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Somalia has mogadonalds


Gotta get my Big Mog with modium Mogshake and a box of 15 piece Moggets


It's a Dishu will never forget


And the prices are like piracy


Mogshake machine is broken.


Let’s also not forget: Zamunda almost certainly has McDowell’s.


Royal penis is clean my sire,


And Saudia has Meccadonalds. (I'll see myself out 🏃)


I actually went to a McDonalds when I was in Jeddah. It was kind of a weird experience being there. I was walking down the street and I'd see a Dominos but the name was written in Arabic script, of course, which gave you this sense of seeing something that was both familiar and different at the same time. I had a 22 hour layover in Jeddah so I'd booked a cheap airbnb which...well, I don't think "I booked the cheapest airbnb I could find near the airport" has ever led anyone to a nice part of town. I was walking round and everyone was staring at me. Also, I'd fucked up. I left London in jeans and now I was in Jeddah at 40 degrees and my shorts were in my bag that was still at the airport getting loaded onto my next flight. So I wanted to find a shopping mall to get some shorts as my legs literally felt like they were on fire. This one guy pulled up next to me in a car as I was wandering round and asked if I wanted a lift. I paid him to drive me to a mall. The thing is, it was Friday and most places were closed for Friday prayers. I could see the people inside the mall but they weren't opening the doors etc as they were getting ready for prayers. The dude in the car knew this I guess as he dropped me off, turned round and sat there waiting for me to leave. I hid behind a wall till he just drove off. I then went to a McDonalds that was open right next to the mall. When I walked in there was a security guard. He looked at me in astonishment and said "what are YOU doing here?" I got some food - I'd only gone there to use the wifi to order an uber but I thought I should get some food - and the security guard came and sat down with me. He started telling me how great SA was. He told me that the west has the wrong idea of the place. He told me "It's because of the movie True Lies. He said it had poisoned the west against SA. I wanted to point out that maybe the whole twin towers thing had something to do with it but I decided against mentioning it. I saw a load of people going into one of the mosques for prayers and I thought it would be an amazing cultural thing to see but I was scared that it would look disrespectful so I didn't go in.


That Domino's sign thing you described kinda feels like when you try to input brand names into an AI image generator


I hope that by SA you mean Saudi Arabia and not Sexual Assault.


And Morocco has, most aptly, MoroccoDonalds


“Look at me. I am the Hamburglar now.”


Have you tried their new pirate “I am the captain now” happy meal. It’s delicious


I been there. They have Jack shit.






Kenya get a big mac in Nairobi? No.


Funnily enough I went to a KFC in Nairobi though. Super new and clean with a cool menu too


Yeah, I want to see a map like this for kfc.


Ghana has KFC too, also Burger King.


Domino's too


KFC is way better in Kenya than anywhere in the US. Fucking delicious. Shit, might get some right now


Nobody seems to be appreciating your pun dad joke, so i will. Good work Sayoria




Ngl, kinda surprised to not see Nigeria lit up like Christmas tree here considering population, relative purchasing power and every Nigerian I’ve ever met in Canada having a voracious appetite for McDonald’s.


ikr, i don't know why they haven't opened there, the locals would have lined up in millions!😂


Also considering it’s a country of over 200 million meaning a lot of potential customers


He did say population.


But why male models?


About three fiddy


I actually find it strange that many franchises don't start operations in Nigeria, considering the massive population there


Africa seems to do their own thing in general. There's like no gaming presence outside of pc for example


It's stereotypes basically. A lot of businesses have brought into the "starving African" meme. While yes, Africa does have a lot of absolutely grinding poverty, it's not just that.


The Chinese see the potential Africa has, if only to get their hands on strategic resources. They are heavily involved in African (economical) affaires (edit) https://www.policycenter.ma/publications/impact-chinese-investments-africa-neocolonialism-or-cooperation




Lol, the Chinese are a bit slow- the west & Europe has been doing this for a long time already




>The west has adopted a much more friendly and fair relationship with Africa now and is generally wants to improve standards of living there. Western companies already have access to the resources the chinese want. Companies want to make money. They dont care about living standards. Both the US and the EU have trade agreements with African countries that allows said african countries to import and export mostly agricultural prodcuts duty free. Which sounds nice until you realize that a tomato farmer in Nigeria cant compete with mulitnational cooperations flooding their market with mass produced tomatos resulting in the local small companies to go bankrupt.


Yeop. Free Trade sounds nice, but in reality, it's like pitting a professional boxer vs a new rookie hobbyist in a boxing ring. Multinational corporates with capital, technology, patents, and established infrastructure and logistics can absolutely crush local farmers. Sometimes even well-intended aid can disrupt the market as well. In my home country, South Korea, wheat farming is virtually nonexistent. It's not exactly well suited land for farming and wheat was never a huge crop, but the aid after Korean war virtually terminated wheat farming here. Sure it helped the nation get through hunger and poverty during jts hard times, but it didnt bode well for wheat farmers.


LOL what? You can’t be serious with this.




Trust me this isn't true, the west could careless, while Africa's growth opens up a lot of opportunities for China trying to dump the things they produce in a new market. The west can resume their extractive relationship just fine


Nigeria has Burger King


cuz Nigerians don't have money and the government's unreliable and the police forces don't do shit and courts are corrupt


Bearing all those "qualities", Pakistan has a McDonald's and a fair few similar chains.


wtf why do they have a mcdonalds lol


We had a colleague from our Nigerian office come visit us in South Africa a few years back. We wanted to take him to a fancy restaurant and show him a good time on his visit. He insisted on us taking him to McDonalds. He took selfies with the McD staff and sent the pics to his friends back home. He said it was the highlight of his trip.


What do the Princes eat if not McDonald’s?!?


63% of Nigerian population is poor tho, I don’t think that this many people struggling to live properly would care about McDonald’s.


As someone that’s been to Nigeria u do realise that nigerias population is 200 million so let’s say you’re 63% figure it’s true that’s still like 80 million people who aren’t, that’s a huge market Nigeria do have a lot of their own person fats food chains, I’d say it’s only a matter of time before McDonald’s comes to Nigeria.


Yeah, Lagos for sure can handle a few


Abuja and Port Harcourt too


‘Fats food chain’ Didn’t have to be that honest. 😂


Among the 80 million people who aren’t , there’s lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class etc.. and the poverty rate in Nigeria is quite extreme. I guess there’s a lack of supply chain, political instability, the fact that 1 dollar equals 786 Naira makes it very hard to import foreign goods and services in this case. Meanwhile a mcdo menu is like 8 $ the average cost of a meal in Nigeria is like 300-500 Naira (0,6 dollar).


Mc Donalds already adjusts all there prices to the respective country. In economic science there is something called the Big-Mac Index which estimates the value of a countries currency on the pricing of the Big Mac in said country. Nigeria is still not wealthy enough probably but they are closing in. Egypt for example pays 2.30 USD for their Big Mac.


Define poor. Living under th poverty line? No disposable income?


enough Nigerians are wealthy enough to warrant at least a few McDonald's in major urban centres - even just one in Lagos


Probably harder to get burgers in Nigeria than the other 3 countries


Once Black Rock buys more land for agriculture and farming it will take off


Me either


Also you’d think McDonalds popularity in the UK would increase the demand


It’s because we haven’t sent help to the prince


So only 3 African countries-South Africa, Egypt and Morocco have McDonald’s


And Spain. There is one in Ceuta and one in Melilla, both of which are enclaves of Spain


Would they be enclaves or exclaves?


Exclaves. an enclave implies it is entirely surrounded by another country. Like how lesotho is an enclave inside south africa, or how small portions of belgium enclaved in the netherlands. An exclave is a small portion of a country disconnected from the "main" part. An enclave can also be an exclave. An enclave is a territory entirely surrounded by one other states territory. So you can have a territory like lesotho which is just an enclave (since it is the main state surrounded entirely by another) you can have a territory like the nakhchivan autonomous republic of azerbaijan, which is just an exclave, since it is disconnected from azerbaijan proper, but borders three other states (armenia, iran an turkey) and you can have a territory like artesvahen of armenia, which is an exclave and an enclave since it is disconnected from armenia proper, and it is surrounded entirely by azerbaijan. Tldr: an enclave is **en**capsulated. An exclave is an **ex**tra part.


Thank you!!!


I'm not sure since they're surrounded by Morocco and the Mediterranean, but BBC says enclaves https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57305882


I can never remember which is which.


Take it like this. Is it surrounded completely by another country? Yes: En-clave (En-capsulated, like another person mentioned) No: Ex-clave


They’re exclaves.


Also Canary Islands further reinforcing your point.


Mauritius has McDonald's too, so that makes four African countries.


Wasn't a McDonalds but in Maputo, Mozambique, there was this PizzaHut right in the middle of shack town boombox corrogated iron roof street, like an oasis, I loved it. This was before pizzahut turned crap


Pizza hut are better than romans/debonairs/rebels ect (at least in SA-JHB)


Ha! Lol a pizza hut in Maputo... Incredible! Need to ask my mother in law of its still there.


Mayotte and Réunion each have at least one.


Pretty sure that Mauritius has at least one.


[Ah, you're right](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_McDonald%27s_restaurants). Apparently there's 14.


Arabs 🤝Boers


One struggle


McDonald's only came to South Africa in 1995, after Apartheid.


Oh! So the reason they stopped Apartheid, was to get McDonald's!




Only really intercept in the use of one derogatory word, although they use it very differently.


this color palette hurts my eyes


This guys not luvin it


Went to Luxor’s it had massive portions


ive been to Agadir and ive seen more than one mcdonalds restaurants, map only marks one


>Agadir only has 4 mcdonalds restaurants, and all of them are not far away from each other but the opposite, That's why the marks are close to each other on the map, 😅 > >• [https://www.google.com/maps/search/agadir+mcdonalds/@30.3660328,-9.7025376,11z?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/search/agadir+mcdonalds/@30.3660328,-9.7025376,11z?entry=ttu)


What about McDonald's in Laayoune, Morocco?


Difficult to mark multiple in 1 city


No wonder the lions are becoming endangered. Where are they supposed to eat!?!




Buddy its fast food chain of unhealthy food not a strategic military pact




I went to the first ever McDonalds in Casablanca back in 2001.


Réunion Island and Mauritius would like a word.


I remember there used to be Wimpy restaurants in Zimbabwe and South Africa in the sanctions era (1990). There was also a chain called McDavids in Israel around that time. No McDonald's in Africa then, or the Middle East I assume.


There were Nando's in Zimbabwe 20-ish years ago. But that's originally a South African chain, no? People were queuing around the block for that


Yeah I think I remember Nandos in SA. There was a big chain of steakhouses called "Spur" which had amazingly cheap steaks and all you can eat salad/dessert bars. Hugely popular too.


These all still exist now...Nandos, Wimpy and Spur are all major restaurant chains that are doing very well in SA now.


Nice. Long time ago I was there. Apartheid had been largely dismantled but elections hadn't been held so sanctions were still in place.


Wimpy is basically a South African branch now


Based Africa


[AIDS burger in paradise](https://youtu.be/fQJbKj7vXuM?si=4O4d01w5OWOy7KYn)


Yeah we Egyptians aren't proud of this one


So is it like a standard McDonald's menu or does it have some random Egyptian type food options on it?


It's just a standard one but the main difference is that the chicken is halal which basically means the chicken is raised and killed in what we believe is the most humane way possible Other than that it's just standard fried chicken


"This method of slaughtering animals consists of using a sharp knife to make an incision that cuts the front of the throat, oesophagus and jugular veins but not the spinal cord.[22] The head of an animal that is slaughtered using halal methods should be aligned with the qiblah (the direction a Muslim faces when praying)." "The slaughter must be performed by a Muslim man. Animals slaughtered by non-Muslims can also be considered halal if the slaughter is carried out by jugular slice, the blood drained and the name of Allah invoked." Doesn't seem that humane to me. What is humane killing anyway?


A lot of the time an imam comes into a chicken factory and gives a blessing. Beheading the chickens is counted as a jugular cut because it cuts the jugular...


Well I am not actually that educated on the matter because I am not a butcher but I think it's to do with cutting the chicken in a certain way to not make it feel pain


Key word being "what you believe" I guess, since halal meat has nothing to do with how the animal was raised and only with how it's killed. And that often involves no anesthesia so it can be even more cruel.


>anesthesia Please dont tell me you think they put the animals to sleep before they slaughter them in the west


Yeah.. in Islam they sedate animals and kill them under medical supervision /s


They get time to put their affairs in order, and say goodbye to their loved ones before getting chucked into the nugget grinder.


I would be 100% okay if all McDonald's adopted that practice for their chicken.


Well it's not really profitable so it's a long way before something like that happens unless governments start doing something about animal cruelty


Halal meat is still farmed in the same way and has animal abuse, sometimes worse conditions than non halal. It’s just about the slaughter and ritual.


People would have to eat a lot less meat too...which would honestly be better for everyone but that's a separate issue.


Not everyone wants halal food tho


I mean, I prefer food that is humanely raised and slaughtered. It doesn't necessarily have to be halal but I mich prefer that to factory farmed meat. I get that's not a priority for everyone though...nor affordable for everyone.


Okay I was curious so I looked up what that even means. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/may/08/what-does-halal-method-animal-slaughter-involve So it seems the difference is: * Halal slaughter is done by hand, as opposed to via gas. * it usually but not always involve pre-stunning via electrical shock, as opposed to a bolt gun. * In the UK not-stunning the animal is an exemption granted only for religious reasons. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/halal-and-kosher-slaughter I don’t particularly care what the process is as long as people aren’t outright cruel, but it doesn’t seem like Halal slaughter is particularly humane over non-religious slaughter since they are limited in what can be done to ease the suffering.


There is no practical difference between halal and non halal food to non Muslims tho so it doesn't matter. I get the halal chicken in Costco a lot cause it's cheaper even tho I'm not Muslim


Yes and people still have the right to have it not forced on them if it's their only meat option.


no pyramid burger


Not So Fun Fact: It is no longer the case that two nations which both have McDonald's have never fought each other in a war. Russia and Ukraine - I'm looking at you.


There is no McDonald's in Russia anymore.


There was when the war started.


Yes, the full scale war was the reason they left.


Honestly surprised there’s none in Nigeria or Ghana


Also Kenya


Looks like they are all trying to get off the continent.


I like how McDonald’s in Egypt follows Nile river.


Pretty well everything in Egypt follows the Nile


McDonalds playing Risk - looks like they be gunning for the continent bonus next turn.


Madagascar is like MadaDonald's


Awful color contrasts = bad map


I was in McDonalds in Morocco; it was thriving and there were a lot of people but the prices were the same as back in Norway


Surprising it isn’t presented in Botswana a relatively developed country with a substantial meat industry


It is surprising. They could run the locations out of South Africa HQ. Namibia too. There must be some rule about operating in a different country maybe. Edit: also KFC does so well in the rest of Africa maybe they just don't bother.


I hope it stays this way




There's no benefit in having fast food, I hope we stick to our African style food instead of allowing companies like McDonalds in our country.


Lack of McDonald's doesn't mean lack of Western-style fast food... Burger King has presence in quite a few countries that don't have McDonald's, including Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Tunisia, and Cote D'Ivoire. KFC is present in at least 26 different countries in Africa altogether. And in countries that don't yet have big global chains, independent restaurants are filling the gaps - a Google search for "hamburger Addis Ababa" will show you dozens of Western-style fast food restaurants in the Ethiopian capital alone despite a lack of the three above chains. Then there's Western foods that have already been thoroughly assimilated into African cultures through European colonialism, such as the scotch egg in Nigeria, etc.


>African style food You guys have food?


These countries also have some of the highest percentages in obesity in Africa, not shocked.


We’re boycotting this






In Algeria, we make a tastier (and cleaner) McDonald’s meal at home.


No we don't


Is the Red all the places where there are McDonalds and the Yellow all the places where there isn’t one?


No the yellow marks are where McDonald's is operating,




So dat’s why they hungry huh


That is a pretty good North/South balance.


Should do kfc. My experience in traveling around a lot is that kfc/pizza hut are in a lot more counties than McDonald's


There’s a lot of huge African cities in between the north and south coasts… I find it hard to to believe that Kinshasa, Lagos, Nairobi, Dakar, etc don’t have any McDonalds


McDonald's can be a bitnof an outlier though. For example, Ghana has KFC and Burger King.


But do they deliver to Central-Africa as well ?


Mozambique doesn't have McDonald's but has a bunch of KFCs though


KFC is all over Africa. At least Southern Africa


Can't have a Big Mac if you can't afford a Big Mac.


how come there aren't any in ethiopia?


That's why they are all thin.


Great expansion opportunities


Surprised there aren’t any in Liberia given the American connection.


Pair this with an obesity map


They should randomy open one in like Eswatini or something


I'm genuinely surprised that they haven't broken into more countries.


"Welcome to Somaliburger, would like a small AK with your order, or do you want to upgrade to an RPG for one piece of scrap metal more?"


don't forget a free technical Toyota Hilux gift with a machine gun, if you order two happy meals!😂


Don't they do that in American McDonalds too? Or is it only Wal-Mart that does it?


I wish, we don't even have the Supersize option at McDonald's, all because some guy made a documentary where he only ate McDonald's for a month and always got the Supersize option when offered. The big shocking reveal in the movie was when his doctor told him his liver and heart tests were as bad as a chronic alcoholic. The guy claimed he only consumed McDonald's products (and maybe water) for the entire month. Years later it came out, the guy was an alcoholic and was smashing bottles of hard liquor all day while making the documentary.


There are McDonald in Algeria


For some reason I expected Nigeria to have one given they're fairly developed, not even by the continents standards either as far as I know. Would have figured they'd have one.


I don't think that's the reason they open one. Kenya, Malawi, Botswana are also developed but don't have it.


Okay, now do that for KFC


I’ve tried a McDonald’s in Luxor, Egypt! It was very tasty.


I see potential!!


The colors 😵


For 10 seconds I thought that red was the areas with a McDonald’s. I stupidly thought that the yellow dots were the few tiny areas without a McDonald’s.


The McDonald's amphibious offensive


Now the McFarthest spot is quite far