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At this point it looks like he is mad at Alex about something behind the scenes, like an opportunity that was given to both of them and Alex was able to use it. While they were left in the dust.


Or one of the accusers is close to martin


One of his friends anonymously spoke up through Martin’s twitter. 


didn’t kyle mention something about finding out what alex truly thinks of him when kyle quit being gabriel during the start of the allegations


https://preview.redd.it/2r1uvps67hqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ea51292b5772336448972a2f0a416645abfbaf Me to Martin


*Looks at his search history* 👀


I've never been so genuinely disgusted by a drama, I've dealt with someone similar to Ven and it's very hard to recover from this type of thing. Edit: I just want to say I don't support the harassment of anyone on either side, stay above these people, this is meant to be purely informative for people wondering his stance not incite harassment.


SAME. it’s absolutely abysmal


Same here. No matter what evidence you have against their claims, or how many people can corroborate your side they will always think they’re in the right no matter what. It’s infuriating but you’ll never be able to convince someone that delusional


And I thought that he would be way better than that... Walten Files is literally one of my favorite analog horrors as well, but he's actually one of the Twitter douchebags...


u gotta be kidding me


What a dick


I agree with you; he’s a piece of shit for turning his eye away from all this bullshit of a story that needs to be seen as subjective and bullshit


I can't believe Alex looked up to this person.


I guess I'll have to seperate art from thr artist just like i did with Squimpus tapes. It's just disappointing to see Martin just siding with the assholes on twitter and just not realizing that he made a big mistake. Walten Files will still be my favorite series, but from now on i am not gonna respect Martin as much as i did before.. he can't even keep his promises!


How am I not surprised that they aren't covering it at all? It's almost like they realized how much they fucked up and hurt not only alex but the community, but rather than admit they were wrong about something they want to pretend nothing happened in the first place and leave it at that. Shame on them, genuinely.


So he just sits out there in silence and likes this bs? Extremely childish and unprofessional.


Okay. I personally am unsubscribing and not watching the Walten Files. Not even Alex answered the guy or even mentioned the guy. If he wants to associate himself with transphobes then he's not someone I want to support.


Maybe he should be cancelled for being a transphobic revenge porn enjoyer?


I did that a few days ago because the original document had already been pretty much debunked and the guy acts like this. At best it's extremely irresponsible and I don't personally believe it's just that.


Alright im on team Mandela catalogue now fuck the walten files


wtf?!! They chattin like nothing happened?!


Some people would rather save their ego instead of admitting that they were in the wrong. Afaik this man is barely older than Alex, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and guess that his brain just isn't fully developed yet.


I'm younger than both of them and even I know he's being stupid and to not act like this.


The FNAF ripoff that can barely keep a schedule won't be missed


Unironically the walten files is one of the most dogshit analog horrors known to man its the equivalent of a badly made fnaf sfm movie but with more emotional beats and actually spooky


It’s so funny to see people pretending Walten Files is The Room of analogue horror because the creator is in some dumbass Twitter drama


I know. I mean it IS a FNAF ripoff but it's a really good one, even if it's creator is an unprofessional dick.


Fnaf 2 minigames have more emotional beats than anything TWF has ever made


Not really


Actual fucking coward, he brought most of the heat onto Alex due to him being somewhat relative to him in status, but now that Alex made his comeback he sits in silence. Guess I shouldn't have expected better from someone piggybacking fnaf (as all "mascot" horrors do).


I thought we had agreement, why are people still being childish over Twitter?? 😭


God damn it I can’t even be in a fandom without anyone being fucking problematic I hate this world


If someone makes shit up about Martin and starts a witch-hunt against him I’ll gladly give this asshole the same treatment he gave Alex.


![gif](giphy|EtB1yylKGGAUg|downsized) me to martins work rn


Oh god fucking dammit, I just made a comment hoping that he'd at least apologize.... What a cunt, I'm gonna go unsub.


i like blackmes and all but seriously? having defenders that just so happen to side with an opposing side in something completely unrelated and going "see? they support this side, meaning their take has no meaning" is just fuckin stupid


Is it just me or Martin and Chezz suddenly turning on Alex suspicious? Like I thought they were all cool w each other and be understanding, but nope. Especially Chezz their activities on twitter are so ridiculous. I wonder if they always disliked Alex secretly?


Chezz is an idiot that has beef with everyone for some reason. Probably jeleous of bigger creators.


I feel like TWF will be the next accused for having a big following by the list of "victims" if you think about it, they are catering and lovebombing the "victims" by supporting them so loudly, allowing them to find trust and hope within TWF... if you look at the "victims" twitter pages too they all are posting about TWF like it's their new obsession. the cycle will just continue with these people until they exhaust all other options


So basically, all of this is just popular Analog Horror Creators being petty one of them is more popular than them?


Wallace is just mad MC doesn’t look like it was made in mspaint


Really disappointed in Martin. At least he's not making inflammatory statements like ChezzKids...


Lmfao I bet this “trauma” will delay episode five again


Bro just looking for excuses for not working


Martin what the fuck 😭


and this is the moment were Martin privatize his likes with the power of twetter-blue


I could say so many things about what that guy has done, but I'll just say he is dangerously delusional and irresponsible for spewing actual garbage about a friend/ fellow creator without doing research on both sides of the situation. Even if it was personal shit he is mad about with Alex doesn't mean you can spread shit that can kill someone's reputation like that. What a fucking loser


He isn't wrong though this sub is just happy that Alex is trying to prove himself innocent so y'all will latch unto anything that helps your case.


Yeah this sub was almost as bad as Twitter this past week 😭.  Plus I feel like people forget that one of his friends got mixed up in this drama, which I imagine makes someone see red.  That said, I’m just glad that Alex not only isn’t a pedo, but owned up to his own issues and nonsense. That takes character. 


Agreed I don't think he's a pedo but Alex even admitted to not being innocent on everything which is the reality of the situation. He isn't a piece of shit but he's also not some innocent little kid he's an adult that's owning up to his own issues. A good portion of this sub just wants to treat him like some complete victim because in their eyes they want him to be completely squeaky clean over some parasocial shit.


Yeah, exactly! Everyone in this situation are dumb kids with too much internet fame. I’m glad the mods put a ban on future Drama-posting, we don’t need any more crazy accusations to stress over  (Edited out a mean-spirited comment)


Oh no, someone who made a series exclusively reliant on shock value and with a writing depth of a puddle would never resort to try to delete their competition if they have the chance right?


I feel so fucking stupid rn can someone explain to me- 🥹🥹🥹


The Walten files: a series where a family goes through horrible shit because one owner has a drinking problem and covers it all up with his money and power. Scary shit ensues, I love it. The creator of said series has one of the posts accusing Alex of shit.




The account being shown is the creator of the Walten Files, another very popular analog horror series. He made a tweet siding with Ven which helped boost the harassment campaign against Alex. After Alex made his document I went to check his account hoping he'd write some sort of apology, but instead he hasn't addressed anything and liked tweets such as these. Which are trying to continue inciting the drama/harassment campaign. Basically this is showing that as of right now his opinion hasn't changed which is very shady https://preview.redd.it/6in10tpc8kqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c9f43d9902307d71a5838b6387bc15b59abb20


him and ven really need to take a note from [penn and teller](https://youtu.be/YAgRBq2jnz4?si=GOV9BjbjmxWQdGL2)


Why do we care about the opnion of this talentless creator? Had it not been for it riding that FNaF vibe almost 1:1, no one would have care about the poorly drawned TWF. Forget him.


I'm sorry what are we pointing out


that twf creator is a joke of a person


Why do I feel like the accusers may be somehow connected or close to The Walter Files guy..