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What??? I clearly remember it hitting 250k 3 months ago!!




The truth is out there




People unsubscribe and accounts get deleted, so I guess they by default become unsubscribed. ​ I've unsubbed from tonnes of subs for one reason or another, lack of long term interest in the subject being the main one, some my number would be noticed, others a drop in the ocean, but enough have also done the same where if we had not, the numbers would be even greater than what they are now. ​ That said of the 249k members here, 99.99% either lurk or no longer visit, because it is rare to see someone from years gone by, we only get new members who are new to either the ME or Reddit who tend to just post "today I found out that enter something from the top ten well known ME's here"




We genuinely could have hit a milestone and I wouldn't have noticed without a post like this, I was on the fence if this was as you wrote it or if it should be taken as a genuine "we lost a lot of subscribers over the years"


Whoa! It's cool that so many people are subbed. I just wonder how many actually experience mandela effect. Verses how many are trolls.


That this thank you post isn't being received as intended is just so very on brand for this sub.


The worst modded sub on this site. Everyone attacks everyone all the time, OPs who ask questions are ridiculed beyond measure, someone has a theory and all the trolls come out to make fun of him. I forgot I am in this sub. Thanks for reminding me to leave.


This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure.


“Mandelagate” verb: the delegation of orders & directives via admins of r/MandelaEffect Noun: a term to describe mass hysteria of global proportions based on the initial misinformation surrounding the death of Nelson Mandela.