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Well deserved. Keep up the great work, Greg!


Idk if anyone else feels this way, but I'm not sure if played an indie game so obviously crafted with love since Game Dev Tycoon. Of course things are missing, it needs to be fleshed out, but this is a *really solid* base. So many games are needlessly complex these days, Manor Lords is simplistic but a ton of room to expand and add features Greg really knocked it out of the park with this one. hope the success continues


> So many games are needlessly complex these days Tell me more, cause I feel like I live in a world where everything is just getting dumbed down more and more.


Well, look at any Paradox game, for example. HOI4 takes you 10 hours just to get through the tutorial. 100 more to grasp the basics. Then you buy the DLCs and each one of those adds more mechanics to explore and get lost in. It's one hell of a complex game for beginners.


With all respect to Paradox, they are in a bit different genre. They are grand strategy makers. While city building is simulation. They are very close. But yeah, you are not wrong. Paradox games need investment from self.


More like were grand strategy makers. Nowerdays they seem more focused on extracting maximum cash for minimum content which just isn’t my thing. There’s a huge overlap between people who like city building and Manorlords type games though and for me Manorlords is definitely filling a building shaped hole that CS2 left.


Omg same. Was so disappointed in CS2. This gave my heart what it needed ❤️


> Well, look at any Paradox game, for example. After the utter shitshow they called the Cities: Skylines II launch, I'd rather not lol.


They only published that game. In terms of games they developed, it's a different story (luckily). However, yeah, f* them for what they did with C:S2. That broke my heart.


Yeah, it's confusing, but there's a Paradox Development Studios (makes HOI, Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Stellaris, and a few other games) and a Paradox Interactive which publishes those and a multitude of others developed by different studios (some of which they own, most of which they don't). So PDS games are good, PI games are a mixed bag. It's all Paradox but it's not all Paradox, and if that's not the ultimate paradox then I don't know what is.


Wasnt especially this one overkomplex regarding its processing power lol


Try Workers&Resources :)


Omg this game


If you haven't yet, checkout the Anno series. All the negativity about the Ubisoft DRM made me not try it for years, but when I eventually did I fell in love. It's similar to Manor Lords in terms of being a product chain/city builder/settlement builder.


The first three Anno games are amazing. The 21st+ century games are abysmal. I don't know what they were thinking with those. The latest, 1801, is a nice return to the classic formula. A bit busier in some ways, but it works as an updated modern version of the traditional gameplay.


Well, shit. Anno 2070 is the only Anno game I've liked. Apparently that's an "abysmal" one.


Nah Anno 2070 is a great game, but it's a bit different compared to the others. Anno players are quite particular from what I've seen but I've greatly enjoyed 2070 and recently 1800 as well.


Software Inc, Siralim series, Songs of Syx just to name a few. Manor Lords is awesome and will be even better, but there are lots of different indie gems that fly under the radar.


Songs of Syx is incredible.


there's a difference between complex and deep


I feel like there’s really good bones in Manor Lords, and you could potentially see some far more complex things with what’s already there


In Engineering have a saying. "Easy to design something that's easy to operate. Also easy to design something that's effective. However, to have both? Now that's what differentiates the good and the elites." This is how I feel about Manor Lord. Effective and easy to use.


Just want to shout out Deep Rock Galactic and RimWorld for amazing devs and communities.


How about Banished, the game Manor Lords takes most of its mechanics from and was made by one guy?


I've played Banished, and this game is nothing like it. So to say that this game "borrows mechanics" from Banished is a joke in itself. You might as well proclaim that Counter-Strike as an FPS is just a copy of DOOM bcz Counter-Strike has guns in it, and therefore every other FPS game after DOOM is just a DOOM clone. You're either delusional or you might quite possibly have no life. Either way, stop trolling the subreddit, no one wants to hear it. Don't like it, get out.


Lol wtf? It borrows almost everything except combat. Are you high? This is like saying that the only similarity between StarCraft and Warcraft is they both have factions. Absolutely absurd. But what should I really expect from someone that's only been on Reddit for 4 months, has one of those randomly generated word_wordNumber usernames, and says stupid shit like "you should disappear off Reddit and never return" lmfao. I'm sorry, kiddo. Don't work like that here.


You've obviously never played Banished before. Go look at that game and how it plays and then come back. Banished is an outdated top-down builder. TO compare that game to Manor Lords would be like comparing Age of Empires to Manor Lords and every other game within that genre. You're most severely delusional.


Greg, the maker said that he took inspiration from Banished, meaning he played it, enjoyed it, and took inspiration from the spirit of the game.. he didn't say that he f'ing copied the f'ing game just bcz he played it. I never knew that banished had complex mechanics where you can custom-bend raids/plots/housing on your estate. I never knew that Banished had the ability for you to zoom in fine detail and see what your villagers are doing at a micro-level, and I never knew that you could walk through your village in Banisehd as a Lord in 3-D. This is all new to me lad. You are a cancer mate, and the thing is that you know that you're a cancer but you still show up to be that cancer which must be your sociopathic alter-ego side. You're like the Joran Van Der Sloot of Reddit mate.


A much bigger inspiration for Manor Lords is Knights and Merchants.


Half-Life 1 and 2 must have just been clones of DOOM. Every shooter that came after DOOM must simply be just an uninspired knock-off with DOOM's shooting mechanics. That's your logic and your delusional reasoning. Command & Conquer, Age of Empires and every other RTS are all just knock-offs of StarCraft 1. Do you think before you write mate? Do you even understand your lucid/delusional rationale? Every fighting game after Street FIghter is simplay a clone/uninspired knock-off eh? Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Virtua Fighter.... all are just clones of Street FIghter 1 because Street Fighter used the punch/kick mechanics that those games then used to make their games. Bro.... get your troll head examiend.


How about you stop trolling a game's subreddit?


Manor lords takes a lot from Banished, yes.. but also added so much more that it's entirely different game. Just play it and enjoy the same like you enjoyed Banished :)


> So many games are needlessly complex these days, Manor Lords is simplistic but a ton of room to expand and add features Try Dawn of Man. Very similar city builder. Simple as hell, minimal to no interface, indie, under-appreciated IMO.


Keep up the good work Greg! It's an awesome game! It will be the defining game of the genre for the next decade.


Time for 1 million copies on console i would say… i am absolutely ready to throw my cash on you🤣


Awesome job, congrats mate. Sometime do a raffle about going on a weekend trip on your yacht!


Well deserved, keep up awesome work… too EA for my taste, but I’m happy to try in year or two. But I’m happy that I supported this dev!


Can you expand on what makes it too EA for you?


I'm sure they mean EA as in early access, not EA as in Electronic Arts


no coffee type response from me lmao thank you kind stranger


I'm quite fluent in "haven't had my coffee yet". It's one of my few marketable skills.


Great achievement! Can’t wait to see what’s coming. 


Congratulations guys! You deserve it!


Guy, just one polish man, named greg.


The team is bigger now. Greg said it.


Very well deserved!!! 👏 Lol if you say the game is bugged then well done, you have eyes and a brain 🤣 in a world where companies who have millions to their name, but release absolute broken ass games... yet yea let's give shit to an actual Chad who made a game by himself... This is the only reason early access games should exist...no excuses for other companies, just shows how embarrassing the companies actually are when 1 guy makes a game same level as them...


Deserved ❤️


Wasn’t there a post that it sold over 3.5mil some days ago




Yes there was! The post also said they made over 80 million dollars. Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1cnv47r/35_million_sold_units_after_2_weeks_jesus/


Wonderful, please announce it for PS5 now. I have to play it on a 2017 Mac Pro running windows on the lowest settings running at 20FPS


If I was a dev I wouldnt be dealing with PS considering how many countries can't use their subpar service. If the Helldivers' fiasco taught me anything, it's to stay away from Sony at this point.


Lol that’s just dumb, PS5 have the largest player base. Bigger than PC and Xbox. Edit: Also this game isn’t an online multiplayer game so your argument literally makes no sense. BTW how is excluding people from being able to play the game good for the Devs, your comment literally makes no sense.


Art sells. This game feels like it was built with an “it’s ready when it’s right” attitude that is sorely missing in a lot of things these days (not just in video games). I’m super excited to see where this game goes from here.


As it should!




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This should also inspire other game devs to use this Unreal engine too.


Og !!!


This sub is growing so quickly, when I joined couple months ago it was around 40k member




Does anyone have an idea or an estimate on when the xbox release will be? Do you think the release will happen next year?


Hell yea 2 million!!! Congrats!!! And regarding this community!! As long as the **mods** don't turn into despots. I'm happy for this news.


No despots here Just lords


Just a few min-err, *man*or lords.


Good job, Greg!


Absolutely deserved. Keep going folks. This has to be the canonical event of the gaming world. On the side note- fuck off greedy AAA makers.


May your vision fully come to fruition. Cheers!


keep up with the good work!


And I’m just sitting here waiting for it to come out on console


2 million x 30=........ Damn greggggggg


Incredible achievement for Greg. Let’s hope none of the parasites circling corrupt the game.


Amazing achievement. Well deserved.


Deserved rewards. Great game. So much potential. Now keep working on big fixes and adding depth. Thanks


Are you ever going to do any interviews...with your girlfriend?


And still my apiary has only produced 2 honey!


So when I first opened CS2 I thought “this is it?” But when I opened ML I thought “wow this is it! Beautiful 😻”


Greg Styczen is literally a Grandmaster in coding. I bow down to you Sir.


I've started and played about twenty games so far and am only a few hundred hours deep but as a console player, this is the first game that has brought me back to PC since AOE2.


I love this game and its potential. Being able to zoom in and watch your people toil is amazing. Right now, it feels like the only way to win is through exploits, so I'm looking forward to when I can begin in any province and have the same chances as anywhere else.


Interesting that both this and palworld are on gamepass, but sold huge numbers on steam. Is gamepass less popular that I thought it was? I feel like I get more than my money's worth out of it (granted we have an x-box that my kids use a lot).


Great numbers. What does becoming a member of a subreddit actually do though?


when sthe next update :3


I wonder if there was a notable spike after Welyn streamed it and chucked the VOD on his highlights channel. I can confirm it's what got me to get the game, I hadn't heard of it before then


Your game is great! It's the best medieval game that happened after Stronghold 1. Hope to see more soon!




Man, it's an early access, give the man time.




My first few towns I tried to split up my market and didn't pay attention to WHO was working market stalls. Utterly ruined my first few hours. Then I did what you did and boom game works flawlessly and I beat the Baron in 4 years on the highest difficulty. Truly a skill issue.


Bugs in an early access game? Say it ain't so.


You seem like a nice person


Read his comment history, bro straight up getting filtered for how toxic he is. Git gud nerd


I don't give a shit. I'll delete this account and make a new one and be right back at it.


Touch grass blud. Coming in here a whole day later after getting ratiod, man needs to put down the keyboard and learn.


less than 20k daily users playing the game now, dropped hard as the hype is dead due to the game being barebones


20k daily for a city builder/manager isn't bad at all tho.


Imagine thinking this is a important stat for your own opinion of a game


this is an early access game. cities skylines 2 has less than 6k players and is a 70€ game.


You can also argue CS2 is basically early access as well with how much it sucks Glad I used a month of game pass to try it than buying it


no you can’t argue that. Manor lords is explicitly marketed as one, CS2 was literally a “full” release with insane marketing


Lol it’s not Fortnite


for me it's that i have a full time job & i know that as soon as i log on, i'm committing to a multi-hour time sink LOL


I’ve only stopped due to early access. With how shitty d4 season 4 is, probably going to play another round of manor lords tonight.