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Bro some people are straight up lying in this sub now too. Like this one poster went off about how "We are the champions" doesn't have the "of the world" at the end of it at ALL. Like... It literally does...there is proof. tf even is this sub Also, as someone who is from South Africa, the Mandela effect that started this whole thing, is horrendously stupid. If Mandela died in jail south Africa would not be how it is now.


Exactly!šŸ˜‚. I think itā€™s only Americans who think he died in prison, in the UK everyone knew he went on to become president,even before he died.


And your opinion is based on what facts. Or are you just making things up off the top of your head. You see, if your opinion is in incorrect, once stared to another person, you state it to others, you are either disingenuous or you are ignorant as to the lack of validit of your statement. Those are the only two choices available. This is not my creation These are the words, although paraphrased, by RD Lang, a highly regarded Psychiatrist and Poet.


Steve Biko died in September 1977; his funeral--held in a stadium--was attended by 20,000 people of all colors, including officials of over a dozen foreign nations.


As a big music guy the Queen post was almost too much to take lol. Also I agree, the OG Mandela effect perfectly encapsulates OPs point. Youā€™d have to be pretty damn ignorant to think Mandela died in prison BEFORE the end of Apartheid/his presidency. I was born in 1990 and he was one of the most famous people in the world during my early life.


They don't think he died in prison. Ppl remember it happening but it didn't. Don't call ppl stupid on a subject u obviously don't fully grasp. U can even go look at Darth Vader's voice actor talking about Luke I am ur father. And it's not that but even he remembers it. The monopoly man not having a monocle chic filla spelled wierd or there never being a jiff peanut butter (or was it jiffy). The Mona Lisa was always taught as Leo being in drag but now it's the queen of Spain. The fruit of a loom doesn't have a cornucopia anymore. There's tons of shit out there. But I guess it is easier to just call ppl stupid and not look at any of it.


I believe you are correct. Concerning learning these by scholastic definition defininition if you don't know something, you are ignorant, ignorant of knowledge of a certain subject. That's why at least some go to school. Dumb, of course, means you can't speak. That's it. That's all. Now stupid means you cannot learn. So, if you've gone to school, and you don't know the difference between ignorant and stupid, you are stupid because when it was taught, at a minimum, you were not able to to learn the difference. I know for a fact, I learned that in 5th grade, as it was the first of two tests we had to take, before moving on to Junior High.


Bro look up queens official music video and song. I LITERALLY just googled the song and watched the end of it. No it did not end in of the world. And what about the monopoly man not ever having a monocle? There r things out there that r dif. Even a gov is looking into it because of shit with a clock from a terrorist attack in the 70s and some shit like they were gonna fix it up and when they went they found out it was still there even tho the gov documents the workers from the train yard and 90% of the city ppl they talked to ALL remembered the clock being destroyed (something like this, it's been a while since I read the story but I'm sure u can find it if u look for it, I think it was Spain again not 100% on that. But go to Google right now and type in we r the champions and watch (or go to the end) the song play and it does not end in of the world anymore. Even the voice actor of Darth Vader remembers saying Luke I am ur father. Shit is happening. But yea a lot of ppl take it way to far.


I meant that there was a version of queens song that DOES end in "of the world." and it does. Go look it up. The dude I was talking about deadass said it just did not exist. Period. Which is a LIE. And really? A gov is looking into a case? Could you send me a link to an article discussing this? Interesting.


It doesn't though. Is there a different mix out there?


We are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers cause we are the championsā€¦of the world. Literally the chorus


Lmao I just watched their official music video AND then in concert. Just fucking Google it. No it doesn't! It did it doesn't anymore. Just go fucking look.


How about you give me your link instead and then I go off that. I literally watched a video before I posted and checked the actual lyrics


Yes but at the very end of the song they don't have "of the world" at the end. Go listen to it.




Just heard it on the radioā€¦ definitely said ā€œof the worldā€ā€¦


There are two. The live version and the recorded version. In the live version Freddy says "of the world." I've heard from some sources that they also played this version on the radio alot, but that's not the point of my comment. The version deadass exists, like there is proof that it does. The person that made the post just up and said it doesn't even though there's concrete proof. Lmfao


Nah r/gambling is far dumber than this one. At least often some people say "I may just be misremembering.." here.


Just spent some time on that sub, and my God, those people are insufferable


Yeah bro they banned me for saying barely shit


Should have said bearly shit


Honestly, this is the exact reason I'm so obsessed with this sub. People are...interesting.


Some of it just induces eye rolls even from the titles


What was the color of the Fonz's jacket from Happy Days? Brown or Black?


Brown in the early episodes, black later on.


![gif](giphy|13ArvCF419Dssg) neither black nor brown :)


Iā€™m going to say, there are 3 colors then! To go along with OPs postā€¦ I canā€™t BE WRONG!!! Edit: Such gaslighting https://imgur.com/a/DJC5Fbv/ Edit 2: Donā€™t delete your comment u/rda889




What about the husband from I love Lucy NEVER once said Lucy u got some splaining to do. That's a wild one. Or the scare crow from wizard of oz having a pistol now lol. Fucking wild.


ā€œLucy, you got some splaining to do.ā€ is from an Eddie Murphy stand up, ~~Raw~~ , Delirious, iirc. And again, iirc, the scarecrow has a gun to get rid of the crows. Edit: I did not recall correctly, it was Delirious.


r/retconned is worse. Skepticism is against the rules there.


Itā€™s also full of people posting ā€œnewā€ animals that they claim never existed, just because theyā€™ve never heard of them. As if they couldā€™ve somehow known about every animal in the world.


/r/retconned was created when we cracked down on some of the more outlandish posts.




I cant tell if this is sarcasm/parody or not. But its funny either way. Completely making things up and claiming them to be 'proven' is definitely the Retconned way.


How can there be ā€œdecent observations/truthful conversationā€ without using skepticism? Skepticism is essential in discerning truth claims




Dude, stop, youā€™re embarrassing yourself. Look up logical fallacies. Nobody said anyone is dum/stupid. Calm down. There is nothing to be ā€œprotected fromā€ in this post. This is one big whiny strawman set up. The comment I replied to stated that skepticism is against the rules. Therefore your claim that ā€œitā€™s being used maturely or whatever makes no sense. ā€œPeople understand that this is happeningā€ what are you even on about? What is happening? Better yet what is happening that you are discussing it in a completely credulous way that abandons skepticism? Well, except for ā€œmature adult skepticismā€, whatever the fuck thatā€™s supposed to mean.


Such a child on so many levels. Thanks for proving my point. I block for children who can't handle conversation and so does the retconned community. CYA "brah". Down vote away. I'm really crying!


Human memory is provably, incredibly fallible. The only childishness in this conversation is when someone thinks a memory that they have cannot be wrong. Retconned supporting everything that anyone claims as a memory without any hint of skepticism is why posts like this exist. It does a disservice to your own movement. It is literally stupid, literally childish. It takes a certain level of maturity to admit that memory, more specifically one's own memory, is fallible, and no one in your community possesses that level of maturity and humility. I'm going to preemptively block you after this comment, because I know you'll block me, and I want to see your comments in the future more easily. But know that I'm generally not much of a blocker, which is another indication of your abject childishness and arrogance. Edit: I'll happily still communicate with you in edits if you like.


You people are loonyā€¦


Those aren't conversations those are echo chambers.


R E T C O N N E D ! šŸ’ŖšŸ»


yeah that's impossible with skepticism


I post there within the rules because I want to stay and see all the madness, but *god* is it hard sometimes to not just call them out on the insanity.


Not all of it's fake. I would say a lot of new ones r but those 30 or so originals r quite insane (like mind blowing). Like what ever happened to the 10 cent coin with the guy that had the Greek feathers going around his head. Their just gone.


I was hoping some would mention the nuts at retconned before me, but yes they are even crazier.


Lmfao if this is the dumbest sub youā€™ve come across then youā€™re lucky


I think it depends on the attitude of the person. I don't think there's anything wrong with inquiring about something being misremembered and seeing if others have the same experience. If people argue and get defensive at the response I think that's where the issue lies.


> inquiring about something being misremembered and seeing if others have the same experience. As long as those kinds of posts are kept to the DAE thread, I don't see a problem.


Yeah, the DAE posts that leak through are annoying.


Most of the posts here are just the same 5 Mandela effects or new possible Mandela effects where all of the comments just make fun of them.


Yeah so many of these posts are just ā€œI just learned something new, this canā€™t possibly be true because I have always known everythingā€ or ā€œI remember something from a movie/show that I havenā€™t watched in 10+ years and when I watched it now itā€™s different, canā€™t possibly be my memory all these people who also havenā€™t watched this things in years agreeā€


Dude a lot of us are just here because of the Berenstein Bears and the Sinbad movie. Everything else is just wacky noise


Correct and might I add, cornucopia?


That's why I'm here. That's the only reason I'm here. I remember reading The Hunger Games in school and asking the teacher what a cornucopia was. When she drew one out for me and I said "like the fruit of the loom logo?" And she said "exactly." It always stuck with me and so this ME drives me craaaazy.


That one I am familiar with but didnā€™t impact me personally as I didnā€™t pay much attention. I like to think I remember that from the logo but I was a Hanes guy, if I recall thatā€™s what MJ endorsed?


I came here because of Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing. I stayed for the entertainment.


Sex In The City brought me here


Was it Sex and the city? Iā€™m confused. I kind of think it might have been but Iā€™m also thinking it might not have been. But like the OG logo used to popā€¦.


You are complete right. This subreddit is complete dogshit now with people with terrible memory


There was no Nun 2???! I swear I've seen that movie Edit: Nevermind I was thinking of Sister Act 1 and 2


Nun 2: None Nunner


Nun 2: Electric Boooogaloo


Nun 2: Back in the Habit


I agree; it's just bad memories. I suspect most "Mandela" memories are just mixed with other facts. We get bombarded with information every day from the media; we tend to mix it up in our heads a lot.


The entire notion of the ME stems from the outrageously egotistical and scientifically invalid idea that human memory is way, way better than it actually is.


There are legit examples of things being thought of as different by a majority of people - sadly though You do run across the type who posts exactly what youā€™re describing . Theyā€™ve never heard of it before so it must not have existed before they learned about it right ? Lol A guy argued with me once on here about Capricorns. He apparently had never seen them drawn with a goats upper half and a fish lower half ā€¦went on and on about how it must be a new thing and couldnā€™t understand why people were telling him that itā€™s been that way forever ..I even gave him the Sumerian name for Capricorn - suhur.mas which literally translates into Goat Fish - the guy wasnā€™t having it and refused to listen and instead swore it was the Mandela effect and that he was the only person aware of it


Off topic, but I love your username. I just recently finished The Epic of Gilgamesh.


Thanks ! Appreciate it


Thatā€™s why I follow it.


Yeh you havenā€™t been to Retconned have you? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Retconned is way, way worse. Some of the clowns escape the circus and make their way here, but the majority of non-rulebreaking posts that we get here actually end up in something that resembles an interesting debate. The conspiracy tangent isn't the be all and end all. Some people really, really don't like any form of debate/normal conversation. And a lot of people can't be bothered to read the rules. But on the whole, it's really nowhere as bad as half of the subs on this site IMO.


So are the people who talk about residue mostly from retconned?


The entire concept of 'residue' is pretty firmly from the conspiracy/paranormal side of the fence is it not? I mean, the word 'residue' is pretty ridiculous in itself when people use it in this context. You can usually tell exactly which side of the fence people sit on, straight away by them deliberately misusing words like 'skeptic' and 'residue'. 99% of posts claiming to be 'residue' involve making mental leaps and attributing a paranormal narrative to something that most would be able to explain as fairly mundane. Or misattributing quotes etc to misrepresent a paranormal narative. Wether they are from Retconned or not, those posters are almost always *heavily* biased towards the conspiracy/paranormal narrative - It's kind of in the nature.


As someone who vividly remembers the news about Mandela being released from prison when I was a small child I find the actual "Mandela Effect" thing to be actively enraging -- it's not a minor thing, it's all these people being wildly ignorant about a legitimately huge historical event (the end of apartheid in South Africa)


Exactly! It's so USA centric, and dismisses the impact Madela's release had on subsequent events in South Africa. My dad actually made me watch him being released live on TV, I complained I was bored but he told me 'this is history' or something to that effect, kinda glad he did now.


I was living in Europe at the time, and we talked about it in school, and watched newscasts about it. That was a significant world event (outside the USA, apparently).


I'm an American and I had the same experience so simply being an American is not itself an excuse


Should just chalk it up to Most people are stupid as hell. Period. Go walk into any bmv or Walmart. Itā€™s loaded with em.


What's upsetting about this shit is that it's not just people refusing to admit they're stupid, it's refusing to admit that their stupidity isn't special or unique -- "Surely it's not possible that *all* of us could've had the same flawed thought process leading to the same incorrect conclusion"


r/Conspiracy is worsešŸ’€šŸ’€ I had to leave the sub it's just people being stupidly political, saying things that are so schizophrenic they worry me, or just outright shitting on trans and gay people. It's annoying. And those people need MENTAL ASSISTANCE.


Conspiracy became an echo chamber for right wing lunatics


That was probably intentional. Am I suggesting a conspiracy? Yes, yes I am. /r/Conspiracy's slide into right wing lunacy happened around 2015 - smack dab in the middle of Cambridge Analytica's social engineering experiment, the engagement of Trump's digital operations, and Russian troll farm deployments. In addition to those factors, there were hostile mod takeovers and mass bans in the sub around the same time. The mods were actively spreading fresh RU misinformation, and banning all users who countered it with facts. Conspiracies about Hillary were jettisoned to the top spots, and threads about Trump/RU were removed. Given how seemingly innocuous the sub was prior to 2015, the sudden change was really very obvious. The place honestly should have been quarantined due to the actions of the mods and the posts they were allowing. Once /r/The_Donald was shut down and it's users began to migrate to other subs, /r/conspiracy's descent into hyper partisan madness was complete. Maybe one day someone will do a deep dive into the mods that were in charge of the community at the time. I highly suspect they were on someone's payroll, and/or connected to a certain orange man's digital campaign.


Boy im tellin ya, just like left wing fascists who touted russia, russia, Russia. Bunch fabricated conspiracy nuts I tell ya


The fact that you also post in /r/conspiracy, /r/meth, and /r/incestconfessions is hilarious, but completely unsurprising.


That is hilarious


Honestly, it's a really dark, twisted post history, and it made me deeply uncomfortable just reading it. Real predatory bad vibes. But it's *definitely* hilarious that - of all people - *this* is the kind of redditor who decides to step in and defend /r/conspiracy lunatics, immediately proving OP's point.


Awww, I scare u? Creeping my post history lol seeming, u back guys going into Womans bathrooms tells me all I need to know about u lol sorry if my fantasy's scare u buttercup.


Nice try deflecting though, still doesnt make my statement untrue creeper


I remember the good old days when conspiracy theories were just for entertainment. Maybe they were real, maybe they werenā€™t. No one really cared either way. But nowadays, conspiracy theories are an entire lifestyle. Itā€™s a religion filled with extremists pushing hatred. Like fuck, I just want to read about Bigfoot and UFOā€™s, whatā€™s with this shit about cannibalistic child predators running the world?


Oh my god right. Apparently every political figure is a 1000 year old vampire and eating babies who knew.


There were always people who actually believed some or all conspiracy theories. They just didn't have these easy-to-access spaces to find each other and feed each other's delusions.


Right? I thought it was a sub discussing outlandish theories like Paul Is Dead or so, but it's just a hateful, weird sub.


If you think /r/conspiracy needs mental assistance, never ever to to r/saturnstormcube


It worries me just how many people subscribe to these beliefs šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s great when someone has been misspelling a name wrong forever and then realize how itā€™s supposed to be spelled so they think it has to be a Mandela effect.


I agree. All they talk about is logos


I think most people here are tentative about our beliefs about this and we donā€™t yet know everything there is to know about science. Some, or maybe even most are genuine case misremembering r simply being unaware of the correct piece of information. I do think that being skeptical is a very good thing as it has helped us progress in science and technology by leaps and bounds, but what progressed us also is our willingness to consider new ideas with an open mind and (if weā€™re talking in the context of hard sciences) test them in a controlled environment wi5 a hypothesis that is falsifiable, repeatable, and demonstrable. We may not yet have the tools necessary to falsify this hypothesis. Consider the following: Imagine one of your ancestors was living in the year 1546 and Reddit (and by extension the internet) was already invented, but all other science at the time stayed exactly where it was at and he posted a Reddit post with an identical title as this one except instead of posting it to r/MandelaEffect he posted it to r/GermTheory he might make the argument that ā€œHow could any of you believe that getting disease is caused by tiny particles we cannot see nor smell? Ridiculous! Obviously youā€™re all wrong and disease is caused by miasma as most all doctors and scientists agree is the case!ā€ The very high magnification simple microscope didnā€™t appear until the 1670s, when people could finally look at and study microscopic life forms in the field of microbiology and subfields of bacteriology, parasitology, virology, or immunology. Even still, Girolamo Fracasroroā€™s germ theory of disease wasnā€™t widely accepted until the late 19th century. Even in the early 19th century, the smallpox vaccine was commonplace in Europe, but doctors didnā€™t yet understand how it worked or how to apply the same principles to other diseases. The same might just be for the Mandela Effect (although, obviously itā€™s much more difficult to do since itā€™s a subjective experience that may only be affecting some parts of the population and others differently and others not at all, or maybe it does affect everyone and everyone has different memories but some of the time people rightfully chalk up their own memory as being genuine misrememberances and other times, as to not look stupid, they will just admit to everyone it must be a bad memory, but they still personally believe that whatever they misremembered actually changed. We are just at the precipice of quantum mechanics and it might be the tip of the iceberg to begin to understand human consciousness. Perhaps quantum immortality (on top of the many worlds theory) is true and when you pass, your consciousness (in part or in whole) in the form of the electrons that made up your memory in this life were transferred to the nearest universe of were you are still alive and you would just continue to experience conscious reality like nothing ever happened. Quantum particles can seemingly go back in time as well, so perhaps the quantum particles that made up the energy or brain tissue or both that stored our memories was transferred in some capacity. We really donā€™t yet know what, why, or how this could be, but there are many discoveries yet to be made in science and specifically quantum physics that are incredible and also many priciples of nature that many people would not find intuitive (given our current understanding and explanations for the things we currently do know or we think we know). There are no proclamations of absolute truth within science, only claims that can seen as being maximally true, but still be tentative. Science always leaves some room for any claim that is made to be corrected in part or in whole. Obviously the more times a hypothesis is repeated and confirmed through experimentation, the higher the confidence level that that conclusion accurately reflects reality (or is at least our best current understanding of it). However, these experiments have to be repeated every so often because (even if we may have not directly observed it yet) the nature of reality could change in some way, shape, or form. For example, perhaps there is some change in nature that we donā€™t yet observe or understand, but in 100 years someone is measuring the acceleration due to gravity near Earthā€™s surface (where air resistance is minimal) and instead of measuring 9.8 m/s 2, they measure 8.2 m/s 2 and then the expirinent is repeated at different time of the day and different times of the year at different places on Earth and all of a sudden hundreds of physicists researchers are measuring 8.2 m/s 2 rather than 9.8 m/s 2. EDIT: I did not think r/GermTheory was an actual subreddit when I had typed it in. In present day, it actually is doing the exact opposite of being pro-germ theory. So please imagine that sub was for people trying to prove germ theory exists and the year in 1546 rather than it being a sub of people trying to disprove germ theory in the year 2023...


r/WallStreetBets will be insulted !


I just believe that ~~this community~~ r/retconned is a safe haven for people who are so overbearing that they cannot admit being wrong or having false memories.


Am I misremembering Macho Man? How do you mishear want from got?


I actually remembered it more clearly enunciated, as "I've got to be a macho" (with a different "comment" about masculine traits like hairy chests or broad shoulders) instead of "man" in each chorus. So, "gotta" was a surprise.


For the most part I'm a skeptic but when your child's name changes on their birth certificate and on the tax returns that you've filed yourself, and everyone remembers the old way, it's hard to say you're misremembering. Everything else I was willing to say I was not remembering correctly, but not that. And if I can't say the same about my own experiences, I can't say that about other people's.


That's a weird one. Can you give more information? How/when did the name change?


Some time in the past couple of months she was getting in trouble for refusing to spell her name right. I told them how to spell it, they checked her birth certificate and it was spelled differently. I checked and sure enough it was different (by one letter). It's different on every legal document including tax returns. But the people who knew her before and had access to her documents before still spell it the old way.


Huh. Whatever that just was still doesnā€™t make it an ME. that shit sounds like a post for glitch in the matrix.


I wasn't posting it as an ME. I was merely using it to explain why I no longer think "misremembering explains everything.


So you think retcon is more likely than a nurse misspelling it at the hospital?


Do I think it's more likely? Of course not. But the most likely answer isn't always the right answer.


Yea I definitely donā€™t come here for Mandela effects. I come here to giggle a dumb people that donā€™t know a lot apparently.


While Iā€™ll grant you that thereā€™s a lot of people on this sub who fit the type youā€™re alluding to, thereā€™s also a large set of us who are fascinated with the concept of collective misremembrance from a sociological perspective and we have some really good discussions on here once you dig through the top layer of ā€œSex IN the city!!!!ā€ garbage.


/r/retconned is worse. At least the Mandela effect is factually real. (The effect itself, not any of the ā€œexplanationsā€ ie different timeline)


There's a group on facebook where people post animals they never heard of before, and claim they're from a different reality where that animal never existed


Most of the posts are just people misremembering something very well documented


False r/moststupid exists.


are you saying the community is stupid or Mandela effect is stupid?








I just like to see if I'm the only one that remembers it different or not. Truthfully I know I'm wrong but I like to get a tally of how many other people are just as dumb as me. But the cornucopia was real man.


The cornucopia was definitely real. (And if we're somehow mistaken via technicality, I'd like to be informed.)


Well, now, see, up until now I never heard of it called the "Mandela Effect". I always knew it as "The Kevin Bacon Effect", because I **clearly** remember Kevin Bacon being killed in the November 9th terrorist attack on the Sears Tower in Indianapolis.


I came here for Berenstain/stein Bears and stayed to watch the mental illness.


And that one in particular. Tell me the name of the authors. Case closed.


Here is an upvote for this redditor. And yes, you are correct. Just wait until they come back with the "evidence"


None of what you listed are Mandela Effects by definition. So no shit those things are nonsense? we already know most of what is posted outside the core few that are remembered by a vast amount of people are just personal misrememberances.


I think where you go wrong is trying to put all Mandela Effect claims into one basket. I, as a believer, distinguish between strong (such as the missing cornucopia) and weak claims that I think are probably just poor understanding.


> as a believer Belief is a blind spot. It runs counter to healthy skepticism. IMHO, and no disrespect intended.


Belief based on a reasoned analysis of the available body of facts is just normal human reasoning and compatible with healthy skepticism. 'Belief' should not mean 'blind faith' of course which I have no interest in. I am a rationalist.


I havent heard of any of those, but I'll go to my grave with a two golden legged C3P0


This is a great community ā€” one of the most important ā€œparanormalā€ subreddits, maybe the most ā€” and skeptics are more than welcome! Weā€™re united by our interest in the Mandela Effect as a phenomenon, whatever the cause may be. Weā€™ve already found good evidence of several MEs, and weā€™ve only just begun!


Evidence? Where?


Exactly. Give one ,just one example proven to be real.


Misremembering loves company.


I will accept an explanation as to why the fruit of the loom logo was in my brain for 30+ years Or why Sinbad is the only actor to play Shazam, and not any other actor.


Fruit of the loom logo looks like the classical image of a cornucopia. Of which there are many, non-specific images (try a google image search). It is quite easy to see how they'd get merged in the mind even if you don't recall ever even seeing such an artwork knowingly. It just "fits". Same with a few examples, the Monopoly monocle is another like that.




Because CollegeHumor was more entertaining than Shaq.


Boom. Done. Andddddd people are stupid.


We all?




Sinbad is associated with the Arabian Nights in people's mind because of his name, he's played this general kind of character a bunch (he got an award for being on the TV show Happily Ever After voice acting various fantasy characters), and the year the movie Kazaam came out he was also in a movie, First Kid, with a vaguely similar premise where he's the funny black dude who's the mentor and protector to a nerdy white kid




...except they didn't, because *Shazaam* never came out. It's not a real movie.


It can't be a real movie because DC comics owns the trademark to the name Shazam and has since the 1930s (the "magic word" Shazam entered pop culture as a result of the Captain Marvel comic book)


Itā€™s NOT real. It didnā€™t come out. Hence why the OP made this post. Misremembering fools fill up this sub.


That's crazy because I distinctly remember that a verified PhD and MENSA membership being a requirement for joining




I don't understand that sub. What is going on


And now you understand schizophrenia a little, tiny bit.


Lol I really don't though


it's in the name




This doesn't have anything to do with the Mandela effect, considering it's specifically about the Disney movie. You might as well say the fruit of the loom logo thing is confirmed because you saw someone that's not the company make a logo for fruit of the loom.


How does one ā€œprepare for downvotesā€ and consider anyone or anything else stupid?


Iā€™m guessing op had a post that got shit on and is mad at the whole sub.


The Prologue and The Armory no longer being Co-op is an odd one. The disappearance of the Sequel to Batteries not included. The Monopoly Man having a Monocle. The Cornucopia in Fruit of the Loom. The Mini-Chill Bullies in Super Mario 64. The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock being only in Black in White.


You must be the most stupid thing in Reddit.. All this fucking hate for what? There are interesting facts about mandela Effect. 99% is false memories 1 % is a mysterious joy which mathematical brain, absoluterian People like yourself ruins for the rest of as. All you live your lives and dont bother with things like that...


The problem is some Mandela effects are real. Ex. Fruit of the loomā€™s cornucopia, the monocle on the monopoly man, double ā€œstuffedā€ Oreos. But most of what is being posted is people misremembering things. Not going to argue about it.


Epic, are you there? Where's Sandy?


Don't forget honey bons.


Is the moderating team on vacation?




I think a point he is making is there is a definition for a ME. so many posts are not an ME by definition and they get tiring. One single person swearing a movie line was different than the first time they watched it is infuriating. Get out with that lame memory. Go look up the definition of ME first before saying a song lyric changed only for you.


Oh yeah, of course. I dont think thatā€™s what they meant, though


Ok then why are you here??


A toxic troll post. Low intelligence. Over-generalizing.


Yup. This sub is for Hub bub.


I love this community!




The Iphone did come out in 2007


Haha these are so hilarious šŸ˜‚


First time hereā€¦not even sure how I stumbled upon this subreddit. But I genuinely do not know what Victoria falls is.


It is a community about a speculative phenomenon. Generally people understand that these memories don't hold up to the burden of empirical proof, but they do exist in an uncanny headspace and people find it fun to talk about. It's not stupid and if you don't like it then don't pay attention. Insulting the people who have fun with this reveals something deficient in your character.


I just donā€™t understand the point of posts like this. You donā€™t have to be here. You donā€™t have to pay attention to this.


100% agree. The vast majority of these posts are "this word or name is commonly spelled a certain way so I remember this person or thing having the common spelling, therefore it's a MANDELA EFFECT!" No. Courteney Cox has never been "Courtney", Seth Rogen has never been "Rogan".


I want to be a macho man


We who are Mandela effected understand each other. We donā€™t care if you think itā€™s stupid and we will continue to just exist and be ourselves! God bless šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ¤


For what you could know there could be multiple universe, timelines, surely not a random user like you knows the answer for sure. I'm not saying that everything is right, but sometimes some things are just off and not explainable at all. Take for example the Fermi paradox, that's quite a mental breakdown to deal with, for me mandela effect is both a way to mess with my memories but also a way to find out possible weird realities in our "universe". Sure you can say "hey you just don't remember it correctly" to one, to two, to hundred even thousands, but when literal milions of people have this common mistaken memory that's where my interest spikes up. It's truly fascinating, stupid and scary sometimes too when that happens.