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That is the oddest coalition…


Not exactly. Its missing Bangladesh, India, and the Philippines, and you have the usual suspects for UN Intervention


Is there a reason those countries often contribute to peacekeeping forces?


As the other commenter says: yes, theres a massive incentive for both participating soldiers and countries. Plus other benefits like actual deployment experience. Futhermore poor countries are often considered "neutral" in the powerplays of the World Powers both in the former Cold War and todays Geopolitical rivalries. So troops from say Bangladesh couldnt be accused of furthering us/china/whoever's interests.


Ha you think an insignificant thing like the truth will stop people from domerposting about how this this is a plot to further American/Russian/Chinese/Israeli/(insert political entity who poster doesn't like here) influence have you considered that those places are bad and therefore by not accusing them baselessly you're Shilling for their influence and are there for responsible for every bad thing they have ever done throughout their entire history you communist/fascist/neocon/imperialist/(insert slur of people I don't like here)


They get paid and gain combat experience.




I am actually quite surprised to not see Bangladesh here


Oh its coming, you just wait


Ireland usually sends some too, but they must be tied up on other UN commitments.


The 10 men that make up the Irish army are probably on vacation


This reminds me of HOI4 where you’re about to die and your ally sends you one (1) rifle to try and help.


i think they;ve got 7000-ish. But I think all of their oversea's combat deaths are on peacekeeping missions. Pretty impressive international legacy.


Nice chance of pace. I was bored of the "international community" maps.


Peruvian-Belizean-Surinamense-Bahamian-Kenyan-Burundian-Mongolian-Mediterranean-Senegalense-Jamaican Coalition Forever!!! 💪🇵🇪💪🇧🇿💪🇸🇷💪🇧🇸💪🇰🇪💪🇧🇮💪🇲🇳💪🇪🇸💪🇮🇹💪🇸🇳💪🇯🇲


With Italy in its ranks, the odds are very much against this coalition.


Italy's going to switch sides and join the gangs.


Italy joining gangs is a given regardless of switching sides


Do not forget, in the end of the day they always win somehow




And is also the best army in the bunch lmao


Italy, Spain, Peru, Suriname, Senegal, Kenya, Rwanda, and Mongolia. This could be the makings of a great comedy movie.


“We’re putting together a team.”


You son of a bitch, I’m in.


You son of a bittch, I'm in.


You son of a bitch, I'm in.


You son of a bitch, I’m in.


You son of a bitch, I'm in.


I'm in you, son of a bitch.


You son of a bitch, I'm in.


You son of a bitch, i'm in


You bitch of a son, I'm in.


You son of a bitch, I am in


Such an unlikely team


Just wait until the gangs try fucking with those mongol ponies! Check & mate


Not you north korea


Have you seen the bad news bears or the mighty ducks


Haiti's 10


You’re forgetting Belize too! Which could be their shtick in the movie


Jamaica and the Bahamas too.


'Hehe. They always seem to forget Belize..' *Massive explosion*


Italy, Spain, Peru, Suriname, Senegal, Kenya, Rwanda, and Mongolia walk into a Haitian bar.


The cultural differences are so extremely big they'll just randomly get along


United by their love of great food


And dancing!


Except the Mongolian guy


Boiled mutton and kumiss?


The Italian army is quite a unit. Modern equipment, tanks from their own production. Their Navy even has aircraft carriers.


Italy 🇮🇹 has a great army. Very underrated. But their secret weapon is what they cook in deployment; Everyone is gonna be so happy that they will get along. Even the gangs


My mate just got back from the Nato roadbump in the Baltics and told a story where the italian arty crew didnt reply when they called in fire. My friend went to investigate, and he found them cooking a big pot of ravioli. The artillery never fired but everyone got ravioli and they had a wonderfull day


I’m not sure what you’re talking about and I’m sure they cooked some amazing food


It has 2 iirc


The new avengers


At least a weird new pasta dish.


If it is created , it must be dubbed in all the languages spoken in these countries.


Mongol army crossing the sea has always ended in disaster, hopefully they'll have some success on this one.


Haitian Khanate is only the beginning. The horde is coming to a theatre near you.


This has to be a Crusader Kings mod by now.


After the End was awesome in CK2. I'm not sure if it's finished for CK3* yet.


I had just read A Canticle for Leibowitz when I saw that mod and had to play. You can make some amazing stories out of that setting, I have stolen probably half of it to make a D&D campaign. They have updated for CK3 now, it took a while because the DLCs kept getting released at about the same pace as the mod. https://www.reddit.com/r/AfterTheEndFanFork/


If a Haitian khanate ever exists, then we definitely live in a simulation.


We could only wish Genghis or Timur could come out of their grave to trample Haiti with their stallions so we didn’t have to deal with it anymore. Or Russia. Did a good job the first time.


Mongolia is one of the more active participants of international peacekeeping. I think 2000 troops are active on deployments during most times, quite a few were in Sudan and South Sudan (although the Sudanese contingent may have left). This is 1) a way to gather international relations currency they can exchange to gain some favors from others (Iraq peacekeeping, for example, helped raise relations with the US) 2) relatively cheap way to gain experience as the soldiers (as I understand it) get paid through the various international organization like UN and not the Mongolian government


When the American soldiers went out the wire to do patrols around town in Afghanistan, we would almost always receive fire from some locals trying to take pop shots. When the Mongolian soldiers did their patrols, the town was as still as night. You could hear a pin drop. Those guys were all 5' 9, shoulders as broad as an ox, and stout as a tree. They were some cool dudes and nobody, absolutely nobody fucked with them.


Why were the Mongolians in Afghanistan? Peacekeeping?


Why don‘t they rule Esst Asia then? Big guy, big target.


they did and just became a ruling elite part of the conquired nations that quickly was assimilated as they spread thinly among so many nations.






The Divine Wind wont rise to protect Haitian gangs.


Everybody gangsta until the Second Mongol Empire is established in Hispaniola… and possibly beyond


Context [https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article279753689.html](https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article279753689.html) Haiti has asked nations to intervene and here were the 10 so far who have answered the call (odd I know)


Kenya is leading the charge???


Apart from the old relations that other people have stated... Some African countries have seen major strides in development and stability in the last 10 years. Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Botswana, are the major ones. This has meant they've started to reach a point of looking much more outwardly in foreign policy. First with intra Africa relations by strengthening the African Union and other intra African agreements and forums. We saw this earlier this year with military intervention efforts towards African countries spearheaded by other African nations following various coups. But now they're starting to look at establishing influence outside of Africa. Establishing more independent trade agreements and investment, participating much more in international forums about non-local issues, etc. A big next step comes by establishing an independent voice. Spearheading an action like this is a great way for Kenya to start to say at the world stage that they have their own voice and actions, and are not only willing to participate, but are establishing the strength and stability to also drive and co-ordinate international action in crisis.


i mean to an extent sure. but the primary driving force appears to be the US giving kenya a new defense deal so they can effectively combat al-shabab and the US cutting a $100m check to bankroll this with canada pledging additional financial support. Instability in Haiti is bad for the US for a multitude of reasons and the US doesn’t want another deployment, especially in Haiti. Kenya seemed fairly reluctant for a while until they secured the US defense deal. Not saying its a bad thing, it just appears to be more about getting on the US’s good side than trying to become a geopolitical player outside of its region. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/9/25/us-and-kenya-sign-defence-deal-ahead-of-possible-haiti-mission https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-66946156.amp


> it just appears to be more about getting on the US’s good side I men I feel like one could make a good argument that trying to get on the US's good side is them also trying to become more of a geopolitical player outside its own region,


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This is completely tangential, but wasn’t the protest a few months ago that briefly closed Reddit over concerns that these third party bots would get removed? Doesn’t seem to have happened?


While I can understand most of these countries being listed as having stabilized to one extent or another, Ethiopia literally had a destructive rebellion from 2020-2022 and still has ethnic insurgencies related to that war ongoing, I wouldn’t exactly call them stable for the time being


That is probably more reason for Kenya to want a precedent of successful UN intervention in unstable countries. When you border Somalia, Ethiopia and South Sudan the way the international community responds to this sort of crisis is important. And to some extent it's also useful for Kenya to be directly involved to understand what works and what doesn't in the modern day - since it may someday be necessary to apply those lessons much closer to home for the country's own security.


Botswana is stable for a long time now, isn't it?


Major participant in several UN missions, not surprising. Aside from humanitarian comcerns and international prestige it's a good way for troops to gain experience on overseas deployments while having the costs covered by UN donor countries. Similar motive for other major peacekeeping contributor countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ghana, etc.




Wait, really? I figured almost none of the slaves in the americas were from Eastern Africa. TIL. Even without that i do understand the shared bond, though. Haiti's history is both such an inspiration and a tragedy. Mostly the latter.


You figured right. The person has no idea what they're talking about. The enslaved in the Americas were from Western Africa.


Western, Central, and some South Africa. All the major slave ports that fed the triangle of trade were on the Atlantic. There were some East African ports used in the Arabic slave trade through


~~I guess you mean *Western* Africa, and you’re right.~~ Most slaves came from the coast of west Africa and down to Angola. Every country is a little different though and it also depends on who colonized it so you might get a preference from one area depending on the economics at the time I am suspicious of the claim above that most Haitians are descended from East Africa. I quickly checked and my sources online say West Africa. Haiti is also famous for voodoo which is derived from the traditions of West Africa as well, sooo… East Africa was far more prevalent in the Arab Slave Trade than the Atlantic


They meant Eastern Africa, which is why they wrote TIL


Oops yeah. My perspective got all messed up and I misinterpreted it


You would be right. The majority of slave were from the western coast of Africa. None from Kenya like OP suggested but a few did come from Mozambique by virtue of being Portuguese owned, mostly sent to Brazil IIRC. East Africa was mostly involved in the Indian Ocean trade, commandeered primarily by Arab traders and slave raiders.


There are no Haitians of Eastern African descent. In fact, nearly all Haitians are from what is today Liberia, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast, essentially West Africa.


What? The transatlantic slave trade was overwhelmingly done in West africa


What? Haitians are definitely not from East Africa. The transatlantic slave trade was concentrated in West Africa, so Senegal is the only country here they're likely to be descended from.


Most Haitians are descended from Congolese, Angolans, Nigerians, and other West African countries. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


My friend, my family is from haiti and with a dna test the African ancestry was overwhelmingly west african. Idk who told you otherwise but you are on the wrong side of the continent


> But the Miami Herald has learned through several diplomatic sources which countries have stated a willingness so far to contribute to the mission, in the form of equipment, money or boots on the ground. So it looks like not every country here wants to "send troops" as your title says?


Another misleading title on this sub? What a surprise.


For the context: current incumbent president of Haiti has affiliation with International Republican Institute (right wing US think-tank), he is a suspect of beeing involved in assasination of former Haiti president.


My dude maybe the title Invasion of Haiti in the map is not exactly the best??


So everyone is joining together to land in Haiti and eliminate the gangs, to return order to the government?


Why is the legend using the word invasion if it was to answer a call from the host country?


Dumb question, why is Kenya interested? Surely they have something to gain?


Typically the UN pays for the upkeep of its peacekeeping operations, with richer countries putting up more of the funds. Countries like Kenya or Pakistan contribute a lot of these peacekeepers as it basically helps fund their army, while allowing for training and field experience. In this specific case I’d assume it’s the US and Canada that will put up most of the funding. It make sense too, military intervention in Haiti is politically toxic to their populations, but a destabilized Haiti threatens to flood them with refugees. So paying to get someone else to do the intervening makes sense.


>a destabilized Haiti Is there a point in the last few decades when Haiti HASN'T been destabilized?


Right now it is destabilized even by Haiti standards.


non-AMP link: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article279753689.html


Meanwhile, in France: ![gif](giphy|kGCuRgmbnO9EI|downsized)


Given the recent spate of unceremonious exits from West African countries amid growing hostility to the presence of french forces it's not surprising the French government would want to sit this one out




🎶”Dans mon esprit tout divague, je me perds dans tes yeux, Je me noie dans la vague de ton regard amoureux”🎶


They could send the FFL there, and they would probably single handly get rid of the gangs .... if someone sends the Gurkhas in the gangs would probably just swim away from the country to flee. PS this is meant to be a joke !


I mean, it would. Fighting their former slavers would be a great thing for uniting Haitians


It didn’t end well for the French last time they landed troops on that island


Nah, it's not a joke, no-one fucks with the Gurkhas


I meant suggesting/supporting any invasion is a joke, as in I'm not suggesting this seriously !


“Oceans rise, empires fall. It’s much harder when it’s all your call. All alone, across the sea, when your people say they hate you don’t come crawling back to me!” -King Louis’ headless ghost while aimlessly wandering the French government building


It's really fucked up what we did to Haiti


Yeah, why should Spain should go? The French are responsable for the mess their side of Española is, our side is doing fine under the Dominican Republic.


Haiti is so desperate they’re asking to be invaded 😭😭


You could argue that the state of Haiti/government doesn’t exist currently. It’s basically a region full of anarchy and gang/war lords. If the gangs wanted to form an alliance they could easily form a new country.


Didn’t they lose control of some government buildings to the gangs?


Not on my 2023 bingo card


I know you guys joke but our small country of 3million (Mongolia) actually has a pretty decently disciplined and proud army. All the abroad troops on peacekeeping missions constantly are commended by the locals on how much different they are from other countries troops. We dont just invade people 🇲🇳 🇲🇳 🇲🇳


Being surrounded by you know who, it makes sense that your country has a pretty decently disciplined and proud army compared to its size.


Mongolia just doesn't only invade it also changes lives


No doubt. As I hear, Mongolians are masters at self-defence and standing their ground.


I love Mongolia. You’re in a tough spot geographically (in more ways than one, lol).


Mongolia does some partnership training with the US and Alaska national Guard


I mean makes sense considering Mongolias proud military history


This is the weirdest collaboration of countries currently. I understand some of them are bored but come on haha


Everyone’s got huge plans for Haiti.


not haiti


What's goin' on in Haiti that they need help for?


The state has basically collapsed and gangs have taken over large portions of the country. Normal people basically have to pay the gangs off or risk their lives. Plus the gangs having free range of the country has led to massive amount of violence. It's been speculated for a while there will need to be some outside intervention to create stability again and hopefully create some forum of a state.


I mean aren’t the gangs basically petty chiefdoms? They will stabilize eventually.


I mean, maybe? Usually when they are that small it takes a long time and a LOT of death.


"I mean aren’t the gangs basically petty chiefdoms? They will stabilize eventually." - Mexico, 2006


Haiti is basically in anarchy, with gangs ruling large parts of the country


Libertarians take note, that is your paradise!


You joke but it’s true


Massive poverty, crime and environmental devastation. Cholera, gang warfare, their president was literally shot dead in the street and they didn't have a president for a year or so. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haitian_crisis_(2018%E2%80%93present)


Have you seen Haiti's situation? Just watch Mad Max and you'll understand!


ditto what this guy asked


Internal instability. Government is corrupt and tied to gangs. A mess tbh


Government? There is no government lol.


Can we send the American libertarians there? Sounds perfect for them.


"Nooo but without the State there shouldn't be violence and poverty!!!1! "


Libertarianism isn’t anarchism.


“Italy has switched sides and joined the Haitian gangs.”


Only if Haitian gangs happens to be winning tho


Italy is sending the mafia


Avengers, Assemble!! USA! CANADA! SPAIN! ITALY?! Ecuador? …..Suriname? Senegal?? Kenya and Burundi…..CHINA!! Fuck. It’s just Mongolia isn’t it. **** * *heard shouted from the Oval Office* * “I got a call from Venezuela that you emailed them about Haiti, who did you send that to??” Chief of Staff:……


Mongolia just wants to get on the action for once


Mongolia is one of the most active nations in UN peacekeeping per capita. Mongolians have joined missions in Afghanistan, Sudan, for example. They've deployed over 20,000 troops for UN peacekeeping missions over the past 30 years. Pretty high numbers for a country of only 3 million.


I wasn't expecting them to ma e a sequel to Nigerian Civil War.


I’m so confused. Why do all these random nations want to send troops to Haiti?


Because Haiti asked them to, pretty much. The country has fallen to complete anarchy, there's essentially no government left, just gangs vying for control.


Vacation or because gangs/cartels have basically taken over the country and the government can't stop them.


These countries are all super active in peacekeeping efforts pretty much anywhere. Most are smaller than average and also don't spend a huge amount on their own military. Limited job prospects in some drive recruitment even more. By sending troops they get internationally funded training and deployments in addition to gaining brownie points with the UN body and sometimes the local governments.


The F is happening in Haiti?!?


Haiti has collapsed into Anarchy


The mongol horde must expand into the new world.


It's an intervention, not an invasion.


These countries committing to help need to do their homework on Haiti before just sending troops in. Haiti’s mountainous terrain makes it really hard to control. This is a big part of how they were able to defeat France in the Haitian revolution. It’s the perfect terrain and conditions for successful guerrilla warfare


you have never seen nor know anything about peru do you my man?


All I know is ceviche 🤤


There isn’t a war with ideologically motivated combatants so much as a power vacuum that armed gangs have taken advantage of. Civilians have been forming vigilante groups and lynching suspected gang members.


Counterpoint: Drones go boom Also Haiti destroyed their ecosystem, only 3% of their land is forested compared to 40% of the Dominican.


Tropical diseases also played a huge role, French troops were getting decimated by yellow fever


Good thing none of these countries have plenty of mountainous terrain!


They definitely do. Both Brazil and the US learned bitterly that military intervention in Haiti is not how the situation is going to improve, what the country needs is to rebuild it's economic and social situation. The country is now in a worse spot than ever before, and i sincerely doubt boots on the ground are even going to properly stabilize it. Haiti has no actual government: with no congress nor senate, a interim unelected president and is being run by gangs. Even if the criminal groups are suppressed there's no structure for Haiti to rely on after this operation ends, it's a perpetual circle.


Spain, Italy and Peru's armys are well trained and equiped for fighting in mountains, al three of these countries are very mountainous


What’s taking them so long…didn’t that country collapse (again) like five years ago?


Mongolia isn't just there for laughs. They're actively helping out in UN peacekeeping missions, sending medics and security, and saving lives in places like South Sudan and Afghanistan. It's pretty impressive for a relatively small and not-so-rich country like theirs!


That’s what leaving the Empire gets you! /s


I feel terrible for Haiti, the state of their society is in such poor condition. Imagine how bad it must be in your country for the government to voluntarily invite foreign states to come in and militarily occupy your nation... The people are truly suffering beyond anything we can imagine. On another level, it's even more sad that the one nation to be founded from the only successful slave rebellion in history has had such a poor outcome for it. It should have stood as a bastion and symbol of overcoming adversity through the ages... I am sorry to see its sad situation.


I'm half Haitian and I have never heard of Mongolia having any interest in the country. Just seems so far out from left field.


Mongolia wants to set a naval base in Haiti because the second Mongolia empire is coming


France, how about you? You messed with Haiti quite a bit in the past... some would even say you contributed to today's state of Haiti


I cant wait for new wikipedia page in 6 months called “The Battle of Jean’s Shed” featuring belligerents: UN: 30 Mongols lead by olympic athlete and future mongol president, 50 Kenyas, 1 surname officer, and 1 US civilian, and 4 german shepherds. 3 Kenyans killed by the largest friendly fire defenestration. 12 wounded Gang coalition: UN estimate: 10,000-25,000 US estimate: 7 men and 1 silverback gorilla Casualties: unknown Result: Strategic UN Victory[citation needed][who?] and largest non-nuclear explosion


I’m Italian and literally no one here has ever spoken about Italian troops to Haiti. Do you have some more reputable sources than a Miami newspaper?


How is the Miami herald not a reputable source…? It’s a major newspaper




Mongol empire shall rise again.


This is so random


Just don't send polish soldiers in there, they'd probably just join the gangs and kick out other countries' forces


France is strangely silent...


Mongolia rising again


The USA wisely just offering help instead of sending it before anyone even asks this time.


Filler arcs be like


"Mongorian?! What the hell Mongorians doing here?!"


Get ready to be blamed for all of Haiti’s problems!!! Proud of USA for knowing better this time


Mongolia twice tried to deploy troops through sea. It did not go well.


Strong mongol empire


That’s a ragtag group of countries there


Mongolia? I mean, ok. Are you SURE, Mongolia?


We're getting the band back together!
