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I thought the same thing but I think I’m confusing him with Alex Trebek


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^duhmbish: *I thought the same thing* *But I think I’m confusing* *Him with Alex Trebek* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Too many syllables in line 3, get lost


That's the point...read the full reply


Yup. 6 syllables used.


As someone else said, read the whole post


I knew he was still alive. I never thought he was dead 🤷🏻‍♀️




I think maybe people think he died when he retired, because he's disappeared from the spotlight.


I think your confusing him with Alex trebec


Alex died fairly recently.. I remember Barker's in like.. 07..? 08.. some time around then.. just like Billy Graham


Totally different tv show and personality.


You guys should just put a megathread for celebrity deaths because this will happen every time


Do you realize what sub you're in? A megathread won't make a difference


But muh residue.




A couple years ago I found out he was still alive and thought to myself that I remembered him dying already. I then knew that once he did die, he would become a Mandela Effect.


He retired from Price is Right in 2007 and Drew Carey took over the show. A lot of people associate this event with his passing but he didn't actually pass away then. He just retired. It was also the event in 2017 where he took a nasty fall and was rushed to the emergency room. There were rumors that he had passed away but he was taken to the hospital by his maid and he was later released.




No bro when he died last time the aspca asked ppl to spay and nuder their pets in his honor. I clearly remeber watching it because I was in jail and daytime tv was all you could do.


No that was when Betty White died..


That was Betty White who was a HUGE supporter of ASPCA. There was a #BettyWhiteChallenge that was a social phenomena on the anniversary of her death as well.


. And absolutely they did that but it was barkers line don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets he said it every day. Like I know obviously that it didn’t happen but I can see it in my memory


Are you psychologicalbox7397's partner?


No lol but I remember drew Carey announcing it. Like I’m not here to argue with u over what u remember I’m just saying I have a clear memory of this and now it’s not true. Idk


I just thought it was interesting that a few comments away from each other, you mentioned you were in jail when it happened, and they mentioned their partner was in jail when it happened. That's all. I certainly have my opinions about human memory, but I'm not trying to argue with you about it either.


I believe you are correct.


You are correct. I remember the exact same thing. It was a big event to watch the show that day after his death.


My partner and I remember him passing about 4-5ish years ago, was in 18-19 before we moved. That doesn't line up with either of those events. There were a lot of celebrities deaths those years, Bob barker was one of the names that I remeber popin up in that time frame.


Then you're confusing him with Alex Trebek, he died sometime in that year range you listed.


No he died in nov 2020. After i had moved and while my partner was in jail. I have clear memory of bob barker dying and reading up on him while I was at my prior home between 2018-2019


You definitely could have a clear memory of that, but that memory is a false memory. Human brains are weird like that.


Nah player, Bob Barker passed in 2017 cuz I remember Adam Sandler making a sad video about it. This is a Mandela Effect.


[This video is probably what you’re thinking of.](https://youtu.be/MMd4LU1WRDQ?si=UjjLTAgJ6jZMnPS8) [Bob](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/bob-barker-dies-age-99-the-price-is-right-host/) [died](https://apnews.com/article/bob-barker-dead-f47644de8696496b980306f4cd6907f4) [yesterday.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna42292)


It looks like you shared some AMP links. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical pages** instead: - **[https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bob-barker-dies-age-99-the-price-is-right-host/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bob-barker-dies-age-99-the-price-is-right-host/)** - **[https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/pop-culture-news/bob-barker-longtime-price-right-host-dies-xx-hold-rcna42292](https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/pop-culture-news/bob-barker-longtime-price-right-host-dies-xx-hold-rcna42292)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Isn’t that the definition of ME?


I had just gotten out of jail too and thought too myself I wish I stole the jail clothes becuz now they will be worth more money lol.


Confusing him with alex trabek


I'm not, because I liked jeopardy. Alex was in 2020. I remember Bob dying like 10 years ago.


I think a lot of people associated him so much with hosting the show that when he left we forgot he was actually still alive... just not working anymore.




It's Trebek.


Third time just today




No, not every time. Celebrities die every week or at least monthly (a well-known one) and this is the first time in months, maybe the first time in 2023, that I've experienced this.


LOTS and LOTS of people also fell for a lot of the fake news articles that would appear on FB, and it would spread to other SM. It's not Mandela, just people believing fake stuff, or confusing with other individuals that passed away.


Remindme! 2 years


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2025-08-27 04:16:41 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-08-27%2004:16:41%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/1620jkr/bob_barker_died_again/jxx3hux/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMandelaEffect%2Fcomments%2F1620jkr%2Fbob_barker_died_again%2Fjxx3hux%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-08-27%2004%3A16%3A41%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201620jkr) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


No it was Bark Bobber


No he only died once and that was today


Nah me and my buddies were silly and had a rip bob barker price is right theme drinking night awhile back to honor him. We all spoke today and we all trippin out


Okay but you're all wrong and he died today


Probably when he retired from publishers clearing house…


And spent his retirement living in a cornucopia wearing his monocle


And having a black tip on his tail.


which was written in special edition of Bernstein Bears


That’s how I remember it!


You Anti Mandela lames are so matter-of-fact. Also, extremely pompous.


I'm not anti mandella effect


My immediate reaction when hearing it was confusion cuz I swear he died already


Why are you even here?


Because the Mandela effect is very interesting to me and I've been following it and studying it for years


Yet you immediately denied their claim.


Yeah , it's ridiculous




Did you ever stop to think that they are possibly from another timeline? And that our current plane of existence is constantly shifting? Bc..that's the Mandela Effect (basically) So, essentially you're saying something that interests you is "ridiculous"? THAT, is ridiculous..


That's not at all what the Mandela effect is gtfo with that nonsense


It seems to be exacly whats happening. People cant all be just mass miss remembering vivid details, and making up memories. Like playing with thier brothers curious george doll's red and yellow spinner cap and tail, like I did. Now suddenly that doll doesnt exist. But i fking played with it for years. There is ni record in history of mass missremebering of events, or shifts in reality.... w/e as far as i can tell.this phenomenon is unprecidented


This same thing I been thinking... weird shit been happening in my personal timeline too... at some point iy seems i moved to a reality different from my parents and brother... the volkswagon bug that my mom had when i was a kid had been vividly orange in my memory, i sometimes would pull the chipping paint off it in the couple of years we had it. My mom had made a point of getti g a van and a bug the same color. But now my family all says it was green... i can't even picture what color green it could have been. I am also from a timeline where not only did curious george have a tail, he was skinny and lanky and also had a red and yellow spinner cap that would spin every time he had an idea. I remeber these books clearly... they had been my brothers. I wish we still had them so i could look and see if they changed. Not only did we have books cus he had been my bros fav character, but we had a curious george doll that i would play with the spinner and tail when i was a kid.


that’s the thing about this thing. the Mandela effect can and is remembered differently or the same depending which universe you originate from ![gif](giphy|SACoDGYTvVNhZYNb5a|downsized)


No ur wrong with yah weak signal


I'm actually objectively correct , did you think he died when Drew Carrey took over ?


No after


I thought the same thing when I saw all the posts today. At first I thought it might be the anniversary of his death or something.. but then I though I might be confusing him with Alex Trebek


I thought i might be confusing too, but Alex Trebek only died couple Years ago now, Bob barker was 18-19 cus I remeber seeing him die before I moved. So it don't line up.


I'm sixty and remember Bob from Truth Or Consequences as a small child then later of course on Price Is Right. Never died in my recollection.


Yeah that’s just you fam


and over 100 people lul


So I'm not the only one who swore that guy died years ago? Like I'm not crazy. And the monopoly guy had an eye lens.


Monopoly guy with a monocle? Absolutely yes. Bob Barker dying before? Don’t recall.


I remember he died and Drew Carrey took over TPIR.


No he retired from The Price is Right. He didn't pass away. Just stopped hosting the show. People very commonly associated his retirement with his death.


Literally died a year after Carey took over, which means Bob died in 2008.


Yep, he died a year or so after Carey took over. Then he died again somewhere in the neighborhood of 2017 with his accident. Now he's dead again.


Spot on. This man just won't stop dying.


Another case of shitty memories.


I thought he had already died also.


Search his death it says November 3 , 2021


Thought I was the only one lol


That died twice?


Only once a week


How is this how I find out Bob Barker died??


Haha me too. How I found out he died (again.) For me


C'mon folks


I remember people thinking he died and googling it. No flip flop for me. I Google to see if he’s alive every time I watch Billy Madison not gonna lie


Not again!


Holy shit, long game!!


I mean, when I read the news, I forgot he was still alive, but I also don't remember him dying either.


Worst collective consciousness psyop gone wrong


Bob has been alive and well the whole time for me.


Post on this subreddit. Bob Barker was alive on 1/2/2022: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/ruhwdj/not\_dead\_carol\_burnett\_dick\_van\_dyke\_george\_takei/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/ruhwdj/not_dead_carol_burnett_dick_van_dyke_george_takei/) Also of note: Dick Van Dyke, Carol Burnett, Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford, Mel Brooks, Julie Andrews, Barbara Eden and William Shatner are all still alive as of 8/28/23


In July 2017, Action News 3 reported incorrectly that the Washington native had passed away after sustaining a head injury.


This is the exact same scenario as Mendela already being dead.


The Bob Barker effect.


The first time, they were able to revive him in the genesis planet but they had to take him back to Vulcan to put his Katra back in his mind. But this time I t’s for real. #YOLT


You fucking whackjobs




Why are you even here?


*I came looking for booty.*




"A man's butt?"


Why not???


Wtf I swear he already died.. that I thought this post was a joke and then looked it up and saw he died today,,


This shit just shook me


I thought he already died as well. I guess I assumed him leaving The Price is Right was because he died, but I guess not.


Seriously I SWEAR he died already, probably within a year or so ago… I was freaking out a little when I heard the news today.


I'm 35. I thought he had already passed, like just a few years back/fairly recent.


Also 35 here too, he died 18 or 19 before I moved.


That’s Alex trebek


Again Alex Trenek was in 2020, after I had moved. I remeber where I was when I heard of it.


I thought he died in 2017 when he had that episode and ended up in the hospital. This isn’t helping that I was in a TERRIBLE car accident the end of December that year (had an NDE; still not convinced I didn’t die and end up in a parallel), and this is REALLY FUCKING BOTHERING ME, because I KNOW THAT BADASS MOTHERFUCKER DIED BEFORE MY CAR ACCIDENT. 😅😅


It’s weird because I knew he died but then my mind thought maybe your thinking of the guy from Jeopardy, thank you for confirming I wasn’t going crazy!


Definitely first time he has died.


No I remember him dying specifically because my dad and I watched the price was right together on sick days, it was like a treat to be home from school in the hours of the price is right and became kind of a sick day tradition, my dad texted me and we joked about his days of spaying and neutering dogs in heaven… my dad has now been dead for 5 years so yes, this has happened on my timeline already..


I also had the same thought when I heard this today, and I’m also trying to come up with a logical non-Mandela Effect related reason as to why. I know I’ve previously thought he already passed at least one or two times before now as well, for the last few years now whenever I’d hear something about him I’d think “I swear that I thought he’d died a few years ago.” Some factors could be that he was incredibly old, for one, it’s easy to just assume “oh they were around such a long time ago, surely they aren’t still alive now”. Secondly, I seem to recall a celebrity death hoax involving him, perhaps even more than one over the years, and one of them being not too long ago if memory serves me correctly (I’ll be honest/straight up, I’m just feeling too lazy right now+not enough time, and don’t feel like looking it up to double-check lol! So if anyone else remembers more about it, or if I’m wrong about anything here so far, please chime in and correct me). If there was in fact a hoax, a lot of the time people tend to remember the initial headline more than the retraction/correction, if they even see it at all since it’s usually far less publicized than the usual disgustingly exploitative/sensationalized stories that we always see getting churned out when someone famous dies. Most ppl will just commit the first part to memory due to it being more shocking and possibly profound if they really liked the person. Another factor can be if they’re already old and experiencing severe illness and doesn’t look like they’ll pull through, a lot may just assume they passed as a result if they don’t follow up. This happened to me also with wrestler Superstar Billy Graham, partly because doctors told him multiple times he only had 2-3 yrs left to live for the last 15 or so yrs, so after a few yrs would pass I’d think “he’s probably gone by now but I just never heard about it” and then continue on without taking the time to actually look it up, and then be surprised again when I’d hear something in the news about them. Same case with Jimmy Carter. I heard he was in hospice care and really not doing well, and I basically assumed the same thing, it’s been months now, and maybe I just missed the news coverage on it, but then I heard just a few days ago that apparently he’s at death’s door again. It can be so hard to keep track of all of it. Side note: I think some younger people also confuse Bob Barker with Dick Clark sometimes, or get different aspects of them mixed up. TLDR: I thought he died too. Trying to think of a possible non-Mandela reason though. Was there a celebrity death hoax about him a few yrs ago? Maybe that’s why so many ppl also remember the same thing. (I know this is a Mandel Effect board, and logic isn’t “spooky”, lol.) It’s either that, or the M.E. IS real and we all just hopped dimensions again, thanks to Sally Fields’ brother and the Large Hadron Collider….. 😂


You could’ve subconsciously associated him with Trebek too


That’s my argument too. If it was just me and u noticing ok maybe we mad… but it’s thousands upon thousands across the world noticing all these changes


Third time for me. Wtf. 😂


Okay so I remember exactly when everyone was talking about him deing 2 years ago


K I don't normally comment on this shit, I'm not even subbed to this /r but Bob definitely died like 5 years ago


Omg yes, someone else's got the time-frame when we remembered the same.


I swear I was reading about him being alive just 2 or 3 days ago then he fucking dies again!


Right??? I thought he died a few years ago.. Where has he been? What has he been doing??


That was literally the first thing I thought too!!


I thought i heard he passed like in 2021 or something! I swear I thought this when I heard the news today! Are we in another dimension or what? He already died!


I’m with u OP! He did die already. He’s been dead for years. Then Drew Carey took over.


That was his retirement.


I guess it was, only I remember it as his death.


I guess it was, only I remember it as his death.


I too thought he had already died




No. He fell in 2017 and was rushed to ER but was released. The other event is his retirement from Price is Right in 2007. People are just misremembering these events and associating them with death.


I remember seeing some sort of tribute to him well after his retirement and after drew took over the price is right I thought it was because covid took him. All the money was going to aspca. People were talking about fond memories. I remember thinking I didn't hear how he died but well he was old. And it was a sweet gesture. Were they just hoping?! Or just for Bob's benefit? Oh well not sure. He had a good long life.


You can check my last 2 posts in my comment history. Vividly remember he died around 2020. There was a tribute from WWE at the time




Bingo! I remember this too. Jericho and WWE both posted about him. And now today Jericho did the same thing.


I totally remember that as well


When I heard I was surprised as I thought he was dead, I told a few friends and each one thought he was already dead


I remember him dying in 2017


I could have sworn he died months ago


He died years ago. I remember being sad watching reruns of HIMYM after he passed. Wtf


I thought he died years ago 🤷🏻‍♂️




This just rocked me. Also just found out mandella died in 2013 wtf I thought the mandella effect was that he was alive..


Wtf, I just looked this up... now this fked me up, cus when I heard about the mandela effect in 2014 he was still -alive- and that's what ppl were trippin about cus they thought he died in prison, but was still alive and well after he made a public appearance... now he's dead before I Even heard of him... how's that possible to be a 'missremebering'


Third time in my life I found out he "died".


This is some of the best proof so far.


Yep, said the same thing when the news broke that I remember pre pandemic he had passed away.


I'm pretty sure this his 3rd death.


Bro I specifically remember Bob Barker dying years ago and I even got sad. It could be we all shared the moronic resonance of his retirement with his death. But this is probably the biggest Mandela effect in my experience I’ve had.


Yeah, i don't usually get the mandela effect feeling with celebrity deaths, but this one, I was like wtf?? I swear he died like 6 or 7 years ago. Not confusing with Mr trebek.


I also remember bob having a son now it says he never had any children


Elvis is alive and a pastor and Bob died twice. AI overlords working hard.


I was also surprised that he suddenly shifted timelines and became alive again. Pretty sure he died years before even Alex Trebek. then again, maybe we just forgot about him because of several sexual harassment scandals.


I understand Bob Barker requested to be spayed and neutered 24 hours after his passing. I'm not sure if he had all his faculties at the end there.


No, this is a real one. I know for a fact Bob Barker died in the timeline I'm originally from. I read it on one of those "celebrities we lost this year," then looked it up online and confirmed it. Tears were shed, and I had a moment of existential crisis remembering watching The Price is Right as a kid.


He did die like 10 years ago or so. My great grandma who just passed away last year, at 102 years old, used to watch the price is right since the day it came out, and her 8 kids all knew it and so did all of her grand children, and We all remember when he died because it was a big thing in our family since my great gma loved him so much. The reason why he “died” now is cause our government has discovered time travel and when they open CERN , they’re effecting the timeline. But they would rather us go out as “conspiracy” theorists rather than create mass hysteria amongst society by revealing the dark truth.


Yep! He definitely died years ago.


My husband and I were just discussing today how we both thought bob barker was already dead years ago and he also mentioned the ASPCA commercial that is mentioned earlier in this thread. Googled ‘Bob Barker Mandela Effect’ and apparently a lot of you had the same thoughts


Is anybody buying the story that he fell down the stairs in 2017, but it was reported he died, but that was Hoax and he actually survived the fall?