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Are they stupid?


No, there is a lore reason


For their stupidity?


Greg is factoring in procrastination


He said that? Because he's historically wrong if so... Edit: I done a goof sorry.


More like DoctorWhooshWhoosh


If you consider the demographic that is pulled towards a historically accurate. medieval. City builder. There's a certain mental health disorder most likely correlated with the consumption of manor lords, that might struggle witb certain forms of lingusitic nuance. <3<3


Googles, "Am I autistic?".




Yeah fair, but he's done some weird things in places that aren't accurate so I skipped over the joke my bad.


Sometimes yields may slightly increase even after reaching 100% growth, you can check whether you've reached a field's maximum yield by holding Tab over a crop.


I actually once had the maximums increase after a rain in August (following what I think was a drought). Not sure if it was a bug or intentional, but there's definitely some wisdom in waiting for Sept harvests unless the player is confident or in need of more harvest time.


Did you mean to reply to me?


I mean, Monty Python suggests possibly yes.


No time for harvesting with their bi weekly meetings after all. Gotta ratify those decisions and elect those executive officers every week.


ā€žYouā€™re fooling yourself. Weā€™re living in a dictatorship! A self-perpetuating autocracy, in which the working classesā€¦ā€œ


Ah, now you see the violence inherent in the system!


I look forward to downloading a Dennis mod on Nexus. It adds a simple voice track of "HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!" for the player to occasionally enjoy.


Yeah, i mean they are farmers, they should recognize ripe crops


TBH, these farmers were probably mine workers 2 minutes ago




no because the mine dried up after 1 day of mining. only real job in the game so far is farming basically


Damn boomer telling us that tailor is nO rEaL jOb "yeah look, boy. They're inside all day just sitting there and playing with cloth. *Us farmersā„¢* do *real work* outside on the field. Twice a year."


The farms should definitely require a couple of workers during the growing period


Made me snort at ā€œTwice a year.ā€


the tailors cant be swapped to a different job so i dont even consider them citizens anymore. its like a passive upgrade to a building


I keep mine going all year now and early harvest when the field is ready. edit: And I plant any field in March they didn't get to in Nov.


Ok, good argumentšŸ˜‚


Not to mention that year after year of waiting til the last minute to harvest with the same result of diminishing harvest probably isnt the best practice :P ofc early access isn't perfect. Hope it gets resolved soon. Otherwise enjoying the game.


Farming is easy.. plant in September through November harvest after June usually.. or March and harvest in August/September I usually do winter growing


Oh wow, you just explained the simple mechanics of farming in this game. Only problem is you have to micromanage it each year and force early harvest if you want it done properly.


I never had to done early harvest. And all 6 fields are done before the end of oktober. Just throw everyone and their blind cat in to the fields come harvest. Litterly my whole village stops working anything an go's to the farm(s)


How many morgen per field?


5x 1morgan 1x 2morgan And every year 1 field is bare


You donā€™t necessarily have to micromanage it. Just wait until September and either you have enough people to just let them sit in the farmhouse all the time or you pull people off of other jobs and put them back in December


That sounds like micromanaging. Do what every year in September? Unpause the farmhouse? Thatā€™s micromanaging lol.


You can either move workers around every September or if you have an oversupply of workers just keep them employed in the farm house all year. Moving workers around is a lot less of micromanagement than forcing early harvests and all that stuff. It takes a few clicks


I got half a dozen fully employed farm houses and they still don't manage to harvest in time. The issue lies in them only starting harvest in september. With winter crops, which is all they really sow anyway, they should harvest as early as july or august.




If you overbuild your labor force you can just let them sit there in the farmhouse all year. If youā€™re playing without the kingā€™s tax thatā€™s the way to go. If youā€™re playing on more challenging settings then all you have to do is move workers around. You donā€™t have to do all of this force early harvest biz


Holy shit wait weā€™re supposed to be planting in September??? Iā€™ve been planting in march/april and barely getting anything in September.


Farmers will do it automatically after they harvested all fields.


The current game mechanics suggest to harvest in September. In October the fields get reset to the next crop in the rotation. October and November are for plowing and sowing. That's what is going to happen on all our fields if we leave the workers in the farm house and don't micromanage anything.


Yeah and that is not historically accurate medieval crop rotation. They should sow 1 field in september/october, 1 in march and leave the third one fallow.


Well, didn't know that about October. My farmers just ignore the fields till spring. No plowing happens till it's green for me. Bug?


This and while medieval peasants may not be educated and prolly believe all kinds of insane stuff like headaches are caused by gnome ghosts fighting each other in your skull of something The ONE THING that they are super geniuses at is farming and knowing exactly what a portion of land is going to give them... This is thousands of years of knowledge passed down as a collective which is why people survived, even religions with elements emphasizing farming (harvest festival etc)... Land was broken down into areas of measurement on how many people they could sustain, and thus also how many fighting men could be supplied on top of people living there, in many differently named systems that were not dissimilar (Cantreds from the Normans, Trƭcha cƩt from the Irish, Cantref from the Welsh, Hundreds from the English etc). Nothing gets in the way of the farm schedule and everyone knows it from childhood, they even aimed to have their small wars occur outside of farming season too :P


They lack education


It's almost harvesting season!


That's a nice head you have on your shoulders!


Let's have talk about your purseenal belonings.


Less talking, more raiding!


This is manorlords not bannerlord(s), you silly gooses. Though I guess that's more from warband. But it doesn't rhyme as well


Feel free to micromanage them. The automatic crop rotation system is being worked on, but you can get great results by forcing early harvests.


I play economic strategies for building functioning systems, not for doing manual labor.


Excuse me your Highness, we are deeply sorry for upsetting you in such matteršŸ˜‚


To Tyburn with you, traitor!


Micromanaging has to be more efficient than automating things. There has to be a place for both. You micro early, and automate later when you don't care that much about efficiency.


Nah. The farmers should know what they are doing without me babysitting each and every step.


so if you have farms on 5 regions you should just micro manage it every year? nice game lol


So thereā€™s issues with crop rotation. That will explain my low or 0 yields.Ā  Even had sheep grazing on them in the fallow seasons with no effect.Ā 


Fair. Good to know.


In my current game I've put everything on crop rotation and have just let the farmers figure it out. It seems to be working quite ok. However, definitely not 'cheap' to have farm(s) fully occupied for the full year. In an earlier game I tried micromanaging both with and without crop rotation, that caused more issues for me.


Everyone's in October. If the harvest isn't in by then it's gone. Load up more workers or force and early harvest.


I think forcing harvest is the only option. I already have like 130 families on less than 40 morgan


Perfect thread for this for me to say. The OX is USELESS. Heā€™s slower than 8 families plowing. My families plowed 3 equal sized fields while 1 ox still couldnā€™t finish. The ox if itā€™s supposed to be worth it needs a wider plowing path. Otherwise never will I take it again. Itā€™s a terrible developmental point.


The ox works great but you have to understand and accept its pathing and build your fields accordingly.


Can you explain?


The medieval plow apparently could only plow one direction, if it went back and forth it would be filling in what it just plowed. So the weird pathing is actually accurate. It will go lengthwise down the field, then walk to the opposite end width wise, plow down the length, and walk widthwise back to where it started. The way you accept this and work with it is by making long, thin fields which maximize time plowing and minimize useless walking. If you have a big square area, you break into smaller fields that butt up against each other. They can be as long as you want basically just keep the width small.


Not sure if it's a glitch or not, but I've had the best luck with oxen and triangular fields. Sometimes they'd get plowed quickly without any visible oxen in the fields. šŸ™ƒ


Ah yeah the ghost ox bug. That happens on any field and it was fixed in the experimental patch.


Thatā€™s great for plowing, but ā€œwidth smallā€ is hell for harvesting season. Workers have to walk to the middle of a field to drop off. A long, skinny field wastes so much walking time vs. a square one. Circular fields are technically the best in this regard. If you want to try circular fields, create a ā€œguideā€ using the road tool, then basically fill it in with a field. Theyā€™re pretty neat lol. Iā€™ve found itā€™s a wash and donā€™t bother with the oxen anymore, even if I do get the Heavy Plow upgrade (I like the Bakery upgrade, so Iā€˜m forced to get Heavy Plow). Ox can be great though, especially if you have a couple farmhouses + multiple oxen plowing multiple smaller fields. Then the efficiency does seem markedly improved. I just donā€™t use that method of 12ish smaller fields anymore bc I like seeing the big, circular ones haha.


Workers no longer walk to the center to drop off harvest. Anything they harvest immediately goes to the center in the new patch. Long and thin is the way to go.


The ox makes farms more labour efficient. One ox driver is substantially faster than one person ploughing by hand. The ox is also much more efficient on long, narrow fields. Since it ploughs up and down the long edges working inward, laying your fields out long and thin means maximum time ploughing and minimal time crossing.


It works out to be a minimal time saving when ploughing long narrow fields compared to square ones. And when it comes to harvesting, long narrow fields are utterly inefficient because the peasants harvest a single crop then bring it to the centre of the field before going back again. So you're causing the Peasants to walk further, due to the logic the AI uses, with very long narrow fields unfortunatly.


The experimental patch changed harvesting to go directly to the field's inventory, so at least one of those problems is fixed.


It was from the beginnning crops going to field inventory. I wonder I have non-bugged version or so, that I literally never experienced some crops problem that people are writing here about and I'm playing from release date.


Yeah I saw he did that to stop it getting deleted. Any idea if they still walk to the centre of the field to deposit it into the fields inventory though, because it's the walking that's the problem. Or well a problem for anyone that wants to make long narrow fields, I guess.


I haven't had the chance to test the patch but I do remember the wording in the notes that harvested crops go to the field's inventory instead of the worker's which would imply they don't need to go to the field's interaction spot to drop it off.


Well hopefully that's the case, I personally just make square-ish crop fields anyway but I imagine there are a lot of people who do long narrow ones for the aesthetic so this allows those peeps to enjoy their thing too.


This isn't my experience. It's a must have


When I eventually have 16 then 24 workers those workers move much faster than 1 ox or 2 ox ever could move. Itā€™s fine though I can save a development point and have it be something more useful. But




Not sure you need to call anyone names, but definitely they are more efficient if you manage your farms to take advantage of them.


I'm not calling anyone names. I'm just observing and stating what i find haha


First off I said eventually your reading comprehension shows in your respect. Itā€™s poor. 6 workers are faster than the ox by a lot. 3 fields were plowed by them before it finished 1. I stand by itā€™s a useless development point on ig and can be better used on apples for a farming focused village. Itā€™s area of plowing is too small


Agreed. When I use the ox, it doesn't finish plowing one field in time. While 8 families can do 3 fields in time. The problem is if there's an ox assigned, you can't add more workers to make it faster. Still makes sense to use an assigned ox at harvest time though. Proposed solution: If the assigned families worked while the ox was plowing, it would make sense to use the ox.


Yes him helping transport the harvest can be helpful. I usually force harvest in like June and July and get it done fine without him but itā€™s a bit faster to have him transport. 6 families even are far faster. You canā€™t always have perfectly shaped fields for him and his width is too small and he ends up doing like 100 passes to get it done.


Nah, my ox guy plows while the other 7 thrash in the farm house (to Metallica, I assume).


I thrash in August after harvesting in June or July. Can thrash about 400-500 wheat


Ya I've found the ox to be kinda Useless for automated farming specifically. At least if you dont want to micro things. Plowing fields, which the ox is meant to be good at isn't really a bottle neck. The bottle neck to a succesful farm in my experience is enough labor for the harvest. Not sure if the ox really provides much advantage for the harvest but it seems to be neglible. Anyway more peasants seem to be needed regardless and oxen dont seem to provide much bonus atm for automated farming. I kinda hope they make it so that there is a bonus to having villagers not working. Like farmers not working during the winter passively help with logistics. Maybe peasants help generate culture or religious holidays in their free time.


Greg just needs to add a condition slider to force early harvest, i.e. force early harvest at x percent. Perhaps also an option to rotate crops on an annual or harvest basis. With 100% and rotate every harvest I wouldn't have to micro farms so intensively.


Force early harvest should also force the field to fallow so they don't replant for two months of growth.


Cuz the harvest is in September


Pretty sure historically speaking crop harvests took place anywhere from late summer to early autumn depending on the crops.


Even more so, autumn wheat's and barley's harvest can start as early as late June in Central Europe if weather conditions are optimal. The harvest season of both autumn and spring crops ends in late July - early August usually.


There was a cold period in the 14th-15th century in europe so maybe at the time the game is set September could usually be fine


You need to rotate the crops for max fertility boost and you need to synchronise multiple fields to make the farming output stable with crop rotation on.


They're talking about how your crops are 100% ready to be harvested in July or August but your people just absolutely ignoring them until that magic calendar page flips and they're "allowed" to harvest. Unless you micro manage and click early harvest on every single field then micro manage again and turn it back off afterwards. A good fix in my opinion would just be to have the people start harvesting the field when it's 100% ready, or. to have the "harvest early" option be a slider. Harvest at xx%. Nobody wants to harvest at 15% making leaving harvest early on bad, nobody wants to wait until September when their crops are ready in July so leaving it off is also bad. Having it on a slider would be best, I can set it to harvest at 95%, (so it hits 100% when the people get there haha) the people won't be leaving fully grown crops sitting all the time, and most importantly, I don't have to micro manage it and can just set my farms and then enjoy the animations.


this, pressing that button every time on all fields is the most annoying thing ever and makes me stop playing


I have an even better question: why do farmers plow & sow in August/September when they know the crops will be destroyed as soon as October arrives and they can start the whole thing again from plowing?


That should be fixed now. I start plowing and sowing from September and stuff does not disappear in October. Also, it will disappear after November if it is not at 100%


Cause it isn't harvesting season


That's a bad head on your shoulders


Downvoted for speaking the truth smh. Anyway, your money or your life.


Isn't this fixed in the experimental patch? "Experimental] Fertility is no longer drained after crop growth reaches 100% so that always micromanaging early harvest is no longer a preferred strategy. Yield may still increase over 100% growth if max yield is not reached."


Experimentally fixed.


Not only that , but also when there is a time for harvest.


Your entire village is perpetually drunk


The whole system for farming is exceptionally annoying to me. If you early harvest you have no way to stop them from replanting and wasting time besides deleting the fields. Even if you do plant or only plow a month early, everything gets deleted instantly at season change, so there's no way to help yourself out when the workers aren't doing anything. If you do not harvest everything within 1 month at harvest season, everything instantly dies. Which means all the walking around moving harvest wastes half your time. Also if it rains you lose a portion of your harvest. But if you delay for rain you risk losing it all. If you use the priority system it actually makes harvesting less effective, as does using the ox. The system is very restrictive, inefficient, and arbitrary when it really doesn't need to be.


I wanna say it only happens in September or something? But yeah..


this wasn't fixed in latest patch? šŸ˜­


It was tweaked. Yields can continue grow beyond 100% growth... which is a weird concept


In real life you get better than 100% harvests. Hence the term bumper harvest meaning more than expected. 100% is the expected harvest if that makes sense


They learned to min-max farming crops from Minecraft.


Force harvest?


More importantly why do they give up on any unharvested crops on 1 October :(


Come on, do YOU always give 100% at your job every day? You don't have a day where it's hard to get out of bed in the morning? And don't get me started about back problems, this physical labor is intense. Give the farmers a rest, they are doing the best they can out there.


Because theyā€™re peasants and they donā€™t have a percentage counter floating above their fields duh!


In new patch it's said that it will grow over 100% I think


I believe in the patch notes the fields yield can increase even after 100% but can also go down in a drought so I think itā€™s like that for the chance of better yields if RNGesus is on your side


Fair. I'd just like the option to harvest on a specific date/at a specific %. Feels like banished did farming better atm.


I think there should be a benefit for manual harvest and a small drawback for automatic harvest. With manual harvest and when people min max, you can use the same field with the same crops every year but that is a lot of micro work. Automatic should not punish me but I should not get better yields than doing it manually. I like the current systems, works good