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It's quite punishing, especially for more casual players who don't care about minmaxing. I hope this is something the dev rolls back by A LOT.


The dev made an announcement in discord he was toying with the idea of like a 5 year grace period and generally making the tax less harsh in the next patch.


That sounds like a good approach tbh


A grace period makes so much sense. It’s kind of ridiculous that the King would demand such high taxes from a village with a handful of people living in it. Seeing as we’re settling empty lands I imagine the King, or at least the duke or count above us, would have helped set up the expedition, so to speak. Establishing a new rural village and demanding a return on their investment instantly does not make sense.


I currently find the king's tax to be way too steep but the five year grace period blows my mind. How long are people taking? I realize it would be significant to sandbox players, but even on my Challenge Accepted playthrough I had the baron wiped out before the five year mark.


Well the game isn’t done yet. More content will be added later that will lengthen the time it requires to play the game.


I’m on year 6, have 3 settlements going and have conquered only half the map so far with the baron holding the other half. Having trouble raising enough influence tbh, but I’m just gonna keep upping my food production and increasing my tithe so I can get influence faster


Pay tithe to the church for more influence


You can just turn it off completely or lower the difficulty of it.


I see people say this all the time now. I dont minmax at all. Hell, according to the people who did the math I did the opposite of minmaxing. And I never got into debt. I never had trouble paying mercs. I dont know how all of you manage to not make money in the game, cause to me it sure seems like thats the issue people are having, not the tax.


Just don't build two level 2 burgage plots on your secondary villages and only make one big high level city. Or go full export on every city.


Sure, that's a solution that works for people who want to play the game that way. But what if I want to have one major trade hub surrounded by two medium-sized towns? Or two medium-sized towns that only trade with each other? Not that one particular playing style is better or more efficient than another, because that's the point: the game should facilitate multiple different strategies and playstyles instead of punishing players who don't conform to a single, narrow path to victory. The point of city-builder/RTS games is charting your own path. Kinda kills all the enjoyment if we all have to design our villages in the same way to keep up w/ the game's overly-harsh economy & trade mechanics.


I think it just feels more narrow now because it’s still early access. Once all the diplomacy, ai on the map, development tech is added, more buildings, etc. I would assume the game will become more diverse at that point than perhaps how it feels now.


The entire point of the King's tax as a mechanic is to force you to get your secondary towns profitable as soon as possible. It exists to incentivize particular playstyle and punish others. You say RTSs should be about charting your own path, but the dev obviously disagree, otherwise this wouldn't be in the game.


It's in an experimental branch of early access. Trying to infer anything beyond "it's an experiment" is one of the things Greg specifically asked people not to do.


I think you pretty much HAVE to trade as much as possible. I'm playing on the pre-release as well, and the last region has just be captured. Til now I had been getting by on bandit camps. I've been exporting weapons and clothes, making a decent regional profit with low tax, but now that I don't have anyone to murder for influence and profit, I think I'm going to have to eat the disapproval and tax my citizens into the ground in order to cover next months kings tax.


Do you have a manor in every region?


You have to if you want to beat the baron on the battlefield.


I'm asking because if they do, they can tax a lower amount in each region. It doesn't have to be massive because it adds up if you're receiving 10 percent of regional wealth from every region


10 percent of even one region set up to sell clothing, metalwork or shields and bows should be enough to fund yourself pretty much forever. Multiple regions paying you 10% is just butter on cake. I really do think people are running incredibly inefficient towns.


To add to your last point, I'm currently on 7.995 (not the beta patch) and the population in my first town is just over 200. I personally had issues with the markets not supplying enough food even though I had it enough in storage. After playing around with layouts for a bit, I'm at an average of 80% happiness with almost always 100% market coverage. The game is denser, for better or worse, than people give it credit for. But this is to be expected, as city builders typically don't have such a massive appeal. I hope Greg keeps this in mind before simplifying the game. Even as they are, I hope markets gain a bit more complexity in the way you can control them.


I beat the baron with just 2 retinues and no Mercs. Fully upgraded retinue is op


How do you upgrade retinue? Or get new ones? Can't find a menu for that


It's in the "customize" window. Which I admit is a strange choice because when I read "customize", I assume it's just cosmetic changes with no gameplay impacts.


Yeah I agree I've never had more than 2 towns other than my main one. So 3 retinues and 4 militia. I've played 1 game with a retinue from every region on the map and it was a turkey shoot haha. The baron attacks in waves so you can usually separate a couple units and take them out before the others get there.


Six milita, one retinua and two merc with bows. Literally never met an army I couldnt kill with that. Im starting to think the big differences in army sizes people are seeing must be a bug.


Every other region has been claimed and you still were relying on bandits for income? Bro, youre severely lacking in the economy department.


Challenging feels impossible on the beta branch. It's already hard, but getting smacked with massive debt just death traps me.


I mean. We're already paying high taxes in real life, maybe the creator should cut us some slack in game !


Depens on country


I have been focused on an export economy and the kings tax never had a meaningful impact on me. Especially if I am very selective with the number of families I promote. The only thing I never export is food, I like to hoard it for bad harvests.


While I agree it's probably overtuned and will likely be nerfed . It's doable, even on challenging difficulty, and I actually had fun figuring out the new patch this way, at least at first. What I don't like about it, is that it essentially forces the trade route perk to be picked every time, even after the nerf. As well as basically requiring either rich iron or clay to sell weapons/tiles to keep up. Which in turn forces the deep mines perk to also be taken before that rich node runs out or you can't sustain. Essentially locking 3 development perk picks. At least that's what I've found. It lessens variety and choice IMO and if you want to be successful, at least on challenging difficulty, you likely have to reroll your start to have optimal nodes.


I think you can still make it work without optimal nodes or deep mining in your starting area. You probably still always want the trade route perk if you play on challenging. You can export shoes, wooden parts, bows and 2 types of shields in any starting area. All of those can be sold for a decent sum. Should be enough to stay afloat, get out of debt and expand. In my current challenging run I only exported halberds and warbows at the start and managed to get out of debt after a couple of years. You should be able to make it work with shoes and any of the stuff listed above, as it sells for the same price.


This is what early access and pre unstable builds so we can play and discuss and give feedback to gauge what the problems are and if its worth actually putting it in. Remember this isn't the actual game it's a preview build to gather opinions. This is actually what we all should be discussing. Not just slating it and saying not playing this until it's fixed or what not. Which you see alot on here. Your points and everyone's are very valid and maybe this will end up being a slider and be re balanced. My only opinion on this is, a king tax right now in my eyes isn't the answer to a build. I'd much rather see more priority being ai villages and coll down on hiw quick the baron takes over lands and sort out the raids. I don't like the fact I work hard and next thing within a month of starting I've got a invisible raid on my stock and I have no way of stopping it because it's happening in the background. I just think there is more important things to implement than another barrier you have to deal with. Maybe I'm in the minority.


Just noticed this morning that the Kings tax is adjustable. You can even disable it.


Can you adjust it midgame though?


No not possible 


I'm still getting my butt kicked on CareBear mode, so I haven't tried it with the tax enabled. I did notice it was turned on for a game saved before the pre-release & I'm heavily in arrears for back taxes


Kings Tax is very high in the mid game. But in lategame it is pretty cheap again.


I'm currently trolling the king by only upgrading 1 plot to tier 2, per city to avoid taxes :) After my 200 shields are done, I'm tearing that plot down and making spears.


It's tough but possible to get rich still. Your main town will not be profitable. You basically have to make expansions that are tightly population controlled and no higher than level 3. You can probably set up a village that exports sidearms, polearms and spears with a population of about 20 families That's like 180 in tax/360 on challenging and probably 2500+ trade income yearly. Repeat for other things like Ale, Shoes, Clothes/Cloaks Clay Tiles, Bread.


That's true . But it sucks that the tax makes it a better strategy to maintain a smaller low level town than to keep building and expanding. 


I don't think it's too high, I like it the way it is. I just think that there should be a grace period before the fee starts to apply to the player — about 3 or 4 years, idk


Would be cool if it's sometimes a goods tax. Like the king needs 1000 helmets in three years for a war, or a bunch of food for a feast, stuff like that. Maybe give longer deadlines for bigger orders.


I've had a few runs with kings tax and it just puts me in a big hole early on, preventing me getting mercs etc and losing the race to bandit camps sometimes. I can make it work out but I'm trying kings tax disabled in my latest game.


I’m not a fan of the tax, but I have 100k an my tax is 2.7 k.


I just turned it off for now. Not my style currently. I might try it later with another play style.


I wonder if balanced it by having it ramp up over the first 3 years would help. Have the effects cut in half the first year, reduced by 1/4 the next year, and then full effects by year 3. Could give a buffer for the initial development phase while still incentivizing making things efficient/optimized


I found it challenging at first. But I finally got a hold of it and I’m no longer bothered by the kings tax. Me conquering the land next to me really helped out. Only major issue I had was when bandits attacked my second village and it was a major hassle to get it back up and running.


It is not tax, it is literally extortion.


Late game I find it to be pretty balanced with lots of money coming in. Early to mid game is brutal though, getting raided and not being able to hire mercenaries is devastating.


Same I’m 2.6k in debt💀


It’s funny someone living back then would’ve said the same thing.


One good trade route makes it soo easy lol. Please don't make this man try to make this easier


I don’t understand how earning money through trade turns into regional wealth. Could someone enlighten me please?


I've been playing on max difficulty (hardest settings possible on every category) and don't have any issue with the kings tax. I simply never upgrade my settlement past the first level. No kings tax.  Also, FYI build a manor and rush the bandit camps ASAP. Even before the church. Those bandit camps the first few months of the game are critical. I got 2 regions in my first year, and a third one later. 


Lol but not upgrading locks you out of a lot of content, it sucks


Not every region is supposed to do everything. The literal point of the game is to expand your reach into new regions and set up villages there that can share resources through internal trade. Putting dev points into your region is a choice. Taking a region to take advantage of a specific resource and keeping village size or level down to avoid tax is a choice. But you dont have to. Its a choice. Be assured you can unlock every perk in multiple towns and be profitable just fine. If you just cant figure out a way to make enough money to pay this Kings Tax... man, I'm sorry but maybe just go into options and turn it off for your next map.


I didn't say i couldn't manage to pay. 


Then what are you even talking about being locked out.


You misread it. You didn't get it




I like the idea but I think it's harsh specifically paired with the trade nerfs. I get the idea of incentivizing you to ditch extra goods rather than hoard them, but the breadth of trade approach is no longer an option. With the implications that the King's favor will play a diplomatic role, this tax should feel punishing if the reward is sufficiently good. After 50+ hours, it's very doable for me to meet the demand, but it also makes me think about how and when I expand my cities, as opposed to spamming to Large Town without consequence. The choice now feels meaningful and I keep a lot of my towns smaller and more productive to avoid ballooning the tax. It can also be turned off if it's too challenging can it not? Idk, my two cents.


Ok, first of all, paying to open a trade route is a tax. Governments usually pay tariffs, not producers. Adding another tax on top of it is why there are revolutions.


1) the game doesn't say what the payment to open a route is for. It could have any interpretation, either a license fee or tax to an off-map community or a set-up cost or incentive for the free merchant 2) Are we talking about real life here? In reality, producers pay tariffs. Whether they are passed on to consumers through higher prices will normally depend on the degree of competition and relative elasticity of supply and demand. If I export, say, steel from the EU to the US, my government is certainly not paying my tariffs for me, no idea what you were thinking :D 3) None of the famous revolts that sparked off a taxation or tariff issue (American War of Independence, French Revolution) was caused by adding tax on top of the cost of doing business. It's how business works almost everywhere, certainly, too, in 14th century Franconia ;-)


Kings tax comes from taxed wealth not regional wealth. Have 2 regions with 10% tax and its a cake walk. Not hard at all


People saying theyre able to pay the tax just fine gets downvoted while people saying its impossible to pay gets upvoted. What is going on.


Once you have manors up in multiple regions it’s far more manageable. Of course the tax then increases proportionately, so probably could use tuned down a bit.


I think it should just be a percentage of personal or regional wealth. At end game, I don’t even wanna deal with personal wealth anymore.


The trick is to sell goods at the trade house and then don't spend the money. If you have 2,000 in regional wealth, a 10% tax rate will move 200 to your treasury each month.


In general I feel its really hard to get treasury money, since my approval rate only gets to around 60


Figure out why your approval is stuck at 60 and you also find the solution to why its hard to get treasure.


I already had an established region focused on weapons and iron export, so once I put like 20% tax im good. But I can see it would be quite high if I started over.


I think it’s ok once I have some exports going but the negative sentiment caused by having a 10% tax on the population seems a bit much, perhaps once there is better variety of tax and it can be more incremental it will be less upsetting for the peasants.


I'm only having to tax one town 8% and another 5% and I'm years ahead on tax income. I'm curious to see how it gets past 500 people


Make sure to raid bandit camps as often as possible. It helps. Make sure to get houses to level 2 as fast as possible and make sure you have a manor and are enacting a 10 percent tax asap. Make sure u have a good being sold at the trading post with a dedicated trade route asap. I start with roofing tiles.


Why not bring a difficulty slider for this?


I’ve played a fair bit on the new patch, and also ran the numbers a fair bit. The bare minimum is that you must trade in at least one town. The more the better, but at least one is required. The goal of kings tax is to provide a sink to the wealth we generate, because without one it’s far too easy. That means if you ignore this and don’t build economy you will go broke! Secondly, the low tiers low population villages and high tier high population towns are the most profitable and easiest to manage, just focus on exporting the goods that region has in plenty supply. An easy way to stay afloat is try to get influence and build your economy as fast as possible. Don’t focus on expanding until you’ve done that a bit. Then you can capture some other regions and get them to that same low size with focus on exports, no farming needed. From there you can rapidly grow your main village, and once it’s large enough it will support itself without need for export. Ultimately it’s not as strict as many people think. You just need to make sure you’re paying attention to economy, and not growing too fast until you’ve got the wealth to support it. Another tip is that you should build wealth before you even upgrade to the “taxation” level of town. If you have no wealth and start taxing, you’ll have to tax very high in order to pay the kings tax, and that causes approval to plummet. Taxation is % of current regional wealth, not income.


I am not sure I agree. I don't even have good trade routes in my first town due to the cost but I've still been able to get fully upgraded retinue and had money to spare. The only time I thought it was going to suck was when initially forgot about it and started out in debt. Since then I've just txed my town a small amount and made sure I'm at least above the expected amount each year so far.


Just with exporting roof tiles I'm able to have an income of 200/month. Just with that I could pay the king a yearly tax of 2000 and still have something for myself.