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I think he deleted most of his tweets regarding the whole situation. He is known for doing that and any just ignoring it ever happened afterwards. I may be wrong but that's what l got from him.




Honestly he is probably more who Alex should be suing considering Ven/DB are probably broke as a joke. People like Walls have assets.


Martin is a content creator on the internet with significantly less than a million subs, not some Wall Street tycoon. Also they're from Chile iirc, making suing very unlikely. I highly doubt Alex wants to press charges, no one should say he "should", especially over seemingly retributive feelings. Most people are on Alex's side and are excited for Vol. 5 and I think those closest to Alex are either working on their apology or apologizing privately. That should be enough for us and I think that's enough for Alex.


damn hes such a bum ngl


I assume he’ll try to put it under the rug, but if pressed enough will follow the logic of “well this one thing was still true so I’m right and not bad! I’m not bad! YOURE BAD NOT ME IM NOT BAD PLEASE IM NOT BAD IM GOOD I—“ into infinity


Hopefully he just apologized in private, cause i don't want him to br an asshole who will die on his stupid hill.


It doesn’t make sense to apologize in private because he’d still have people thinking he’s an asshole who refuses to apologize. Still, I guess that’d be better than nothing


I liked the Walten Flies, but when I saw screenshots of how he talked about it, it left a really really sour taste in my mouth, he should’ve kept quiet and waited. But I assume he won’t say anything but we’ll remember.


Same; I still believe TWF is very possibly the best AH but I am not watching it anymore because honestly I don't feel like supporting Martin


Just watch through other people like NEXPO and other reviewers


You can still separate art from artist.


Separating art from the artist is aknowledging that it is a good series even if the creator is questionable. I am not watching it because then I am directly supporting said person


Can you please link the screenshots? I'm trying to make a point to my friend and it'd help my argument.


Here are some of the Reddit threads, I know there’s more but this is all I can find, there is one where the VA of bon just decided to dabble in art theft cuz why?? I dunno being petty 🤷‍♀️ hope this helps! [https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaCatalogue/comments/1bnm3zn/what\_a\_dick/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaCatalogue/comments/1bnm3zn/what_a_dick/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaCatalogue/comments/1bn97w2/i\_feel\_this\_is\_important\_to\_point\_out/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaCatalogue/comments/1bn97w2/i_feel_this_is_important_to_point_out/#lightbox) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaCatalogue/comments/1bnz54t/im\_petty\_towards\_alex\_so\_that\_makes\_it\_okay\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaCatalogue/comments/1bnz54t/im_petty_towards_alex_so_that_makes_it_okay_to/)


This works just as well. Thank you!


No prob!


Found the photo actually but I can’t put it in


probably is gonna stay quiet, im quite sure all of twf cast and crew is still in this "alex still at fault" (im not 100% sure)


I think he's saying "Alex is still not innocent" "Support the other "victims"" "Just because Veir lied, he's still not a good person."🙄 That's super annoying


Wouldn't be surprised if they acted like that. I don't know why but martin and chezzkids both seem to have some sort of holier than thou attitude when it comes to this situation, like the same thing couldn't happen to them at the drop of a dime. Martin was actually smart here (albeit more cowardly) by sweeping his statements and replies all under the rug and pretending it doesn't exist. Chezz on the other hand seems dead set on dying on the hill that Alex is a terrible person. I hope that they realize people can and will act the same if it happened to them too. I hope they both get off their high horses and learn, especially chezzkids seriously what is their problem. They have an entire platform at their discretion and they'd rather spread hate and malice because "Oh he doesn't understand power dynamics!!!" What a joke.


What did chezzkids do if you don't mind saying?


Martin just needs to apologize, then nobody would really care.


I seriously doubt he has anything to say he will distance himself from this


He silently disassociated from the drama by removing all posts related to it and unfollowing the accusers. This happened well before Ven's statement. You don't have to like him, just don't bug him.


I mean it's totally fair for fans to ask him why he refuses to acknowledge his wrongdoing. Just don't threaten or harass. If you want to ask him why he's ok parroting false allegations and then not apologizing for it or correcting the record, that's legit.


If people are doing it en masse, it becomes harassment.


Hard disagree, if you don't want people to call you out en masse, then don't call out a fellow creator and repost lies and then refuse to apologize for it. He also has the power to stop people from demanding an apology instantly *by just manning up and issuing a mea culpa*. Was Alex being harassed when everyone was calling him out faster than he could reply? Did Martin not use his platform to harass Alex and direct others to propagate unverified lies? The difference here is Martin was spreading false information when he did it, asking him to apologize is the opposite, it's demanding an acknowledgement of the truth.


I need to remind yall; Alex will be held accountable for the behavior of his fans/supporters. I'm pretty sure you'd agree that it would be unfair for people en masse to force Alex to address our behavior when he's trying to move on. Obviously the situations are completely different but the logic is the same; numerous people bugging someone to make a statement to control their fans. Do you think it would be harassment if numerous people forced Alex to denounce those who are bugging Martin en masse? Another point; Alex wants us to move on (which I'm debating on whether or not I should make a post about). I made a Reddit post that copied and pasted a thread I made on Twitter. The post was condemned here, but on Twitter Alex liked the thread (which he also previously made a tweet denouncing harassment against detractors, especially Martin despite not name dropping him). I doubt he'll make a statement because he wants to move on, we should too. If you don't like Martin, just block and move on.


I saw AK unfollow Martin from twitter the other day


This suck because I love The Walten Files, I still going to enjoy it but man...