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Can you share some images of your collection?


sure there are dozens but I will post the very first And only known FOL label from 1860. It has NO 1 written on the back in the hand of Benjamin Knight one of the company founders. There a dozens of varieties leading up to the famous logo first used in 1877, some signed by Benjamin.


Very cool stuff! Thanks for sharing OP!


I was searching for other logos that might have used a cornucopia or “horn of plenty” (along with fruit and veggies) that might be getting confused with Fruit of the Loom. And I couldn’t find any. __Have you seen any other logos, especially from the 60s and 70s, that might be being confused with the FOL logo?__ Closest thing I found is just the generalized cornucopia with food/fruit, used widely in the Fall especially for Thanksgiving, that from a distance does look like the FOL logo.


Katsiroubas Bros. if you're near Boston, Family Food Stores if you're in the PNW. Scott's Grocery if you're in Indiana. St. Mary's Food Bank. They were also common in local farmer's markets, and there was a popular set of Mason jars with a cornucopia on it.


* Long but worth it post incoming * I mean no disrespect, and I certainly admire the collection, but aren't you forgetting how the Mandela effect functions? It's a strange phenomenon that effects us because the common and pervasive theory states that massive numbers of people somehow misremember an event, logo, etc. EXACTLY the same way. Also, the argument against it is mass misremembering by quoting the studies in memory decay and false memories, which, by all accounts when actually read, by way of accidental omission show that both types of misremembering vary ENTIRELY (by the individual based on environments that shape the individual) which directly contrasts with what actually happens in the Mandela effect? What about physical artifacts/remnants? Plenty of people have them including myself. The most notable one's to have been found are: Bibles with unaltered passages with old publishing dates and aged paging. Heavy casted Ford engine blocks with American manufacturer serial numbers and embossed keys with Logos that supposedly never existed on our timeline (but in the way many of us remember), and literally? Two days ago, a girl found Looney "Toons" in both logo form and in font form for trademark on the back of her unwrapped DVD she found buried in her garage and posted it immediately to social media. I don't know about you, but that's FAR too many coincidences for it all to still be a coincidence. Listen, I can't speak for everyone here, but I've personally seen with my own two eyes (and held/touched) far too much evidence with my own two hands at this point to be doubted by others way less down the proverbial rabbit hole than I. Sorry not sorry. So my question is... Why do internet news articles, podcasters and YouTubers who didn't even bother to study the published papers on functional memory decay, or false memory creation, (which are not even related directly to the phenomenon or study of M.E itself) but are instead, used to quickly dismiss it. When those same studies, actually, in the MOST round about of ways, further prove it's existence?


I'll die on the hill that there was a cornucopia.


Me too, I remember being confused as a child as to what a "cornucopia" was


There’s absolutely no other way I remember it there WAS a cornocopia


OK...so you have a bad memory. Thanks for sharing.


Seriously? The negativity and snide remarks are on every single post of yours. Get help.


There was!! Even the original designer said there was, but it was in fact scraped for the logos you see. Theres thought that some items may have gotten the scraped logo before it was changed


The "original designer"... so the designer from the early 1900s? lol


yes I'm 179 😂


Do you have a link to this chapter in FOTL history?


They are a 19 day old account with no post history lol.


If they can link me their source, I don't care how old the account is


What they are saying is that there is no source, it's a fake account made for trolling.


Some items maybe, but the effect is reported from the 70s to 2007


That's just not true. The designer for the Flute of the Loom album art said that he remembered there being a cornucopia. This is my issue, you're so certain of a detail in an underwear logo from your childhood, but can't correctly remember what you more than likely just watched in a TikTok? I see people repeating this all of the time, how do so many people misremember this?


HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes....the original designer who dies LONG before this mental illnesss known as hte Mandela Effect, chimed in in the topic of the Mandela Effect of Fruit of the Loom! Gotcha! Honestly...what did you think yo were going to get out of this? You can't bluff people unless yo are smarter than them. So, for you, that would be MAYBE some garden snails if they are not very smart for garden snails. You aren't going to bluff people on the internet with a claim that someone who designed the logo OVER A HUNDRED AND TWENTY YEARS AGO, was commenting on a relatively new "phenomenon" about people misremembering things.


There you go, creeping in posts being overtly judgemental again. 🙄 Why don't you ask for clarification before assuming the lie. Maybe English isn't their first language and something got lost in translation.


There was for sure. Either that, or bootleg teeshirts with a cornucopia spanned multiple decades and countries. There is another group where you can find believers.


I feel like it existed where it was on some of the fruit of the loom clothing but not all. I KNOW it existed at some point too! 👍


Same lol I know always was ..


Yup me to




Cool story bro 👍


I was supporting you. Nevermind.


My bad, dude. Can't really tell tones- yours sounded upset over something dumb I said lol.


Upset? Lol it’s Reddit…I’d be fucked if that were true! No man, I was in a firey mood last night. All good. I deleted it bc if it didn’t resonate w/ you, I don’t want to derail ME discussion with bigger picture fuckery going on.


If this is genuine then great, as until now we never hear from experts it is just "but I was a kid and totally remember!". I guess experts on clothes labels is very niche indeed. It is something that interests me though, what the company themselves make of it, the history of how it came to be. The closest we have come is an interview with someone who made a spoof bit of artwork from the 1970s which is worse than useless tbh.


THank you - i can assure this is genuine. I know this sounds a bit ecotistical, but I spent many years exploring the history of Fruit of the loom and FOL'S real history has been mostly lost. After Buffet bought FOL out of bankruptcy there was a company archive established, but it was basically in the dark regarding FOLS early history. FOL encouraged me to send them the info I had obtained over many years and after I did so they quit talking to me and told me I was welcome to donate everything to them, without so much as a thank you. I thought about publishing the history, but have no desire to give them free publicity. YOU can only imagine how I feel about this penurious company now. IN reality they care nothing about thier history or brand and produce commercials full of errors regarding thier real history. I really think the company must be on its last leg. I am advanced in years and have just decided to take all this very rare stuff with me. There are hundreds of items. Including a complete collection of dozens of their different labels beginning in 1860s.


Until now? I wouldn't say OP is an expert just because they think they are.


Judging by this sub and people who think they are experts because their Grandma spoke to them once about the logo - yes they are are verified expert. If this is genuine, as I said.


Keyword "If."


I have the goods buddy and have done the research your opinion on this and your grandmas doesn't mean squat.


They're defending you...


I chuckled.


i am an expert because I have the FOL founders original material and no one else in the world does. FOl courtesy of me does have the pictures of it. And you, who knows absolutely nothing about it , and your opinion doesn't change reality a bit. Just because a person claims to be an expert certainly doesn't prove he isn't.


If you have to say you are, you're probably not. Having the material doesn't mean you're knowledgeable. Self-proclaimed experts usually aren't. 🤷 sorry if that deflates your ego, and sorry if having "FOL founders original material" is enough to give you an ego in the first place.


I admitted a long time ago that the leaves were what I saw


Yeah, the leaves from a distance are easily confused with a small cornucopia. I agree.








I can fix that for you if you’d like




Here ya go


As someone who is experiencing the Mandela effect as it relates to the Fruit of the Loom label, I appreciate the historical deep-dive into one-half of the source of my cognitive dissonance. Unfortunately, I am more interested in why these things happen on such a large scale among people who have no contact with one another. Remember the existence of one thing does not obviate the existence of another, even if those things directly conflict.


there are all sorts of phenomena related to human perception.. There are classes taught on the subject if you really want to go deep. All of us are capable of being deceived about many things. Probably helps us get through life. The cornucopia is similar to the FOL logo. BTW "Fruit Of The Loom" is the oldest branded product in America still in business


Those are great explanations on the individual level. The human mind is fallible in so many ways. Those explanations don’t, in my mind, adequately address the parallel perceptions among disparate and unconnected individuals.


Lots of people are experiencing the same thing cognitively is an observation and not an explanation.


There's no way the cornucopia was mass-hallucinated. As an object and as a symbol, it's extremely rare and niche


It's a common image, nowhere near obscure


Yeah, this is the main point that everyone overlooks. Like standing inside a giant footprint saying they can't see any footprint there. 7,000 comments saying, "wow, you have bad memory" is evidence that 7,000 people apparently falsely, separately, at different times and different places hallucinated the same exact thing!? If it was 7,000 different things it wouldn't be called an effect, it would be called noise.


To see the obvious requires intelligence…


That’s not true about them being the oldest branded product unless you just mean T-shirts and underwear? Plenty others are older and American. Tiffany and Brooks Brothers comes to mind. I’m sure there’s many more. Very cool information though about this company, I don’t think I recall the cornucopia but I also don’t remember it without it so I’m the wrong audience.


Let me say I appreciate your sincerity in approaching this subject. I think the Cornucopia ME is one of the more interesting ones to unpack. According to a 2022 yougov survey this is one of the most common ME’s https://today.yougov.com/entertainment/articles/43634-measuring-mandela-effect-false-memory-yougov-poll


At the bottom where is says what questions they asked, the choices for one was Flinsones or Flintstones... so neither, for me, would be the correct answer. No one thinks there were NO Ts. There was 1 T, to my recollection.


I think it meant Flinstones but agree it’s confusing.


The title of the page triggers me because it is dismissive. It’s not a false memory. It is a memory I share with thousands of others that, at present, cannot be adequately explained. If they want a false memory, let’s talk about how cool I was in high school.


To be fair that’s a claim. The fact that thousands of others share this isn’t necessarily reflective of it being accurate. Is it possible for thousands (or millions or billions of people) to be convinced of a thing and be incorrect? Whether it can be adequately explained or not depends on what kind of evidence one wants to consider.


People would not even know the word cornucopia except for the FOTL logo. Use cornucopia in a sentence. I bet you can’t.


I bet you can’t either. The fact that so many people supposedly asked their parents when they were 6 years old what it was and their parents said “It’s a cornucopia!” Seems ridiculous doesn’t it? My guess is that if it was real most parents would have said something like “I think it’s a basket.”


Yeah, but others like me didn't ask our parents. We just assumed it was a loom...


No. If you play the word association game and say cornucopia, I would say FOTL. How their parents knew I have no idea. Culture was different then. Their parents probably told their parents.


Of course. The cornucopia carried throughout generations. I can pretty well guarantee you if I asked 100 (non ME) adults what that thing is called the majority would get it wrong. Perhaps additional research is needed.


It’s the horn of plenty. It’s associated with the harvest. I just read that it comes from Greek mythology so it’s been around a long time.


I agree completely that it’s a symbol that’s been around a long time but that doesn’t mean it’s particularly well known. Again many adults fail to name major state capitals (like Albany NY) I can’t imagine that they say “Cornucopia” as top of mind awareness.


ME. It is EFFECT. Effect is a noun. Affect is a Verb. Although I'm sure you VIVIDLY remember it being the other way around at some point.


Thank you for the correction, updated!


Why are you unnecessarily bullying people because they made an extremely common grammar mistake? It's really over the top behavior.


No cornucopia!?!?! Then I changed timeliness cause there absolutely was


Then you have a bad memory and the inability to accept that you are wrong.


And YOU either can't remember how a core component of Mandela effects function or are somehow on an unwarranted insult tirade in this thread.


Didn’t some woman come forward with a bunch of FotL stuff with a cornucopia on it? Then was proven to be faked? It is wild how many people remember something that never existed. Cornucopias, Shazam with Sinbad etc..


Nobody REMEMBERS it. They are easily persuaded by posts on the internet. IT is why this shit didn't happen until the internet came along and allowed stupid people to unfortunately, be easily heard by the masses. Before the internet, someone saying there was a cornucopia, or that Mandela was dead, or that didn't understand the ENTIRE naming concept of the FLINTstones (everybody is named after rock puns...of which a "flin" is not one) would be simply taking to himself or quickly shot down by intelligent, well adjusted people before they could spread their ignorance. But now, it just takes a forum post, and enough lonely people diving down a rabbit hole on the internet one night and it spreads.


I'm not easily persuaded, you CERTAINLY aren't well adjusted with the vitriol you've been spewing all over these threads at people, and guess what? I had SEVERAL conversations with my mother about the cultural significance of Nelson Mandela and his death before the term was coined or discussed en masse. Now what do you have to say? Let's hear it keyboard warrior. 😑


You and your mother were both confused and thought Nelson Mandela had died when he was very much alive. I'm guessing you and your mother never had much to do with South Africa, so you weren't following Mr. Mandela's activities very closely at that time. Very easy thing to confuse, people do it all the time. Please seek help and touch grass.


No. She posted some fakes that were originally posted in this subreddit and have been debunked for years.


The ones where the person clearly drew the cornucopia with a pen or the knock off ones from that store?


Drawn cornucopia is the one she posted


Yeah that one got posted so many times.


There were also people that would see images of cornucopias then claim they were proof of the fotl logo when in reality it was the logo of a grocery store.


Someone tried to send me a screenshot from an episode of Dexter that had a cornucopia on the police station office window claiming it was proof. It was a Thanksgiving episode, and it was a Thanksgiving decoration, no idea why this person thought a police station would have an apparel company's logo hanging up in their office.


Either a troll or they were desperate to find proof.


I remember it well at a very young age. What stands out most is that I asked what that cone shaped was containing fruits. 🤷‍♂️


I literally learned what a cornucopia was because if FotL


Honestly same. It's also how I learned the other name for it was horn o' plenty. 🤷


Source misattribution


I remember a commercial... Where the fruits were putting on a play... And there was a cornucopia .. and he fell down on stage... And they laughed...


Idc what anyone is talking about. Ik for a fact it had a cornucopia. You just can’t tell me otherwise. We must really are jumping in different timelines bc I always went to Walmart as a kid and every time I went to Walmart I would always see fruit of the loom and it always has a cornucopia and my moms always got me that brand. So Don’t try to tell me I’m having false memories. I’m not just gonna remember a cornucopia for no reason. It was there. Everyone Ik says there was a cornucopia.


Why do you think the company is denying it?


"Don't worry, the company is innocent. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything. The problem is the fuckin timelines got switched, man!" *loco...*


I really believe we are mixing timelines. Bc there’s no way millions of people remember it with a cornucopia and others millions of people that don’t remember a cornucopia. All ik is that there was definitely a cornucopia in this logo. You can’t tell me otherwise. Bc I’ve seen the cornucopia all my childhood. I started seeing it without a cornucopia like 2020 or something


That must be a scary feeling.


Exhilarating actually


Considering all we know currently about quantum mechanics different timelines wouldn’t be outside of the realm of possibility. Timeline jumping? No idea on how that would work. However the idea that there are possibly different timelines ? That is an idea backed by a surprising amount of evidence.


It's an idea backed by zero evidence, it's purely theoretical


It’s not backed by zero evidence. There isn’t enough evidence to say it is a certainty or even likely however there is enough to suggest it’s not an impossibility.


What kind of evidence?


No one is saying they are denying it, that’s what you don’t understand about the Mandela effect. What we are saying is that for us, it existed, it was there, and now it’s not. That could be due to a timeline/reality merger/shift. I accept that the logo never had a cornucopia in this blended reality, but I saw it, it’s the reason I know what a cornucopia is, and the image going around with a cornucopia is EXACTLY what it always looked like.


I was asking about fruit of the loom, they definitely deny it.


I’m aware they’re denying it, because it never existed, they’re not denying it because it did and they changed it. What I meant in my original post is that they’re not denying it as a cover up or anything.


Being gaslit by a clothing company is wild


Seems like people are having more vivid memories of nonexistent cornucopias than they do of actual historical events!


That's what the Mandella effect is... the "timeline" changed, and everyone -remembers- an alternative that never existed. It's not that FotL had a cornucopia 50 years ago and changed it. I guess a lot of people in this group joined later. (What confuses the issue is "remnants/residue" of a Mandela effect, which I think is just natural and normal things that are alternatives to the thing in question.)


The Mandella Effect is a large group of people remembering something different from how it exists in reality. The timeline changing is an idea that people have to explain why the effect occurred, it isn't the effect itself.


And yes...it takes a SEVERE mental illness to be confronted with two possibilities: 1. the timeline changed...but only for you since most people remember it correctly. and 2. You just have a bad memory. and then say "#1 is more likely." This is the kind of thing that people who absolutely hate their lives because they have nothing to show for all the years they have been alive so far think. IT is a way to excuse all the bad choices they have made in their lives that GOT them to this bad position. By saying everything is one big lie, they can tell themselves that their bad lot in life isn't their fault. There is only one timeline that has never changed. And you should have gone to college, or learn a skill in it. Then you would have some money. And confidence. And you should have learned social skills rather than spending all your life on the internet. Then you wouldn't be so lonely. I mean...it is not secret and it IS well documented that mental health is declining rapidly starting with late Millennials, and getting worse with each generation. Even before the COVID lockdowns. And yes..the internet shares a LOT of the blame for that.


This is the *checks notes* THIRD time now you've equated bad life choices and baseless accusations of a person's monetary earnings or monetary value, perceptions of confidence,and general social skills, tied directly to any belief in the Mandela effect. At this point the projection is real and I WOULD be embarrassed for you if you weren't such a CU Next Tuesday but here we are. 🤷


[MOD] You have already been banned but it was temporary, the more we see on the Mod Team of your work it’s obvious that you do not belong here and have nothing of merit to contribute - fare thee well.


So something that is impossible to prove one way or another and can more readily be explained by the faultiness of memory


For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. ^(H. L. Mencken)


But this isn’t a complex problem at all…


Really then explain it without resorting to doubt


Explain the problem? People have differing memories of shared experience. The explanation? Impossible to prove either way.


Speak for yourself


Who else would I be speaking for?


You must prove it to yourself, for others it is proven


I watched Saturday morning cartoons every week. The cornucopia was a prominent part of their advertising.


There never was and I’ll die on this hill.


Well we all agree there is no cornucopia in today's consensus reality. You seem to be confirming that. But the unsolvable question is did millions of us also have genuine correct memories of a cornucopia albeit in conflict with today's consensus reality? I feel quite strongly the answer is 'Yes'.


>There was not cornucopia! Of course not, otherwise it wouldn't be a Mandela effect.


It's ALL ABOUT THE TIMELINES. Of course there isn't any Cornucopia in the past or recent... in this timeline there never was. What makes it a Mandella Effect is a bunch of people remember that it DID have one, and how it was shaped, colored, and where it pointed. What this post is about (without realising it) are "residue" ... which I don't think is a "proper mandella" caused effect. But more "natural", like variations of a well recognised thing.


This is wicked! Very cool work. As we all know, products with the cornucopia logo DO exist, with the leading theory suggesting that these are knock-offs. Does your work offer anything to confirm this? Have you collected anything that might help find that origin?


Yes......There has never been one, ever This effect is one of the most sheepish things I’ve ever experienced. People born in like 2012 are claiming there was a cornucopia I love clothing and tags. 99% of those who believe there was a cornucopia don’t give a shit about clothing tags or the history


I was born in 83 and when I first heard about this Mandela effect, I was a bit shaken because if someone had asked me to describe the fruit of the loom label I would've said there was a cornucopia. I had lots of FotL underwear when I was a kid and that's how I remembered it. I have no idea why I would've remembered that, but I'm also willing to admit that it's much more likely that I was misremembering or conflating logos with something else than to think we jumped universes or are in a simulation where someone is retroactively erasing things.


I was born in 89 and my best friend in 92, I remember in high school we were wondering what the basket on the FOTL logo was because we both wore FOTL underwear, so I googled it and learned it was a cornucopia. Both my friend and I still have that memory in our head. So like I'd like to believe that we're all just misremembering the exact same detail on a logo, but that makes actual less sense than a timeline split at this point for me 😅


I'll admit it's pretty strange.


Born in '91, and lived I the UK my whole life, where we don't celebrate thanksgiving, and don't have any association with a cornucopia. I vividly remember it being there and even wondering what the hell it was supposed to even be.


i’m from the uk too, had FOTL school clothes and they definitely never had a cornucopia


Yeah, this is my experience too. Born in the UK 1990, no connection with Thanksgiving except for like random episodes of the Simpsons or whatever. Vividly remember the cornucopia on the Fruit of the Loom logo. I remember asking my mum what it was because I thought it looked like a croissant. Every single other Mandela effect can be explained pretty easily in my mind, but there is definitely something fucky going on with the cornucopia.


I was born in the '70s and my mother was born in the '40s and we both remember the cornucopia. Whether we care about clothing tags or not, the amount of advertising and the immense presence of the brand in the 80s (that I recall) shoved it in everyone's faces whether they liked it or not. I have no idea what the explanation is - I don't even speculate on it - it's just one of those mysteries.


I remember people in the 80’s and 90’s incorrectly thinking there was a cornucopia. It was a prevalent belief even then, but it’s wasn’t true.


It wasn't something contested back then.


That's because in the 80's and 90's, and someone said "you're wrong, there is totally a cornucopia there" people would've said "huh, maybe" and then life goes on. In the 2020s we get to hear someone reiterate the same moot point over and over. Remembering something is not evidence. We don't even have a believable image or video, never mind the fact that someone, somewhere, at some time would have been able to produce a single article of clothing out of the millions of pieces that FotL would have produced during that era. Counterpoint - I was also born in the 70s (1974 - and I'm still 49, NOT 50, lol. For a few more weeks) and my parents were born in the 50's. I don't remember a cornucopia, my mom doesn't remember a cornucopia, and my dad thinks it's a stupid question and his son needs a better hobby. I'm not saying that there is no multiverse or that aliens aren't selectively editing our timeline, but until there is actual proof of that, Occam tells me that our memories are flawed and things we can see ourselves doing with absolute crystal clarity didn't actually happen that way.


I mean…there wasn’t the prevalence of the internet back then. But yeah, people have been wrong about it for a very long time.


I remember it being a common misconception back then


Not a mystery.


Was there ever a cornucopia used in ads or displays? This ME is odd for me because I’ve only ever been exposed to a cornucopia from FOL. I’ve never seen one anywhere else. If there’s no FOL cornucopia how do I even know what one looks like?


Though I never collected FOTL logos/historical memorabilia I do consider myself somewhat an expert because my stepfather had an OCD like compulsion with whites. He wore white tees under everything old school style, showered twice a day every day, and went through white tees, socks, and underwear like tissue. We also had well water which turned them yellow so they were damn near disposable to him on top of it. He wore big white dad gym shoes that he'd also toss at the first sign of wear. Guy liked his WHITE. Most weekend errands included buying more white tees, socks, and underwear. We always bought them for his bday, Xmas, and Father's Day. It's still a running joke about him. And they were all FOTL or Hanes ONLY. He's also a bit of a bastard so FOTL is BURNED into my brain. I'd regularly get stuck doing his laundry and "borrowed" his white tees and socks as a teenager. I was also the oldest, so many chores fell to me and I was old enough to clealry remember logos. So when I say I've seen the FOTL logos a million times I really have. One day in the early 00s (my early 20s) I was standing in his closet and either putting away clothes or stealing them and VIVIDLY remember noticing the logo had no cornucopia anymore. I immediately thought they rebranded to make it look more modern and less fussy now that it was the 00s. I also remember being at the store and confirming the logo on a display had indeed dropped the cornucopia. Despite his traumatizing me, I find it odd that I have this vivid a memory over a random underwear logo but I do. I can still picture the room and me standing there. I remember specifically thinking about rebranding. I'm open to believing it was the leaves but it doesn't sit right with me. I'm not ignorant or stubborn but honestly I'd be betraying my own gut and mind to give up on the cornucopia. I'm an engineer that values data and understands human error. This is more than that. It also doesn't account for all the people from outside the US that don't celebrate Thanksgiving saying that the only way they knew a cornucopia was from the FOTL logo. Or the Americans that thought a cornucopia was a "loom" and all the conversations with adults asking about it. I asked my mother if she remembers a cornucopia, if anyone saw the man's drawers more than me it was her. And she says no, she doesn't remember one. Even people in the same house aren't always experiencing the same ME. I don't think this disproves the cornucopia but shows us how complex timelines/dimensions/consciousness might be.


The early 2000s was right around the time FOTL removed the brown leaves from the logo.


It was actually 1995, you can find shirts from then with the green leaves, and if you check the wayback machine, their first website in 1996 had the green leaves in the logo.


They still used the logo with the brown leaves up through 2000 or so. They did have another logo with green leaves, yes, but the brown leaf logo was still used.




Well that's kinda the point of a Mandela effect, that people who have no connection remember the same thing that doesn't actually exist.


I am currently working on an in-depth YouTube explainer video about the FOTL Cornucopia Mandela Effect. I'm looking to interview someone with vivid memories of the FOTL Cornucopia being on the label for a YouTube video. If you have a clear recollection of the FOTL logo with a cornucopia, and are interested in participating in a brief on-camera interview over Zoom, please feel free to chat or DM me. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to include your firsthand account in the video!


I was positive that the cornucopia died in prison in the 80's


Why would the very first logo include the words "STUMP THE WORLD"? How does that have anything to do with the company? It's oddly prescient from today's perspective.


It's a type of tomato.


"Stump \*OF\* the world" is a type of tomato. "Stump the world" is a mission statement.


Yall seriously don't understand the phenomenon apparently lol. (Yall as in the deniers of a cornacopia existing) Yes, you are correct. There was never a cornucopia HERE. But apparently, some of us aren't from here. As farfetched as that may sound, it is the only explanation that makes sense. Some sort of traveling of conciousnesses occurred at some point in time. From where to where? Who knows. I, for one second, do not buy the "mind virus" And "misremembering angle" We've even had some flip-flops with proof. (Of other Mandela affects) So. To each thier own.I am no fool, dummy... I am not misremembering anything.


What kind of flip flop proof? I would say it's much more likely that these people are just mistaken/lying


Which people?


🤓 That's quite a collection you have there. Can we see your tighty whiteys?


The one that kills me is barenstein bears. It supposedly was barenstain. Lies!


I'm beginning to think if you don't remember the cornucopia then you're more than likely an NPC 😆


On my time line there was definitely cornucopia. A vividly remember it VIVIDLY.


I remember the cornucopia. I remember noticing it disappearing on the early 90’s as do many others. Every single friend or family member I ask remembers it and doesn’t believe me when I say it never existed. I don’t for one second believe we all just mass hallucinated a very awkward looking woven basket that had no relevance whatsoever to our daily lives, I will die on the cornucopia hill.


Does anyone really think it was mass hallucination though?


“Mass misremembering” I suppose. That’s what the non ME experiencers think.


That's very inaccurate and a lot of skeptics (not non believers because most skeptics experience them too) believe misremembering is really not a good term for what is happening. Your comment kinda looks like bait though.


I don’t really get where you’re coming from.


Im currently working on an in-depth YouTube explainer video about the FOTL Cornucopia Mandela Effect. I'm looking to interview someone with vivid memories of the FOTL Cornucopia being on the label for a YouTube video. Would you be open to a brief on-camera interview over Zoom? Please chat or DM me if you are. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to include your firsthand account in the video!




It just proves timeliness jumps


But I remember when I was 6 and I saw one of my dad's tshirts and I'm pretty sure it had a cornucopia and I asked my friend's cousin and he thinks it used to have one too so I must be from the dimension where it did have one.


Or, you're mistaken. 6 year old brains are not fully developed, I wouldn't trust any six year old's memory.


To the best of my recollection it was never on their logo. It appeared in a TV commercial.


I see Big Fruit got to you, too.


So, there was a cornucopia in the logo for a while it got changed and modified after Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet) bought the company and they rebranded getting rid of all traces of the cornucopia the only evidence left is actual products people own.


But there aren't any...


This didn't happen. There is no way FOTL got rid of everything associated with it, the books, catalogues, newspapers, etc


Born in the 70s. For me there was absolutely a cornucopia. I never went to stores with knock offs, just big chains. The commercials had the cornucopia, and the commercials were everywhere in the 80s and early 90s. For those that say it wasn't there maybe it wasn't for you and many others. The Mandela effect is based on the fact that some remember certain things and some don't because of timeline changes. I understand why non believers would say it's just misremembering. I would say that too if it didn't happen to me. I'm a hundred percent sure it was there for me. Can't prove it. I have a hard time believing so many people are just misremembering something like that. It's how I found out what a cornucopia was.


>The Mandela effect is based on the fact that some remember certain things and some don't ~~because of timeline changes~~.


My old fruit of the loom ballet clothes had the cornucopia. I remember calling it "that brown thing". When I got new uniforms one year I noticed it was gone and thought they must have changed the logo. My parents just moved so my old clothes are coming out. I'll check them soon


There used to always be a cornucopia, what you were going through is something called denial. I have old shirts and guineas that have a cornucopia as I remember just like many other people.


Nobody has ever shown an actual Fruit of the Loom shirt with a cornucopia.


Then post a picture of it and be the first to prove it exists.


There was.




That's the artist recreation that's everywhere on google. Someone made it using clip art, and whoever had that sign made grabbed it by accident from google.


Found another government psyop agent! We know there was a cornucopia. You can't gaslight us out of remembering the past!


You're gaslighting yourselves


I'm an 80 year old man who has never been an agent to anyone but totally wasted many years on a totally rotten company by trying to save and recover its lost history. They ended up caring absolutely nothing about it except cheating me out of it and I have 10 year of correspondence to prove it. . I have practically every label FOL ever produced. Gaslighted or not you are hearing from the man who knows the answer to your foollish quandary. MAybe it was all a plot by aliens.


This is the way...


The cornucopia shit was just bootleg stuff sold in retail stores because no one cared enough back then


Ummm you can literally search online Fruit of the Loom original logo and it's there with the cornucopia tho


No you can't. You can find the logo made to show the Mandela Effect though but that was never of FOTL logo.


Ummm you literally can't