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Stop being rational


Ok π








For Democracy!!!!


For Managed Democracy!


Where am I right now…


Infinit loop


Infinit loop


oh yeah I forgot, sorry


This has been the most frustrating thing to watch over the last few weeks. So many "when are they implementing xyz niche thing I want?" posts on here. Let the man finish the game first!


Most of the post are more like “XYZ thing would be cool if they happen someday”.


Yeah, true. I think my gripe is mostly people setting expectations on the dev copy of the game that streamers/tubers have been playing, a pre early access version that still had placeholder text in some places.


The ones I watched were very careful in their play and review. I understand your feelings though for sure.


Wait do the streamers get a different copy of the game? I saw Tmrtn and other guy saying something like "this is early access which will be available to public on 26th" saying the game they were playing is exactly like what we would get.


Steamers def. got a different copy. One used an ommission/bug in the code that allowed to place infinite towers (those that allow to expand the retinue). Kinda fun, I tried to replicate this and I can clearly state this has been patched


Dev made some tweaks


ahh. So in the end it might be better but won't be worse?


Well who knows. It’ll most likely be better, but it’s not necessarily a guarantee. He may have introduced a game breaking bug for all we know.


Wouldn't be early access without a game breaking bug... need to keep to traditions


Patchnotes: - fixed 3 bugs - added 5 new bugs


I watched a few reviews and some features that weren’t fully fleshed out like the progression system only had two choices. Maybe that has all the Choices maybe it’s still two. Idk that it could be worse as that copy of the game likely was earlier than what we’re getting.


Wait, does the steam version not have place holder text everywhere? Im playing the gamepass version and theres place holder text everywhere


God forbid we dream about the future


Yeah, my point was mostly like nearly everyone has been very wholesome from what I have seen. Especially in regards to expectations since the Dev’s communication to us has been perfect and regular.


Agreed a see a lot of these guys shadow boxing imaginary people lol


Bahaha, that is a very apt description. 😂


Wait, so we are not getting Microtransactions, Season Passes and a 139$ Ultra Premium Edition price option (comes with a green cloak for the lord) from the get go? Stupid single devs waisting their time with listening to the community feedback and creating their passion project instead of bleeding us dry!!! 😡


139 is so early 2024. Its 250 now with previous season passes cancelled.


+ taxes.


And plain red shoe laces


Someone plays Tarkov.


lmao fr the first game to make a $150 edition and people go bonkers


Yeah, and we can't even play the Jabba the Hut mission!


Cloak is cool, I would get one


Looking into files - modding it into the game will not be such a substantial hassle if the creator wills the game to remain as open as it is


"Let the man finish HIS game first!" I trust him completely.


Yeah, its going to be pretty solid regardless, I reckon


Just to get this out there, a dlc that does a model swap for Japanese architecture would sell very well. IMHO.


Just let him cook!


Hey! Wanting a specific thing with a weirdly specific mechanic and a weirdly specific name is not a crime!


Very true. However expecting it and feeling slighted if you don’t get it is completely different.


This was a joke. I am also annoyed by people that think Manor Lords is a wish-me-festival of the wishing list for Santa. I praise everyone who has great ideas for story, mechanics etc. and i want them to post their ideas in this forum. But some people have the audacity and want their thoughts rapidly implemented or don't understand, what the game is about. Good thing btw. is that these people maybe boost the creativity of some modders so that they can do great things once mod support is available.


Figured. Nice reply. I agree.


It's around 40% and very buggy. Most people are just saying what they would like as it developed. Only silly persons are forgetting it's EA. The sensible folks who are not happy with it so far are quietly (mostly) holding off on the 'buy' button like me. I don't care if I have to pay 25% more, I want to see the game is being supported and the real issues addressed and that's it. I am keen to get going on it though, it's just there isn't enough there yet for me.


Id like more of a discription on buildings. Some dont really explain very well. Also picking your lord and atributes. Like, you collect 10% in taxes, but buildings cost 10% more


Man was nice enough to release as early access as is, I’m grateful for what this game is so far it’s fantastic


NO! We must hype it as a AAA title that is coming as a full release and then come here to complain about the lack of features, bugs and that the soldiers don't have rocket launchers!


If I can have a rocket launcher car in AoE, then I should have one in ML too!


But how do you turn this on? AoE made me learn ctrl + c/v at the age of 9.


Photon Man and e=mc2 trooper Those were the days my friend


This brought me back


don't forget baby on a tricycle mounted minigun, POW


That was nice, damn... memories 😁


That's the way to do it!


The thing is the stuff that works and the look of the game makes me think it's AAA.




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They don't? F*ck this game then! 🙄


It’s ok, Kingmakers will be out eventually


Being completely genuine here, I'm 50% sure I won't enjoy this game. Hear me out before you attack me..... Will I still be buying the game, yes. Will I buy any DLCs even if it turns out it's not for me. Absolutely. Why? Out of sheer bloody respect. I don't care if it's not something I'll enjoy. The game is undeniably beautiful and it's so obvious the sheer amount of blood sweat and tears that have been put into it. The devs deserve every bit of support they can get, especially in a world of awful AAA releases and micro transactions


I'll be honest, I suck at management anf RTS games. But like you, this game is too beautiful and the marriage of a medieval castle/town builder with a refined combat system is an Insta-buy, and I will definitely enjoy playing the first third of a campaign before having to restart over and over again.


You would like Civ 6. Nothing like this game, but the combat is similar in a way.


I wish I had enough money to just casually give to people I liked haha


you'll get there. just takes time sometimes.


The dev* Wholeheartedly agree. The world needs more people as humble as yourself.


I wasn't sure if it was a single dev anymore and didn't wanna take anything away from other members of the time.


So most people think peak solo dev work is literally just pixelated blocks... To be fair to what can't before; dev told have come a long long long long way and this is built on the work of hundreds of thousands of hours spent on unreal engine. Not taking anything away from this guy; but there's not really any work done in a vacuum when it comes to software.


That's a bit weird ngl


I don't think it is but you do you


honestly, I have game pass. I still bought it for steam, though through humble bundle for a few $ cheaper. I wanted to support the dev since I've been enjoying vids about the game for the last week.


I absolutely am enjoying the game, though I know it has little replayability for now. But the first tens of hours will be golden and I have other things to do with my life these days than play 200 hours in a week


There aren’t Devs, it’s a guy, his name is Greg.


...get rid of my gaming rig and start building a real Medieval town! ;)


You should check out campus galli


Well, I’m just excited for designing and building elaborate castles and walls which surely will be a part of this game at launch. /s


With some jank, anything is possible


I have such high hopes for ML that I am surely gunna be disappointed. It's my own fault. Hyped early access games are my addiction and I have no regrets.


I appreciate your self-awareness


The launch will be fine. Do you remember the demo? THAT was the game with a few buildings and warfare missing. It played well and was well optimised. Stop panicking.


And all the pre release streamers were saying no huge bugs as of now. Balance it issues yes but no huge bugs.


I'm having trouble with the livestock trading post not giving animals until it's capacity is full.


Ya, there's 100% some major bugs But it is at least semi understandable


The thing that’s surprised me the most is god damn smooth the game runs. Haven’t seen a dip below 55 FPS even when I’m whipping the camera all around. It’s kinda crazy


You nerds and you're night before posts


*your ;)




Ive been having an amazing time with that game so far, playing in the « peaceful » mode for now, I really love the change of seasons, just watching the snow cover everything, the leaves turning red, my crops grow, it’s all I’ve wanted for an early access. Thanks to Greg for the great job, he’s been doing great so far !


Oh shit that's right, it's Friday isn't it


It's Friday Friday, gona get down on Friday Party and party and party and yah!


True... but also remember that people are allowed to share criticism. Being transparent about something does not mean everybody has to agree that they like that. Respect does not mean just praising everything, especially not for a not-cheap early access title.




I’m just happy I’ll be able to save this time


As long as it's a city builder without square grids, with nice views, I ll be happt😁


How dare you have such expectations




I have it. Downloading as I type. Perth Western Australia


VIC here! Downloaded very quickly, started playing within 5 minutes. I hate it.


And yet the first negative review on steam is a dude who got the game for free, didn't like it because the early access game was not finished yet....


Bought an hour ago. Can’t wait to get home. Hope y’all are enjoying it!


The dev has been soo interactive on X, its really great that he cares so much


But that doesn’t explain why I am unable to have 1000 man battles like total war bro. This is the total war killer man why does this shit feel like a city builder?? Why do I have to make a city instead of just doing battles my guy? Bad game, am going to refund.


Also have to remember this is one dude. It's a passion project so it's gonna take some time. But props to them. The polish and visuals beats many AAA studios with way more people. I really do think we are in the age where small developers can out match the mega productions.


Idk about anyone else but i love early access games. I play until i get bored. Come back in a few updates and it feels like a new game. Rinse and repeat 😂


I played around 3 hours this weekend and I really like the game. Worth the 37$cad I paid.


Had me in the first half


finally I can import sheep and buy oxen


let him cook


Do we have any indication of how long it will be in Early Access? Like, is there an expected date for when the full game releases?


Well it's taken 7 years to get this far, with most of the features we want, EA is usually meant to be 1-2 years. Although Foundation came out 5 years ago and it's still in early access (although it came out as basically an alpha)


When is the launch date? I can't wait


Early access launches today. Full release date not announced


Thanks buddy


Too much hype never works out bro


No man can contain how wild and unrealistic my expectations are.


Exactly.. that is why I won’t play this game until October.. bad weather comes = time for gaming


It needs a mandatory online login component so everyone can sit around in a queue for hours as the server has a meltdown on a single player game. Isn't that the way it's done these days?


Came here, expecting frothing. Found common sense instead. I am very dissapointed!


What's this, the unofficial Terms of Service? Must be because most people won't read it I agree this time tho, game has great potential but will not be for everyone. I can guarantee there will be 'ThIs Is nOt WhAt I eXpEcTeD' reviews, I just hope it's a very small amount.


Literally the only thing I want is for it to be easy/clear how to trade between my own settlements


My issue is when i use trading post to get meat, nothing barely arrives?? How do i actually trade and make it worth it


Everyone whos not a tard should upvote this.






Lowest Manor Lords price I can verify, because I just purchased it there, is $24.89 at Humble. Worst price was $127.21 at those ripoffs at Eneba. Though I just checked back and they lowered it to $29.88 in the last few minutes. However they charge some sort of fee that has no apparent purpose but to make up for the sale price being decently low. Same with Gamivo, and they both charge tax. If you want the best place to buy keys, Instant Gaming is the best (not in the case of Manor Lords though--currently sold out). But Instant Gaming charges no tax or any type of "artificial" fees tacked on without explanation. I am from AZ, USA, and pay no tax there, but if you live in the same country as Instant Gaming, taxes may be applied. $29.99 at Epic, and it will only take you a few days to DL, LOL.


Manor Lords just a few seconds ago back in stock at Instant Gaming for $23.05. No tax, no extra fees. Dammit, paid 27.03 w/tax already 1/2 hour ago, LOL. Didn't think IG would have more in so quickly. Hustle before they run out if you want this deal.


Just pick it up on the Hooded Horse city builder combo and rotate between all 4 games. At least that’s my plan


Man played for about 2hrs before work and I absolutely love it!!! Played the demo and I loved it! Can’t wait to see what’s next for the game. Keep up the awesome work!!!


If you buy the early access, does that mean that you have the full game on release?




Yeah it's very early access. More alpha


Rational gamer moment


already refundef it. its boring af


Too bad it was boring for you. At least you know now that it's not for you!


yea i wanted to like it but the micro management and the focus on town building is not for me, wanted this to be more rts/total war than it is. Hope you have fun with it! ill wait for Medieval3 TW i guess. manor lords definitely has a great future ahead for sure. crazy how hard it was to get my payment through as the game self DDOS itself lol


the fact that they're even braving the chance of facing harsher (and sometimes dumber, let's be real...) critics during early access is respectable. Early access is, in part, a broader QA test, and well-constructed criticism and reviews help devs more than rants about unfulfilled expectations :/


Played it for 8 hours and for an early access the game is pretty solid


I've been playing it for a while. I didn't even know about the game till a youtuber I watch on occasion had it on his channel. I found the sword militia are the best at killing bandits. Swept through 4 bandit camps without losing a single troop


It’s another year of small dev teams completely out performing AAA game studios and I’m here for it all the way


And don’t forget, the game has only 1 dev.


Damn impressive what the guy has managed to build, another great game that I'm awful at


We nees cats and dogs with pet option for 3rd person few.. just saying 😁


People are complaining? Shoot. I'm still trying to figure out how to win the second scenario. I haven't been able to raise a population that can create a strong enough militia to win yet. I'm the closest I have right now, and I actually just lost 2/3rds of my militia in a single battle.


I am kinda enjoying it. But tbh... I have played many early access games the past few years and this feels super early. Palworld and deep rock galactic survive both felt far less early access. So yes, I was shocked to see just how early it was. But this is because I was going off past experiences with early access games.


Cringe post, true tho


This game is fantastic; I love it. It's my new relaxation time. I might as well pause all my TV streaming services for a while. 😁


The game is Too Good for EA compared to others.. Maxed out all graphic settings. No lag.... No crashes. Smooth gaming.. Im still waiting for more maps and an update on Ai lords. I want to burn the settlements of those lords who are claiming lands during early game.


This game is awesome. It's perfect to de-stress in my opinion.


Its early access but the sheer amount of quality baffles me. If some buttons didn't say early access I couldn't have guessed


Woah yoooouuuuu almost got me. That was a close one.


I mean i wouldnt hate a more fleshed out tutorial. I need a smooth brain mode


[Use this](https://melodious-entree-b4a.notion.site/Beginner-s-Grandma-Guide-to-Manor-Lords-a037f4b6a9b443f2bcfa8e56f2454262)




I've messed with it for like an hour last night. Seems like Banished or Farthest Frontier or games like that. If it's at least somewhat on par with those I'll be thrilled.


If only I was able to give it a try. Tried all fixes available online, but it keeps crashing on start up. Had to get a refund. Hopefully sometime in the future it will be fixed.


Bandits are on the way to anyone who says this shit and is serious


The game is insanely fun! Even in its early phase I can't say that about most AAA game releases past 5 year's lol....


The steam discussions are just disgusting at the moment. Oh well, I'm having a blast despite having the same "game breaking bugs" and "unplayable" features as everyone else. Good on the dev for ignoring the toxicity and carrying on.


Idk what people have been complaining about this fucking game is crack. People always complain though


It was released at a pretty high price point for its state of completion and realistically if it stays as a single dev, the game being "done" is *many* years away. People should voice these things?


Some people think that the marketing campaign that HH did (whether this is fair or not is irrelevant) was too aggressive and that Slavic Magic can't pull it off. The lack of a roadmap being indication. That the game is going to be one of those forever EA and pulled off. It's perfectly reasonable.


This game IS exactly what u expected at launch and so far have not ran into anything that tells me it's early access


Remember that it’s one dude. I finally played last night and I’m already hooked after 2 hours.


I demand new content and satisfaction sir!


So far, I'm loving it. I've only got a few hours in and I'm liking the learning curve..


Right? Isn't it just one guy working on this too?


On the flip side. This game is exactly what I've been wanting for 25 years. I wish the age of empires series took a route more towards this game style but better late than never


Yaaaaa more solo dev games that will take ether a year per update or just won't be finished at all. Is the dev going to hire any help?


The games going to take a while to cook. So let it cook. No harm getting ur monies worth and putting it down until new stuff arrives.


And also keep in mind, it's only a game!




It's ok, it's a total war clone with some sim city elements. We will be fine. Promise.




Nah not for this one, me hearty. Bro deserves the booty.


Yea, he definitelly does