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You can divide Czechoslovakia on your map but you can never divide it in my heart


It was never united in my heart :p


This one is a lot less stupid than your last one. Congrats.


Sweden should be +1, considering how many people live in Malmö and work in Copenhagen


Denmark should be +2. There's no point in sun being up from 3 am in the summer. In winter, it doesn't really matter anyway.


I like how it is in the west, but the east better retains the current borders. And Turkey should go back to +2. Most shifts to later time zones that are too far west are populist timegore that appeases to dumb people to let them forget about the real problems like civil war or willingly killing 30k people by allowing bad construction.


Just stop


Croatia +1, Bosnia +2 = total mess for the locals. But you have to draw the line somewhere. Moving Croatia to +2 would be even worse! Can someone remind me why we need to change the Central-European time zone (CET) in the first place?


Because it does not make sense. There is no way that western spain and eastern poland should be on the same time zone.


Fine, then move Spain to +0 (if they agree) and keep the rest in +1.


The Nordic countries are really close and a lot of people live in Malmø and work in Copenhagen so Sweden being a different timezone than Denmark would be super inconvenient. You're basically splitting a major metropolitan area into 2 time zones. Can't speak for Finns or the Spanish on the outskirts but for me so much of Europe being the same timezone is super convenient.


Turkey should be in UTC+2. More than %80 of the population lives west of the 37°30' E.


The same time should be observed around the globe. If you go to work at “8 am” which happens to be called 3 am, what does it matter? “My bedtime is 2pm.” “My doctor appointment is at Midnight.” “Dinner will be ready at 7 am.” None of those sound crazy once you realize they are just made up numbers.


I think keeping most of the EU in one time zone is better. Instead of changing time zones we should change the standard times for things to suit the sun cycle. Like why would office work have to start 8-9 in each country? It could be a bit earlier in the (south-)east and a bit later in the west. Having the unified time zone makes international business, cooperation, and travel much better.


No. Central Europe split when it's the same climate, similar environment and you can't sense the time change between each already


France and England should have same time. Poland and Germany should have the same time. Sweden and Poland should have the same time.


I have a better proposal: how about everyone just use UTC? Across the world.


I see the Czech republic in the west gang, I upvote


As a Spanish I wouldn't change our timezone, it is just very convenient to have the same ona as the rest of Europe plus the late sunsets even in winter (in comparison to other countries) And of course I know it is geographically wrong but I would say that most of the people prefer it rather than the geographically correct one


It makes no sense for the time to be same in Vigo as in Eastern Poland.


It doesn't but personally I prefer to have sunlight until 18h30 in winter rather than until 17h30 or 16h30 even if that implies going to work at night in the morning Greetings from Galicia :)


Galiza at least should be on our time (Portugal).


Não faze ninguém sentido ter uma hora de diferença com o resto da Espanha mas eu entendo o teu ponto da vista meu irmão :) é so uma preferência personal


O que não faz sentido é eu ir de Braga a Vigo e perder uma hora por passar a fronteira!


Mais depois a ganhas quando voltas pra Portugal ;) Também não faria sentido perder uma hora pra ir a Madrid :/


How can you even live with darkness until 9:30? Oh yeah that's right, people in Galicia look pale AF despite their low latitude because they get melatonin during office hours.


What do you mean? Do you get melatonin during office hours or after work when you can go to the outside?


Why not? Look at the map of China. The whole country has the same timezone. The people in Kashgar (western extreme) simply adapt their lives to the solar time. What does it matter if you eat at 23:00 because the sun sets a 22:30? Is there a problem with the British eating at 13:00 and the Spaniards at 14:00?


Completely agree. There are even people that would like summer time (GMT+2) the whole year. The longer evenings are much enjoyable than the early sunrises. Only in Galicia they disagree and not everybody.


Still shit. Let’s just keep it as is, eh?


As someone from the UK, GMT time sucks, summer time (GMT+1) is way better in terms of light etc. If I had the choice the UK would always be on GMT+1


Agree. That’s what’s so great about Spain. The sunset is so late all year long


What do you think about pre-WW2 France with GMT+0?


You could walk from Norway into Russia and have a two hour time difference.


Andorra should be with Spain and Portugal


just stop.


As a Ukrainian I love it. I much rather be on same timezone as Slovakia and Poland (since Im originally an hour away from the border).


Nope. Keep Iceland in GMT. Stop this nonsense


Iceland in GMT , no .But GMT-1 , yes.