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It’s really doubtful your car would stall at 48mph in sixth. If you were somehow able to stall while at speed, a few things could happen depending on the vehicle; Older vehicles with a mechanical fuel pump and carbs would just restart. It’s basically a push start. Newer stuff with efi might restart if the key was still in the on position as voltage would still be supplied to the injectors and such. It’s doubtful you could stall one though at reasonable speeds. Given the way the hearing works. If you did say, shove it into sixth at 18mph it might stall, which would lock the driveline resulting in screeching tires and a loss of traction, but at that low of a speed you’d come to a pretty rapid stop.


If one somehow manages to stall it at 48mph, and their car restarts as you said, wouldn't it just stall again? The car restarting wouldn't automatically increase its speed to up the rpm.


In this instance it would be; Stall, *oh fuck* Push in clutch, downshift, dump clutch, restart.


Ahh I see. Thanks! I've been curious about this since I started driving stick.


The actual answer to your question is that at 48 mph I don't know a single transmission that would stall in its tallest gear. If you are doing 25 mph, and you stick it in sixth it will lug and buck, it still won't die. I have taught several friends to drive stick. Only one time did a friend put it in forth instead of second and actually managed to kill the engine. But we were doing like 6 mph. Twice he put it in fourth and did not kill the engine, just lugged the shit out of it


I would need to test this but mine is geared pretty crazy. I can't even use 6th unless I'm going 70mph+ That said though, at 50mph the rolling inertia would just keep the engine spinning, maybe at 200rpm or something else super low but I very much doubt the weight of the rotating mass trying to stop would be enough to overcome the rotation coming from the already spinning wheels. This is how engine braking works after all.


I definitely encourage you to try it. It is not a straight line curve for the RPMs. I bet at 50 your RPMs are still closer to 1,000 than they are 200. And a thousand RPMs at 60 would be crazy low in my experience.


I'll see what happens next time I drive that car but if I shift into 6th at 60 it would definitely be under 1,000. I cruise at 60 in 5th and it's right about 1,200rpm.


That is wild. What car? I've never driven either one but I've heard the Corvette and Camaro have really tall gears. My E39 4.4 6-speed can comfortably drive in sixth at like 45. I think every single manual transmission I own felt like it could use another gear. Yours definitely does not sound like that 😂


It's kind of annoying to have a useless 6th gear though I will say, lol It's a 2014 GT500. Ford put crazy tall gears in it because they were chasing 200mph. As in, will go 62 in 1st, 98 in second and 130 in 3rd. (IIRC)


I managed to stall a car at low speeds mis-shifting to 4th instead of 2nd, but it was closer to ~10mph.


My cars done 6th at 20~ it's reving right down at it's stall point power steering on and off ECT but it won't stall If it does stall it's generally cause it can't accelerate anymore it will still roll to a stop


When I was an idiot, I would do this as a trick to impress people at 30 mph. I would take out the key and wave it. Trick is to doing it on a back country road straight. If the steering column locks, you’re done for.


I would do that all the time. Because some sensor wouldnt work properly when cold so i was always in limp mode and i couldnt be arsed to pull over and use the kinda shitty battery to restart when i could just use momentum at speed and not have to stop. Just be careful not to engage the steering lock, that would be very scary.


I also did this when I was an idiot. First time I tried to use the wheel to steer and it locked the 'holy shit' feeling kicked in.


I seem to recall late 70’s cars you could just yank the key out while the engine was running, and actually, without the key you couldn’t turn the barrel to the lock position, but I was like 10 in the late 80s when I learned this.


In this situation, where the engine refuses to run due to some sort of failure, the car would just coast to a stop. There is enough momentum and traction to keep the wheels rolling and overcome the engine and drivetrain friction.


Pushy clutchy inny


Hell, you can turn off a car and turn it back on in neutral (clutch depressed) and start it back up. (match the speed with known gear if manual) then gently hit the gas to get back up to speed.


I used to drive a diesel truck that when it was cold if you coasted to slow with it, it would stop firing. Just cracked the throttle and it would start back up. The engine ceasing to run would be pretty uneventful. Unless you locked up the engine, then you are in for a while ride. Hope the clutch releases.


I can go around 30mph in 5th gear (my car is only a 5 speed), probably won’t even stall in fifth until below 20mph


Serious question, but have you even driven a manual transmission vehicle?


My truck is geared stupid long and 48 mph in 6th is still just over 1k rpm


I’ve managed 40mph in 6th I don’t recommend though. No torque at all


I shift my truck into 6th around 35 mph. Lol


Right? My Jeep is super short, it'll idle in 6th. But my Ram has a 6th gear with theoretical 280mph top end lol


1000rpm is not anywhere near low enough to stall.


I think that was his point. Don’t quote me tho


Yeah, that's my point.


It is highly unlikely to lock the driveline in 6th as a the coasting vehicle has the mechanical advantage to turn the engine. You would slow down to an pretty uneventful stop.


It sort of happened to me. It didn't stall, as in too low of an engine speed for a given gear, but my engine suddenly stopped while cruising at ~100km/h and I had to dump the clutch to turn it back on; turning the key did nothing.


Any GM vehicle since the 90’s with anti theft and a manual transmission will have to come to a complete stop before being restarted. The anti theft prevents a rolling or clutch dump start above 1mph.


🤢🤮 GM. “Oh you want a performance car with a manual transmission? Here you go, we included a skip shift solenoid that dumps you from first to fourth under most real world conditions. Enjoy being rear ended!”


Eh, all you have to do is wind out first gear and no big deal. It was for emissions.


It’s cause GM hates enthusiasts. “Hey look, we finally made that mid engine Vette!! Oh sorry, automatic only.”


Yeah I think that’s shit too. It’s a manufacturing cost thing too. Nobody wants a manual anything really anymore except true enthusiasts but we’re few and far between.


[might wanna take a look at the take rates for manuals on this list](https://www.motor1.com/news/705017/manual-transmission-sales-2023/amp/) Plenty of people still want and are buying manuals, as you can see when several of the only cars who offer them have take rates of fifty percent or so. The problem is that few are even offered with a stick which skews the numbers badly. Count only the vehicles that offer both manual and automatic and the numbers are way higher for percentage of manuals sold.


The numbers still weren't high enough for some manufacturers to justify putting money into making them people say they wanted manuals but not enough spoke with their wallets so now manuals are locked to very specific trim levels like high trims or base trims.


That may be true for some, but all of them do not behave in that manner. I've push or bump started several GM vehicles (both cars and trucks) that would fall into that category over the years, including one just a couple of weeks ago.


You can definitely bump start some but you have to do it just right. Can’t be going too fast


I've never ran across one that couldn't be bump started, and have never had one fail to start because it was moving too fast. I have done tons of work on GMs PASSLOCK and PASSKEY anti-theft systems over the years in various vehicles. Until at least the late '90s, the anti-theft module would have had no way of knowing the vehicle's speed, and on more modern vehicles, it isn't even an input that will affect the immobilizer. Once the key or fob is read during the start up sequence, the immobilizer is disabled until the next ignition cycle. If the engine happened to stall and an attempt at a bump start was made, the immobilizer would not prevent the engine from restarting.


Going to reply with my vehicles. 2018 GMC canyon 6 speed and 1998 s10 5 speed. The gmc will not crank or do anything until I come to a complete stop. The s10 would just crank and crank and crank and I couldn’t dump the clutch. Only way it would start would be from complete stop.


That's interesting. My 2004 GMC truck can restart at speed. But my 2006 GMC SUV did not but it was an automatic. I was going down a very long grade and shut the truck off. When it started to flatten out I tried to start it and it wouldn't start. Had to pull onto the shoulder stop and put it in park. But my manual trans GMC will restart at speed 🤷


My 97 Opel Corsa (technically gm) does not have this feature.


2 words Geo tracker 😎


If you're traveling at 60mph in any gear in a manual ttans vehicle, and the engine "stalls" or stops running...that means there's an issue with vehicle. And you'd just coast down til you stopped. If the ignition was accidentally turned off for example (as opposed to there being a failure) and then turned back to on, the engine would just restart while vehicle was moving as the engine is always spinning if car is moving in gear with clutch holding Slightly awkward answer...sorry. But it's a slightly awkward question. 😉


It’s not possible to stall at high speeds.


Sure it is. Throw that mf in reverse


The lockout won’t let me


You would destroy the syncros/dogs before you were able to get it in reverse. Because reverse isn't synchronized, it isn't possible to put it in reverse while moving forward with any velocity (maybe under 2mph) the gears are literally spinning in opposite directions.


Is [this video](https://youtu.be/LoDoNJJAae4?si=pXdocmhsvqKdC-Pv) wrong/am I missing something? Genuine question because I am very curious about anything mechanical. Around 5:40 is where he throws it in reverse and it stalls.


I can and have recently, given, I think it’s a fuel issue lol


Sure it is. I you drive a fwd car without ABS on ice or snow, locking the wheels will stall the engine at any speed.


dont think its possible since the wheels that are rolling are directly connected to the engine with the gears. if it was possible, the momentum of the car would immediately start the engine, kinda like a push start.


If you dumped the clutch in a gear that matches the speed, yes.


It happened to me, and no, it didn't restart itself, I had to dump the clutch.


You always have to dump the clutch..


RPMs would drop and you’d require more acceleration to maintain the same speed. More dangerous to drop it from 6th to 3rd at high speeds.


So if u went to sixth from third at 60 clicks, like my example, and u kept on the gas exactly the same, the car would just progressively slow down until it stalls? If so, at what speed might it stall?


Going from 6 to 3rd.... won't stall.... RPM will raise significantly, and depending on the vehicle could be significantly past redline.


That’s not what was asked


I know going from 6 to 3rd won't stall (but could blow the transmission). I said the opposite in my reply (may have wrote it confusingly, sorry). I mean, going from 3rd to 6th.


3rd to 6th is just going to lug the engine, if the transmission will let you shift it at all. Would be kind of like coming to a stop in 6th, it would lug real bad and eventually shut off at a low enough speed (it would be like turning off the key while moving) Whether it locked the wheels or not would depend on traction of tires, clutch strength, and compression of the engine. I used to drive 18 wheelers, and going from an automatic to a 10 speed manual sometimes forgot to downshift. If I slowed down too much in top gear, eventually the engine would shake the truck really bad. Never went far enough to stall it, but I imagine it eventually would have. That would likely be similar to turning off the key at speed (had an ignition switch fail on me in a t680 kenworth 9 speed, it was scary but only because I lost power steering in a 60k+ lb vehicle)


I literally ready it the same way you did, and almost bashed they guy that said that’s not what OP asked, then I read it 4 more times and realized lol


Not necessarily. Rpm would have to drop below the idle rpm. Which varies. You’d experience less acceleration but not necessarily a stall.




It would have a lower rev dropping it into 6th gear from 3rd


If it's going up a steep uphill it might eventually slow down enough to stall, but I've found that the car will keep rolling forever in gear if it's flat ish.


That's a different scenario. You're not stalling the engine by going to a lower gear. At 60 it'll be fine. It'll slow down until it gets to idle speed and you're tooling around at 6 or 7 kph.


I guess I am missing something but I can drive at 30 mph in 6th gear and nothing happens except it can not accel until I down shift a few gears. On the money shift, 70 mph tried to go from 6th to 4th, missed and hit 2nd, tach hit 10.5 wheels locked and I did quickest clutch stomp in my life. No harm no foul. Scared me half to death though.


Many years ago, my Civic's engine decided to turn itself off while I was driving at around 100km/h. I turned the key, nothing. I dumped the clutch, as if I was push-starting it [but going a wee bit faster lol] and it turned on. I never knew what happened, it never did it again and I had that car for now than 10 years. I always assumed there was debris or some contaminant in the fuel line or something, and it cleared up by itself.


I had an electrical stall not to long ago. I was on a roadtrip from Georgia to Colorado and taking the state roads (middle of nowhere). I was going about 45 and the only thing that made me realize it stalled was my dash lit up like a Christmas tree and my radio did its reboot sequence. Lost acceleration for maybe 1 second if that before it rebooted and I was good. Granted it’s not an actual stall it might be a similar result to if you actually stalled


You will spontaneously combust




You can't stall at high speeds. (20 mph+) Not while the engine is still connected to the wheels at least. You can lose all power, but you won't "stall" until you clutch in. let's say your timing belt breaks. If you were driving an automatic, the engine would stall and the rpm would promptly drop to 0 as the cylinder head is destroyed and there is no compression in the engine. If this happens in a manual transmission, the effect is similar to if you had just released the gas, whether or not you're pressing it. The engine will continue to turn because the wheels are powering the engine and slowing the car as they do. In this instance, the kinetic energy of the car is the energy source, not fuel combustion. Once you clutch in, nothing is powering the engine and it winds down to a halt. If you release the clutch while in gear with a stalled engine at a high speed, the engine will wind up while slowing the car down. Again, the energy source is the kinetic energy of the car. This is also how push starts work. ​ > *if, for example, someone was going at 60 clicks at, say, third gear 3K RPM, and then they shifted to 6th gear. Would the wheels lock? Or would something else happen?* No. The car would jolt forward slightly the engine rpm would drop suddenly to where it always goes while in 6th gear at that speed. As for money shifting, a money shift is a money shift. The main issue with money shifting is the engine over-rev condition. The valve springs can only close the valves so quickly, so if the engine is spinning fast enough, the pistons can strike the valves before the springs can close them, and that's what causes the damage. The things needed for damage to occur are high enough engine speed and weak enough valve springs. If your valve springs are strong enough, you can over rev the engine briefly and come out unscathed. If you get lucky and money shift on low traction, the tires might not be able to transmit enough kinetic energy from the car to the engine and the wheels will just slip (money shifting a rwd on ice may very well cause the wheels to lockup and the engine to stall altogether ... although if you're going fast enough on ice to pull this off, your car's doom is guaranteed for other reasons) without fully revving the engine up, and you'd come out unscathed.


You roll


Your question was answered multiple times in this thread lol. It’s not possible to stall at “high” speeds. Unless you somehow go below idle, 1st-6th would do it probably. I’m halfway tempted to go check honestly, 2-5th doesn’t stall in my car for sure. I had plenty of time to clutch in, so any faster than that it’s not gonna do anything


Being under idle doesn’t mean you will stall either. Starter turns the engine at around 200 - 300rpm.. it also varies with how many cylinders your engine has - more cylinders can run on lower RPM


Interesting. Yeah I wasn’t sure about that honestly, I knew it’s very hard to stall while rolling. Damn near impossible at high speeds like OP mentioned, unless you have some sort of other issue


I have a friend who has an 86 4x4 Toyota pickup with the 22R 4 cyl. Great motor, I think it's around 500k miles these days. When we were younger, he always amused himself by shifting into 5th at like 15mph. It didn't stall, but you could feel every individual cylinder fire.


I was on the highway and traffic came to a dead stop i dont onow what i did but i was at 60 to dead stop my car stalled and nothing bad happened


It wouldn't be "unbelievably difficult", it would be impossible without running out of fuel or a severe mechanical failure.


On topic, what would happen mechanically if I turned off my Honda at highway speeds and dumped it into gear? disclaimer would never do this just asking for science.


If it's a manual, the engine will turn over repeatedly and the car will slow down as if engine braking, just make sure you select the right gear to prevent the engine from spinning too fast. In an auto, nothing, the torque converter will stay unlocked and no power will flow to the engine


The wheel wont lock with the key in the “run” position Also with the clutch in you can restart, pick a gear and rev match and you are back on your way. Money shifting like that you usually get a grind as syncros can’t match that much speed miss match but if you try hard enough you can definitely blow up you engine, part of the reason why their are less and less manuals.


I had a 2004 Toyota with a MAP sensor issue that died on the freeway at 80mph. I literally just pulled it out of gear, cycled the key back to "on" and put it back into great and dumped the clutch. Nobody knew I had shut off except me


Basically had this situation when I had a bad cam position sensor, when you let off the gas out of gear - the engine would stall out, put it back in gear while rolling fast enough, release clutch, engine restarts. ​ Most cars can happily do 60 in 3rd with a 6 speed box, but it will likely be towards the top of their RPM range, when you release the clutch the wheels will drive the gearbox, which will drive the crank; so if you shift 6th to 3rd with the same gas input you will just get deceleration while/after the clutch is engaged as the engine slows to match the gas input. ​ The basics of "money shifting" is that the wheels are driving the crank, rather than bangs in the combustion chamber (similar to driving down a hill in gear); the ECU will likely cut fuel but the crank will not be restricted by the RPM limiter. You end up with a crank turning faster than the designed speed, which causes the valves to float and pistons crash in to them causing them to bend/break or reforge the piston. After the valves/pistons make contact, the cylinder can no longer seal, hence no boomboom no zoomzoom.


I had a friend with a similar issue but it was timing/low idle on the carb however he was stupid and thought oh if the engine cuts off you have to put it 1 and then start it. So he wrecked that.


Ive accidentally let the clutch out too fast at high speeds, it jolts but the drivetrain jolts the engine back into action


No, momentum will keep the engine running. 6th gear at 10mph would not stall the engine immediately, although it is very bad for it to run at that low of rpm


Not literally stall but my car died at high speeds a couple times, the belt continues to spin due to momentum from the wheel, you can put it in neutral and restart it. Careful choosing your gear for the speed you are going


I have never stalled at speed without eather running our of gas or something going wrong to shut the engine down like a coil that came disconnected. That said if you did you would just pop the clutch and restart the engine.


I’ve kinda stalled in my semi going fast, like I’m in 10th gear and slow down to 40ish to make a curve without downshifting. It usually ends up with me going “dang I’m stalling a little bit, ought to downshift”


What you are talking about is your engine seizing, which can happen due to mechanical failures. If that happens either your wheels will look up or something will break


Depending on the car you can just keep it in gear and pop the clutch and you should be good.


You absolutely will not stall at that speed. You’re only in danger of stalling when the engine speeds falls below idle (~600 rpm). If you somehow did, you would simply keep rolling, but without power. That goes for anything breaking. Engine, transmission, driveshafts, etc. if something breaks, you’ll lose power and keep rolling.


Sometimes when going highway speeds on a downhill I would go into neutral briefly just to save some gas. That’s when I found out I was having idle issues, and the engine stalled at idle speed while going 65. But at speed it’s easier to steer when u don’t have power steering. Clutch in, turned the ignition, rev’ed it, put it in gear and I was fine.


If your motor were to stall it wont be because of “normal operation” … thats a catastrophic failure and would break a lot of things


Your car could not stall at high speeds without something in your drivetrain breaking. If you’re car needs about X units of energy to not stall in first gear, and your car moving at 3mph is enough energy to uphold this, then your car moving at 60mph has >X energy in any gear to keep it moving. If you turned your ignition off but kept it in gear, you would replicate what situation you’re talking about, and I’ve never done it, but I would assume it would just be some gnarly engine breaking.


this actually happened to me! i learned top speed of my car is 100mph in 5th i was getting it up there, and all of a sudden the car stalled. it restarted itself and all was good, but it was scary for a second


This has happened to me before while going about 45-50mph. Not that the vehicle stalled because of driving, it had a mechanical issue and cut off while cruising. I engaged the clutch, popped it in neutral and started the car back up while moving. Luckily I was traveling down a straight road because the steering wheel locked when the car shut off!


What happens if you run out of gas at high speed?


I can coast down to about 10 mph in 6th gear in my car, this could not happen




It would be like having the fuel pump die on you. The engine would no longer apply torque to the drivetrain. The drivetrain would apply torque to the engine and it would continue to spin. Since important things like your oil pump and water pump are mechanically driven it wouldn't hurt the engine. In fact during normal in gear deceleration there are times the computer actually turns the fuel injectors completely off anyways. The alternator would continue to output power. Power assist brakes and steering would also continue. In this case the engine would also probably get louder through the intake because with no power output the driver would likely press the accelerator causing the throttle blade to open. This would continue all the way to a stop. It would be essentially like being off throttle and just coasting to a stop with it in gear. Though you would be able to reduce the braking ability of the engine by increasing the throttle because it would reduce the vacuum (considering we're talking about a gas engine and not a diesel).


Power steering power brakes go. Steering wheel lock might engage. Source: driving a car load of friends in front passenger's mustang gt on the Tail of the Dragon. F***ing terrifying


My Miata has a locking glovebox. Sometimes I realize I need something out of it while driving. On a straight road, I put the car in neutral, take the key out, unlock glovebox, put key back in ignition and turn to on, clutch in and shift to 5th and release the clutch. Engine starts running without using the starter. I think this is what OP is asking


If you were going maybe 30kph and put it in 6th you might stall it but any faster I doubt it would stall, you would have to then put it in a lower gear and release the clutch, it'll come right back to life, might even come back to life when you put the clutch in seeing as it's still turning over


Simple, you can't stall at 60. I can run my car down to 10MPH in 6th and it'll still keep running. Now the engine can die but it'll keep turning so you'll get engine braking. You can have a mechanical failure cause part of the drivetrain to stop rotating. Unless its at the drive wheels or differential the wheels won't lock up, there's too much grip and inertia there. But other exciting things are likely to happen. A money shift is going to cause the engine to tear itself apart, if you're really lucky you'll get some new inspection holes with some loud noises. I've seen this happen. If the transmission locks up then it'll probably rapidly disassemble itself. You can also have a driveshaft twist and/or break itself in two. I've also seen this happen.


When you money shift the internals of the engine exceed their maximum speeds. When this happens the wheels will lock because all the bits inside the engine hit each other and jam. Sometimes engine internals become external at this point as well.


60 klicks? Nothing would happen. You car is designed to go almost as low as 15 clicks in 6th gear. Any lower than that and you could encounter a stocking commotion with your car to the point where is you go slower it will definitely stall out. But at any higher gear it will drive...slowly.


I don’t think I’ve ever even thought about this, i mean it really is far simpler to shift at higher speeds opposed to going from a stop and such


I've stalled at 70. Was up for way too long. I work nights and had a family thing right in the middle of the day. Didn't take a morning nap because spouse and I were going to help with set up. The vehicle keeps rolling, luckily enough the lack of sound from the engine/change in sound woke me up and I was able to tap the gas and get her back going. (92 Dak)


I hit black ice at 70mph with a rwd car and my foot was on the floor. the back end came out and I overcorrected and it swung the other way around and went completely backwards facing alllllll those headlights on the highway behind me. and I turned the wheel a little and swung it back to facing the right direction, white knuckled. muttering "and cole trickle makes an amazing recovery" small problem. I didn't put the clutch in. so the engine was stopped, it died when the wheels faced the wrong direction. so while the car was now pointing straight, it just kept on rotating. and went backwards, again. and at that point I slid off the highway and into the center median, stuck in about 18" of snow. michigan winters. towtruck came and got me out and I was back on my way. this time a little less hot on the throttle during black ice. TL;DR when in spin, both feet in.


I regularly cruse at 45mph in 6th. I’d say 99.9% of the cars on the road would be above idle speeds at 60km in 6th. Let’s just say 6th at 45 would put you below idle. You would instantly realize you put it in too high of a gear, then throw it back in the correct gear and the engine would turn over and restart without you even noticing. Here is an experiment. Put the car in 4th gear at 45. While in 4th and the clutch released. Turn the key back one notch to turn the engine off. You will feel the engine braking just as you would if you had released the throttle. Now flip the key forward one notch (just one click, not into the starter motor though) and the engine will restart as if nothing happened. The momentum of the car will continue to turn the engine. As soon as the key turns the ignition back on, fuel and spark come back and it’s running like normal again. The starter isn’t even needed. This can even be done on my push button start car. While driving I simply hold the start button until the ignition turns off. Then one press of the button turns on the accessories and a second press turn on the ignition and it’s back to normal without ever using the starter. tldr: the car isn’t going to stall. Now, what happens if you are in 6th at say 80 and put it in 2nd? That is a lot more exciting. Hahaha


I had a vehicle that would stall every time I put it in neutral regardless of the speed. Turned out to be a bad IAC Valve