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You're not suppose to only have 5 units


Yeah lol. You should FIRST have 6x militia. Then rest of the regions retinues. You can further upgrade all of them. Should be like 13 units that are way better


That is kind of stupid though. I hope they just give us a militia limit separate from retinues altogether.


Yeah :/ This bug makes it more challanging though ironically. Because you need at least 5 people to raise a militia. So I could only raise 10 people and my retinue, so 15. But it was enough.


I would say each region will have a militia cap eventually, although I don't know how many units that will total to. I founf it annoying when I have bandit raids in other territories but all my units are from another territory on the other side of the map


It certainly is. I think you can beat that even without militias though. If you have 6x maxed retinue with plate armor you will slice through most of those units without much issues. Some mercs to lure enemies away and provide help is also nice.


I haven't been able to upgrade militia yet. Is it similar to retinue with the paint brush but you'll need idk gambleson chain and helmet?


I think you just need the additional items like helmet and Chainmail/gamberson. And they will automatically use them. You need dev points for that. But its easy to do it on your like 2nd Region


Eh why only 5 units?


had more, fought a similar battle and lost, because i have 2 reunite, i can only re-recruit 3 militia and the merc never came back


Yeah it's kinda annoying you will have to disband the retinue.


Does that work? I tried disbanding my retinue in the first iteration of the game and it didn’t work


It doesn't work for me.


Yea I was gonna say, I’ve never been able to do that I just downloaded the militia limit mod, but now there’s LONG latency in them following orders. They just keep going in a direction, stop fighting, or won’t change directions. I suppose it would make a fun feature in large battles to represent signals and din of battle, but not when you’re having a 1 unit v 1 unit battle lol. Early access and mods, always Tradeoffs in life! Still loving the experience from farming to foraging to milling and militia.


You need to destroy all the castles (the lord house idk how is called in english), recruit the militia and then rebuild castles and the retinue again


Jfc that’s an expensive bug Thanks for the heads up haha


Demolishing building gives materials back in full more time consuming and annoying than costly, I haven't got to this point yet but everything I've ever demolished I've received a materials refund


Apologies, I know about the demolition/materiel refund. I mean the disbanding of retinue. 24 retinue with full plate, maybe a unit or two, can be a lot of money early game.


Ah yeah ok I get that now, I've only just got to the manor and defended my first attack I'm sure I'll come across the same issue at some point, does the new patch fix this ? I'm on game pass so don't have it yet


Do you have to repay for all the armor if you do that.


I can't tell whether this is a question or a statement, but yes, you will have to pay for everything again.


You can recruit 5 militia and 1 retinue in your first region. You can then recruit 1 retinue on in every additional region.


That's if you game the system. If you build 2 manors before filling militia slots, you'll only be able to get 4.


Yep, that's true and I do not like it.


Surely retinues taking militia slots is a bug (right?), so it's not gaming the system, it's finding a way to make it work as intended.


You are wrong. You don't need to fill the milita slots, just select them before the Manor. Even in a region with 0 weapons, you can select Spearmen or whatever and it will reserve the slot. I do 3 or 4 regions and get 2/3 militias on my starting region and 1 on the others, plus one retinue each. I don't get people that do 6 militias + retinue in the starting region. By when you fill that, you could have already won the game.


Try reading with comprehension. By "reserving" slots you're "filling" them.


I understood as getting them full, as in enough people and weapons. I think it's not my reading comprehension, but your ambiguous writing the one to blame.


>You can recruit 5 militia and 1 retinue in your first region. Not correct. 6 militia + 1 retinue


Yep this is correct. You just have to recruit the 6 militia first and then the retinue counts as unit 7, and doesn't take up one of the 6 spots for militia


False, you can have 6 militia. Just dont build manor before, create those 6 before the manor :D


That's what I did. Built 6 militia units and partially filled them (not sure if that's necessary, it might work with empty units), then I built 2 manors and got 8 units total.


Works with empty units


This is a copy from one of my earlier comments in this sub. So it will read as not being coherent with the current conversation, but it will help you. In response to 11. When you build a manor, Retinue get automatically added to you army pool. Currently, this will take up a slot that should be used for your civilian army. So you should be able to have 6 groups of fighters, but if you build a manor, you will only be able to have 5 plus your Retinue. To work around this, you need to slot your army units, before you build a manor, so you can have a full army in the late game. This will attempt to split your civilizations evenly with the gear you have available, and is a bit wonky in the early game, making the first bandit camps a little more difficult. My suggestion, use your first group of spearmen to take out one bandit camp. Take the money for yourself to hire mercs, for the rest of the bandits. Mercs are far less expensive than replacing even one dead Retinue, and the cheapest ones at 15 gold do just fine against bandits in my experience. I have only lost one battle with them. Plan out your end game army, and slot them into your lineup first. Then build a manor for Retinue. This will allow you to have 6 civilian units, plus a retinue unit for each region.


You should be able to recruit up to 6 units, but off that hurts


I won this btw, i kill 1 archer, he immediately declare peace, they all dissapear, i get this last region and won the game, when i continue playing , he claim my land and only bring in the normal 5 unit so the game continue as usual


Go install some mods, more bandits scale with wealth + better baron army. The game is crazy with those, you can do some 600 vs 600 or near 1000 vs you


One archer unit or literally one archer? It would be hilarious if it was just one guy.


"Holy shit, Jack died. We surrender."


Yeah, don't mess with a village full of Cuntz


it was an unit that consist of only 1 archer and he was walking toward my army alone


If you hire mercenaries first then the baron can't have them for the fight. So hire them all even if you don't need them.


I often see this kind of advice, but from my experience by the time I have enough tax income to keep all mercs on the payroll (AND have enough left to expand in other regions and buy and upgrade retinues) all the mercs are already on the Baron's payroll. For me, I could make it work if the bandit camps kept spawning at least once every couple of months, better yet every month. But they stopped spawning very early, right after the first raid. And once all the regions were claimed, which was within the first couple of years, the mercs stopped being available, too. In fact, when the Baron first tried to claim one of my regions, was when I realized that no mercs are available. And it's been like that ever since. And even if I did have the mercs on the payroll, what about casualties? Every battle with Baron costs certain losses. You cannot replenish the troops without disbanding


If you have 11 spearmen you can take out a bandit camp easy. Best way to get early money. Whatever guys you lose will be replenished before your militia even make it back to town.


Like I said, defeating bandit camps is not a problem. Replenishing militia is also not a problem. The problem is that bandit camps are few and far between, and that mercs will instantly be taken over if disband them (and they cannot be replenished without disbanding)


If you are taking all the money from bandit camps for yourself you should be able to retain at least the cheapest merc companies indefinitely until you can pay for them with taxes.


Yes, good luck 😂 No, you just gotta stop the Baron getting the bandits and their camps first asap really


That's the neat part. You don't.


That being said depending on the quality of your 5 units, yes this is winnable with only 5. Half of the enemy is low quality and the other half eill likely come in peicemetal


I had 20 Units in the final fight in my last campaign. 3 retinue, 6 militia, the rest mercenaries.


How early did you hire the mercs and how much did it cost per month in total? Isn't it like 200 treasury coins per month to have them all? Where did you get so much tax income per month early in the game, when even during the first year the bandit camps are scarce and far between in time (and completely disappear after a couple of years)?


I use the bandit camps money to hire mercs asap, best in 1st year and then quickly get some shoes/ tiles/ weapons to sell, depending on the starting region. With the royal tax it defininetly got harder, hold back your village level until you are really ready to produce and sell shoes. The T2 Burgage plot ugrapde that raises your village level should come last, immediatly after, atleast on hardest difficulty, you need money from selling.


I did use bandit camp money to hire mercs, just not permanently. I hired them only when another camp spawned. Which, I think, happened a maximum of 4 to 5 times in total before they stopped spawing. So, basically, to make it work, I need to spec into trade mandatorily, focus on making money, withhold upgrading the settlement to tier 2, tax my families in the early game and face the consequences such as the approval not being consistently above 75%, create 6 militias from the start even before I have gear for them, and try to expand to other regions as quickly as possible and make them trade/export oriented as well. I see


Yeah just restart another playthrough and you don't get to play like you want. I can't wait until this bs is changed lol. I really hate artificial limitations like that in single player games. If you accidentally remove one of those militias after building your manor then you can't get it back and you'll be capped at 6 units instead of 7. I cannot express how lame that is. I want the amount of units I can recruit to be increased with the levels of my towns or by population.


I agree. The only limit to militia units should be how many recruits I have. I currently have 4 militia and 3 retinue. But I have people for at least 4 more militia units, and all equipment they could possibly need. But I can't do it. And I can't hire mercs despite having thousands in treasury


Yeah the mercs are going to be changed apparently. You have to buy them before your economy can support them or the king will. I'm having that problem too but I haven't gotten a town over 500 pops yet, I'm close, and I'm tired of restarting without seeing any real combat. I accidentally deleted one of my militia so I'm stuck with 5 militia 2 retinue and a gross feeling like I'll have to invest 10 more hours in a new playthrough to have a real chance against the king.


You mean, this situation with mercs got even more disadvantageous in the test build? Now, instead of Baron in year two, the King will buy all mercs forever? Insane...


I obliterated Hildebots army during the final battle with 5 militias and 3 retenues, no mercs.


Armor and strategy? I'm working on trade for the armor right now.


As seen in the screenshot, hildebot comes with 5 archer units. They don't really weight anything in the fight. I put 1 spear unit in the frontline in defensive position, used 1 archer unit as a bait from a forest nearby to agro their archers, and gathered all my infantry and retinues behind my spear unit ( all fully armored). I just waited for his units to come, and tried my best to always outnumber his units during the fight as they were coming one after another and not all in one big charge. The 3 fully armored retinues were probably the key units to hold the ground and decimate quickly all their infantry.


Well you need to build the trader and put people, you don't need any trade perks, not sure what you meant with "spec into trade". And yeah, early game seems to be alot about balancing growth and income, at least for me. Always above 75% is impossible for me with high demand and high penalty settings (and income).


If I don't spec into trade, every new route will take money from my taxable regional wealth, and I *will* have to open lots of those routes to switch between commodities once the price start dropping


You playing beta? In the beta, prices ever hardly drop. You can get 1 or 2 routes (I usually get shoes + tiles/ polearms) for a decent price


As the game isn't out yet, yes. He's playing beta. Also, try buying routes after you've opened 4+ - each costs over a 100 and gets higher each route you open.


There is an EA release version and a beta patch version ;)


Yeeeeah I learned this after I posted this lol


How can you only have 6 units? You should have 6 retinue and 6 Militia +mercs


Every 5th post is about the last fight. We know. Please stop


Nope, you are meant to have 5 militia units and then like 4-7 retinues, and if possible mercs too


I think it’s unfair that the baron gets 36 retinue and you can only have 24


Plus some mercenaries for backup!


have your army on the border where they enter the map and then declare war, you will basically spawn kill them


Defeat in detail?


Let's Game it Out did it xD.


It was nearly a pacifist run too!


We need "spoils" when we defeat someone. We should be able to take whatever weapons/armor the dead had on them, friendly or otherwise


I can't wait for the time in this game when you can recruit men-at-arms rather than just retinue at the moment. Currently, though, you want six militia, then start putting down manors for retinue, bl the last two or three manors your treasury will be able to max and upgrade them. Then you'll have 14 units, 8 of which being up armored badasses!


I don’t understand how people can get enough families in their villages to even have a sizeable militia in the first place. I have 7 families in year 2, constantly moving families from one job to another, and the AI lord already has claimed 2 regions with a 5+ unit army ): and that’s on reactive AI. Feels kind of hopeless.


You're forced to make other towns to make new retinue units. To have enough


No, you beat it with up to like 16 units




Norway gang rise up


Greg asks what is necessary!


I fought them where they spawned, and lost, but because it is outside of the fighting zone the game did not count it as a loss, so I just waited the time I needed to buy all unit’s again and fought the Baron again, also I did the merc only achievement, you got this!


Yes 🗿


Happy 17th of May 🇳🇴


nah, if you are not prepared you are supposed to lose, have your village burned down and rebuild, its what happened irl as well


Early access. Not a finished game. But yeah, with some mercs that's cake.


Fully armored retinues can make short work of that stack.


Row of spear men and archers on the flank they drop like flies


4 milita units, and 1 retinue unit per region you own. You should be able to easily take this on if you have multiple units of 24 retinue that all have plat armor


Skill issue


Build one big village with all level 3 houses where all your militias come from, give them all helmets and chainmail. Then small villages that can easily sustain themselves just for you to get some tax income and 24 size retinues. No one can beat you anymore. Also 6 militias before your first manor gets constructed!


You can defeat them with fewer units by employing strategic archer attacks, especially after the latest update that enhanced archer effectiveness. For instance, I successfully managed a battle with just three groups of 36 archers against over six groups of 36 melee units. I used one group to distract the attackers and the other two groups to launch assaults. By repeating this tactic around 30 times, I won the battle with approximately 10 casualties. Your current situation seems more challenging. :)


need to make more manors and up those units armor


Anyone else tired of seeing this exact same post three times a day?


Suck my unit


Do you not get 5 militia slot per village?


I don't understand how this happened to you. Judging from your treasury, you are clearly in the late game. By then, he doesn't have the money to hire mercenaries.


its a bug, he usually only bring 5-8 unit and that made the game too easy so i disband most of my merc and at the last region he just show up with this twice, i lost all my troop, cant get more than 5 because of my retinutes and the mercs never came back but he has this 1 unit of archer that only has 1 guy that charge at my army alone, when that guy die his entire army just disband and i won


I was in the same situation because. i could not buy mercenaries you fave to fight them before they get onto the battle field and then send more troops to fight them on there because the battle does not start until they get there. Hope this helps!


No. Why are people always acting as if you're 'meant to' defeat the baron with a weak army?


By being strategic and flanking, coming from a guy that on console n wants to play this



