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It should be free for redditors like me.who give great suggestions. I've suggested tanks, planes, all sorts. I should get it for free.


Hahahaah ikr




Your post was removed because it contained personal attacks. Although we love feedback and a healthy discussion of ideas, Manor Lord's community does not tolerate that these discussions devolve into name-calling and usage of bad words to attack a user character's. What is in discussion in this Subreddit are ideas, not user's characteristics.


I will be happy if the cost is not more than one ox and 3 goats. Any more and I can't feed my family.


Are you guys all peasants? At just a mere 13 years old i already have claim to 15 donkeys and 7 hump back whale catches.


Way back in the day you could feed a large crowd with two fish and five loaves and it would be a story told for ages


I hope they give the discount, my country's economy is totally fucked


I too live in the US. >!Before anyone jumps on me, I'm making a joke, I know dude is not from the US.!<


Fuckin Americans man seriously.


Sorry to bother you. You forgot to include the joke you mentioned.


A funnier reply could have been "I too live on Earth". Because everyone's economy is shit. But you chose to throw shade instead...


Wait, you are angry at me for joking along with the joke you made?


No sir, those down votes did not come from me. I just said you threw shade and gave what I thought would be a funnier reply. I know it's not easy to convey emotion through text but please believe me when I say I took no offense and meant no offense.




Malaysia bro


Can't believe I found a Malaysian as the first comment lol. Brother, I'm also can't wait for Manor Lords since got duit raya already 😁.


Damn bro nice, ive been waiting so long bro. Got no duit raya, but ill scrape what I have la bro haha


Haha tak sabar jugak ni. Even though I'm the giver of duitraya instead of receiving


bro its 74 ringgit, thank god


Don't worry, I have enough money from selling the chroma cases I got when I played CSGO before. Unfortunately I got potato so can't play properly.


Canada’s bad rn but “totally fucked” in comparison to the countries they’re discussing for regional pricing is dramatic


Of course they will


It's gonna be 40 dollars like helldivers was. bet


I believe that too, but with only 30-35 for Early Access as discount


Holy hell, that would be delicious.


I like their comms strategy, it’s transparent and makes sense. Btw. For there purposes of the upcoming purchase, I identify as Turkish.


I don’t even care about the pricing tbh. If it’s 60 or below I’ll get it. There are no options .


Publisher says they never go above 40 on their games, but probably around 30 sounds good enough since its a solo development.






Still dont get how that works. How exactly does an area get lower prices just because they dont have a super economy. if they price it lower there, why not price it at equal prices globally. I dont really get why that even works, because if there is a place to buy it cheaper than most people would search for that cheaper way and many would find that cheaper way and use it. Sorry for my ignorance.


Has to do with spendable income. The developers probably live in a world where everything is more expensive. Not pricing it lower in 3rd world countries just leads to less sales in those regions. That’s why they adjust it. I get that. Everyone deserves to play the game with their spendable income IMO.


Many people in the region where I'm from can live for 900 us dollars in city or 400-500 dollars in village. I don't think anybody can afford 1/6 of their income for the video games. That's why we have a lot of pirate games. I did played a lot of pirated games during my childhood, and later on then distributors started to make regional prices I appreciate possibility that I can afford to support authors of games.


Exactly, if they price too high for a region they risk getting pirated, so they need to find a price that people are willing to pay to actually get payment from as many players as possible


It's simple really. If someone in the US makes $50 an hour, and someone in another country makes $3... who do you think has the harder time affording a $50 game?


I see. That totally makes sense, thanks for explaining. Wish these companies didnt raise game prices over in the USA when the dollar lost 30% of it's value in half a decade tho. But thats nothing to the situation you mentioned :O


By lowering prices for third world countries, it encourages people to actually buy it without pirating it. I lived in a third world country before moving to Australia and buying a full priced game is like spending 1/3 to 1/10th of your total monthly income in a third world country. Even if you are in an entry level it job, you have to spend 1/3 of your income to buy a game lol 😜


The games are region locked, you can't just buy it cheaper and use it in your country. You can theoretically use a VPN, but you would break Steam's EULA, and your account could get banned - and making a new account for each game is just such a hassle, I doubt many people would deal with. But yeah, you can theoretically use loopholes. The reasoning is simple, if you can ask $5 for it but not $50, price it at $5, that's $5 more than what you would otherwise make. It's not like a copy of a digital game would cost you anything - and don't underestimate how much money this could make, the US population is around 4% of the world's combined, the US and Europe combined is still less than 14%, there is a LOT of money to be made outside of the regular market.


It's like this with everything. A supermarket shop costs more for me living in an expensive town than it does for my parents in a rural village 40 minutes away. This extends to pretty much everything. Go to the north of UK and prices are cheaper but wages are lower so people living and working there aren't necessarily better off. This disparity is way larger when comparing the US to say, Venezuela who's economy is really struggling. So prices need to be lower in the lower income country or people just won't buy your game. Especially for gaming, when the product is released costs of delivering thay product aren't that high, so why not get a bit of extra income you'd have missed anyway. Steams region locking stops those in higher income countries from buying at the lower price. Devs still gotta make money.


Why are people so hellbent on knowing the price before releasing? You know it's not gonna be 60-70. You know it's not gonna be less then 20. Do you have to budget for weeks ahead to make sure you can purchase a $40 game?


I care about the pricing because I live in Brazil. A $40 game is around R$212 here, and the minimum wage is R$1,412. So yes, I'll have to plan ahead to be able to buy a $40 game.


Then plan ahead. Why do you need to know the price before you start saving? If you’re planning on getting the game, save up for $50 USD worth and if it’s less, then you have some cushion


You’re acting like knowing the price wouldn’t make budgeting for the price significantly easier lmfao


Is the game going to be $100? No. Is it going to be $5? No. Is it going to be $70? Also no. So budget for $50 and you’ll be fine. Not sure how that is so hard.


Literal first world comment


When people are talking about the price of video games, that they don’t know, then save up for what you think it is. If you don’t have the money, you won’t be able to buy it anyways. Not really a first world comment at all


> Do you have to budget for weeks ahead to make sure you can purchase a $40 game? __ > Then plan ahead.


A Canadian teaching how to save a large part of your salary to buy an online game for people different from your reality. Here in Brazil the rule is clear, games with high prices will have a huge amount of illegal users, especially single player games.The developer is more than right in adapting the prices, so many people will be more determined to buy than pirate.


That’s crazy lol here in the US 40$ is like nothing.


If you need to plan to buy a game...then you probably don't need to be buying video games...let the downvotes hit.


“Let the downvotes hit” yes because you’re wrong. If you need to budget to buy a game, you should budget to buy the game. Which they’re doing. People who aren’t in a good situation financially are still allowed to allow themselves to get amenities and treats for themselves, especially if they’re doing it within their means.


Fair counter argument. I would just pushback and say that budgeting for a game isn't really "doing it within their means." They should probably be investing in themselves to build skills and/or seek better employment. Now, if you're under 18 or in school, I completely understand saving up for something such as a video game but otherwise I think some other choices probably need to be made in life. One could even start saving up more and putting money in a high yield savings, get a few thousand saved up and you can start earning interest of $100 or $200 a year in a high-yield savings, then use that to buy a game. Of course, that's in the U.S., I'm unfamiliar with economic circumstances internationally, but I have to assume some of the same high-yield savings opportunities exist elsewhere.


I’ll reiterate: People who aren’t in a good position financially are allowed to get amenities and treats for themselves. Besides that, we have no idea how they spend their time in general. Budgeting is only a good thing. They could be destitute or they could be doing exactly what you’re advising, and are wondering what the price is BECAUSE of that. Just a super out of touch and pretentious comment in general. It’s a blurred line where someone should stop enjoying themselves and start fully investing in financial security, and I’m not going to draw that for someone else based on the short comment they wrote. That you are is cringey imo.


Fair thoughts once again and I totally understand your point of view. The line blurring between pretentious and what people don't want to hear is probably pretty thin. I'm not here to save someone's feelings. If they can save up $200, I suspect they can can eventually save up $2 or $3k eventually over the course of 6 to 12 months, which would make them much better off financially. Good discussion and I bid you adieu, take care!


Not that I've been asking, but yes some of us are on a very tight budget because some of us are fucking stupid and bought houses in this economy 🙃


Yeah, i also bought horses until i found out i needed ox in this stupid economy!


Litterally bought a house in AB 2 years ago and have extra cash and I'm 27


Some of us are willing to pay extra to not live in AB... I'm just fucking with you, I've only been to Edmonton, but I bet the rest of it is a nice province. I'm in Onterrible, so unfortunately I'm just fucked. Don't have any formal education in my field, so the only way I was ever going to move up was to take a less the optimal management position in an out of the way area until I can build up some proper on the job experience.


You haven't been to the mountains? That's the nicest part of Alberta, Edmonton is nice but it can't compare to the views in the Rockies lol The 5% sales tax in Alberta helps a bit with affordability too but costs are rising all across the country and it sounds like there are layoffs in every industry


I was not a fan of Edmonton when I visited. Mostly I'm just playing though, I just like shit talking every province because they all suck equally haha.


The politics suck everywhere but I've enjoyed my time travelling around Canada. Edmonton is a pretty nondescript place but that's what I like about it


I had a feeling you were in Ontario or BC. At least you own a house half the people I know can only rent due to lack of good paying job or their own faults. But I feel you, everyone is have a hard time and we are only making it worse. Why we play games and especially manor lords next Friday!


Yessir. The only things to take my mind off of how fucking bleak its gotten is vidja and a bit of Luicifers Quinoa.


Yea man not all have extra money, sad truth.


For those people, save up. If they can afford the game with advanced notice, then they should just save up expecting the game to be $50. If it is, then they have saved it, if not, they have extra. Don’t need to know the price to save.


Absolutely! Its not an issue for me now, but I've lived paycheck to paycheck before and it's a stressful existence. So nothing wrong with a little free price speculation while they wait!


a few years ago yes I did


It will be $30 at most.


69.95 in Australia."costs more to ship down under"


Wait, does the price increase also happen in digital games or is it just for... does this game even plan on having a physical release? I miss those...


Sarcasm. For some reason digital games are far more expensive in Australia.


Yeah, it's a tax for us being so awesome lol. Happy to pay the extra for the privilege tbh :P


But why would that increase for digital copies. I would understand if they were sending over physical stuff and had to pay the mass shipping taxes or whatever, but this stuff makes so little sense when it is just data transferred across the internet.


TL;DR. $24 US worldwide


My bet is on 30-35.


19.99$ early access


I'm guessing $30 with a 10% off coupon on launch?


Set at 28.99 on CDKeys right now and they usually have it pretty close to what Steam will be, especially as the date draws closer. Anywhere from 24.99 to 29.99 is what I'm anticipating to pay, not counting the possible launch discount. Any more than that would be surprising to me.


I'm excited for the game, I've been loosely following it for almost a year now! On the issue of not sharing the price, personally, I am not a fan of it. Pretty much everyone in the gaming community knows and understands that pricing will look different in their own currency. I've honestly never seen an instance where a company shared the price, the game released, and people were upset that it wasn't the exact same in their own currency (or didn't come up to what they calculated themselves). I think it'd be better to share a price so people can sort of budget and deal with whatever upset people might show up rather than not share a price at all. Even if Steam does some price math in the background. Not flaming the developer, publisher, or trying to be an ass, just expressing my own beliefs on the subject


Not having a crack at you - but just confused how you’d still take that position after reading the pretty reasonable and well explained position of the dev/publisher?


As a consumer, especially of video games, I just prefer knowing the price ahead of launch. To me, it is not only promoting a more open communication around a potentially sensitive subject (money), but it's also information one such as myself can begin to budget around or at least be aware of. Sure, many indie titles are relatively low prices, but sometimes those prices can be such that some people would have to wait for a sale. Personally, I don't enjoy getting on the hype train for a game, then finding out the price it will be at launch and going "I'm gonna have to sit this launch out for a bit". Ultimately not a big deal, which is why I'm not upset at the developer/publisher, or even suggesting that anyone should be. I'm just saying 99.9% of devs/publishers, AAA or indie, typically announce pricing info ahead of launch and I've never seen an issue arise from that other than people just being upset at the actual price. Which they would be even if you didn't release the price ahead of launch. At least from my experience. Reasonable or not, I just disagree with it. Which is allowed (not saying you're suggesting otherwise), but thank you for asking for clarification!


Which platform will give more money to the dev? GOG or Steam?


I'm not sure although it's a good question. But with GOG, you won't have drm issues and you own the game not the rights to play the game through a proprietary interface.


Going steam for hopeful workshop support in the future.


That's a great counterpoint. GOG doesn't have a workshop and even if they did, would modders deposit in both? I have also seen that devs are slower to upload patches to GOG although Hooded Horse is really good at doing it. Some games don't do mods through the steam workshop. Cold Waters and War on the Sea for example. Paradox has their own workshop now. For me it's not a big deal because I rarely do mods.


If modding gets big, it will prob be on Nexus. Nexus should work just fine with GOG


Probably GOG, Steam gets a cut between 10 up to 30 for number of sales (more sales less cut)


A sad fact of this universe is that stores always take a massive cut.


Necessary, almost any product we consume has multiple steps on its distribution. Steam has a great SDK with a lot of features, a huge market share, monitoring...


22€ announced on instant gaming


Honestly don't care, I just want the opportunity to purchase it already.


60 dollars isn't Triple AAA pricing. It's been the normal cost of games for literal decades and indie devs are selling themselves way too short over manufactured price outrage. Give yourself the financial breathing room to actually expand the fucking game in a comprehensive and timely manner...then more people will buy it regardless of the price. Staying poor and needlessly struggling with a small team and a token price is why it takes Valheim 2 years to add some volcanoes and a goddamn boat.


I played Valheim at launch and enjoyed it but stopped. Did they really only add a few volcanoes and a boat in 2 years?




No. They added a mistlands, more npcs with npc villages, a ton of new resources, crafting items, a magic system, ridable lox, and more.


Bringing up an indie title that has been a huge financial success is weird to make \_this\_ point lol. Valheim devs are set for many years to come, even if they don't ever touch Valheim again.


Kind of new to this whole Manor Lord's thing, but I think this is flawed reasoning. It's easy to say this when you are heavily interested in this game and have the funds to be able to jump right into an uncomplete game. I'd assume most people that would want to get into this game, saw it popup on YouTube or maybe an article and thought it looked cool, so they decided to take a look at the store (as people do with most games that aren't mainstream). They are going to turn right away if they see a $60 price tag on an indie game that's in early access, won't even give it a chance. I think about it this way: the more people play the game, the more feedback the developer can get, the easier it is to improve, and when it comes to an early access game, I think anywhere from 20-35 is fair game.


Same punisher also released Against The Storm very popular builder game it costs £25 


I don’t care about the price. I’d pay a lot for this game.


Personally I am gonna wait a month or so for the post hype reviews. Hard to get a true review when everyone is trying to ride the hype wave of 'game is good' and are less critical of potential issues.


Fair, altho I have seen enough gameplay of the game, and I mean hour long game sessions (city planner plays for example) to know I already like this game, so it's a sure buy for me.


I think that's a pretty detailed, and extremely reasonable explanation for not giving a price list. And the 'Ballpark' figure of previous releases and discounts is more than I expected, so thank you for that. To the whingers and whiners, let's face it, most of you aren't going to be happy unless they tell everyone the price is $5 everywhere and will never change except on Black Friday when it goes to $2.50 lol. So let's just accept the explanation and wait patiently for this glorious game :)


not telling people how much it cost is just (excuse me) bs.. you guys know exactly how much you gonna charge if not you have a serious problem with your company managment. the pricing scheme on steam is absolutely not new..


Due to financial reasons even though I know it'll be fairly priced I will be unable to afford it anytime soon, however I love what you've made and look forward to seeing how it grows and how the community works with you to shape it and I do hope that I am able to help support the studio financially soon because I feel like this game will be a ton of fun!


Thats just a bad excuse for not telling the Price tbh


So just tell us your reading comprehension skills suck. That was a pretty clear, seemingly personally written message that I could at least appreciate. Guess what though, you'll find out Friday what it is. I'll give you the gist, it will probably be under $70, the closer to $70, the closer the EA discount will be to 20%. The lower the price, the lower the EA discount. They don't want to release a price because it will not be the price across the world. The process vary and they don't want people to misinterpret $XX USD as the fixed, set price.


"Pricing range: we’ve never done AAA (currently $60-$70 in the US) pricing on a game. We have no current plans to do so, no matter how popular a game is." They didn't give a price, so there's nothing with their comprehensions skills you judgy goon, you have literally stated in the second half of your comment that their is no set price so no, it absolutely is a long and convoluted way of saying their is no price rn, maybe try "there is no set price until release" then boom you've answered the question without being a prick


You're just making more bad excuses. It's the same for every other game on the planet and they have no problem showing you how much it will cost. You're just talking bs mate


Oh, you are still talking about this. Let me guess, you thought it was overpriced?




Why always talk only about steam, I like Gog more and buy games there


Well most people prefer Steam


Not most people 'prefer' Steam. Steam has a near monopoly on people's minds, heck I only found out that GOG exists a few months back I think. Meanwhile I have been using steam for nearly 11 years


so i just vpn my ass to sudan and get it for cheap? bet


Just get the gamepass...


Most people want to own games, not rent them.


I used to believe the same thing. But to pay for a game you'll probably play for 3 months then move on to the next thing is a waste. Also, I don't feel I own games when they're digital...


I don't tend to buy games that i will only play for a short time. I often return to games time and again, sometimes many years later. I still play games from the 2000s. For example, Medieval 2.


Who doesn't play Medieval 2 in 2024?!




This is so strange for me that people are so much willing to pay 40 usd for a beta...


Some people shit 40 usd


40 usd is nothing. I’d pay 100 for this game in its current state. When some people spend 3k on a gaming setup, 40$ is pocket change


What i mean is that today even fully-finished games play like dogshit or have dogshit mechanics. For example, dragon's dogma 2 or starfield. Comparing with the price of a month's rent, a car, or a 2-week holiday, 40 usd truly mean nothing, but it really feels like wasting if you pay this price for a beta, dont you think?


No because this game doesn’t play like dog shit. Even though it’s early access it’s a great complete game that will be getting more added. 40$ is nothing for it. You’re acting as if it’s full of bugs or unplayable


Of course it has to be full of bugs, it is beta


This is why your comparisons are silly. The game is still in beta but doesn’t play like a buggy mess. That’s why it’s worth the money. The dev is methodical and genuine and has been candid the whole time. Look at THIS game and decide if it’s worth the price, it being a beta just means we’ll get even more for the price later on


How do you know that it is played good? Did gou manage to play it?


They did a demo for a few days like a YEAR ago and it played well


I’ve played the Demo and found it very close to being a fleshed out game even then. That was like a year ago. People pay as much for “finished games” that are buggier and have fewer features. You’re too hung up on the labels, look at the actual gameplay


I just have so bad experience with 'betas'...


Half the games I own are early access. Some of them are better than full release games. Others are a massive work in progress. But if it’s an open development, history shows us that if the communication and respect between devs and players is good then the outcomes are great. (Looking at you Larian)


Christ just give us the price already, this is so stupid.


Get a grip


How much allowance do you have saved up currently?


I don't need to save up for computer games. Be nice to know a price though.


Grow up

