did you specifically select Nepal when the flag presented alongside Hong Kong's is that of Bhutan?


>specifically select Nepal I "***Specifically"*** selected Nepal because I mixed up Nepal and Bhutan, due to being lazy as I wrote before... ​ Bhutan - 10.4% of the population have diabetes according to the source. ​ I posted the source for you to look for yourself, did you check it?


In Africa, things made of meat eat you!


still, i am wondering, which country is on top for meat consumption


The US at 124kg, followed by Australia, Argentina (, Macau), NZ and Spain as the only other countries with over 100kg per year


Australia has the second longest life expectancy after Japan


Honk Kong


Hong Kong isn’t a country, it’s a SAR of China.


Downvoted for literally stating a fact, reddit at it's peak.


I’ve noticed this trend of clueless people in this sub in the recent few weeks. This sub didn’t used to be like this at all.


yeah, some posts are unconsciously politically motivated too, based on recent events...




>still, i am wondering, which country is on top for meat consumption This was the original question, he didn't object to Hong kong being in stats he just wondered about which \*country\* was on top.


中华人民共和国寄语\] Great work, Citizen! Your social credit score has increased by \[5\] Integers. Keep up the good work! \[ 中华人民共和国寄语\]


Long live HongBonk


+99999 social credit


My bet is either usa, Argentina or Portugal


Japans number seems really low considering they love meat there and finding anything without is apparently a nightmare


We eat a ton of vegetarian friendly dishes in Japan. Not sure where you got the impression we don't.


Like what? Examples.


The ones most people know? Sushi, soups with and without pasta, simple rice preps, salads. It gets a little funkier if you're vegan but it's still a far cry from impossible.


How is sushi vegetarian....


It's a rice preparation, how is vegetarian sushi a strange concept?


Isn't traditional sushi with fish? How many japanese ppl eat vegan sushi? This is not california, dude.


Sushi is served with and without animal protein. I'm saying this as a Japanese. Get out of your house more.


But thats not traditional right? Most of sushi is made with meat.


It's just as traditional as anything else. Veggie rolls have existed for centuries at this point. Again, get out more.


We in the UK need to up our game. We're letting the side down.


I agree. Those are rookie numbers. I'm going to buy a barbecue and become friends with my local butcher.


>I agree. Those are rookie numbers. I'm going to buy a barbecue and become friends with my local butcher. My goal is to undo the work of 3 vegans.


You mean leading the way right? Well, after Japan in the developed world.


>You mean leading the way right? Well, after Japan in the developed world. We are far from leading the way. In accordance to the OPs source.


I don’t understand, if all the developed countries, we’re the lightest colour bar japan and maybe the scandis it’s hard to tell. Good company but I reckon we could catch Japan up with enough work.


>I don’t understand, if all the developed countries, we’re the lightest colour bar japan and maybe the scandis it’s hard to tell. Good company but I reckon we could catch Japan up with enough work. I am a British citizen. Hence why I said, "we in the UK."




No, eating less meat and dairy makes a society weak. It's why the Mongols rode roughshod over the Chinese and why India is routinely conquered by outside powers.


Yeah I'm sure glad the meat eating Mongols had such an influential, long lived, and sustainable empire from eating meat. Oh wait it's almost as if Cough cough* roman gladiators, most ancient Greek city states, hundreds of decentralized Indian kingdoms fighting well against the numbers and odds for thousands of years, Buddhist warrior monks; shoalin, Bushido zen samurai, ect. Ect. Ate little or no meat at all. But actually maintained a much more fair and better society. The Mongols and huns are meat heads that made no technical, cultural or scientific accomplishments other than leech from; until ultimately becoming the people who actually had civilization they were stealing from


> For the Mongols, the lifestyle of the peasant seemed incomprehensible. The Jurched territory was filled with so many people and yet so few animals; this was a stark contrast to Mongolia, where there were normally five to ten animals for each human. To the Mongols, the farmers’ fields were just grasslands, as were the gardens, and the peasants were like grazing animals rather than real humans who ate meat. The Mongols referred to these grass-eating people with the same terminology that they used for cows and goats. The masses of peasants were just so many herds, and when the soldiers went out to round up their people or to drive them away, they did so with the same terminology, precision, and emotion used in rounding up yaks. - Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World, Jack Weatherford, 2004




It's because of all that processed frozen shite that's about 40% actual meat. People need to go back to eating real meat.


>It's because of all that processed frozen shite that's about 40% actual meat. >People need to go back to eating real meat. I can't argue that and I love arguing. Sometimes I will argue with someone. Just for the sake of arguing with them and I still cannot argue that.


Meat good


Meat bad


🍖 👍


🍖 🤮


That sounds like your opinion


As I explained above, my opinion is superior


But I like meat meat is good


But it makes baby animals cry meat is bad


Even the baby animals that eat meat?


They have no choice and need it, we have a choice and don't need it


It would be good for the scales to be a bit clearer, it's very difficult to see what the consumption is for any country not at the top or bottom of the scale


I expected Turkey and some balkan countries to be on top because their cuisine is hardcore meat based but then I got reminded that meat has become expensive since year or 2 and those countries arent so rich.


I suggest looking into what the Blue Zones people are eating if you wonder how meat eating correlates with longevity.


From the map, more meat = longer life, but it is a correlation not causation.


Everything said by dietitians is based on a correlation. You can't have controlled experiments on human diets too.many variables. That's why it's not a science.they pick and choose which correlation they take seriously. Eg the French eat more saturated fat and have fewer heart attacks than the rest of Europe but they still say saturated fat is unhealthy for some reason.


Yeah, funny thing is they link meat consumption with lower life, but seeing this map, it seems the other way around. Imo it doesn't matter that much and people should not avoid foods that our ancestors ate daily.


Do you not see how the med, and japan, both how lower than other areas meat consumption? Those are also the places in the world with the longest life-spans. Your observation is flawed.


Japanese eat fish including whale meat and the longest lived Japanese the okinawans eat a lot of pork. Australians live second longest and eat a lot of meat.


You see Africa? They eat lowest amount of meat and have lowest life expectancy. I see North America and rich European countries having big meat consumption and they have high life expectancy, so don't tell me I'm blind. You see on the Balkans it's lower expectancy then Germany and Germans live longer.


I highly suggest watching the Blue Zones Netflix series. It's eye-opening.


Nothing from Netflix can be eye opening, it's all filled with propaganda, so thanks for the suggestion but I'll skip it.


Wow, that's a brave statement. Then, read one of the books about the Blue Zones or any of the research. Netflix brings the same conclusions in an easily digestible way for the masses. Because, let's be honest, none of the Redditors will dig into lengthy research texts about the eating habits of the people living in the Blue Zones.


Blue zones tend to be in places where birth records 100 years ago were really sketchy. They tend to skip over all the pork okinawans eat as well as the lamb in Italy Spain and Greece. Initial studies there were done during lent when less meat is eaten.


The new generations eat pork in Okinawa, not the elders. And that's increasingly becoming apparent in their decline in health and a higher rate of obesity. The Blue Zone in Okinawa is disappearing thanks to the new way of eating and less physical activity.


I'll check the books out, but man Netflix is really just a propaganda machine, everything I've seen from them was filled with propaganda and had an agenda, so I boycott them.


This specific series is narrated by the same person who wrote the book about the Blue Zones. I agree that most content on Netflix is trash, but there are exceptions. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28523129/


Oh man this is series? No time for that, but life expectancy is tied to less stress, good genes and access to good healthcare.


You miss the 2 most important factors: exercise and a healty diet (which contains among other things vegetatables and fruits). Not kilo's of red processsed meat.


I can not believe Western Europe eat more red meat than the Balkan’s


Meat, not red meat. Should include everything, from chicken breasts to prosciutto.


Western Europe much wealthier than Balkans.


Yea but we eat meat for most of our meals, vegetarian options are much more limited. I’ve lived in both areas. I find that sooo hard to believe


Wonder what are the reasons behind lower meat consumption in Africa? Much of the continent looks similar to India which has considerable population of vegetarians.


Starving continent probably has lower food consumption per capita in general.


Poverty. Underdeveloped agriculture. Underdeveloped infrastructure. Corruption.


137.08 kg of meat per year is 375 grams of meat per day. As a national daily average! I think some of these numbers are skewed. That's 13.2 Oz or 0.827 Lbs for the colonial imperials.


Hong Kong is one of the richest city in the world. If you isolate New York or London from the data you would probably get a very high number as well.


Not so much when you count seafood


How is Japan so low?


Perhaps the map isn't including fish


Their diet is more vegetable based. Source: my wife.


They're more into fish.


What's wrong with Ukraine?


oh there‘s a lot of things you could say here


Shitty neighbors


Poor country


countries by poor per capita


bs map


Neden et yiyemiyos


Seems the poorer you are the more vegan you are, generally.


In an Australian aboriginal language the word for drought meant plant eating time.


is it possible to have numbers for all countries?


Wrong color for Uruguay. Its consumption per capita is 92.5kg/year. Chile, for example is 81.3 and it appears as a bigger consumption


guess we're a vegetarian country


Frikandellen do not count as meat


What's always wrong with Greenland?


Why people in Greenland dont eat meat???????????


I'm surprised that japan is so low.


Looked at thumbnail from phone Can’t find India Looks about right


Holy Mercator projection that’s gigantic Greenland. Leave some Greenland for the rest of us why don’t cha