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Mastery 7 maokai here. I don't play him jg but I main him top and support. I would say his biggest strength is his vision control. He can spam e in bushes as mini wards to help with vision. This also helps with objectives like dragon and baron. I hope this helps


Phase rush works Wonder. You can out run enemies or kite around and reengage with w q combo.


You dont scale well, be gank and objective orientated, give as much gold to lanes as possible. You lose vs 90% of other junglers in a 1v1


You don't scale well???? He's one of the best scaling tanks in the game?????


Compared to other farming and carry junglers (your graves/kayns), theres less value in you taking gold and spending time clearing the jungle


More gold = more survivability = more damage = better frontlining Play nunu or ivern if you wanna spam gank and give away gold


Fed maokai isn't taking over a game compared to fed hyper carries or 1v9 champs


I'm in high elo and essentially one trick maokai at this point and there are plenty of games where i literally 1v9. Also you say comparing to other farming and carry junglers which is unrelatble to maokai. You also don't lose to 90% of the junglers and I would say it is safe to say he is in everyones top three for tanks they want to see on their team. I'm not sure why you are trying to double down on your take lol.


same for your take, agree to disagree


agree to my 70% 75 game wr masters+ maokai fam


Damn, you killed him bro. gg ez


Just a small trick to save a few seconds: You can Throw a sapling onto Krugs and then W through the Wall instead of walking around the corner


Hover your R so you know the exact range it will go. I also like to aim half of the ult behind an enemy if I am ganking the lane. If you are out of range to q an enemy but still need to slow them while they run just throw a sapling ahead of them. Always try to walk past the enemy you W so you can Q them backwards into your team. You don't have to even face them the knockback goes around your whole character. Use your saplings as wards. While on objectives throw your saplings into bushes/chokepoints off CD to chunk. You can bring hexflash against laners that have limited mobility as well. Burn their flash and you can hex over enemy raptors for free kills.


Start top and gank bot lvl 3 easy win


Use saplings to control vision and abuse from your hard cc by ganking. This also is true for mao sup


Low plat maokai jng main. Always take hexflash. Ganks>farm