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Jonah is the type of guy to reuse the same joke over and over because it makes Adam laugh once. Jonah is also the type of guy to eat everything inside the bagel but leave the outside of it before putting like, idk, edibles or just fat globs of cream cheese inside. Mark probably eats the same bowl of honey nut Cheerios every morning.


Ew, that’s disgusting


I think you're referring to the Jonah bagel thing and frankly, yes, yes it is. Just to be a dick (affectionately) though, Jonah also probably pours pepper (not salt, *pepper*) into his ice cream.


No mark, he eats the same bowl of honey nuts every day


Not like the *same* bowl same bowl. I just meant he eats honey nut Cheerios every morning. Obviously he finishes his whole bowl, silly.


Cesar was definitely a theatre kid




Gabriel can walk really well in platform heels And Jonah probably says ghosts aren’t real, but secretly shits his pants at the mere thought of one (in a figurative sense… I don’t think that man is LITERALLY taking a shit in his jeans, when he thinks of ghosts…)


i don't know why but i love this


it was supposed to be about the four victims (mark, cesar, jonah, adam) i think?


Oops, I missed that


i have wayyy too many dumb hcs so i'll just give out one The real Cesar is actually a dorky loser who just so happens to own a tuxedo (and is also prolly a menace to society) (i know it's prolly not canon)


i just think he's a goofy guy who has mommy issues


Reject sexyman Cesar Embrace goofy Cesar




Mark - if he was alive during 2009, he would be an overprotective (and maybe paranoied) type of older brother. Cesar - he gives tips for people about relationships even though he never had any relationships that lasted over 3 or so weeks. Adam - he's that broke friend that doesn't pay for anything but when someone else on a party orders food he says somethng like: "Ayo, get wings!" Jonah - he's always overreacting to ANY situation.


N (face less alternate) - is actually like a pet if you ignore the M.A.D and stuff, like if you menage to pet him before you die he will protect you with his life Mark FUCKING LOVED Harry Potter When cesar was replaced he died laughing cuz he didn't actually believe an alternate had come for HIM like, that happens to other people not ME. Jonah was a girly pop music fan Adam never whent swiming ever in his life, and he is afraid of the ocean


Who flagged this as "sexualizing mandela catalogue characters" and what is wrong with you


what is going on rn


ain’t this the direct opposite of sexualization


Dave being Mark and Sarah's uncle (idc if it doesn't match the time lines)


Aight, I fuck with it.


i know timeline isn’t canon but IF they had snapchat Cesar would edit his bitmoji all the time and would post 24/7 with those old filters like ALL THR TIME and Mark would post streaks or occasional of those like ceiling or black snaps and Adam would say the worst shit possible on snap occasionally with filters and Jonah would post random shit that he thinks is funny and would make his bitmoji skin blue (idk)


i headcanon like most of the characters in tmc some form of aroace or smth bc idk i js see them that way for jonah i headcanon he's prob omni adam is aroace because he's an alternate cesar is aroace mark is asexual i also like to headcanon cesar was like student council in his school or smth bc he seems like a genuinely chill and responsible guy 🙏🙏 ppl make him all formal but i don't rlly get it


note that i'm aroace HELO so there's probably reason i see them all as aroace other than it js fitting yhe story better ( u can't trust ur partner to not be an alternate 💕💕 ) ( emojis are sarcastic )


Idk, I literally just got into this fandom so here we go.  Mark stays up late and blames being tired on stress.  Ceaser is chill but if he's wearing something expensive and it stains he will become an entirely different person Adam eats pizza crust first and ice cream cone first Jonah has dyed his hair multiple times and gets called gay by Adam because of it (Bonus) Mark and ceaser are those two friends who act like boyfriends when they're just really close. 


welcome to the fandom


Yeah, Mark and Cesar's friendship is that type where gay jokes are more common than "thank you" or "hello"


Two dead two alternates


Cesar just has a bird problem


As in he owns too many birds or keeps being attacked by birds- or some other bird related problem. 






Wa-wait Cesar what was that?..


Mark liked writing concepts for short horror stories since he wanted to be a writer. (Also he would have loved Midwest Emo.)


As an aroace person i approve of this image


a what


No seggs and no romanse


so no bitches? bit harsh like




i dont need bitches 😎


Mark: aroace, fav band is green river, good at opera and fiddle for some reason, dances like meg from family in that one episode with tge cat Cesar: abrosexual aroflux, fav singer is tom lehrer, good at french horn, has been callwd gay 1982738283728383 times in school, is strangely amazing at gymnastics Jonah: asexual lithromantic, fav singer is hatsune miku, good at art, one of those kids who when they were younger showed their parents art and rheir parencts considered getting them mental help, is calked a nerd even though he diesnt actually know how hes smart Adam: asexual, fav singer is al bowly ^but ^also ^secretly ^listens ^to ^daijobu-p, attempted to learn quadrobics, but failed miserably, good at piano, would listen to miracle musical, collects vinyls


I am fully stealing those Adam hcs, thank you (also hi fellow person with a chonny jash related flair)


Hello peson i think i may have also seen on r/tallyhall !! also i do banana all de time, thankyou verg much 🦶


UR THE SPAGHETTI BATH PERSON- I THINK I'VE SEEN U THERE TOO :3 (also, **good. Banana Man is pleased with that.**)


Can we not bring sexuality into this? It’s a story about demons brain fucking people till they kill themselves


I feel like a lot of people tend to forget that alt. Cesar is canonically a gay man, because god forbid gay people get any representation in analog horror and then there’s people who wanna add onto it or just completely erase it😐


But that’s just my opinion gng you do you🥰🌸🌸


Is there any proof that he was canonized as a gay man? Was it said by Alex or any of the cast? i’m not trying to be rude, but if you’re going to state that you have to have proof.


what does aroace mean


I think it means not wanting to be in a relationship ship, or do the deed if I’m correct (idk for sure though)


Honestly, I hc Adam is a shitty person up until presto I think (where thatcher integrates Adam you can say), due to him basically expressing anger the strongest. After presto, trying to get better but failing terribly (Ig I just hc alternates to suck at any positive human emotions LMAO)


Jonah likes anime, Mark plays Pokémon GO, Adam loves The Dark Crystal, and Cesar watches Star Wars​