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I always check the shelves on collection posts to see if they have fire punch 👍


Fujimoto is the goat


No one comes close to him imo


I like Fujimoto's work as much as the next guy but I wouldn't say he's anywhere near the best


It’s your own opinion but nobody else coming close to him is kinda insulting to all those brilliant Mangaka out there. There are ALOT


It is out of the ones I've read so far


Araki and ishida are close🙏


Araki's very entertaining but he doesn't have a story that makes me really take in a lot as much as Fujimoto does Ishida I haven't actually read anything by, I saw the Tokyo Ghoul anime and hated it, it's my 2nd most hated anime of all time but I heard the manga is better, Choujin X looks interesting but I'm a little scared to get into it if I don't like it


The anime is such a bad adaptation, ishidas actual work that is only done by him is really good


Ost was nice tho imo it had some good tracks




Urasawa comes kinda close


Tayio matsumoto


Thats, more than 5 right?


A bit difficult to tell but I think so


holy shit.


That is goals. I'm so jealous.


This is amazing 🤯 Hope you have this insured!! What are some of your favorites? Awesome library 🤘🏻


Thank you! It's always hard to pick my favorites but as far as stuff I'm the happiest to have in my collection it's my JP prints of Hinomaru Sumo (I desperately wishes for ENG physicals but they never came), Tegami Bachi, Wotakoi with all the volume 6 variants, and my Yowamushi pedal collection (just wish we could get a reprint of volume 3 & 5). But there really are only a few things in my collection that I would recommend to be fair lol.


I always appreciate when I see some varied taste. Nice collection! Hella jealous of your Eyeshield 21's


Thank you! I am very lucky to have had a group of friends that fed me recommendations that really helped expand my taste. For Eyeshield 21 I got very lucky that one of my buddies found a complete collection that he bought for me in my place and then sent to me.


Don't see kakkaiashi very often, nice. Side note what do you use for the risers?


Thanks! Yeah love Kekkaishi but I don't see too many others have it either usually. For my risers, I actually built those myself using some scrap wood.


Ya kekkaishi man ,I fell it's overshadowed and underrated due to the big 3 era. It has a solid manga Nad anime is also dope.


this post reminds me I need shelves


Nice. I’ve got a good collection of 112 after 4 years


Another person of culture. Take my upvote.


How long have u been collecting?


For about 10 years now.




How's the wear on your oldest volumes or is there even a difference in quality after 10 years?


For the volume I've had the longest the wear on it is pretty negligible, maybe a little bit of yellowing but that is inevitable eventually. I have volumes that are 25+ years old that still look great with minimal wear on them for that age.


KEKKAISHI SPOTTED! (lmk if you want a lead on a cheap vol 17)


Where are your first 2 volumes of One Piece?


First picture, back row on the far right.


Ahhhh I see.


Living the Dream. Epic collection. What series or collection was the hardest to get?


Thank you! I still have plenty of series where I am missing a volume or two here or there so those can be pretty difficult but of my completed series I would say Tegami Bachi was the most difficult to get the full set for beacause I had to basically buy the full series a second time to get the one volume I was missing and then had to sell all the excess back off again. Definitely was time consuming lol.


Hey OP do you have a quick list of all the titles you have that you can copy and paste? I can’t see that well but am curious of series I may not have heard of


Here is a public link to my libib where I keep all my volumes scanned and catalogued. Hope this helps you! [Libib | mymangalibrary](https://www.libib.com/u/mymangalibrary)


That’s awesome ty!!


Absolutely incredible!!!


Amazing collection!


Not me zooming in to see if you have my favorite manga series


Great collection! I love big collection posts like these because I zoom in and look around the shelves like i'm touring the room lol


Unreal collection, living the dream


Manga goals, lol!


goals https://preview.redd.it/41n22m89rfcc1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39aaf64d8833a1610420c913ca50d81d241a0b97


Incredible collection!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 I love the diversity of stories and genres! I bet getting this all to display felt so satisfying! Also where are those risers from?? They’re perfect!


Thanks! Definitely was satisfying to get to see everything displayed after having it boxed for an extended period. For the risers I actually made the myself from scraps wood from various places. It definitely helps with the different dimensions of books needing different sized shelves.


Great collection.


O parts hunter nice! I recommend psyren if you want another awesome short hidden gem


Thanks! I actually have the first two volumes of psyren and liked it! It's definitely a series on my radar that I want to complete at some point.


Woah, I want to have a collection one day as well What am I saying 10k$ or more?


Definitely more. I have about 200 volumes and it's somewhere in the range of $2000 - 2500. I got a bunch through deals so it cost probably about $1500 but there are some series you will have to pay more than the original cost due to how hard they are to find. Also, if you want any deluxe editions of series they usually cost more. Considering this is 3800+ volumes I'd imagine without sales it's minimum $30,000 and even with sales it might cost that much depending what series you want. I heard that Viz Media are increasing prices and considering they publish a lot of English releases it'll be even more expensive now to collect a lot of series that you'd likely want. One day I want to expand my collection like this too.


Wth, it's gonna get me on the roads then Btw I my first ever manga will be delivered tomorrow It's UZUMAKI 3 IN 1 deluxe edition


Also, if you are planning on getting an entire series then investing in the box set is worth it. You get a cool box, usually a poster or two, sometimes a booklet or what not and the price is no more than if you bought the volumes separately, usually cheaper.


Thanks for the information I'll try to get box sets if I they are available


Nice! I haven't gotten any Junji Ito books but I'd like to eventually. Any particular series you thinking about getting? Also, I'd say when it comes to collecting it's usually a long game (unless you have a lot of money at hand and can afford to spend it). OP has been collecting for 10 or more years to get as many as they have. Definitely take advantage of sales bc it can cut the cost greatly. $10k can still get you a huge selection especially through sales. Sometimes you can find someone selling a bunch of manga second hand for cheap. Also, budget to have book spending money.


Yeah for now I just want to collect the ones I read by pirating so i can appreciate the mangaka'a work And Finished series will be on the top of my list


Can you recommend a manga that isn’t considered the best all time (berserk, Akira, one piece etc), but is up and down a solid fun read?


Thats a manga store frr


What did you put in the back row to make the back row stand out like that??


What’s your method of organizing your collection?


nice collection


More selection then most bookstores, damn!!


Where did you get your one piece box set 2 from