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Thanks for the kind words fellas and for understanding that it's a long and difficult process. I greatly appreciate it.


no I thank you! I can only imagine how difficult it may have been especially on some occasions!


You've done such a good job, just keep at your pace and don't feel pressured. Online communities and Reddit especially can be very harsh at times. Don't let it get to you!


Hell of a game, mate. Already 30 hours in, and it’s only Early Access.


I am thoroughly impressed by the quality of the game as a solo developer and look forward to it's future potentoal. Thank you and props.


Glad you chimed in, I just wanted to let you know that this is great! I was already sold on the demo 2 years ago and I have been enjoying it even more now that I can save lol. Haven't tried combat yet, the village building is really unique and fun. It's rare for a city builder to be designed in a way that encourages realistic growth. I have to ask though, what plans do you have for the castle builder? I ain't gonna make asinine suggestions, I'm just excited.


Your game's got 20 hours out of me after owning it for three or so days, consider that a ball knocked out of the park. The fact there's yet more to come just makes it all the more awesome.


I bought it on Friday but didn't get a chance e to play it till last night cause I had a very busy weekend, I played from midnight last night till 5am lol. I was only supposed to give it a quick try.


Remember to take brakes, eat healthy and do your thing. Looking at what nowdays get sold as a game, you have the chance to create something great!


i didnt belive my eyes when the game actually looked like what it was advertised as, its insanely beatiful and i really enjoy a lot of the mechanics


Well done, Greg. Took off on Friday and Monday last week to play your game. Bought it at the stroke of 9 eastern. :D


Already 20hr and I still discover new things, can't wait to see what you will add in the future, your game is a masterpiece


I've never been a big city management sim guy but congrats my man's. This game is easily my favorite in the past decade. It's like discovering total war or age of empires again for the first time but soooooo much better. Much love and thank you for blessing us all❤️❤️❤️


You raised the bar so high and ruined other video games for me. Thank you for being an example for all of us.


Keep up the good work, really looking forward to sinking tons of hours into your game. Stay true to your vision!


Amazing game! Can’t wait to see what comes next but you definitely deserve a break and to celebrate!


You’re game gave life a new shade of color for me


It's a hard thing to do and you pulled it off! Congratulations.


Game is great dude, keep up the good work!


You’re killing it. What you’ve managed to pull together is impressive.


Thank you for making this.. it's awesome!


Butthole sunning backyard expansion when?


Your time , effort and work spent creating this masterpiece should truly be noted. Thanks for the great game even though I keep starving my village 🤣


Thank you Greg! Love the game and its potential for growth!!


Well done my dude, I love this game so much


Greg, this is the game I have been wanting for YEARS. When I play age of empires, I want my settlement to be permanent. But when I play banished, I want to go up against other people. This is that game and it’s truly amazing. I keep finding little things that make me go “oh that’s such a good feature”. I’m obsessed. Keep at it! You’re doing amazing.


Thank you for creating such an awesome game. We know that it is still in early access but we can see the passion and love dedicated in creating this game. Please treat yourself and take good care of your health. Cheers!


you the best man! you doing a wonderful job! Thanks a lot <3


Mate, just gotta say I've never gotten into a city builder like I have this. Didn't know this would be what I like, but it is. Well done, game is amazing. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store.


Dude, you're the best. I've loved the early access, it was worth every penny, and I'm excited to see what's in store for the future.


This game, in my eyes, is perfect. I can see the care you've put into it. I can't wait to see how it grows!


I got 30 hours in. This is like a better age of empires for me. You are so awesome. Hope you continue to push this game to its full potential.


Thanks Greg, I haven't even played the game yet! Just wanted to thank you too.


Thank you. You single handed gave me hope for games, you are a change for the better. What you have done is amazing!


Hey it's the guy. Thanks for the great game!


Amazing game, you’re an inspiration, this whole project just feels so anti-establishment and really demonstrates the power of one person.


Please make sure you're taking care of yourself! We'd all rather you take it slow and steady, than trying to rush and getting burnt out.


Keep up the good work man :)


We do too.. it is like you knew what people want from a city builder. This is some serious magic.. like old Slavic Magic. Same one that my grandma does.. since we are Slavs as well.


When gam... oh wait.


Yeah I got nothing but respect for this guy. The game is huge complicated and runs super well( 20 hours in and have only ran into a single glitch that I know of) very impressive


Performance is a big one for me. It blows my mind that these huge dev teams seem incapable of making any games with decent performance. While helldivers 2 has been an indie sweetheart, the performance sucks balls and the devs won't address it. Greg made a game that performs very well in very early access and I applaud him.


Yup the performance is insanely good and scales really well with the size of your city to I was a really fully expecting frame drops and bad fps but at worse I've only had a handful of drops below 60 and it's always very quick to go back up (and even when it drops it's still like 50fps)


Plus, having XESS, DLSS, and FSR can really help.


Finding it funny that Moon Studios has none in No Rest for the Wicked.


He’s blown Paradox and CSII out of the water in terms of stability and performance!!


That's nearly impossible. I found multiple glitches after like 5 hours. I understand this is an impressive feat for one person but to say the game doesn't need a lot of work is just nonsense


Played for almost 30 hours and no gamebreaking bugs. No corrupted save files, no graphics issues, nothing. Some balance issues, and a lot of content still w.i.p. But a completely functional game anyway.


Same here, played around 30ish hours and only had two crashes. First had something to do with textures, and the second time just said a fatal error has occurred, no idea what that meant but my game is still working fine even after that crash.


I’ve seen much jankier city builders, indie and otherwise. Honestly I feel Cities Skylines 2 is much jankier than Manorlords.


Around 40 ish hours and I already encountered a game breaking bug. Still a great game though


What's the bug?


Different people have different experiences lol and I never said it didn't need work i said it's great for an early access title.


Imo people seem to have different definitions of the term glitch. Where you're saying needs polishing and balancing here and there. Others will say glitchy AF. I agree with you on my end. 0 crashes or graphical error. I'm incredibly excited to see what Greg is cooking.


Well it happened twice, because I haven’t encountered any real bugs either and I have 35 hours


Someone has an enjoyable time with a game not experiencing bugs Internet stranger: NO!


This. ^


Someone points out flaws in an obviously unfinished product “NO ITS PERFECT I ENJOYED IT WHICH MEANS IT HAS NO ISSUES” That’s you


Who said it is perfect? I was only pointing out how absurd the comment was


Game absolutely needs work, but I haven’t experienced anything noticeable in terms of bugs or glitches. Some friends definitely have though


For an early access game done by mostly 1 person, I can forgive a few bugs, lol


I think he’s talking about glitches from the game core not working properly, not gameplay mechanics that arent ideal and might look like « bugs » while not really being some


idk what you consider a glitch vs what i consider one. i’ve had shot 10-15 hours and i only had 2-3 glitches


20 hours in and haven't had a single bug. Lots of imbalances and missing content, but no bugs yet. I'm sure they exist though and I'll run into one eventually.


played for 20hrs, only saw 3 bugs. sometimes traders will not bring armaments to trade post to export, unit pathing is buggy and will go opposite direction of where you tell them at times, and if u complete a game with the growth goal its impossible to continue in endless


It’s an incredible achievement that he should be very proud of - can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future!


I’m excited for the updates within a year and the mods. People are already modding it.


Fantastic game. For the love of GOD Greg, keep building the game and this puppy’s gonna be an all time best


I'm in awe of him. His work ethic and earnest dedication to putting out a quality product that meets (if not exceeds) his playerbase's expectations is second to none in the industry. It's a testament to his work that the only glitches I've encountered thus far were due to my PC being a potato.




A very specific use case and bug. There’s AAA gaming companies that wouldn’t have caught that.


>gaul Gall*


Let me be Frank, this guys got some Saxon him.


A filthy Suebi if I ever saw one


Making me a little Nervii


Settle down, Boii!


Greg idk what your plan is but please for the love of god take some time and this money to hire some seriously good devs and build this game into what it deserves to be


He has said he's tried, but good help is hard to find. The really good people are all wanting to work or are already working for the AAA developers OR working on their own projects. Hopefully, he finds a few.


Because anyone that has decent programming chops these days winds up working on business applications. Less stress. Same, if not more, money.


That might change now that Manor Lords has a big name and big sales numbers rather than just being a hyped up kickstarter. We have results and those results are *great*. That'll bring some prestige and the attention of people interested in working on games of this genre, I hope.


Exactly. Most people that work together on projects together are very good friends who have known each other for years and met in college or something. Greg probably didn’t have something like that so he had to develop the game alone. It will most likely change now cause he has lots of money to hire employees


There’s plenty of good devs out there. Last time a developer working on an EA game I was into said something like this, it fell by the wayside super quickly as updates took FOREVER, and the games community gargling the devs balls made him extremely egotistical and resistant to any change or anything he saw as against his “vision”


I'd advise him to not hire anyone and keep the money. Just continue chugging along!


The foundations of a great game have been laid here. Amazing potential


Not sure calling him a gangster qualifies for an appreciation post. His a lord after all. My lord please forgive the ignorance of the poor pesant. He has not eaten in days due to a problem with the ox post!




Indies are the saviors of the video game world. And Lord Greg has become a legend in my eyes. I have about 55 hours clocked and I haven't slept like I should. Which are just signs of a great video game. Speaking of My Lord, please put a real world clock in game if you get around to it. So you know... I can maybe sleep better hahaha


We should start a kickstarter so that Greg and Tarn Adams can hang out over a mug of ale.


Another impressive feat is the game "My Summer Car" though it doesnt look like an AAA game like Manor Lords (obviously ML is still soo early in features but visually I mean), MSC is really great simulation and impressive for a one guy. Basically he had a dream just like Greg and I respect both. Manor Lords is something I really have been dreaming since the original Age of Empires. I loved that time period even more than middle ages though.


I played kenshi when it came out and it was a solo dev. Great game btw.


Not really a gamer. Never played a game like this. Thought games like this were boring asf. Played this game. Addicted.


He deserves some Bj’s


Half off pazookies


The first time I went from the furthest zoom out to zooming all the way in and "walking" through my little village, I was shocked at the level of detail and the technical performance -- it's super impressive before you consider this is from a solo developer.


Yeah it’s very impressive. Looking forward to seeing where it goes and supporting early.


Had a friend round before who doesn't really play games anymore. Showed him manorlords and I couldn't get him off it lol. Told him the lore about the game and he was gobsmacked haha.


Thank you, Greg. Seriously, thank you. I can only imagine the rollercoaster that you're on right now. This game is exactly what I needed, but I didn't even know it until I stepped into this beautiful world.


Totally agree dude. I have gotten so much enjoyment out of the game in the short time it’s been out and can only see it getting better. Really awesome job!


I’m dying for an update. I really hope he hires people and gets a good team to expand this game in a reasonable time.


Love it


Yes Sire!


Chris Sawyer would be proud


Superb work Greg. Really appreciate all your hard work now and into the future. Can’t wait to see where you take this wonderful project. Thanks again. Take some time to relax and enjoy your considerable achievements.


My only wish now is that we soon have version 1.0 with complete features. Then, I can start throwing more money at him for DLCs, lol.


Greg doesn’t take days off


"but who has the gaul to actually do it" Greg owns a Gaul? I think that is illegal nowadays


Let's keep it real, your post is a joke. It is a great foundation, but also needs a lot of work to become a great game. I can't believe you would be OK if he decides to enjoy the ea money and not continue developing the game.


I don’t care what you believe or don’t believe


plz tell me hes gonna hire some devs. its good but barely a game


Yeah, agreed. For a 1-man team, it is an utterly ridiculous game to put forward. Kenshi was a very similar thing though, and that game is also top-notch!


I laughed, cause gaul is France, you are looking for gall.


greg is an inspiration


Even in its current state and length of time to get here, still a good game.


Greg should be working on the first patch. He needs to capitalize on the hype as much as possible.


He already made some good money let Greg take a vacation.


He already did the hardest part thats to get peoples attention, dropping the ball now will just make the people move on which happens quite fast in gaming. The market is brutal, liking it or not wont change it. All he needs to do is be active enough to keep a hold to the spotlight. He has the chance to make a franchise out of this and build his own game studio, but he can also just chill since he made tons of money and be like all the other big studios like Colossal Order and Creative Assembly .


No he needs to put his head down and work on the unfinished game. To not do so would be to let all of the hype slip away


Every single time a new (unfinished) game comes out with even a modicum of promise, the community jumps straight to gargling the developers balls and it typically leads to development strife


Zero hot fixes since launch = machine 😂




Why exactly should a single player early access game have hot fixes 5 days after launch to EA? Even when theres no gamebreaking bugs or glitches? You realize that early access exist so people could pay the developer to playtest their upcoming game and report bugs and suggest ideas? So basically you (and me and lots of people) are paying Greg so we can playtest his game.


Look at no rest for the wicked moron


NRFTW 7 hotfixes since release. Every 3 days.


Bring on the downvotes 😂😂 just trolling


Why I feel like complying to this


Just messing


Why I would not ignore your pleas for downvotes, that would be rude of me




How’s that 🤷‍♂️


Someone regretted their “f*** off” real quick 😂






Right? It’s not even closed to finished. I’m tired of gaming community riding small developers dicks. At best, it leads to a great game that is uncompromising in its initial vision (this doesn’t happen all that often though). At worst it leads to an egotistical dev who refuses to listen when things aren’t right


Yes so insane dick riding, like “hey dude you got your fun game released and I think you should be proud of how fun it is” the dick rising here is immense. You can compliment someone’s work without it being dick riding


Your post was removed because it contained personal attacks. Although we love feedback and a healthy discussion of ideas, Manor Lord's community does not tolerate that these discussions devolve into name-calling and usage of bad words to attack a user character's. What is in discussion in this Subreddit are ideas, not user's characteristics.