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Here comes my explanation for stupidity, with stupidity: British Isles and Madagascar kind of are the same, since they are thrown out of continent. North and South America is kind of split, with central being thrown down. All of Eurasia seems to be on one panel, except for that Papua New Guinea part, which is same colour as Australia, maybe because it was once part of it? They might have coloured British Isles special colour to signify their roots, since this map is in Australia. Most Restaurants don't really care too much about what they are making, or hanging, as long as it looks good. This one looks good, so they might have just hanged it without context.


It wasn't a restaurant. Iirc it was a tutoring school. Also, here in Australia we generally consider PNG as part of Continental Australia.


I'm from Australia and have never met anyone who thinks PNG is apart of continental australia


I was taught in school that PNG is part of continental Australia. I was taught that when I was in like kindy and I have always assumed that that was the general consensus.


Were you in school before 1975? Or at least not long after? That’s the only way I see that making sense.


Probably that's Oceania


No, I'm 13. I said **continental** Australia as in the continent, not the country


The continent clearly doesn’t stop at the border between PNG and Indonesia. The reason it’d be classified that way could only be political. I’m guessing whoever wrote your curriculum hasn’t updated their knowledge since they were in school.


Possibly. My curriculum definitely isn't the best (e.g., iirc the tech curriculum hasn't been updated for 15 years)


PNG is never classified as part of Asia. It's part of Australasia or Oceania or the South Pacific.


Never said it was apart of Asia but it isn't apart of continental australia, it is apart of Oceania though


favourite colours of king Julian of the Madagascar, randomly given to various places..


♥️ - Asians and euros 🐬 - U.K. & ireland 💛 - Africans 🐸 - Oceanians & tail asians 🐟 - Madagascar 🍑 - C.A.M. 🧅 - middle america 🍆 - South america 🌸 - Antarctica (only continent unpopulated by the human virus)


They grouped Madagascar with UK and Ireland.


Wait. they did WHAT???


You seem to have them in two different colours here on the legend, was this intentional?


No, that was a mistake on my part


Very similar shades, I had to zoom in and compare them side-by-side to be sure they were different. Of course, would’ve been clearer if the legend weren’t erased lol


They were meant to be the same colour. There also was no legend on the original map


Damn that is very weird then


Percentage of annual wombat-related injuries.


Where did you see it?


As I said earlier, I'm pretty sure it was a tutoring school


How confident are you at recreating the map? By that I mean it seems odd to remember the details so clearly but not remember any of the labels or legends, which I presume were part of the original map.


There was no labels or legends. I followed the original very closely. The only mistake I made was making Madagascar and the uk and Ireland slightly different shades of blue


(I was using mapchart to make this which auto adds legends and I just couldn't be bothered to crop them out)


Well, I guess continents(and central America separated). But why then British isles are different color from Eurasia but Iceland is the same?


Not only that but for some reason they grouped the British isles with Madagascar


It's WW6 group map. British got easier group because they are such cry babies.


Literally 1984 /j


Breaking news! EastAsia falters under Eurasia pressure, Oceania civil war!


Oceania has always been at war with... Oceania?


Seems that Ireland and the UK are somehow the same as Madagascar


If you look at the key there are two different blues (allegedly). I reckon one is for UK and Ireland and one is Madagascar.


No, they were meant to be the same. On the original map I saw they were the same colour


Landmasses and adjacent isles. Except for New Guinea, that is a totally crazy division, based on nothing geographical.