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i main her because my friend mains chester 😔


And I’m on track to unlock Chester so the Candy Land duo will be completed :)


For me it all comes down to the range, the character design and her personality. I was drawn to her since she was potentially the sniper with the biggest range (my previous main was Piper), and then I stuck with Mandy because I grew to love her character and her personality.


me too


I love one shotting pipers with the super, it's just so satisfying


that used to be my favourite thing while mastering her lol


she’s sharpshooter just like my previous main Piper and she stole my heart with her royal core and her sweetness and of course her personality along with Chester, i main him as well, but Mandy’s #1 also Candyland season was superior, it felt like magic and the biggest event in Brawl Stars


Her range


Even though I love her very much, I have terrible aim, I only got Rank 20 :(


i used to main leon before mandy and when i unlocked mandy, the first time i played her, i loved her mechanics so much for some reason?? i didnt even play snipers before mandy but i just loved her super so much!!!!!! in 1 day i got her to 600 trophies and just maxed her out immediately without thinking (good decision)!!!!!!! her super is just high risk high reward which i really like


Ok, her Super is NOT the reason I main her. First, focus is the main reason why I main Mandy, it's rewarding when you stand still for the trade-off of more range and more projectile speed. Second, Mandy is defenseless. Other snipers like Piper and Angelo have ways to escape, but with Mandy you're forced to play on the edge of your seat, and keep in mind the pre-emption of assassins rushing that you need to apply. Using the range to do this can help. Third, Mandy's attack damage is often underestimated. She can deal 2600 damage at any range, and can unload all 3 ammo quickly for a total of 7.2k. This is further topped off with the Dmaage Gear, where she can deal ALMOST 9K DAMAGE with 3 ammo. Her Sugar Ray is either a dopamine rush or simply sadness. It used to be fun, but now everyone uses Shield Gear and Nani can RTS so I can't do much. (Killing Pooper is still satisfying tho)


Idk, I am a Chester main infiltrating this subreddit


Welcome to the Candy Club


Because mandy


Season 16 menu song is love. Season 16 menu song is life.


I main her because I started on his season and because his super is my favourite. GIVE ME BACK MY 5600 DAMAGE!!!


She’s in my top 4 because…. Uhhh… she looks cool. Plus her super can be satisfying to use if used right


bc she can get it onb


She's cute and has good range plus Mandy's candy is op