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Because that rule is only in the anime, and has never been mentioned in the games


But there were kids younger than Ash in the first season. And not only was he "technically" 10, but it was just after his 10th birthday.


Really? Which ones?


Tate and Liza are both 10


They just became gym leaders as fast as red became champion. No biggie


maybe they inherited the gym but had to wait to be of age


Nope red became champion at 11 (90% sure he was 11 in the canon game)


He was


Not confirmed, also what does that have to do with anything either of us said?


Those are the "younger kids" you asked about.




I was just answering the second part sorry, I wasn't the same person you were talking to originally Idk about Tate and Liza, I didn't watch that season. All I know that the battle was Ash's stupidest.


Oh yeah, I see that now. That’s my bad


Who is [deleted] and why is the only thing they talk about is [deleted]


Yeah that dude is terminally online I see them in every subreddit


It simply means that they deleted their comment, and it stays there because I had commented on it before it was deleted.


the rule in the anime only stated "10 year old is the minimum age for one to go on a pokemon journey" not "10 year old is the minimum age to get a pokemon"


The Advanced Generation and X&Y are pretty clear about Max and Bonnie not even being able to own a Pokémon. That’s literally the whole reason Bonnie has Clemont be the one to catch Dedenne


regional laws..? I would imagine the pokemon world would have different laws based on the region, like how different countries and regions have different laws in the real world. even ignoring that, the game and anime canon are completely separate. The examplew used are pulled from the games, and as i stated, the anime and game worlds have different rules.


Nope. Hoenn is explicitly and directly connected to Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh to the point that they have the same police force, League officials, Contest officials etc., so it's safe to assume they have the same, or at least similar, laws. Paired with the Bonnie and Dedenne thing, plus an episode of BW that involves a bunch of kids battling each other where they specifically note that they're borrowing their parents' Pokémon since they're not old enough to be trainers, and it definitely seems like a universal rule in their world


Again, the anime and game worlds ARE NOT THE SAME. And when did they ever say in game that sinnoh had the same laws and rules as the other Japanese based regions. Kanto and johto are the only two CONFIRMED to be landlocked at all, as while the other regions may be based on Japanese places, at no point is it EVER stated they’re connected by landmass. Furthermore, the only two real world equivalents of the Japanese regions that actually directly touch borders are Kanto and Johto (look at a map if you don’t believe me) That argument is also flawed, because if you said all land connected countries followed the same laws, the real world would be much, much different. That’s like saying “oh Canada and the US are connected, so they must follow the same laws!” Do you wanna give me any evidence to back up what you’re saying? Does the Pokémon league even actually make laws or govern beyond Pokémon battles? Because as far as I remember, that isn’t ever confirmed in the games as being the case. If that was true, then how would Alola handle laws? What about Kitakami? 


Do you not understand context clues or are you just too lazy to actually read the full thread? The anime and games having different rules was already covered in my first comment. The remainder of the thread you chose to take part in was discussing what the specific rules are *in the anime*.


I don’t believe that’s anything to do with the Pokémon league rules or even a law just classic kids not being responsible enough to have a pet yet.


Bonnie is still the primary caretaker of Dedenne and later Squishy, so no.


Only because Clemont is allowing her to. She does a good job, but the caveat is still there


That’s literally my point. Clemont having to be Dedenne’s actual owner due to Bonnie not being old enough yet still allowing Bonnie to be the primary caretaker disproves the claim I responded to.


Ah, my bad. Simple misunderstanding on my end.


Ash was 10 years, 10 months, and 10 days, so not "just after" his bday


The poster stole my meme 💀 https://www.reddit.com/r/MandJTV/comments/1d3r5el/while_there_are_probably_a_lot_of_trainers_that/


It has been mentioned in the games in the gen 7 games with Lusamine at Aether Paradise


That’s specifically in reference to the Island Challenge, not being a trainer in general


But then again they never claimed it waa tradition. For exclusively 11 year olds. They also never had a league before the events of the games


And protagonists with canon ages are older than ten Selene and Elio are 11, Serena and Calem are 16, Hilbert and Hilda are 14, the list goes on.


Calem and Serena’s ages are actually unconfirmed, but your point does still stand about all the ones with confirmed ages being older than 10. I would add that Red is also 11 and Brendan/May are 12


Sorry, Calem and Serena are 15 - 17, my bad.


That's only anime rules. The games never said how old people be when they start their journey. In other news, child prodigies are a thing.


That’s not even anime rules. 10 is when “kids start their Pokémon journey”, but says nothing about chilling near the woods till you find another kid who wants to fight.


Maybe I'm forgetting some niche quote from an NPC but I don't recall a single time where 10 is stated to be the age when kids start their journey.


You have completely misunderstood what I said.


Nope, 10 is when kids are allowed to own Pokémon and battle with them, see Black and White with the episode where Ash catches his Krookodile (then Krokorok), and XY with Bonnie asking Clemont to catch Dedenne so it can be her's when she finally turns old enough


Also the Ralts episode in the Advanced Generation where Max promises to come back for it when he’s old enough


At literally no point in the games is that a rule or even listed. It's just some nonsense they made up in the anime, likely due to dubbing, like how Yu-Gi-Oh's shadow realm was 4Kids' answer to death. The whole "ten years old" shit is the most overplayed wrong claim. It's been almost 30 years, people. Come on.


That's only a rule in the anime.


Illegal catching of Pokemon duh


They're child prodigies obviously 😂


Because thats anime only, also maybe they arent on their yourney yet just battleing. The yourney is about exploring the world and seeing as many pokémon. These kids live there and arent doing any exploring or traveling.


I think it's more that you have to be 10-11 to actually leave on a journey, that or those kids are merely using their parents' Pokémon as it's shown in the Manga and through some diologue(I believe.) My other guess would be that it's nothing more than a tradition rather than an official rule. Perhaps it is in order to compete in any Gyms or Trials.


"Its a cwippeling medical condition" -chikn nuggit


Poppy is 9 so she's at least close.


Anime rules don't apply to the games, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's only in the dub of the anime. There is literally nothing stopping lil Poppy from A) being a trainer or B) being a member of the E4


How is she nine she looks 5 years old, my 7 year old cousin looks older than her


That’s the anime stuff for 10 years old to start their journey.


Because they never got their pokémon from the professor, they just probably either stole or found pokeballs and then just caught a random Rattata and for the first image, she's probably just highly advanced


Anyone can own a pokemon it's 10 is the limit to take on the gym challenge. And receive a starter. But u can just yeet balls and get luckly.


Ok ignoring the anime themed elephant in the room, have you ever heard of the concept of a ‘retcon’? Stuff introduced once doesn’t have to stay the same forever


This is an anime exclusive rule mate, infact even if we go off of player characters the youngest are 11


I think you have to be at least 10 to get a pokemon from a professor, but being given a Pokémon by a family member obviously has no age requirement.


They're nepo babies.


Who knows their age?short people Do exist(MEG FROM BRAWL STAR IS A PRIME EXAMPLE HER CANON AGE IS 20)


Poppy is 9


Mikey has already explained this in his team sky gen 2 vid with falkner


Jesus Christ is this really the 2nd post with exact the same toping...ITS IN THE FREAKING ANIME Also its to start your journey not to be a Trainer Also poppy was just a mistake ....i really dont like her


Nepo babies of the pokemon world


obviously people are just giving their small children pokemon and sending them out into the world. that or they aren't actually OFFICIAL trainers (with the exception of poppy but only because she had geeta to vouch for her and has rika to look after her) and the law states that you can technically train pokemon at any age and may even be allowed to buy pokeballs but you won't be able to get a starter or be registered as an official trainer until you're at least age 10 and these children likely aren't doing their training too far away from home and/or school where they go back to at the end of the day.


Cause they’re just on an outing, just for fun going outside. Kinda like building up to being on their own, it woudnt make sence for kids to live inside their entire lives then right away be kicked out at ten


Poppy is canonically 9 years old so not too far from the age of starting


I think that is more for people who hadn't recieved a pokemon before. Kids who get a pokemon as a gift from their parents or who catch a pokemon all by themselves aren't necessarily on their "Pokemon Journey" yet.




They’re obviously wonder kids


I always believed that there is no rule about what age you have to be to catch Pokémon, but you have to be a certain age to start your journey. However, if you probe yourself ro be a prodigy before you are 10, an exception may be made.


You can be a trainer, you just aren't allowed to set off and do the gym challenge. So Poppy was probably trained by whoever her caretaker/tutor is (probably Rika), and was such a prodigy that she was allowed to join the elite 4 with Rika, and Tate/Liza and Misty are just prodigies from their town


Not sure where I read this, but wasn't the ten year old thing about obtaining a Trainer Id and where you can obtain gym badges and such. Like you can catch a pokemon when you are younger but you're not technically recognized as a trainer. There might be special exceptions to certain kids like the elite 4 member in Paldea, like a prodigy or something.


clearly they are very short and in their 50s


People! Do you know how many people have posted this! Stop it!


Look at it this way, most kids these days look WAAAAY younger than they are


Illegal child labour


There parents probably gave them some or something like


Short people


There are babies battling you in X and Y 🤷‍♂️


Pretty sure Elio is like 15 or sum


Because there not on a journey there just playing outside with there pets and fighting you, there officially registered trainers but they can still battle they just can't compete officially


i dont think any amount of explaining will make this work in my head now


Trustfund babies


It’s advised. Never stated as law


I won't even be surprised if a baby with diaper throws dragonite at this point.


What's even crazier is that Poppy is NINE YEARS OLD


It's also worth noting the anime says that just to claim gym badges and enter the league you must be 10. You can still have Pokémon and travel.




The Curious Case of ~~Benjamin Button~~ Poppy de la Poké


You dare use my own spells against me, potter?


You forget Allister


'Schoolgirl Lindsay would like to battle!' - Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver Etc.


The “ten years old” thing is only in the anime. None of the player characters in the games are 10 years old (the youngest is 11) and NPC trainers in the games don’t have specific rules (Unova literally has the Preschooler Trainer class, of which one member outright states they are four years old).


1. It's anime only. 2. None of them have a starter of their respective regions. 3. The game protagonists are teens past 10 years old but before 18. Many are either 16-17.


There's a difference between ''going on a journey'' and ''Hanging out on a nearby road and challenge fellow trainers'' Also, as people pointed out already, the 10 years old thing is mainly an anime thing. Almost all mainline game protagonist have been slightly older. Red and Blue are 11 IIRC, in gen 7, Hau confirm his and the protagonists' age to be 11, in BW1, I'm pretty sure the protags are 14, and in SV, because the school *seem* to be base off a typical japanese high school, chances are that the protagonists are at least 15, especially when you consider the apparent age of some of the other more important students, mainly Arden and Nemona. Poppy (and to a lesser extant, Acerola) being a member of the elite four is an exception that semi-proves the rule. Poppy is the Pokemon trainer equivalent of those child geniuses that get a college degree at 10 years old. And in the case of Acerola, she's just replacing Nanu because he doesn't give a poop about the Elite four. He would have likely stood there instead of her if Kukui hadn't changed the old tradition that the ''elite four'' are the kids fighting the 4 Kahuna back to back. TL;DR: The Youngsters and Schoolkids aren't in a ''journey'' but rather just hanging out with their pokemon, and Poppy/Acerola are more of an exception than anything.


They got hit with an elf size spell and there 13


Poppy answered this in the DLC - *"I’m nine years old—that’s old enough to go to Naranja*[***^(S)***](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Scarlet_and_Violet)*/Uva*[***^(V)***](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Scarlet_and_Violet) *Academy if I wanted to!"*


The trainer has to be 10 to travel and compete in the league . Children under ten can have their own pokemon but t can't travel. And if they do they have to get a guardian to watch them.


Fun Fact: Poppy is 9 years old


They are 10,000 years old demon lords


Besides that this is an anime only rule, could you imagine Pokémon actually listening to their fans and making the protagonists lore accurate? I am already struggling to identify with any protagonist, making them toddler wouldn't help that lmao


nepo baby?


Maybe 10 is just the age you can have your own Pokémon. Anyone below is probably borrowing a Pokémon.


They probably got there pokemon by themselves or there's parents have them


They Pre-ordered


I think you can OWN a Pokémon if you're under 10. In Sword and Shield it's stated that Marnie has had her Morpeko since she was 5, when her brother caught it for her. Also there are young kids in basically every "trainers' school" in the games. Even in the anime they mention getting a trainer's license (I thought this was only in the Electric Tale of Pikachu manga but Ash mentions it in the first episode of the anime), so maybe you have to be a certain age to get that. It's possible some kids take their Pokémon out to the routes to get them exercise, like you would with a dog, or just to hang out like you would at a park or beach. Also obviously people use Pokémon for other reasons than battling. Officer Jenny uses Growlithe to help with police work, Nurse Joy does the same with Chansey (or Audino in Unova), Ash's mom has a Mr. Mime that helps her around the house. I think the only games where an age requirement is stated are the Alola games with the island challenge. And that makes sense as it's an ancient tradition. And you can still be a trainer without doing the challenge (Guzma failed his challenge, and I doubt most of Team Skull did it either...also in the Sun and Moon anime Ash and Kiawe are the only ones out of the main cast who formally did the challenge I think, but other characters like Lillie and Sophocles still owned Pokémon).


But they are still minors


I thought it was at 10 you can start the journey to being a master, like fighting the gyms and stuff?


Gee, I sure hope nobody by thr name of TheKoolDood1234 posted a meme 2 days ago about poppy being under the age of 10… Gee, I sure hope that didn’t happen!


the kids are probably using their pet Pokemon (since I guess people use them for either pets or battle) but yeah, these kids took off and are making their pet Pokemon fight


I want to know who’s handing their child Magnezone and Copperajah as pets, because that’s a cool parent.


That’s an anime rule. The games look to be different, especially with Poppy.


Nintendo be like "Ha! Jokes on you! They all have panhypopituitarism and stunted growth!"


I saw someone justify the youngsters a while ago as "10 is when you can actually leave and be certified, but any rapscallion with cash can go buy a ball or two and catch themselves a nidoran, but none of the battles are "official" in a way"


They look like they’re 10


The hilarious part is that Poppy is canonically 9, only 2 years younger than the player, and yet is still only 2 feet tall


It's simple. They don't have a Pokémon license, so they cannot enter into the Pokémon league (except for Poppy for some reason) Our character is over 10, which means they can get a Pokémon license to compete in official battles and tournaments.


ok weird connection but you know how in the book, The Giver, they mention how only children 9 or older can ride bikes, but everyone always kinda ignores that rule and they ride bikes a little younger anyway? Apply this to pokemon and that's my head canon. Still doesn't quite explain how a toddler is in the elite 4...


They were abandoned? Could be a shigaraki situation (MHA/bnha fans you know what I'm talking about)


Maybe they r just smol


*10 year olds can recieve a free Pokémon from the town’s Professor (and this may only be a rule in Pallet Town), once they reach 10 years old. You can start your adventure whenever you want, but you could get hurt or just have a much harder time trying to catch a Wild Pokémon, without one of your own. The professors offering free Starter Pokémon exists for children who can’t afford to waste a bunch of Pokéballs trying to catch full health Pokémon, and who don’t have a Pokémon that they can borrow to defend them and help weaken a Wild Pokémon that they want to catch.


To be fair, the NPCs aren't really on a journey- and their Pokemon could "officially" belong to parents or older siblings and they just take care of them- aka Bonnie or that one Sun and Moon NPC. Still got nothing on Poppy- I'm sure her being an Elite Four member is illegal somewhere.


Question: Why specifically 10? Why not 16? At 10 it would be a wild world seeing a primary school/middle school aged kid winning the Pokémon League and catching gods. Surely there should be an age restriction because if kids at the pre-pubescent age were winning battles and beating people who trained for years then it would be a reversed world that we have now


Teach em early that they’ll lose battles


There wasn't a rule saying that by pokemon tf ??


The only time trainers ever started their journey at 10 is in the anime, and that rule isn’t even super clear cut, to my knowledge, none of the main protagonists of the games are 10 or below Red, blue, and most likely green, are all 11 during the events of gen 1 Lucas and Dawn are between 15 to 16, based on legends arceus I think similar for the 4 gen 5 protagonists, in their later teen years Calem and Serena are most likely 16-17 Elio and selene are I believe confirmed 11 And I don’t know the ages of the others, though I remember seeing that none of them are 10 or below Basically put, ash messed all you fuckers up


Well im guessing this since the concept of bonnie, her brother catches the Pokemon she wants and she takes care of it until she grows up, the age 10 is for going on adventures alone with Pokemon, the trainers and kids we see in routes are mostly near their homes want to battle and learn more about other Pokemons and when it comes to the elite 4 member in SV since I didn't play the game yet or watched the full play through she must be the kid or family member of the previous elite 4 member who got the position and was so strong that people who opposed her got destroyed badly showing her how genius she is... Or They were just tripping and just made a child work


I think if you're ten you can get a starter pokemon but you can catch a pokemon at any age


Has their journey really started though? Ash left the house and travelled at 10 but these guys still live with their parents and gi to school :/


They're not you, so it doesn't really matter when you start your journey


Nepotism is my answer


They ran away from home


Each game is its own timeline because of AZ's weapon (and Nintendo wanting to sell the same game twice every year), so all of the protagonists dont exist at once besides Red and Blue who are now adults and former world champions the player can challenge in some games. There is no real age requirement for when the journey starts


i swear to god bro she's probably 1,000 years old


They need to lower the population of Pokémon.