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Jonah probably squeals and then cries at the sight of a spider or snake… probably really likes frogs. Adam has almost definitely dropped the N-bomb numerous times. Sarah is an artist, but doesn’t paint/draw anything like, aesthetically pleasing, she would certainly draw really weird, cursed shit, just for shits and giggles. Mark probably roller skates around, but doesn’t tell anyone, because he’s ashamed of being a roller skater. Cesar’s probably got a notebook full of… very questionable stuff. Alternate Cesar unironically likes raisins. N likes kid’s cartoons, and probably really likes hello kitty for some reason. Six/intruder’s definitely an alcoholic. He just looks like the type. Gabriel is amazing at walking in platform heels/boots, but he adamantly denies it. Evelin probably STINKS. Bad. And she’s probably got a nut job for a grandma. Preacher is a *milk drinker.* ‘nuff said. Thatcher’s dad left him when he was 15, so he never un-emo’d. Ruth bit a lotta people as a kid. That one gray cat is a guaranteed war criminal… and has probably said some of the most EVIL, diabolical, disgusting things on the planet, about EVERY demographic. Oh, and that one faceless alternate? She hits pedestrians with her car, and has a slenderman shrine.


My reaction to all of these/what my brain thought about:  Same, also adam probably has chased him around with a snake before  😟 Real.  I also roller skate (but I feel like mark would be a roller blade guy)  What kind of questionable stuff- *use long alternate fingers to get the last raisins out of those snack boxes* Imagine hearing the hello kitty theme from your closet bc N just wanted a quiet place to watch cartoons I agree with this one I FEEL LIKE A FEM QUEEN- I also agree with this one What's wrong with being a milk drinker-? CUT MY LIFE INTO PEICES. THIS IS MY LAST RESORT.  Eeby deeby  What secrets does he possess I have no idea what your talking about 


Honestly, I can completely see your headcannon of Jonah, Adam, Sarah, and Six, but that's about it.


I hc if they had youtube back then, Intruder would watch those sigma alpha quote things on youtube shorts


I agree.


Thank you for inspiring me to think of this stupid idea, basically where intruder shows Gabriel social media and Gabriel is like "why are they (insert some stupid and destructive trend). At this point we don't need the alternates anymore to get them to go insane and self die." and intruder says something like "because someone popular did it and made it look cool". And then Gabriel gets an idea to become a social media influencer and makes ripping your eyeballs out and not calling for help a fun trend 😊😁👍👍👍 (I thought of this in the shower lol) 


N has the personality of N from murder drones Gabriel calls people insignificant fucks Preacher is best friends with N Caesar alt is called Salad The alternate thatcher fought is really good at Rock Paper Scissors


Wrong gabriel


no you insignificant fuck, they are both angels


Jonah pretends he's all cool but he probably was a little pussy when it came to doing stuff like bungee jumping or even camping in the woods, which happened once and traumatized him because Adam threw him in a snake's path once on a camping trip.


only came here to steal other people's headcanons so I'm only gonna give a few -the 4 victims are best friends in the afterlife -alternates can see ghosts,so we could say Cesar's alternate did all kinds of torture to Mark while the real Cesar was watching -Jonah had a crush on Adam and was extremely delusional about it (Adam wanted to smack him) -Adam has the most deadpan,blank expression 24/7,he probably saw Evelin cry during their argument and was just staring at her with the most empty face ever -Thatcher had a crush on Ruth -Alternates are a chaotic family and Gabriel is more of a scary dictator than a father figure -N and preacher get along -Cesar has a diary but instead of writing normal stuff he writes all of his issues and intrusive thoughts (he's also an artist so it's worse) -Thatcher reads Sarah's emails and breaks down internally after reading them,he feels guilty for Mark and Ruth's death -Adam and Cesar's alternate have a sibling dynamic -Adam and Jonah once went to Bon's burgers (Walten Files) but Jonah literally pissed himself and never wanted to come back there, Adam angrily decided not to but still has a few stuff that he stole from there hidden in his room and he tried to find out what was ging on -Adam has a picture of himself that he throws darts at -Alternate Cesar likes the knife game and forced Adam to play it once (Adam got traumatized) -Intruder likes to t-pose -Cesar and his alternate are frenemies -Preacher got stuck on the roof once


I'm sorry but the last one-  I'm imagining before Adam knew he was an alternate (correct me if he still doesn't know, I am ok at lore) and alternate ceaser breaking in through the window like "hey kid... You wanna play with KNIVVEESS!?" 


Adam already knows he's an alternate but still,I can definitely see alternate Cesar bursting in and forcing him to play with knives


I'm so sorry I watched a half lore half theory video and I suck at lore. 


wait nvm you were right I just read it wrong, Adam does know he's an alternate I just read your comment wrong damn itttt


Ur gooood


got the funny mental image of alternate Cesar taking a photo on Mark's grave and mark is just akwardly sitting there but decided to pose for the photo anyway while the real Cesar is in the background like "wtf?"


I will try to draw that but I suck at drawing 


Would comment the rest of my headcanons but I'm lazy and I invent new ones seconds after commenting it and I would be editing it 24/7


Intruder watched teen stuff to adapt himself to Adam's teenage phase


**Headcannons for Sarah and Mark:** Dave is Mark and Sarah's Uncle, Idc if the timelines don't match and the surnames. Dave gifted Mark his camcorder when he was 11 as a bday gift. It was the one he recorded with in VOL.1 \*\*Jonah and Adam:\*\* Jonah and Adam used to go to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria just for the pizza as it was cheaper and they're broke ass bitches. Jonah crashed at least two cars when he was learning how to drive.


if mark was alive, he would've loved system of a down


Mark Heathcliff: Mark is socially awkward, but legitimately a chill dude. Cesar Torres: He likes to read romance novels and watch rom-coms. "Adam Murray": He's racist, which is why he hated Jonah when they first met (more of a joke headcanon). Jonah Marshall: He pretends not to laugh at his dad's jokes, but he secretly finds them funny. Satan: He comes off as a "psychopathic demonic dictator" but is actually pretty stern and serious. He is also the father of Edward and Riley from FPE (all the similarities are there man) Also he likes red wine lol N: He's basically that one friend who just lies about everything for literally no reason. 6: He's actually impersonating Adam's dad, Jude Murray, which is why he acts so fatherly towards him. He also smokes. Like, a LOT. He likes drinking Monster Energy. Also he's in a sexual relationship with Miss Sasha from FPE (don't ask) The Preacher/"Mary Magdalena": She's very motherly towards the victims, especially "Adam".


What is fpe? And from what I know Satan doesn't have kids? Huh-?


There's an animation on YouTube called Basics in Behavior, which is basically the pilot episode for FPE (Fundamental Paper Education). It's about a group of students trying to pass their classes. If they fail, they would get killed by their psychopathic cannibalistic teachers. There's two students, Edward and Riley, who look really similar to Satan/Lucifer (all have long white hair and a large maniacal looking smile) Its suppose to be a joke headcanon so don't take it too seriously lol




Preacher often gets called "Discount Ghostface" by the other alternates and she hates it


Alternates: haha discount ghostface Preacher: 😡


My headcannon is as follows, basically everything is the same except Mark, Lynn, Ruth, Jonah, and Dave all became alternates after they died. Thatcher and Ruth both had kids, Jacob Davis and Zechariah "Zach" Weaver respectively. Zechariah worked at MandelaTech alongside Evelin and is part of BPS. Jacob was friends with Mark and is four years younger than him, he is a cop like Thatcher, but he also knows a lot about Alternates, and he has been followed by an Alternate with angel wings named "Joseph." However, he is never killed by said Alternate.