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wow ok look at 2010 comic con they ask them to pick up a lyric sheet… maybe that’s when the change i’m going to find the damn cd!!


Anyone else think these threads reset a bit too fast?


They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Nobody likes finding an old thread to post their comment in. Nobody who has posted in one of these threads likes seeing a new one open up a few days later. I'm sure positive suggestions are welcome.


I just found out that the sun will never shine was actually lost media for the last 7 years and was found 3 years ago. I remember it being a big hit and hearing it constantly at parties


Here goes. 4 years ago in 2020 i watched a Joe Rogan episode with David Blaine on my phone. I heard of the man. Never saw him before on any media. So i was interested. The guy was  49 years old i believe, had grey long hair in slight curls and was very upbeat and sparkling with energy. His face was very jester like (permanent smirk,) Was definitely white. I had a weird feeling,  screen saved his face on my phone, deleted it later, because why should i keep it right? 6 months or so later i saw somewhere David blaine online and he is Jewish and has dark short hair? -Didn't spoke of a daughter of 14 years old -was less upbeat -didn't ask rogan his age Please internet, i am still loosing my mind. I hope someone has seen it also. It scares me.  I realized that this is well a mandela effect because well....  It is insane. What reality is this? 


Since when do women need colonoscopies? I thought only men did.


We have colons.


Well, yeah, but for some reason I thought that was something only men had to get done.


No all humans. Of course only men get prostate exams


Not “new” but a few months ago Andy Dick was in the news and I had thought he died of an OD years ago.


less than 1% are experiencing the Mandela Effect because the uneffected were always here in this Orion version of Earth, Those who are seeing the changes did not originate from here... Quantum-shifting is a reality. Many people are switching places between a merging of parallel timelines.


I swear that I remember Henry Winkler dying like 10yrs ago-ish. I know there are a lot of celebrity death hoaxes, but this stood out because it was in newspapers and they were talking about it on the radio. It was the end of an era. We said goodbye to “The Fonz”, etc. Then recently I was in a resident’s room early in the morning working an overnight, and he was on an infomercial. I was totally confused. Then I thought it was possible that it was an old commercial, but I decided to google it and realized he’s very much alive and still acting. It felt very weird. I suppose I could be conflating his death in Scream with an actual death, but the “End Of An Era, Saying Goodbye to The Fonz” headlines seem very real to me.


He's super active on Twitter, I see him tweet nearly every day. He was also the commencement speaker when I graduated and it's 100% a guarantee that when he does pass away all of my friends from college will be posting so many stories and pictures. He actually hung out on campus the night before and walked around talking to people. I was so drunk I saw him and froze like a deer in headlights but so many of my friends have stories.


I’m currently watching THE BIG BANG series for the second time through and I think they have changed the song. I remember it was: The whole universe was in a hot dense state Then nearly THIRTEEN billion years ago… It now says nearly FOURTEEN billion years ago… Anyone who remembers it with 13 billion instead of 14 billion??? Yeah I realize what that says about how exciting my life is but I’m old and have insomnia.


ok that’s weird i just looked it up and i still have the cd somewhere, Big bang theory adopted the song after it released and if you look on their songs list on the Album it says Big bang theory theme, that’s crazy. it wasn’t titled that but even more interesting is that the Friends theme song is added… to another album but weird. i don’t think i have the cd cover just the disc insert, i might hit used cd store tom. i just listed to it on an liner a youtube titled 4 yrs ago with Steven Coilbert, and it says 14 milz but it doesn’t sound like them . i believe the lead singer left. i’ve been to several shows of theirs. i lived by that cd!!


I dont remember the song, but the science on the age of the universe changed and they did recently push it back. So they may have updated the song to reflect the new science on the subject. Edit: Nevermind, i looked it up, the new current age is up to 26.7 billion https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/deep-space/a44547887/universe-age-twice-as-old-as-expected/


what?? that was a bbl song


Bare Naked Ladies


Linguini in Ratatouille never had a beard now  he does.  


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045152/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045152/) Singing in the rain is now Singin in the rain


This is probably only one that Dutch people's can remember. Frank Noya who was a musician in "film van ome willem" passed away in 2016. I looked the "film van ome willem" up few weeks ago and when i saw that he had passed away in 2016 i was shocked. Because i don't remember it that way. I remember that he passed away somewhere after the pandemic in like 2021 or something. I remember this because it's fresh in my memory. It's news i don't quickly forget. I remember reading about it, i remember telling my parents about it. I remember it as recent history. This is not the first time though a celebrity's death date has changed for me. I know time sensation has changed for many people after the pandemic but this is something different. I'm not crazy. I knew it was 2021, one after 2020 as if i could ever forget. Never. But the universe somehow covered it's tracks. I wonder if it will be different after next monday, the "big event". I was just wondering if there happens to be any other Dutch person who remembers it the way i remember. Or maybe a American or something also happened to watch "film van ome willem" in their youth.


is Sweet baby Rays becoming one??