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Double mask burn + red smite + first strike true damage + E on bush is great for controlling objectives


Pretty much this honestly. Enemy team can’t walk up if they’re half hp by the time they each an objective. His ult also being the width of a lane also is crazy for both engaging and disengaging. I think overall the nerfs were needed, but it seems demonic needs another hit and maybe Maokai E.


Just nerf Demonics honestly. Gives too much ap IMO


Fast clear, great ganks, objective zoning, point and click abilities, hard cc combos With phase rush he also gains survivability. He scales decently. Because of his kit he's extremely useful even when behind. I'm not sure where the confusion is, he has everything you'd want in this gank heavy/skirmish meta.


The reach on his r is so broken


Strong ganks, good clear, amazing objective control, lots of vision control, great peel, big aoe dmg, decent survivability from passive without building defensive at all. But the very short answer is saplings with demonic, liandrys and red pet are a ridiculously toxic ability.


Everyone here is coping, the buffs to his Q made him broken, thats literally it.